In one of the services we had some connection issues and we are getting random timeouts (we think it is because of the client library. it is one of the caching services). We decided to handle it by putting it in the queue and retrying on a separate worker until we solve the underlying issue.
However, there is a case. let's say we want to put the value "A" to cache. but it fails. so we put it in the queue to retry again. but during this time user fire a delete request to remove that data and we call it without any timeouts (no error, but no record to delete as well). then our retry strategy writes that data to cache (which is supposed to be deleted and not be there).
How would we handle this scenario? I first thought maybe we can raise an error if delete doesn't delete anything but then I see it also has so many complications and can end with an endless retry even
It appear as the issue is coming as you are doing actual action on main thread and if it fails then only doing retry through queue by worker thread.
If you do actual action as well through worker thread as well through queue then issue will be resolved.
Or 2nd solution is, you can track all the keys that are in queue for retry. If there is any action related to key already in queue then queue the actual action as well. Like delete should be queue as the action for A as retry action on A is already queue.
2nd solution is little inefficient.
I have multiple processes operating on an in-memory queue. That queue is a manifestation of sequential znodes created/deleted at Zookeeper.
When a znode is added, an equivalent item is added to the queue at all the involved processes. And also when a znode is removed, the equivalent item is removed from the queue at every involved process.
The addition and removal signals are expected to be balanced because every added item should eventually be removed.
I faced a situation when a znode was added and removed very quickly and the removal notification was received at one of the processes before the addition notificaiton. So an attempt to remove that item occurred but failed because it wasn't actually there, and then the addition signal was received which added the item but then it was never removed.
A simple solution would be to assert the existence of the equivalent znode after adding the item to the queue and that's good enough for me now but it doesn't seem as efficient as it can get.
My question is if there is a way to handle this scenario in a more efficient or "zookeeper way"?
You're trying to use ZooKeeper as a message queue which is not designed for. There's no ordering neither delivery guarantee in ZooKeeper for watcher notifications.
Instead you should use some messaging system like Kafka or RabbitMQ for this use case.
In an app on there is a listener that gets executed when a webhook arrives. Inside that listener we have a code like this:
// process webhook
// ...
In the logs we are seeing that in many cases we are getting the following error:
ยป 2019-09-25 18:52:00.349 ERROR Optimistic locking exception saving record [Order T792-18]
This is not happening all the time, but only in some cases. What's the reason and how to prevent it from happening?
This is due to concurrency issue as many webhooks are probably arriving at almost the same time and so multiple threads are trying to update the record concurrently.
The most convenient way to avoid this problem when editing a record is to use the lock() method like this:
// process webhook
// ...
record.lock(function(record) {
That will put a semaphore if other threads try to update the record at the same time.
I have a job processing system where each job contains thousands of individual tasks that require different strategies to complete. The individual tasks make up the whole job. If all tasks have been completed, the job is marked as successfully completed and other steps are taken, if any of the tasks fail, the job must be marked as failed and other steps are taken, if the job times out the job must be marked as failed and other steps are taken.
Once all of the results for a job have been received, the next job can be fetched. The next job shouldn't be fetched while a job is currently being processed.
Here is the what the flow looks like:
The Job Polling Verticle publishes a job to the event bus, and the Job Processing Verticle publishes each task to the event bus. When the job strategy completes, it publishes the task result to the event bus.
The issue is that I don't know the right way to determine when all tasks have been completed in this model. All verticles are stateless, The Job Processing Verticle doesn't await any futures, and even if the Job Results Verticle was stateful, it doesn't know how many results it should expect.
The only way I can think to do this would be to have a global stateful object. But I don't think this is good design.
Additionally, I need to know when a Job has timed out. That is, it's run longer than it should and I need to consider it's failed, log it, and move on.
I could do this with the global state, but again I don't think that's the right solution.
Does this verticle pattern make sense for what I'm trying to do?
First, let me try to address your questions. Then I'll try to explain what problems this design has.
The issue is that I don't know the right way to determine when all tasks have been completed in this model. All verticles are stateless, The Job Processing Verticle doesn't await any futures, and even if the Job Results Verticle was stateful, it doesn't know how many results it should expect.
The solution could be reference counting verticle. Each worker should emit a start message on event bus with jobId when it starts, and end message with jobId when it completes. Even if you have fan-out (those are the cases that you don't know how many workers there are), counting verticle will know that. In your diagram, "Job Post Processing Verticle" is a good candidate for this. It can maintain a counter, and only when it reaches zero, it should start the next job. That also helps avoiding actually sharing some memory reference.
Additionally, I need to know when a Job has timed out. That is, it's run longer than it should and I need to consider it's failed, log it, and move on.
In the same verticle you can start a timer every time you get a new start message. If you get end message, cancel the timer. Otherwise, cancel current job and start again.
Now, this solution will work, but the design has two main flaws. One is the fact that you maintain all your flow in memory, it seems. If your application crashes, all progress is lost, and it's not clear how you record it. Maybe polling Jobs table in DB would actually be better, since your job execution is sequential anyway.
Second point is the fact that all those timeouts and reference counting is homemade implementation of structured concurrency. Maybe you should take a look at something like Kotlin coroutines for that, at it will handle many of your problems for you.
I know that it is possible to consume a SQS queue using multiple threads. I would like to guarantee that each message will be consumed once. I know that it is possible to change the visibility timeout of a message, e.g., equal to my processing time. If my process spend more time than the visibility timeout (e.g. a slow connection) other thread can consume the same message.
