is it possible to create groups of contacts with Converse.js - xmpp

I'd like to customize the user interface of Converse.js . The goal is to create groups of contacts.
For example:
Group A1 : John Doe, Alice DY
Group B1 : Lucy MA, John Doe, Jack KA
Is it possible ? Is there a plugin ?
Converse.js version: v7.0.4.

If your intention is to add a contact with group info, there is already a button on the main view of converse.js
Otherwise, if you want to add contacts in a batch to an existing group, you can implement a plugin.
BTW, I'm using the latest version 10.1.0 to implement plugins.


Prestashop - Change template product list for custom mail

I'm started using Prestashop since few days and I would like to change the template product list in :
my_project -> mails -> _partials -> order_conf_product_list.tpl
I have created my own mail theme and I see in PaymentModule.php the getEmailTemplateContent() method who search the order_conf_product_list.tpl but I don't know how overwrite it.
I'm using Prestashop
I'm late but you need to store order_conf_product_list.tpl on this path:

How to add Contact Group to Exchange-2007 Email Account?

I use EWS to manage Emails, Contacts, Groups and Calendar of Exchange server accounts.
I want to add Contact Group. I have tried by following code.
ContactGroup myContactGroup = new ContactGroup(service);
// Give the group a name.
myContactGroup.DisplayName = "My family";
// Add some members to the group.
myContactGroup.Members.Add(new GroupMember(""));
myContactGroup.Members.Add(new GroupMember(""));
// Save the group.
But this method is for Exchange 2010 and greater version?
Can anybody suggest me how to add/update Contact Group for Exchange-2007?
On 2007 with EWS the only way to do this is to modify the Extended properties relating to the Members there's an old sample in

SUGARCRM plugin - webservice client with setup

I have a task to develop plugin for SugarCRM. Plugin should be "hooked" to contacts, leads and/or targets.
After I add contact to SugarCRM plugin should send data (with some fileds) to specific webservice (method to insert new person into DB).
I did create logical hook to contacts and before save I send data to webservice.
My biggest problem are fields. SugarCRM admin should be able to make setup for plugin like this
Plugin gets list of fields from webservice
Admin maps fields from "SugarCRM contacts" to "webservice persons" fields
for example
SugarCRM contact | webservice person
"first_name" => "firstname"
"last_name" => "familyname"
"gender" => "mf"
So when contact is added to SugarCRM, plugin should be able to read this setup and match every field before sending to webservice.
Can someone give me tips how to start with this, is there something similar online?
You could create a dropdown menu where the left value is the SugarCRM Field name and the right value is the Webservice field name. Then direct users/system administrator to modify this dropdown in the Dropdown Editor, which has a nice and easy interface.
The plugin can then access this menu as a key => value array with $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['my_list_name']
Alternatively, you can create your own configuration page if you want to develop a custom interface for this. A starting point for that might be this article, although it was written with SugarCRM 6 in mind:
The configuration page would write to the Configurator (stored in config_override.php), as Antonio Musarra pointed out.
Either way, a caveat you'll encounter is that users will mistype field names. You'll need some sort of validation in your webservice call to ensure that all fields actually exist within the web server and within SugarCRM.

Send email from Redmine Plugin

I am writing a Redmine plugin. I already have the model, view and controller in place.
Whenever someone creates, updates or deletes my model I want to send an email to people in a certain group. (Similar to emails sent out by Redmine when someone creates or updates an Issue) Could someone please let me know what would be the best way to go about it?
I know it's been 2 years since you asked but I had the same issue and I figured out how to send an email with my plugin.
What you have to do for a plugin named my_plugin is :
1. Create a Model which inherits from Mailer.
So if I want a mailer named MyPluginMailer :
I create redmine_folder/plugins/my_plugin/app/models/my_plugin_mailer.rb
I create the MyPluginMailer class which inherits from the redmine Mailer
Like that:
class MyPluginMailer < Mailer
2. Create a method to call on the mailer.
Say I am writing a news plugin for redmine.
I want to send an email which summarizes the article I submitted so that users do not have to poll the plugin each time they want to know if there is something new.
I create a method in my mailer class :
class MyPluginMailer < Mailer
def on_new_article(user_to_warn, article)
mail to:, subject: "New article: #{article.title}"
#article = article #So that #article will be available in the views.
You can call this method in your Article class in an after_create callback for example.
3. Create some views for the method.
I have to create 2 differents files :
or else redmine is going to crash with a "template not found" exception.
So in my redmine_folder/plugins/my_plugin/app/views/my_plugin_mailer/ I create
In my on_new_article.html.erb I write something like :
<h1><%= #article.title %></h1>
<p><%= #article.summary %></p>

SugarCRM - how to customize user management tools?

I'm new to using SugarCRM. I want to have a users page that does the following:
Allow a user to create sub-users, and each sub-user can then create additional sub users
Display users in an expandable and collapse-able hierarchical tree structure
Add more attributes to each user
Any newly created user should be able to login to SugarCRM using sugar's existing authentication.
Does anyone know how to do this? Or if they can recommend tutorials/resources for me to study?
John, you will need a one to many relationship based on a custom module.
One user can create a sub user.
So begin by defininig that module and relationship inside of SugarCRM studio.
Once this is defined if you try to throw a subpanel on the Users module you will notice an add / delete / edit button, allowing you to add / delete sub users.
To add more attributes to your user you simply go into studio, select that module and add _c (custom fields) to the corresponding table. You can add custom text, int, long, float, varchar, etc fields.