How to pass date values from dataframe to query in Spark /Scala - scala

I am reading the data from Store table which is in snowflake. I want to pass the date from dataframe maxdatefromtbl to my query in spark sql to filter records.
This condition (s"CREATED_DATE!='$maxdatefromtbl'") is not working as expected
var retail ="snowflake").options(options).option("query","Select MAX(CREATED_DATE) as CREATED_DATE from RSTORE").load()
val maxdatefromtbl ="CREATED_DATE").toString
var retailnew ="snowflake").options(options).option("query","Select * from RSTORE").load()
var finaldataresult = retailnew.filter(s"CREATED_DATE!='$maxdatefromtbl'")

Select a single value from the retail dataframe to use in the filter.
val maxdatefromtbl ="CREATED_DATE").collect().head.getString(0)
var finaldataresult = retailnew.filter(col("CREATED_DATE") =!= maxdatefromtbl)
The type of"CREATED_DATE") is DataFrame, and DataFrame.toString returns the schema rather than the value of the single row you have. Please see the following example from a Spark shell.
scala> val s = Seq(1, 2, 3).toDF()
res0: String = [value: int]
In first line in the code snipped above, collect() wraps the dataframe, with a single row in your case, in an array; head takes the first element of the array, and .getString(0) gets the value from the cell with at the index 0 as String. Please see the DataFrame and Row documentation pages for more information.


Modify udf to display values beyond 99999 in databricks spark scala

created a dataset with below schema
org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[Records] = [value: string, RowNo: int]
Here value field is fixed length position which I would like to convert it to individual columns and add RowNo as last column using a UDF.
def ReadFixWidthFileWithRDD(SrcFileType:String, rdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, String)], inputFileLength: Int = 6): DataFrame = {
val postapendSchemaRowNo=StructType(Array(StructField("RowNo", StringType, true)))
val inputLength =List(inputFileLength)
val FileInfoList = FixWidth_Dictionary.get(SrcFileType).toList
val fileSchema = FileInfoList(0)._1
val fileColumnSize = FileInfoList(0)._2
val fileSchemaWithFileName = StructType(fileSchema++postapendSchemaRowNo)
val fileColumnSizeWithFileNameLength = fileColumnSize:::inputLength
val data = rdd
var retDF = spark.createDataFrame({ x =>;
lsplit(fileColumnSizeWithFileNameLength,x._1+x._2)},fileSchemaWithFileName )
Now in the above function, I want to use a dataset instead of Rdd, as my RowNo is not displaying values beyond 99999.
can someone suggest an alternative
I got the solution.
I had created a Hashkey and associated sequence number into a dataframe.
The hashkey is also associated with a dataframe as well.
I joined those two after splitting the fixed length position.

Converting Column of Dataframe to Seq[Columns] Scala

I am trying to make the next operation:
var test = df.groupBy( _*).agg(sequence.head, sequence.tail: _*)
I know that the required parameter inside the agg should be a Seq[Columns].
I have then a dataframe "expr" containing the next:
The column sequence is of string type and I want to use the values of each row as input of the agg, but I am not capable to reach those.
Any idea of how to give it a try?
If you can change the strings in the sequences column to be SQL commands, then it would be possible to solve. Spark provides a function expr that takes a SQL string and converts it into a column. Example dataframe with working commands:
val df2 = Seq("sum(case when A like 2 then A end) as A", "count(B) as B").toDF("sequences")
To convert the dataframe to Seq[Column]s do:
val seqs =[String].collect().map(expr(_))
Then the groupBy and agg:
df.groupBy(...).agg(seqs.head, seqs.tail:_*)

Check every column in a spark dataframe has a certain value

Can we check to see if every column in a spark dataframe contains a certain string(example "Y") using Spark-SQL or scala?
I have tried the following but don't think it is working properly."*")).filter("'*' =='Y'")
You can do something like this to keep the rows where all columns contain 'Y':
//Get all columns
val columns: Array[String] = df.columns
//For each column, keep the rows with 'Y'
val seqDfs: Seq[DataFrame] = => df.filter(s"$name == 'Y'"))
//Union all the dataframes together into one final dataframe
val output: DataFrame = seqDfs.reduceRight(_ union _)
You can use data frame method columns to get all column's names
val columnNames: Array[String] = df.columns
and then add all filters in a loop
var filteredDf ="*"))
for(name <- columnNames) {
filteredDf = filteredDf.filter(s"$name =='Y'")
or you can create a SQL query using same approach
If you want to filter every row, in which any of the columns is equal to 1 (or anything else), you can dynamically create a query like this:
cols = [col(c) == lit(1) for c in patients.columns]
query = cols[0]
for c in cols[1:]:
query |= c
It's a bit verbose, but it is very clear what is happening. A more elegant version would be:
res = df.filter(reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, (col(c) == lit(1) for c in cols)))

