How can I see grants in role? - amazon-redshift

grant select on db.table to role MASTER_ROLE;
grant role MASTER_ROLE to myuser;
I would like to see which grants each role has, and which users have each role. I'm used to use has_table_privilege but this shows the individual-user-grant-base permissions and not role-based.


Can't grant all tables permission denied

I can't grant a new role on all tables. A table denies the query. How can I grant the user to be able run this command?
CREATE ROLE userrole123 WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'userrole123' VALID UNTIL '2024-01-07 09:37:39.0' INHERIT;
SQL Error [42501]: ERROR: permission denied for table test
I run this command GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public to myusername but it did not solve it.
The documentation is pretty outspoken there:
Ordinarily, only the object's owner (or a superuser) can grant or revoke privileges on an object. However, it is possible to grant a privilege “with grant option”, which gives the recipient the right to grant it in turn to others.
So obviously the user who is running the GRANT is neither a superuser, nor does it own test, nor has it been granted the SELECT privilege WITH GRANT OPTION.

Superuser cannot create or alter roles

Created a user/role via following method is Aurora Postgres:
CREATE ROLE rds_user_test;
GRANT rds_superuser to rds_user_test;
GRANT rds_iam TO rds_user_test;
When I login using IAM DB Auth as rds_user_test it appears that I can do all operations as needed except creating or altering roles (maybe other functionality is missing but haven't tested all operations yet). When I check role memberships of this new role against other roles that are able to create/alter roles, both are members of superuser.
I also followed the instructions here:
Still get the same permissions error:
[42501] ERROR: permission denied to create role
Any thoughts on why this new role cannot create/alter other roles even though it seems to have the same privileges of superuser as other roles?
rds_superuser on Amazon Aurora is typically not a superuser. Check with:
SELECT rolsuper FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = 'rds_superuser';
But to create a role, you don't need superuser privileges. All you need is the CREATEROLE privilege. Check if your user has that:
SELECT rolcreaterole FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = 'rds_user_test';
Else you need to grant it (as a role that's allowed to do so):
Any role with the CREATEROLE privilege can do that (typically including rds_superuser).
The manual:
Roles having CREATEROLE privilege can change any of these settings except SUPERUSER, REPLICATION, and BYPASSRLS; but only for non-superuser and non-replication roles.
The instructions you followed, explicitly instruct to add CREATEROLE, you seem to have skipped that bit:

Snowflake revoke table/schema access

I'm trying to give an entire database access to a user, but remove access for a specific table or a specific schema that has confidential data, but it's just not working out, tried multiple - grant and revoke statements but in vain.
This is what I've tested so far.
Initially, I had this role for the user
checked the grants and removed that
SHOW GRANTS TO ROLE transformer;
revoke select on all tables in schema raw.<secret_schema> from role transformer;
revoke all on DATABASE raw from ROLE transformer;
Started giving access to individual schemas/tables, but the "grant usage on database" just gives every schema/table access to the user
grant usage on database raw to role transformer ; -- usage gives all tables access
grant usage on schema raw.<open_schema> to role transformer ;
grant all on schema raw.<open_schema> to role transformer ;
grant select on all tables raw.<open_schema> to role transformer ;
Lastly, tried these revoke too, but in vain
revoke select on table raw.<secret_schema>.s from ROLE transformer;
revoke usage on schema raw.<secret_schema> from role transformer;
For more information, this access is for a DBT user and an analyst user, who can hit/select/read the raw database , but just 1 schema/table should not be accessible, rest all should be with a "future tables" clause.
Design deep-dive:
As Greg, already mentioned (and demonstrated), "GRANT ALL ON DATABASE raw TO ROLE x" does not grant permission to access the objects in the database. It grants permission to modify the database object (in your case, it's not needed and I would suggest you not grant it according to the "Principle of least privilege").
I think, the confusing thing is, "revoke from" command does not return any error if you try to revoke permission that was not granted:
create role r2;
revoke all on database gokhan_db from role r2;
So your revoke commands do not fail, but in fact, they do not revoke anything, as this permission were assigned to the role public:
revoke select on table raw.<secret_schema>.s from ROLE transformer;
revoke usage on schema raw.<secret_schema> from role transformer;
Could you check the permissions of the role public, again?
show grants to role public;
grant usage on database raw to role transformer ; -- usage gives all
tables access
This is not what's granting access to the tables; something else is. You can confirm that running a simple script like this one:
use role securityadmin;
create role new_role_1;
grant role new_role_1 to user my_user;
use role sysadmin;
grant usage on database test to role new_role_1;
use role new_role_1;
select * from; --SQL compilation error: Object 'TEST.PUBLIC.FOO' does not exist or not authorized.
use role sysadmin;
select * from; -- Works
Roles inherit from other roles. All roles inherit from the PUBLIC role by default. Could someone have granted the PUBLIC roles the privileges that this role is inheriting? Does it inherit from a role that has more permissions than PUBLIC?

Postgres - how can I restrict the privilege to create/drop a table?

I would like to create "read-only privileges" in a PostgreSQL database (including the restriction of creating or dropping tables).
My strategy is to create a group with these privileges and then add roles that have had all their privileges revoked. In that way, the only inherit privileges when part of the read-only group.
I used the following commands to create privileges but it seems roles can add, delete tables when they join the group:
role_test_db=# REVOKE ALL ON DATABASE role_test_db FROM select_access_group;
role_test_db=# GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE role_test_db TO select_access_group;
role_test_db=# GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO select_access_group;
I was reading the documentation and it seems like creating tables would be under CREATE privilege but I have not granted this. Can some explain why users part of this group can still make tables?
There are several mistakes:
Revoking privileges on the database does not restrict user's rights to create objects. For that, you have to revoke privileges on the schemas.
You can only REVOKE privileges that were GRANTed (by default or explicitly). I doubt that select_access_group has ever been granted any privileges on the database.
You likely forgot to revoke the dangerous default CREATE privilege on schema public. Connect as superuser and run
A user can only revoke privileges that were granted directly by that user
See privileges
select * from pg_roles;
Change (base) prilileges under admin role (postgres)

Postgresql: How to grant permission for set role?

There is user 'test_user1'. SET ROLE Command:
SET ROLE test_user1
returns error:
ERROR: permission denied to set role "test_user2"
I couldn't find how to grant permission for SET ROLE.
Thanks in advance.
Error message
ERROR: permission denied to set role "test_user2"
implies that the command was
test_user1> SET ROLE test_user2;
, but not SET ROLE test_user1 as you wrote.
If you are trying to set role test_user2 for the user test_user1, grant it:
test_user2> grant test_user2 to test_user1;
Supplementing Egor's answer, in PostgreSQL, roles can be inherited or not (INHERIT or NOINHERIT option on the role).
If it is inherited, then GRANT means that you are granting all access that granted role has to the grantee role.
If it is not inherited, then GRANT gives permission to use SET ROLE to switch to that role. In other words, GRANT gives access to the other role, and INHERIT determines whether that access requires a SET ROLE command to work.