Flutter Cast To function like on Youtube - flutter

I have a Flutter app containing a Video with video_player and chewie. I want to implement something to cast that video to a TV, like on Youtube (image below).
Does anyone know how I can implement that? Is there a package supporting that exact functionality? I can also use another video player package, like youtube_player_flutter. I actually checked that package for that exact functionality, but didn't find it. Did I oversee something?


Video player in Flutter with own methods to play, pause etc

I need to add the video player to my Flutter app. Is there a way to display video but use my own methods to play, pause and stop presenting the video?
Now I'm using video_player dart package and when I'm calling my methods it doesn't work, the video reacts only on methods called on controller from package.
I need something to display the video only(widget?) and be able to manage it by myself. Is it possible?
Hi You need to use chewie its based on The video_player plugin and provides low-level access to video playback.
here:- https://pub.dev/packages/chewie
You can use _ControlsOverlay or create your custom controller widget using stack for any video player.

i want to record video with flashlight in flutter ,anyone know any plugin or way to do it in flutter

I want to record video along with flashlight turned on,
I tried many packages but none of are working,
Any body know how to do this in flutter.
You can probably just use these 2 packages in combination.
For camera, the Camera package: https://pub.dev/packages/camera.
And for flashlight, the flashlight package: https://pub.dev/packages/flashlight.
If you face errors in this, please do comment below.

How to play the sound effect play when page change in Flutter

I want to play the sound effect when I go to next page. Is it possible do in flutter? If can, can I know how to do it?
If you are looking for a way to play sound in Flutter, head over here
Code: AssetsAudioPlayer.newPlayer().open(Audio("assets/audios/song1.mp3"),);

Is it possible to stream endless audio in flutter?

I'm developing an online radio app in flutter and I'm looking for an audio player which supports endless audio streaming from a certain URL (e.g. http://us4.internet-radio.com:8258/stream?type=http). It is highly desirable for it to be supported both on iOS and Android.
Is there such an option in flutter?
From what I've found, there are no solutions that satisfy me needs. The closest one is fluttery_audio, but, apparently, it doesn't support endless audio.
I apologize for my jargon with 'endless audio streaming', I'm not really sure what's the technical name for an online radio player is.
Try with flutter_webview_plugin and hide it.
final flutterWebviewPlugin = new FlutterWebviewPlugin();
flutterWebviewPlugin.launch(url, hidden: true);
You can also try flutter radio package, Check working app here...
Source code

Marmalade SDK: is there a way to skip/seek to a part of a video in s3e video play?

I am currently using s3eVideo in the Marmalade SDK to play a video in my project after a button event. I attempted to find a way to implement a slider bar (or something of the like) to go back and forth in the video. I am unsure if this feature is even supported, but I may be wrong. Otherwise, is there a way to open a native video player outside of the app and then play the video that way with the seek feature I need?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There doesn't seem to be a way of finding out the length of the video but s3eVideoSetInt (S3E_VIDEO_POSITION, timeInMilliseconds) should do the trick.
I guess it will depend on if the frame index in the file is ok and if the specific platform supports it. Only really did play/stop video in Marmalade so you may have to try using this function while playing, while pause etc and see what works and what errors.