X509 Decoder tool based on Certificate schema file - x509

I am looking for a tool which is capable to decode X509 Certificated where additional Extensions are also added according to a predefined schema.
Similar to this. I assume if it is the typical notation for the schema, then someone must have implemented a generic parser for that.
FooQuestion ::= SEQUENCE {
trackingNumber INTEGER(0..199),
question IA5String
FooAnswer ::= SEQUENCE {
questionNumber INTEGER(10..20),
answer BOOLEAN
FooHistory ::= SEQUENCE {
questions SEQUENCE(SIZE(0..10)) OF FooQuestion,
answers SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..10)) OF FooAnswer,
anArray SEQUENCE(SIZE(100)) OF INTEGER(0..1000),
or real life example for a given Object ID extension
boot_seq := SEQUENCE
certType INTEGER, -- indicates certificate type
bootCore INTEGER, -- indicates the core in the device that needs to be booted
bootCoreOpts INTEGER, -- Configuration options for the core being booted
destAddr OCTET STRING, -- Load address
imageSize INTEGER -- image size

Those are the tools that are capable of compiling ASN.1 schemas into data bindings in a variety of languages and platforms: https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/asn1/Pages/Tools.aspx

Heimdal in its master branch has an open source ASN.1 compiler that understands a subset of X.681/X.682/X.683 extensions and can actually fully decode a Certificate, including every kind of Attribute, Extension, and OtherName declared in lib/asn1/rfc2459.asn1 (and you can add more, rebuild, and use it).
It also can transliterate DER to JSON (but it's not X.697 JER compliant), so you can run asn1_print /path/to/DER/file Certificate and you'll get a beautiful JSON representation of the complete certificate, including all the attributes, extensions, and otherName SAN types that are declared in lib/asn1/rfc2459.asn1.


How to escape special charcters?

I am using a html purifier package for purifying my rich text from any xss before storing in database.
But my rich text allows for Wiris symbols which uses special character as → or  .
Problem is the package does not allow me to escape these characters. It removes them completely.
What should I do to escape them ??
Example of the string before purifying
<p><math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo> </mo><mo>+</mo><mo> </mo><mmultiscripts><mi>y</mi><mprescripts/><none/><mn>2</mn></mmultiscripts><mo> </mo><mover><mo>→</mo><mo>=</mo></mover><mo> </mo><msup><mi>z</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo> </mo></math></p>
After purifying
<p><math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo> </mo><mo>+</mo><mo> </mo><mmultiscripts><mi>y</mi><mprescripts></mprescripts><none><mn>2</mn></mmultiscripts><mo> </mo><mover><mo>→</mo><mo>=</mo></mover><mo> </mo><msup><mi>z</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo> </mo></math></p>
My guess is that these entities are failing the regexen that HTML Purifier is using to check for valid entities in HTMLPurifier_EntityParser, here:
$this->_textEntitiesRegex =
// hex
// dec
// string (mandatory semicolon)
// NB: order matters: match semicolon preferentially
// string (optional semicolon)
$this->_attrEntitiesRegex =
// hex
// dec
// string (mandatory semicolon)
// NB: order matters: match semicolon preferentially
// string (optional semicolon)
// don't match if trailing is equals or alphanumeric (URL
// like)
Notice how it expects numeric entities to start with 0 currently. (Perfectly sane since it's designed to handle pure HTML, without add-ons, and to make that safe; but in your use-case, you want more entity flexibility.)
You could extend that class and overwrite the constructor (where these regexen are being defined, by instead defining your own where you remove the 0* from the // dec part of the regexen), instantiating that, try setting $this->_entity_parser on a Lexer created with HTMLPurifier_Lexer::create($config) to your instantiated EntityParser object (this is the part I am least sure about whether it would work; you might have to create a Lexer patch with extends as well), then supply the altered Lexer to the config using Core.LexerImpl.
I have no working proof-of-concept of these steps for you right now (especially in the context of Laravel), but you should be able to go through those motions in the purifier.php file, before the return.
I solved the problem by setting key Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters to true
under my default key in my purifier.php file and the problem has gone.

Why does Blockcypher signer tool return some extra characters than bip32 dart package?

