ViewPager2 data lost when coming back from next fragment in tab layout - fragment

I am using Tab layout with Fragment State Adapter.My problem is viewPager2 lost data when I jumped from more than 2 fragments back or ahead.
Please resolve it...


Ionic UI Router issue: 2nd level state views not loading

I can't wrap my head around this issue I've been experiencing, or perhaps I'm missing some crucial point here. I jotted down this sample app on ionic playground, it is of course a simplified version of my app.
Basically I have a tabbed layout with two views which share a common datasource of items (in my app it's a sqlite db table); the first view displays items in a certain state whereas the other tab display the remaining items (in my example I've used the TODO list metaphor).
Each tab has a child state which I refer to as 2nd-level state (assuming level 0 is the abstract tab state. These two 2nd-level states are defined separately but share a common controller and template.
I cannot for the life of me understand why these two states aren't being navigated to when I click on a list item from either of the two lists (1st-level state views).
NOTE: In the ionic playground no error is thrown in the console, but I can't quite tell what is going on in terms of state URLs. But when I test my actual app (where the problem is the same) in a browser I can see the URL changing to #/tab/tasks/xxxx or #/tab/completed/xxxx but template is not loading. Upon googling I came across several SO questions:
Ui-router URL changes, nested view not loading
In Angular ui-router nested state url changes,but template is not loading
UI-Router: URL changes, but view is not loaded
Angular Router - Url changes but view does not load
URL changes but view does not hcange
Angular UI-Router : URL changed but view isn't loaded
but the answers provided therein haven't worked for me (tried, as per the last one I listed, to add the # sign after the view name in the child states, but to no avail).
Kinda stuck, would really appreciate some input! Cheers.
Managed to get it working following this answer; I had previously tried simply appending the # character after the view name in nested states but it turns out the trick was to append #tab, where tab is the name of the top-level abstract state. I updated my fiddle on ionic playground. Cheers to you all.

Stop wicket from reloading page

I am working on an existing project with no previous experience in wicket.
The application has a page with four tabs. the first three tab is suppose to reload every 60 sec. The last tab is what I am working on and I don't want it to reload ever. I cannot find out where is the code that does the reloading
When a do a view source of the UI. I see something like this
Wicket.Event.add(window, "load", function(event) {
Wicket.TimerHandles['id135'] = setTimeout('Wicket.Ajax.ajax({\"c\":\"id135\",\"u\":\"./?2-3.IBehaviorListener.0-viewPanel-contentPanel-criticalZonePanel-1\"});', 60000);
Wicket.TimerHandles['id225'] = setTimeout('Wicket.Ajax.ajax({\"u\":\"./?2-3.IBehaviorListener.0-\"});', 60000);
Not sure if there is enough hint to figure out what might be causing the reloading or what kind of code or keywork should I be looking for in the application to change this.
This JavaScript is generated by AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior or its specialization AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior. Check where in your page/tabs any of those is used and disable it for the fourth tab.

gwt - history - how to "keep" UI state

I tried the example which is showing how to get data from history to re-generate UI; The thing I see mostly in all "history usage" examples are related to UI re-generation only so it is none-static way...
But what about "each UI state may have its unique url something like JSF does with flows"? For example I have app url like a
the app default UI contains main menu which is helping to navigate through my test catalog; I tried to make possible keep the UI dynamics in history by building url in this way
but when I click internet browser "refresh" button the url keeps the same as http://localhost:8080/myapp/MyApp.html#menu_testcategory_page1 but the UI comes back to its default state :(
So my question is
is there an optimal way in pure gwt to stay in the same UI state even after browser's refresh button is clicked (I mean the unload/load window events occur)?
P.S. gwt 2.3
You should implement Activities and Places pattern:
I am using it for 3 years, and it works very well.
Note, however, that when you reload a page, you lose all of your state, data, etc. If you need to preserve some of it, you can use a combination of a Place (#page1) and a token that tells the corresponding Activity the state of the View representing this Place, i.e. (#page1:item=5).
You probably just forgot to call
from your entry point.

SegmentControll problem in iphone

A new bie here...
I am using a that there are three segments...Say segment A,B,C
Now I want this functionality...
when I press Segment A..Table A comes up..
when I press Segment B..Table B comes up..and
when I press Segment c..Table C comes up
well I know all the label change and that stuff...but what about the tables?? and again when I press the row elements they navigates me to another views and I want segment control to be displayed in navigated view also..
well ... can anyone please tell me how to do this??
any suggestion..any tutorial..any example code...any logic...anything....:)
Here is the link shows the simple Segment control. And when you want to add a Table , it is having the sample process , connect the delegates and data source. HERE is the descussion on the kind of similar question as your one.
This is the Class Reference of Segment control, which provides you a lot many examples this shall help you.
Hope this will help you.

Disposing components in an Eclipse view issue

I have few components in a view and I am disposing them by clicking on a hyperlink as below -
Before disposing I appended a line to add components named Browser as -
browser = new Browser(parent,0)
The components are getting disposed properly, but to find the browser, I need to restore the view,means I need to double click on the view tab, then only the browser URL is coming up.
How to resolve this scenario.
I got a work around to solve the above. Since the after dispose, the view was expecting restore to refresh again, so I appended the size of the view every time after each refresh like this -