Flutter project ios can't install after upgrade to latest version - flutter

I can't install pod
the project was working with flutter version: 2.10.3 after i upgrade to latest
version Channel stable, 3.3.4, now i can't install project on both IOS and android i
am getting problem. the image attached for both IOS and android problem *

As mentioned in the changelog of the package stripe_ios, the minimum deployment target of ios you can set is 12.0.
So, open your runner.plist file with Xcode and change the minimum_deployment_target to 12.0 or not recommended, but, you can downgrade the stripe_ios package to version 2.4.0 or less.


How to upgrade flutter project dart sdk version

I have Flutter version 3.3.2 installed.
How do I upgrade flutter project dart sdk version?
Current project sdk version
sdk:">=2.7.0 3.0.0<"
You can run flutter upgrade and normally your project should pick up the most recent version of the SDK.
Refer to the documentation and to this previously asked question.

I have updated flutter sdk version to 2.10.0 but in terminal error coming saying : current version is 2.8.0

i have updated the sdk version of flutter to 2.10.0 but still old version (2.8.0) is showing in terminal due to which i am unable to use google fonts in my app as the google fonts require sdk version >=2.10.0. I Have used these two commands to upgrade - flutter upgrade and flutter pub get
Check for version file in flutter SDK. Open the flutter SDK folder and open the version file. It use to have a version specified, also check for the flutter version in VS Code at the bottom bar. If both are 2.10.0, then just flutter clean the project and rebuild. IF 2.8.0 is still there, download 2.10.0 zip file and unzip and replace the flutter SDK path.
You would check your flutter's SDK version through the below command
flutter doctor -v
Once you type above command, the system will show you about the current config

Can I upgrade or downgrade flutter sdk to a specific version?

I'm trying to change from v2.10.1 to v2.10.2. And can it be changed by path or maybe others?
To upgrade to 2.10.2, you can simply run
flutter version v2.10.2
and to downgrade:
flutter downgrade
flutter downgrade only works if you have installed previous version from the same channel. if not, you can run
flutter downgrade v2.10.1
seems like flutter version has been depreciated. You could use fvm to easily switch between different versions

How to change the current Dart SDK version?

I ran the following commands in my foo project:
iDecode#iDecodes-Mac foo % pub get
Resolving dependencies...
The current Dart SDK version is 2.7.2.
Because foo requires SDK version >=2.12.0 <3.0.0, version solving failed.
iDecode#iDecodes-Mac foo % flutter --version
Flutter 2.6.0-11.0.pre • channel dev
Tools • Dart 2.15.0 (build 2.15.0-116.0.dev)
My pubspec.yaml file has:
sdk: '>=2.12.0 <3.0.0'
As you can see my current Dart SDK version is set to 2.7.2, my project is targeting a min of 2.12.0 and Dart SDK installed on my machine is 2.15.0. So, how do I change the current Dart SDK version?
This is my ~/.zshrc file
export PATH=/flutter/bin:$PATH
export PATH=$PATH:/$HOME/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/
export PATH="$PATH:/$HOME/flutter/bin"
export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/.pub-cache/bin"
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
It seems like you installed Flutter/Dart SDK somewhere using Homebrew. Use which flutter and which dart to see the actual Flutter/Dart command that is taking effect. Once you find where your Dart SDK is you can use
brew uninstall dart
After this when you run which dart it will now point to where your Flutter SDK was installed.
You can also try this way:
Just download that specific flutter version from here. and just set the flutter version in your editor and try to run it will run that specific flutter version but make sure you can't run that with terminal commands. So you need to handle all commands from the Tools option.
set flutter version
Must Run commands from here
The dart version is related with flutter version, see which version is what you need here
Upgrade by running flutter upgrade [check it out here] (update dart sdk for flutter)
Flutter comes with dart by default. Suggestion is to delete old flutter, delete .zshrc and download the latest stable version 2.5.3 for your mac and then give path for it in your .zshrc. Other method is switch to flutter stable by running flutter channel stable and then give flutter upgrade command so it will catch all the stuff from git in you local machine and you'll be good to go.
Simply go to the location where Dart SDK is kept and delete that and install a new Dart SDK version from the official website which is
I had that same issue
Resolving dependencies... (5.3s)
The current Dart SDK version is 2.17.0.
Because talk_to_me depends on browser >=0.3.1+1 which requires SDK version
<2.0.0, version solving failed
I think we need to uninstall dart and install the correct version
To uninstall dart:
sudo apt purge dart

Error when install ionic app on Android device

I have create my ionic app and run on Android emulator (Android 7.x).it work correctly,but when I try to install on Android box (Android 6.0.1) i got error
Make sure your testing device is on the same version of your compiled apk sdk or it is in a version ahead of it.
For example, an app built for Android 7.1.0 will not run on Android 6.1.0 but an app built for Android 6.1.0 will run on both 6.1.0 and 7.1.0 and so on.
As a default approach the newer versions of ionic cli ships aways with the latest Android sdk version, which current is 7.1.0, if youl'd like to use an older one you need to remove the platform and add it again, you can do it within these commands:
Remove the platform
ionic cordova platform remove android
Then add it again with your desired android version
ionic cordova platform add android#6.1.0
For this example I'm using the 6.1.0 version but feel free to change it to another sdk version.