How to ignore bottomNavigationBar with the Align widget? - flutter

Say there is a Scaffold with a bottomNavigationBar property that is populated. If you use a Stack with a Align widget inside its body set to, the Align widget gets centered accounting to the bottomNavigationBar and centers in the remaining space minus that.
How do I get it so that it centers according to the total screen height, using all these widgets?
body: Align widget with center alignment and some child,
bottomNavigationBar: Bottom app bar

I'm not entirely sure what you mean in your question - but I think you want the body of a Scaffold (not Stack) to center a widget for the whole height available on the device.
Here's how you could do that using a Scaffold, SizedBox and Center widgets along with a MediaQuery
body: SizedBox(
height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height,
child: Center(
child: Text("CENTERED")),
bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar(items: []),
Sized Box
Media Query
Hopefully that puts you on the right path.


How to locate the bottom widget absolutely?

Please refer to the Widget Text("HERE") and corresponding ScreenShot below.
When a keyboard appears from the bottom of device, the Widget Text("HERE") relatively moved to upper-side, hence I should care about overflow of whole widget size as well as size of user devices.
How can I locate this Widget absolutely, or should I always make all things (widget) scrollable to corresponds to any devices and also to avoid overflow problem ?
const Align(
alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter,
child: Text("HERE"),
first, make sure you constrained your Scaffold widget to the full-screen height, with MediaQuery:
constraints: BoxConstraints(
maxHeight: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height,
child: Scaffold(// your screen code),
then wrap your Text with a Positioned widget, then set the bottom property to 0 or the value you want to bottom with:
// ...
child: Stack(
bottom: 0,
child: Text("HERE"),
now even the keyboard is on, the screen will not resize and the Text widget will stay forcelly in the bottom of screen.
just add this line in Scaffold
resizeToAvoidBottomInset : ture
hope it helps :)

IntrinsicHeight inside a Stack

I have a widget tree that has a variable height.
I need to create another widget that will be on top of it under certain circumstances.
I need this other widget to take up the full height of the stack, depending on the first widget's height.
So it goes like this:
I've tried wrapping Widget2 in IntrinsicHeight, for example
Widget2 = IntrinsicHeight(
child: Container(
but I see nothing. If I set a fixed height to the Container I can see it, and it does take up the full width, but I can't get it to take up the full height. I also tried Expanded but it is incorrect use of parent data widget.
Thank you

How do i make scrollable column in body scaffold widget?

Hello there i got some troubles when i add a SingleChildScrollView on Column in the body of Scaffold widget i got full white Screein Please help
whem i wrap it to SingleChildScrollView
i got a white screen (and lose my appbar)
Wrap your Column with a SingleChildScrollView.
body: SingleChildScrollView(
child: Column(
children: [
// Your items

Flutter SliverToBoxAdapter which fits child size

I want to create a scrollable content which include:
A header widget that includes several child widgets - which it's height is unknown
A list of rows widgets
The correct way to do that is using a CustomScrollView, like this:
Widget _buildView(BuildContext context) {
return (
slivers: <Widget>[
child: Container(
height: 128.0,
child: _buildHeader(context),
My problem is that my unlike this code sample, my header's height is unknown, and should fit its children's height (which can change).
How do I achieve that?
Since the Sliver needs to adapt on the header's height, you can consider using ConstrainedBox on your header. Depending on your use case, you can set a minHeight and maxHeight to let the viewport know the widget's size to be rendered.

How to make Hero animation for two widgets

I need to make animation like Hero in two different widgets. Is that possible?
Widget a with image a and widget b with image a but widget a is inside a listview and widget b is full screen image(it hide listview)
It's very simple. You just need to wrap both widgets in a Hero widget using the same TAG property value. The snippet below is assuming you've a Image in a ListTile and after user clicks you show a new page with the same image but that image will be animated by Hero widget.
In list page the list items can be
leading: Hero(
tag: IMAGE_TAG, // must be the same in different pages
child: Image(image: AssetImage('you_asset_dir/yourImage.png')),
title: Text('Anything'),
onTap: () => // Just go to full screen page
In full screen page
body: Container(
width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,
height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height,
child: Hero(
tag: 'IMAGE_TAG', // must be the SAME VALUE DEFINED IN list tile hero child widget.
child: Image(image: AssetImage('you_asset_dir/yourImage.png')),
OBS: The Hero tag property must be the same in different contexts but if you have a list with many items using Hero widget each Hero int the same context/page must have different tag values.
To deep dive concepts about Hero animations check the official doc