I'm trying to sign a transaction skeleton Blockcypher returns, in order to send it along, following https://www.blockcypher.com/dev/bitcoin/#creating-transactions.
For this example, I'll use the completely-unsafe 'raw raw raw raw raw raw raw raw raw raw raw raw' mnemonic, which using dart bip32 package creates a BIP32 with private key 0x05a2716a8eb37eb2aaa72594573165349498aa6ca20c71346fb15d82c0cbbf7c and address mpQfiFFq7SHvzS9ebxMRGVohwHTRJJf9ra for BTC testnet.
Blockcypher Tx Skeleton tosign is 1cbbb4d229dcafe6dc3363daab8de99d6d38b043ce62b7129a8236e40053383e.
Using Blockcypher signer tool:
$ ./signer 1cbbb4d229dcafe6dc3363daab8de99d6d38b043ce62b7129a8236e40053383e 05a2716a8eb37eb2aaa72594573165349498aa6ca20c71346fb15d82c0cbbf7c
On the other hand, using bip32 I get:
String toSign = txSkel['tosign'][0];
var uToSign = crypto.hexToBytes(toSign);
var signed = fromNode.sign(uToSign);
var signedHex = bufferToHex(signed);
var signedHexNo0x = signedHex.substring(2);
where fromNode is the bip32.BIP32 node. Output is signedHexNo0x = 2711792b72547d2a1730a319bd219854f0892451b8bc2ab8c17ec0c6cba4ecc458f675ca0af3db455913e59dadc7c5e0bd0bf1b8ef8c13e830a627a18ac375ab.
At first sight, they seem completely different buffers, but after a detailed look, Blockcypher signer output only has some extra characters than that of bip32:
Blockcypher signer output (I split it into several lines for you to see it clearly):
bip32 output (also intentionally split):
I'd expect two 64-character numbers to give a 128-characters signature, which bip32 output accomplishes. Hence, Blockcypher signer output has 140 characters, i.e. 12 more than the former, which is clear when seen as split into lines as above.
I'd be really thankful to anyone throwing some light on this issue, which I need to understand and correct. I need to implement the solution in dart, I cannot use the signer script other than for testing.
The dart bip32 package doesn't seem to encode the signature in DER format, but rather in a simple (r, s) encoding. However DER is required for Bitcoin. For more information see:
You can either add the DER extra bytes yourself according to your r and s or check if there's a DER encoding in the dart bip32 library.

How to do SSL public key pinning in flutter/dart?

relatively new to Flutter here (and programming in general). Only familiar with the more basic stuffs but I've now encountered the need to use a CertificatePinner such as this in flutter/dart:
https://square.github.io/okhttp/3.x/okhttp/okhttp3/CertificatePinner.html (I've successfully implemented this in my previous kotlin/java project in android studio). My goal is to pin public key (not certificate)
All I have is the public key in the form of a string like shown below, nothing else:
How do I go about achieving this? I've asked this in an open issue on github but haven't gotten any responses yet (https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/35981). Hoping someone has managed to achieve this.
I've also scoured through other sources. I think the closest one to a solution for me is How can I do public key pinning in Flutter?
but I don't quite get what is being done there and I can't comment to ask questions there since I don't have enough reputation yet.
For comparison, all I want to do is achieve the same thing in flutter/dart what I could in java/kotlin with these few lines of code:
String hostname = "publicobject.com";
CertificatePinner certificatePinner = new CertificatePinner.Builder()
Thanks for your help
Start with the code in the answer you refer to. That takes the certificate in DER format and starts decoding it.
ASN1Parser p = ASN1Parser(der);
ASN1Sequence signedCert = p.nextObject() as ASN1Sequence;
ASN1Sequence cert = signedCert.elements[0] as ASN1Sequence;
ASN1Sequence pubKeyElement = cert.elements[6] as ASN1Sequence;
// this is the Subject Public Key element, which describes the type of key and actual value
For example, if we decode the certificate of pub.dev we find that it's an RSA key with a modulus of 65537 and a value of 2347......:
SEQUENCE (2 elem)
SEQUENCE (2 elem)
OBJECT IDENTIFIER 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1 rsaEncryption (PKCS #1)
BIT STRING (1 elem)
SEQUENCE (2 elem)
INTEGER (2048 bit) 234782553149463204049153749736864715384123240676730175743244004248041…
From the RFC, the SPKI fingerprint is the SHA-256 hash of this whole element.
// you need to import dart:convert and package:crypto/crypto.dart
var hash = base64.encode(sha256.convert(pubKeyElement.contentBytes()).bytes);
var spkiFingerprint = 'sha256/$hash'; // should match the value you have
The badCertificateCallback doesn't deliver the whole certificate chain, so you can't walk up the whole chain. What's worse is that it doesn't always seem to deliver the leaf certificate! Sometimes it delivers an intermediate certificate.

