How to programmatically dismiss a Showcase view in flutter? - flutter

I am using showcaseview package for displaying a message in a screen. It is dismissed when we click anywhere on the screen. But if the user came to that page and use the backbutton for going back, the showcase is not getting dismissed. Is there any way to dismiss the showcaseview other than touching the screen.

I highly think from what I got from your question that the show case view starts every time you go to that page, so you can pass a parameter to choose to show case view or not when open the page like :
builder: (_) => const Detail(showCaseView:false),
and in Details screen where you use show case view :
void initState() {
(_) => ShowCaseWidget.of(context)
.startShowCase([_one, _two, _three, _four, _five]),


How can I call a function as soon as I go back to the main screen? - Flutter

From the main screen of my app, pressing a button switches to another screen.
onPressed: () {
builder: (context) {
return screen2();
When I am in screen2 and I want to go back or I can press a button.
Navigator.pop(context); or press the android back button.
How can I call a function as soon as I go back to the main screen?
Thank you.
From what I understood you want to trigger a function when you go to the previous page!
Make the main screen as a Stateful widget and then initialize an init state and inside the init state put the function you want to trigger
Such as like this below code
void initState() {
// TODO: implement initState

Navigate to another tab from within MaterialPageRoute

I expected this issue to have a simple solution but I didn't find yet any...
I have few tabs in my app, in one of them I open another screen using
Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(...
Once user clicks on a button in that screen I want to pop it and navigate to another tab.
I tried to pass TabController to the relevant tab and its child screen, but this doesn't seem like the simplest solution, and also not easy to accomplish since the controller is not yet defined:
tabController = DefaultTabController(
body: TabBarView(
children: [
tabController: tabController // <- tabController is not defined yet at this point:(
Is there any "global" function to reset the app's "entire" route so it will both pop MaterialPageRoute and navigate to specific tab ?
You can use Navigator.of(context).pushReplacement
The solution I found is to call Navigator's push synchronously and check for its returned value. Then when I want to navigate to another tab I simply send true indication in Navigator's pop.
This is how my navigation method looks like, notice I had to add a short delay before navigating to another tab, not sure why, but it didn't work without it:
_navigateToDetailsScreen() async {
bool shouldNavigateToHomeTab = await Navigator.push(
MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => DetailsScreen()),
if (shouldNavigateToHomeTab) {
Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500), () {
And this is how I call pop:
This looks like the simplest solution for me, and so far I didn't find any issues with it.

Flutter - navigate back to specific tab on a page with Navigator.pop(context)

