I can't access mobile internet with google - flutter

I didn't use firebase in my mobile app project. I logged in with google with API key from my google cloud account. my app works as apk but when play console is installed, google login doesn't work

Merhaba Nurullah, you might need to add the SHA-1 & the SHA-256 keys that you can find on your app's console to your custom authentication system.
You will find these keys in Google Play Console -> Choose your app -> Setup -> App Integrity -> App Signing


Internal testing build doesn't authenticate with google play games

App is developed in Unity. The .apk if shared externally works and im able to sign in with GPGS. However the internal testing build downloaded from Play Store wont let me authenticate. I rolled out the internal testing with all the terms and service accepted. I selected the email-list of testers as well. No idea why it works on a externally shared .apk but not when downloaded through google play tester link. Only think I have done so far is disable billing for the app though I have 300$ worth of credit due to first sign in. Since it works outside of playstore download I assume the billing isn't the problem?
I rolled out the internal testing with everything set. I was expecting it to sign in with GPGS properly as it does when the app installed via externally shared .apk file.

HMS Core Playstore Version Cannot use Huawei ID Sign In

Firstly, I made an app with flutter, I just implement Account Kit and Scan Kit for the app. Well, I got a previous bug for using google pixel 3XL (AVD) API Level 30, then I tried to change it to Nexus 6 API Level 28, and it worked (the latest version of HMS Core on both AVD). After I tried to run the application on my phone(Poco F1, using HMS Core Playstore Version), I found a bug like the following picture
But when I use the latest version of HMS Core, the bug is gone. Well, the problem it's not that much but when I submit the app to HMS Gallery, the reviewer found the bug and rejected my application proposal because he found an error message like the picture above, even though I already gave a note to use the latest HMS Core. But I don't think he read my note and it's like he doesn't understand the language(Indonesia) used in my application so he takes issue with the system that we have made, even though the application system that we made is like that.
Error Log - Huawei Sign In (Playstore Version HMS Core):
note for reviewer:
attachment from reviewer:
Comment from the reviewer:
[Description]: An error occurs in your App). Please see the attachment, here is the path: Go to Console > App Service > AppGallery Connect>Find your app from the list and click the version to check the attachment. Please refer to rule 3.1 of "AppGallery Review Guidelines": https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/en/doc/distribution/app/50104 ­[Test Step]: 1. When clicking on "Sign in with Huawei ID", an error message pops up. 2. When login in using the admin test account, a QR code appears and prompts "scan me", but there is no scanning function. [Test Environment]: Wi-Fi connection, EMUI 10.1.0 (Mate 30), EMUI10.0.0(P20 pro) Multilingual settings. ­[Suggestion]: Please identify it accordingly. Then revise and resubmit your app for review.
I've made a demo video for this threat, please check this
Please help me how can I submit this app
In the pics that you provided, we found a configuration issue.
SigningConfigs can contain debug or release.
so you can try to change here
In the screen recording that you provided, Error code 6003 is displayed.
To solve your issue, You need to check whether the certificate fingerprint of the APK signature file submitted to the AppGallery is the same as that configured on the AppGallery Connect website:
Ensure that the device and cloud configurations of the certificate fingerprint are consistent. The certificate packaged by the client application is the same as the SHA256 certificate fingerprint configured for the application on the AppGallery Connect website.
Verify that the certificate fingerprint is correctly configured when you apply for related services. Open the APK file of an app, extract the META-INF directory from the file, obtain the CERT.RSA file in the directory, and run the keytool -printcert -file META-INF/CERT.RSA command to record the signing certificate information.
Sign in to AppGallery Connect, click My projects, and select a required project. On the displayed page, select the app, go to Project settings > General information, and check whether the value in SHA-256 certificate fingerprint is the same as that in step 1.
In addition, HMS Core (APK) will cache the signature file. You need to find HMS Core (APK) on the Apps page of your device and clear its cache, restart your app, and perform the previous operation again.

Unable to create an authentication session on Codemagic when code signing on ios

I feel like I'm missing something but can't be sure really. I'm trying to use automatic code signing feature of codemagic for IOS app store release.
But during build it prints;
> /usr/local/bin/flutter build ios --release --no-codesign
Warning: Building for device with codesigning disabled. You will have to manually codesign before deploying to device.
And during publish it prints;
"Error Domain=ITunesSoftwareServiceErrorDomain Code=-22020 \"We are unable to create an authentication session.\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=We are unable to create an authentication session., NSLocalizedFailureReason=Unable to validate your application.}"
I'm enabling app store connect, choosing automatic code signing and choosing app store for provisioning profile type. And I'm sure my ID and other fields are correct.
Any help would be appreciated.
You shouldn't worry about the --no-codesign part. Codemagic firsts build the app without signing it and then signs the app.
Your problem seems more related to the connection with your apple account. You have to set App Store Connect with an App Specific Password instead of your usual password.
To do so, go to your apple id page, down to Security, and then App Specific Password > Generate a password

Google Game Service Leaderboard can't show after submit score on Cocos2d-x Android?

I implement Google Game Service for Android (Cocos2d-x) with Cocos Helper of Sonar System Team.
Everything is OK:
Google Game Service.
Show Achievement and increateAchievement very good.
The first time, I sign-in to Google Game Service ==> show leaderboard is OK.
However, I submit score to leaderboard then re-show leaderboard again it always close automatic and I get respondCode=RESULT_RECONNECT_REQUIRED.
Can you give me some suggestion to fix it ?
I've found answer:
Reason of issue is OAuth2 Client ID form Game Services Console ==> ==> Link apps didn't equal with OAuth2 Client ID, be created at API Manager:
So to fix that, you must create new Link Apps in Google Service Console.
==> That will fix on server and leaderboard will working OK .
In my case, I had two OAuth2 clients configured: one associated with the development certificate SHA fingerprint (keytool -exportcert -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -list -v) and one associated with the release certificate SHA fingerprint (keytool -exportcert -keystore path/to/your/release.keystore -list -v).
While debugging, the apk was signed with the development certificate, and after submitting a score to the leaderboard, the next time I opened the leader board, it closed automatically without showing the leaderboard or an error message. After this, the only way to be able to use the leader board again, was uninstalling the tested app and the Google Play Games app from the device.
To be able to separate the development and release Google Play Services OAuth2 configuration, you can have two google-services.json files: one on the src/debug folder and another on the src/release folder.
When I used an apk was signed with the release certificate, the leaderboard worked properly before and after submitting scores to the leaderboard.
My conclusion: to be able to test the leaderboard you must use an apk signed with a release certificate.

Is it necessary to sign every blackberry application even if i have to just test it on blackberry real device?

I had only packaged my application for Blackberry using ripple, but didn't sign that. But when I tried to run the application on my device, it is throwing an error message like Module Mybbapp attempts to access a secure API and the application terminates.
I am using Ripple version 0.9.16 and Blackberry SDK using Eclipse.
If you are using signed API in your code, then you need to sign your application, before installing it on an actual device. Unsigned app that uses signed API will work only on simulator, but won't work on an actual device.
Apply for signing keys here: http://www.blackberry.com/go/codesigning
You will receive an email with attached signing keys. Follow the instructions in the received email to install these keys and use them to sign your application.