X.509 Standard set of attributes order

I'm working with some legacy code, that implements a very basic X.509 parser. The code is quite old and I cannot distribute it.
This code reads the standard set of attributes in issuer and subject sequentially and in a specific order. As a basic example:
C=XX, O=MyOrganization, OU=MyOrganizationalUnit,
So it would read the country, then the organization, and then the organizational unit and finally the common name.
I've been reading the standard (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5280#section-, (see section and and this legacy code somehow works with most certificates.
The question is if this set of attributes must follow a specific order and where it says so or the opposite.
The reason for that specific order is that Distinguished Names (DNs) were defined in the X.500 series of standards. X.500 is about directory services. X.500 directory servers have been mostly replaced by LDAP servers, but X.509, the part of the series that defines certificates, has survived for other purposes.
In a directory tree the most general node is at the top (in your example country) and then narrows down on every level of the tree. A person is usually a leaf in this tree:
O=Example1 ----- O=Example2
| |
OU=OU1-----OU=OU2 ...
| |
CN=XYZ ...
AFAIK X.500 includes some rules that define which attribute type can follow a certain attribute type in the tree, but unfortunately the documents are not freely available.
The order of the relative distinguished names (RDNs) in the subject or issuer DN of a certificate on an ASN.1 level reflects the order in the tree (i.e. top-down):
OBJECT IDENTIFIER=OrganizationName (
However, for the string representation of a DN there are two standards: OpenSSL shows the attributes by default as they are actually stored in the certificate, while RFC 2253/4514 reverses the order:
... the output consists of the string encodings of each
RelativeDistinguishedName in the RDNSequence (according to Section
2.2), starting with the last element of the sequence and moving
backwards toward the first.
CN=GeoTrust Global CA,O=GeoTrust Inc.,C=US
Also note that there are certificates "in the wild" which have multiple OUs in their DNs or less common attribute types from RFC 4519 like SERIALNUMBER or UID. I have also seen quite a few certificates, where the RDNs were actually encoded in the wrong order.

Examples of Hash-Collisions?

For demonstration-purposes, what are a couple examples of strings that collide when hashed? MD5 is a relatively standard hashing-option, so this will be sufficient.
The second-most interesting collision I know of is this:
which collides with this (remove the parts in parentheses):
Those are two X.509 certificates of which only the first one was actually signed by the Certificate Authority. The first part is just a header, but the last part (which you will note is the same in the two certificates) is an RSA signature of the MD5 hash of the colliding messages. This means that the second (fake) certificate will validate as having been signed by the Certificate Authority's private RSA key.
This attack involved more than 200 Playstation 3 to prepare the attack and some clever timing on the part of the attackers. For more details see: MD5 considered harmful today.
The most interesting collision I know of is the one used in the Flame espionage malware. Using a different, but similar, technique, an advanced persistent threat (most probably a western intelligence agency) created a fake code signing certificate that claimed to have been signed by Microsoft. See for instance this article. Unfortunately, I don't have access to the actual certificates and the actual MD5-collision.
This page provides these examples of 128 byte values hashing to the same value:
d131dd02c5e6eec4693d9a0698aff95c 2fcab58712467eab4004583eb8fb7f89
55ad340609f4b30283e488832571415a 085125e8f7cdc99fd91dbdf280373c5b
d8823e3156348f5bae6dacd436c919c6 dd53e2b487da03fd02396306d248cda0
e99f33420f577ee8ce54b67080a80d1e c69821bcb6a8839396f9652b6ff72a70
d131dd02c5e6eec4693d9a0698aff95c 2fcab50712467eab4004583eb8fb7f89
55ad340609f4b30283e4888325f1415a 085125e8f7cdc99fd91dbd7280373c5b
d8823e3156348f5bae6dacd436c919c6 dd53e23487da03fd02396306d248cda0
e99f33420f577ee8ce54b67080280d1e c69821bcb6a8839396f965ab6ff72a70
Note that although your question asked for "strings" which collide, MD5 is defined over binary data, so the normal text meaning of "string" doesn't really apply. Languages and libraries which allow you to take the MD5 hash of text data usually mean "encode the string in a specified encoding, then hash the result."
Søren Steffen Thomsen released a md5 collision finder utility written in C. Might be fun to play with.
(For the future readers I want to add this resource)
Here is a pretty recent collection at GitHub, ranging from pictures to poc-scripts.
*Includes shattered