Compare 2 dataframes and filter results based on date column in spark

I have 2 dataframes in spark as mentioned below.
val test = hivecontext.sql("select max(test_dt) as test_dt from abc");
test: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [test_dt: string]
val test1 = hivecontext.table("testing");
where test1 has columns like id,name,age,audit_dt
I want to compare these 2 dataframes and filter rows from test1 where audit_dt > test_dt. Somehow I am not able to do that. I am able to compare audit_dt with literal date using lit function but i am not able to compare it with another dataframe column.
I am able to compare literal date using lit function as mentioned below
val output = test1.filter(to_date(test1("audit_date")).gt(lit("2017-03-23")))
Max Date in test dataframe is -> 2017-04-26
Data in test1 Dataframe ->
I just need the data for Id=3 since that only row qualifies the greater than criteria of max date.
I have already tried below mentioned option but it is not working.
val test = hivecontext.sql("select max(test_dt) as test_dt from abc")
val MAX_AUDIT_DT = test.first().toString()
val output = test.filter(to_date(test("audit_date")).gt((lit(MAX_AUDIT_DT))))
Can anyone suggest as way to compare it with column of dataframe test?
You can use non-equi joins, if both columns "test_dt" and "audit_date" are of class date.
/// cast to correct type
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.to_date
val new_test = test.withColumn("test_dt",to_date($"test_dt"))
val new_test1 = test1.withColumn("Audit_Dt", to_date($"Audit_Dt"))
/// join
new_test1.join(new_test, $"Audit_Dt" > $"test_dt")
| Id| Name|Age| Audit_Dt|
| 3|Pradeep| 28|2017-04-27|
val test1 = sc.parallelize(Seq((1,"Rahul",23,"2017-04-26"),(2,"Ankit",25,"2017-04-26"),
(3,"Pradeep",28,"2017-04-27"))).toDF("Id","Name", "Age", "Audit_Dt")
val test = sc.parallelize(Seq(("2017-04-26"))).toDF("test_dt")
Try with this:
Store the value in a variable and use in filter.
val dtValue ="test_dt")
val dtValue = test.first().getString(0)
Now apply filter
val output = test1.filter(to_date(test1("audit_date")).gt(lit(dtValue)))

Spark dataframe get column value into a string variable

I am trying extract column value into a variable so that I can use the value somewhere else in the code. I am trying like the following
val name= test.filter(test("id").equalTo("200")).select("name").col("name")
It returns
name org.apache.spark.sql.Column = name
how to get the value?
The col("name") gives you a column expression. If you want to extract data from column "name" just do the same thing without col("name"):
val names = test.filter(test("id").equalTo("200"))
.collectAsList() // returns a List[Row]
Then for a row you could get name in String by:
val name = row.getString(0)
val maxDate = spark.sql("select max(export_time) as export_time from tier1_spend.cost_gcp_raw").first()
val rowValue = maxDate.get(0)
By this snippet, you can extract all the values in a column into a string.
Modify the snippet with where clauses to get your desired value.
val df = Seq((5, 2), (10, 1)).toDF("A", "B")
val col_val_df =$"A").collect()
val col_val_str = => x.get(0)).mkString(",")
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [A: int, B: int]
col_val_row: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([5], [10])
col_val_str: String = 5,10
The value of entire column is stored in col_val_str
col_val_str: String = 5,10
Let us assume you need to pick the name from the below table for a particular Id and store that value in a variable.
| id | name |
| 100 | Alex |
| 200 | Bidan |
| 300 | Cary |
Irrelevant data is filtered out first and then the name column is selected and finally stored into name variable
var name = df.filter($"id" === "100").select("name").collect().map(_.getString(0)).mkString("")
For simpler usage, I have created a function that returns the value by passing the dataframe and the desired column name to this (this is spark Dataframe and not Pandas Dataframe). Before passing the dataframe to this function, filter is applied to filter out other records.
def GetValueFromDataframe(_df,columnName):
for row in _df.rdd.collect():
return row[columnName].strip()
name = GetValueFromDataframe(df.filter( == "100"),"name")
There might be more simpler approach than this using 3x version of Python. The code which I showed above was tested for 2.7 version.
Note :
It is most likely to encounter out of memory error (Driver memory) since we use the collect function. Hence it is always recommended to apply transformations (like filter,where etc) before you call the collect function. If you
still encounter with driver out of memory issue, you could pass --conf spark.driver.maxResultSize=0 as command line argument to make use of unlimited driver memory.
For anyone interested below is an way to turn a column into an Array, for the below case we are just taking the first value.
val names= test.filter(test("id").equalTo("200")).selectExpr("name")>x.mkString).collect
val name = names(0)
s is the string of column values
.collect() converts columns/rows to an array of lists, in this case, all rows will be converted to a tuple, temp is basically an array of such tuples/row.
x(n-1) retrieves the n-th column value for x-th row, which is by default of type "Any", so needs to be converted to String so as to append to the existing strig.
s =""
// say the n-th column is the target column
val temp = test.collect() // converts Rows to array of list
temp.foreach{x =>
s += (x(n-1).asInstanceOf[String])