In my app, I have a homepage that has 5 tabs on the bottom. On each tabbed page, there is an app bar that has a '+' symbol as an action, which navigates you to a different page. The navigation with that '+' button to the new page is done with the following code, alongside the Flutter Platform Widgets package:
Navigator.of(context, rootNavigator: true)
context: context,
builder: (context) => Page1(),
I use the platformPageRoute feature as an easy way to navigate with a native feel. Now, that works fine to navigate to a new page, but the issue comes when I use
to navigate back to the original page. When I use that to navigate back to that original page, it pays no attention to the tab that was selected originally. For example, if I were originally on the second tab on the homepage and then use the '+' button on that tab and then finally use
on that new page, it returns the first tab of the homepage. Is there any way of ensuring when I use the above command, it goes to the right tab? I have tried something along the lines of:
Navigator.popUntil(context, '/homepageTab2');
alongside a named route, to return to the correct tab on the homepage, although that returns a black screen. Why might that be? I have also tried using:
context: context,
builder: (context) =>
HomePage(selectedPage: 1),
(route) => false,
This does not work either, since it returns the selected/correct page tab content, but with the first tab selected. In addition, the other
'problem' for me is that the animation is a 'push' one and that doesn't 'match' with the animation when I have more often used
to navigate back to a screen. Is there a way to maybe use pushAndRemoveUntil but then change the animation to match a pop animation?
I have just noticed that with the situation I have described above, it is actually returning the correct screen content when I use Navigator.pop(context); but the tab in the tab bar at the bottom is showing as the first tab, in the second tab's position, essentially duplicating the first tab, until I navigate to a new tab and back, at which time it shows the correct tab in the correct position. I hope that makes sense!
As it turns out, the issue wasn't related to Navigator.pop(context); being used. It was the way I was controlling the selected tab. I'm posting this as an answer incase it helps someone else.
Initially, I created late values for a tab controller and the current selected page, like so:
late TabController _tabController;
late ScrollController _scrollController;
late int _selectedPage;
Then, I created a list of widgets that represented the actual page to display for each selected tab:
List<Widget> _pageWidgets = <Widget>[
Then (and I think this was the bit that wasn't working) I used initState() as follows:
void initState() {
// Initialising a value that allows the 'final' page selector to be changed
_selectedPage = widget.selectedPage;
// Initialising the tab controller
_tabController = TabController(
length: 5,
vsync: this,
initialIndex: _selectedPage,
// updating the tab index when a new item is selected
_tabController.addListener(() {
setState(() {
_selectedPage = _tabController.index;
//_tabIndex = _tabController.index;
// Creating the scroll controller
_scrollViewController = ScrollController();
// Scrolling view to top when a new tab is selected
_tabController.addListener(() {
setState(() {
I then controlled the page content like this:
body: _pageWidgets.elementAt(_selectedPage),
I'm not 100% sure why this wasn't working, although I believe it would have something to do with the fact that initState() would only be called during the build and therefore placing the functionality inside there would mean changes wouldn't be detected. Either way, my new method, which works perfectly, is:
/// Controls the screen to display first
int _index = 0;
/// Creating a navigation key to control tab bar navigation
final _navigationKey = GlobalKey<CurvedNavigationBarState>();
Then, within the Scaffold() I show the page content like this:
body: _pageWidgets.elementAt(_index),
And finally, within the navigation bar (which is the CurvedNavigationBar() package from I give it a key and the index:
key: _navigationKey,
index: _index,
And this controls it perfectly, showing the correct tab.
Sub-pages of a TabBarView cannot be navigated using Navigator.
You can use TabController to go to your desired tab page after awaiting Navigator.push():
await Navigator.of(context, rootNavigator: true)
context: context,
builder: (context) => Page1(),
tabController.animateTo(<index of tab>);

Function from previous screen still calling when pushed to new Screen in Flutter

I am new to flutter. I have two screens. My first screen is Stateful, it consists of a list view, which is developed using FutureBuilder, when I select an item, I am pushing the app to a new screen which is also of Stateful type.
When I am moving to the new screen, the functions from previous screen are still calling and I do not know why it is happening.
This is what I have done:
onTap: () {
builder: (context) => QuizDetail(
child: Card(...))// InkWell Closed
Next Screen
class QuizDetail extends StatefulWidget {
final int quizID;
// In the constructor, require a QuizID.
QuizDetail({Key key, #required this.quizID}) : super(key: key);
_QuizDetailState createState() => _QuizDetailState();
class _QuizDetailState extends State<QuizDetail> {
void initState() {
getQuizDetail(quizID: widget.quizID);
It calls this function, but then also it calls the function from the previous screen which is used to fetch data from 'A' Network and the initState consists of a function which is used to fetch data from API 'B', but the data is not received from 'B', but comes from 'A' and entire process is dismissed. Can anyone help?
If you are not going to go back to the first screen after pushing the new screen, try using Navigator.pushReplacement() instead of Navigator.push().
Navigator.push() only pushes the new screen above the current one. It does not discard the screen underneath and hence if you're rebuilding the widget tree at some point in your code, all the screens in the call stack will get rebuilt.
Navigator.pushReplacement() pops the current topmost screen and pushes the new one in its place.
Also, if you plan on going back to the first screen, you can mark the onTap method as async and use await to force your program to wait till the QuizDetail screen is popped using Navigator.pop().
More info about navigation in flutter can be found here.
Example -
onTap: () async{
await Navigator.push(
//Rest of the code is same.

Hide fingerprint screen when coming back from Home screen

i have app with two screens,one fingerprint screen and another home screen.once
fingerprint is authenticated i will get routed to home screen(using navigator.push()),but if I click back button in phone now it is getting routed to fingerprint screen again.Now how to close the app instead of routing back to finger print screen?
Use Navigator.pushReplacement. It will replace the current topmost widget on the stack with the new one instead of simply pushing it on top.
Example usage -
context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (BuildContext context) => MyHomePage()));
More documentation about this method can be found here.
put your homepage scaffold inside WillPopScope as a child
child: Scaffold(...),
onWillPop: () async {
return false;