What is the best approach to guarantee that a message will be processed once?
What is the best approach to guarantee that a message will be processed once?
You're asking for a guarantee - you won't get one. You can reduce probability of a message being processed more than once to a very small amount, but you won't get a guarantee.
I'll explain why, along with strategies for reducing duplication.
Where does duplication come from
When you put a message in SQS, SQS might actually receive that message more than once
For example: a minor network hiccup while sending the message caused a transient error that was automatically retried - from the message sender's perspective, it failed once, and successfully sent once, but SQS received both messages.
SQS can internally generate duplicates
Simlar to the first example - there's a lot of computers handling messages under the covers, and SQS needs to make sure nothing gets lost - messages are stored on multiple servers, and can this can result in duplication.
For the most part, by taking advantage of SQS message visibility timeout, the chances of duplication from these sources are already pretty small - like fraction of a percent small.
If processing duplicates really isn't that bad (strive to make your message consumption idempotent!), I'd consider this good enough - reducing chances of duplication further is complicated and potentially expensive...
What can your application do to reduce duplication further?
Ok, here we go down the rabbit hole... at a high level, you will want to assign unique ids to your messages, and check against an atomic cache of ids that are in progress or completed before starting processing:
Make sure your messages have unique identifiers provided at insertion time
Without this, you'll have no way of telling duplicates apart.
Handle duplication at the 'end of the line' for messages.
If your message receiver needs to send messages off-box for further processing, then it can be another source of duplication (for similar reasons to above)
You'll need somewhere to atomically store and check these unique ids (and flush them after some timeout). There are two important states: "InProgress" and "Completed"
InProgress entries should have a timeout based on how fast you need to recover in case of processing failure.
Completed entries should have a timeout based on how long you want your deduplication window
The simplest is probably a Guava cache, but would only be good for a single processing app. If you have a lot of messages or distributed consumption, consider a database for this job (with a background process to sweep for expired entries)
Before processing the message, attempt to store the messageId in "InProgress". If it's already there, stop - you just handled a duplicate.
Check if the message is "Completed" (and stop if it's there)
Your thread now has an exclusive lock on that messageId - Process your message
Mark the messageId as "Completed" - As long as this messageId stays here, you won't process any duplicates for that messageId.
You likely can't afford infinite storage though.
Remove the messageId from "InProgress" (or just let it expire from here)
Some notes
Keep in mind that chances of duplicate without all of that is already pretty low. Depending on how much time and money deduplication of messages is worth to you, feel free to skip or modify any of the steps
For example, you could leave out "InProgress", but that opens up the small chance of two threads working on a duplicated message at the same time (the second one starting before the first has "Completed" it)
Your deduplication window is as long as you can keep messageIds in "Completed". Since you likely can't afford infinite storage, make this last at least as long as 2x your SQS message visibility timeout; there is reduced chances of duplication after that (on top of the already very low chances, but still not guaranteed).
Even with all this, there is still a chance of duplication - all the precautions and SQS message visibility timeouts help reduce this chance to very small, but the chance is still there:
Your app can crash/hang/do a very long GC right after processing the message, but before the messageId is "Completed" (maybe you're using a database for this storage and the connection to it is down)
In this case, "Processing" will eventually expire, and another thread could process this message (either after SQS visibility timeout also expires or because SQS had a duplicate in it).
Store the message, or a reference to the message, in a database with a unique constraint on the Message ID, when you receive it. If the ID exists in the table, you've already received it, and the database will not allow you to insert it again -- because of the unique constraint.
AWS SQS API doesn't automatically "consume" the message when you read it with API,etc. Developer need to make the call to delete the message themselves.
SQS does have a features call "redrive policy" as part the "Dead letter Queue Setting". You just set the read request to 1. If the consume process crash, subsequent read on the same message will put the message into dead letter queue.
SQS queue visibility timeout can be set up to 12 hours. Unless you have a special need, then you need to implement process to store the message handler in database to allow it for inspection.
You can use setVisibilityTimeout() for both messages and batches, in order to extend the visibility time until the thread has completed processing the message.
This could be done by using a scheduledExecutorService, and schedule a runnable event after half the initial visibility time. The code snippet bellow creates and executes the VisibilityTimeExtender every half of the visibilityTime with a period of half the visibility time. (The time should to guarantee the message to be processed, extended with visibilityTime/2)
private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
ScheduledFuture<?> futureEvent = scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(new VisibilityTimeExtender(..), visibilityTime/2, visibilityTime/2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
VisibilityTimeExtender must implement Runnable, and is where you update the new visibility time.
When the thread is done processing the message, you can delete it from the queue, and call futureEvent.cancel(true) to stop the scheduled event.
I'm working with an application that requires the use of hornet-q's.
It's kind of hit or miss for some reason. When I create a queue, the first message to that queue works, but a second does not, so I've tried using a new queue for each connection to the REST API that is running on JBOSS. Sometimes this is okay, sometimes I get 412 - precondition failed (when the same name is used more than once) or just simply 500 internal errors.
The application has a /api/hornet-queue/queues/ path, but it doesn't allow GET requests.
Is there another way to tell what queues are open?
you are leaking a consumer and the message is being held on the consumer..
Either reuse the same consumer, or close the consumer.
in case you require to close consumers like this, set consumer-window-size to 0, so you won't cache messages and waste resoruces.