Is there a way of checking if an action has been successfully completed in ThingSpeak? - matlab

I am trying to read data in ThingSpeak, but I would like to have some conditional statement that says if the data was not read successfully, then a certain error message should display. Is there a way to check if a specific Read action was successful, so that I can do this?

Yes, there is a built-in operation with the ThingSpeak Arduino Library: ThingSpeak.getLastReadStatus()
Here's some code to get the last status and test it:
// Check the status of the read operation to see if it was successful
statusCode = ThingSpeak.getLastReadStatus();
if(statusCode == 200){
Serial.println("Counter: " + String(count));
Serial.println("Problem reading channel. HTTP error code " + String(statusCode));


Apache Camel - Getting a list of files from FTP as a result of a GET request

As the title suggests I'm trying to get a list of files from an FTP directory to send as a response of a GET request.
I have current rest route implementation:
On the other side of the direct route I have the following routes:
.to("controlbus:route" +
"?action=start" +
.aggregate(constant(true), new FileAggregationStrategy())
.to("controlbus:route" +
"?action=stop" +
"&routeId=" + BESTANDEN_ROUTE_ID);
The issue at hand is that with this method the request does not wait for the complete process to finish, it almost instantly returns an empty response with StatusCode 200.
I've tried multiple solutions but they all fail in either of two ways: either the request gets a response even though the route hasn't finished yet OR the route gets stuck waiting for inflight exchanges at some point and waits for the 5 minute timeout to continue.
Thanks in advance for your advice and/or help!
Note: I'm working in a Spring Boot application (2.0.5) and Apache Camel (2.22.1).
I think the problem here is that your two routes are not connected. You are using the control bus to start the second route but it doesn't return the value back to the first route - it just completes, as you've noted.
What I think you need (I've not tested it) is something like:
.pollEnrich( [ftpurl], new FileAggregationStrategy() )
.process( filesProcessor );
as this will synchronously consume your ftp consumer, and do the post processing and return the values to your rest route.
With the help of #Screwtape's answer i managed to get it working for my specific issue. A few adjustments were needed, here is a list of what you need:
Add the option "sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle=true" to the ftp url
In the AggregationStrategy add an if (exchange == null) clause
In the clause set a property "finished" to true
Wrap the pollEnrich with a loopDoWhile that checks the finished property
In its entirety it looks something like:
.pollEnrich("ftpurl...&sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle=true", new FileAggregationStrategy())
In the AggregationStrategy the aggregate method looks something like:
public Exchange aggregate(Exchange currentExchange, Exchange newExchange) {
if (currentExchange == null)
return init(newExchange);
else {
if (newExchange == null) {
currentExchange.setProperty("finished", true);
return currentExchange;
return update(currentExchange, newExchange);

CodenameOne: problems using REST PATCH call

I am trying to use the Rest.patch call in CodenameOne but I am getting nothing back. If I use a REST client like ARC I get a response code of 200 and I can see the change has been made.
The Network Monitor in the CN1 Simulator shows the request being sent but shows no reply either.
Here is the code I use in CN1, and Rest.get work well elsewhere in the code, it is Rest.patch that I am having a problem with?
bodyString= "{\"Exported\":\"1\"," +
"\"Notes\":\"Order sent\"}";
Response<Map> jsonData = Rest.patch(URL + "Orders(%27" + orderNumber + "%27)").
header("Authorization", authorisation).
header("Alias", alias).
int responseCode = jsonData.getResponseCode();
If I send a Rest.put or request instead, I get a 404 error, this is from either ARC or CN1.

Failed assertions inside for loop is not failing the Gatling scenario

I'm trying to validate whether error messages returned by API are proper or not.
So, I stored all local error message strings in HashMap errorMessage
.doIf(errorMessages.size()>1) {
exec(session => {
for ((k,v)<- errorMessages){
I could see the error on console as
hook-3' crashed with 'java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed', forwarding to the next one
But, the Gatling scenarios are not failing here, what is I'm missing ?
Try using an exitHereIfFailed to exit the scenario.

Empty response on long running query SailsJS

I'm currently running SailsJS on a Raspberry Pi and all is working well however when I execute a sails.models.nameofmodel.count() when I attempt to respond with the result I end up getting a empty response.
getListCount: function(req,res)
var mainsource = req.param("source");
sails.models.gatherer.find({source: mainsource}).exec(
function(error, found)
return res.serverError("Error in call");
sails.log("Number found "+found.length);
return res.ok({count: found.length});
return res.ok("Error in parameter");
I am able to see in the logs the number that was found (73689). However when responding I still get an empty response. I am using the default stock ok.js file, however I did stick in additional logging to try to debug and make sure it is going through the correct paths. I was able to confirm that the ok.js was going through this path
if (req.wantsJSON) {
return res.jsonx(data);
I also tried adding .populate() to the call before the .exec(), res.status(200) before I sent out a res.send() instead of res.ok(). I've also updated Sails to 11.5 and still getting the same empty response. I've also used a sails.models.gatherer.count() call with the same result.
You can try to add some logging to the beginning of your method to capture the value of mainsource. I do not believe you need to use an explicit return for any response object calls.
If all looks normal there, try to eliminate the model's find method and just evaluate the request parameter and return a simple response:
getListCount: function(req, res) {
var mainsource = req.param("source");
sails.log("Value of mainsource:" + mainsource);
if (mainsource) {
} else {
res.badRequest("Sorry, missing source.");
If that does not work, then your model data may not actually be matching on the criteria that you are providing and the problem may lie there; in which case, your response would be null. You mentioned that you do see the resulting count of the query within the log statement. If the res.badRequest is also null, then you may have a problem with the version of express that is installed within sailsjs. You mention that you have 11.5 of sailsjs. I will assume you mean 0.11.5.
This is what is found in package.json of 0.11.5
"express": "^3.21.0",
Check for any possible bugs within the GitHub issues for sailsjs regarding express and response object handling and the above version of express.
It may be worthwhile to perform a clean install using the latest sailsjs version (0.12.0) and see if that fixes your issue.
Another issue may be in how you are handling the response. In this case .exec should execute the query immediately (i.e. a synchronous call) and return the response when complete. So there should be no asynchronous processing there.
If you can show the code that is consuming the response, that would be helpful. I am assuming that there is a view that is showing the response via AJAX or some kind of form POST that is being performed. If that is where you are seeing the null response, then perhaps the problem lies in the view layer rather than the controller/model.
If you are experiencing a true timeout error via HTTP even though your query returns with a result just in time, then you may need to consider using async processing with sailjs. Take a look at this post on using a Promise instead.

SailsJS CSRF mismatch error customize

I need to customise the error that shows up when someone did not send the CSRF code with the POST request.
So that no one will know what happened with the error and they will not even try to hack in to the CSRF mechanism.
Hope this is clear
For now Sails.js CSRF hook uses res.forbidden() function to handle wrong CSRF token.
It uses it with this message:
return res.forbidden("CSRF mismatch");
So you could rewrite this response by placing a new file with name forbidden.js into /api/responses
Actually you cound copy this one:
And add condition to check data before production mode check:
else sails.log.verbose('Sending 403 ("Forbidden") response');
if (data == 'CSRF mismatch') {
//Return another response for example:
return res.jsonx(500, {/* data here */});
// Only include errors in response if application environment
// is not set to 'production'. In production, we shouldn't
// send back any identifying information about errors.
if (sails.config.environment === 'production') {
Anyway as long as you will use development mode for sails. You will see all errors when getting 500 or any other error from sails. But in production mode all error messages will be hidden. And your users wouldn't get any error details. Except of error code.
So in production mode without any changes you will get only HTTP 403 code.