Why I can't use string by index from array? [duplicate] - matlab

This question already has an answer here:
What is the point of cell indexing in MATLAB
(1 answer)
Closed 5 months ago.
I'm new in Matlab, can somebody tell me, why I can't use a string by index like this?
adresuSarasas = {
V1=importdata(adresuSarasas(2), skirtukas, pradzia)
I get error on the last line. error: importdata: FNAME must be a string. Thanks.

cell arrays have different output when indexed differently.
adresuSarasas(2) returns a 1x1 cell array that contains your string, while your function expects a string, not a cell array.
adresuSarasas{2} returns the string inside the cell array which is what your function is expecting.
while later version of matlab have functions accept 1x1 cell arrays (so this code works on newer versions) it's still fruitful to know the difference when working with older versions.


How to sort values of a field in a structure in Matlab?

In my code, I have a structure and in a field of it, I want to sort its values.
For instance, in the field of File_Neg.name there are the following values, and They should be sorted as the right values.
File_Neg.name --> Sorted File_Neg.name
'-10.000000.dcm' '-10.000000.dcm'
'-102.500000.dcm' '-12.500000.dcm'
'-100.000000.dcm' '-100.000000.dcm'
'-107.500000.dcm' '-102.500000.dcm'
'-112.500000.dcm' '-107.500000.dcm'
'-110.000000.dcm '-110.000000.dcm'
'-12.500000.dcm' '-112.500000.dcm'
There is a folder that there are some pictures with negative labels in it (above example are labels of pictures). I want to get them in the same order as present in the folder(that's mean the Sorted File_Neg.name). But when running the following code the values of Files_Neg.name load as the above example (left: File_Neg.name), while I want the right form.
I have also seen this and that but they didn't help me.
How to sort values of a field in a structure in Matlab?
Files_Neg = dir('D:\Rename-RealN');
File_Neg = dir(strcat('D:\Rename-RealN\', Files_Neg.name, '\', '*.dcm'));
% when running the code the values of Files_Neg.name load as the above example (left: File_Neg.name)
This answer to one of the questions linked in the OP is nearly correct for the problem in the OP. There are two issues:
The first issue is that the answer assumes a scalar value is contained in the field to be sorted, whereas in the OP the values are char arrays (i.e. old-fashioned strings).
This issue can be fixed by adding 'UniformOutput',false to the arrayfun call:
File_Neg = struct('name',{'-10.000000.dcm','-102.500000.dcm','-100.000000.dcm','-107.500000.dcm','-112.500000.dcm','-110.000000.dcm','-12.500000.dcm'},...
[~,I] = sort(arrayfun(#(x)x.name,File_Neg,'UniformOutput',false));
File_Neg = File_Neg(I);
File_Neg is now sorted according to dictionary sort (using ASCII letter ordering, meaning that uppercase letters come first, and 110 still comes before 12).
The second issue is that OP wants to sort according to the magnitude of the number in the file name, not using dictionary sort. This can be fixed by extracting the value in the anonymous function applied using arrayfun. We use str2double on the file name, minus the last 4 characters '.dcm':
[~,I] = sort(arrayfun(#(x)abs(str2double(x.name(1:end-4))),File_Neg));
File_Neg = File_Neg(I);
Funnily enough, we don't want to use 'UniformOutput',false any more, since the anonymous function now returns a scalar value.

Use the content of a cell as a label of a symbolic variable [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Create variables with names from strings
(6 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Can I do the following idea in Matlab command?
Assuming that
a = 'c1Tl';
class(a) will return cell.
How I can use the content of an as a cell variable which I can do
c1Tl = 3;
I try to use
sym(a) = 3;
to assign a variable to the content of 'a' but It is not my purpose.
Please help to solve my problem!
Thank you!
The best way to do that is to use a struct data type. You would do something like this:
a = {'c1Tl'};
%Lets make a struct called data which will store the values
data.(a{1}) = 3; % The a{1} accesses the string stored in a and uses it to make a field in the structure data
%To access your data, now you can use

Matlab Array of structures: string not working

I am reading an input from a file and importing it into my data to run in Matlab:
parts = strread(tline,'%s','delimiter',';')
employee(i).name = parts(1);
employee(i).salary= str2double(parts(2));
Then I try to print it out:
for i = 1:3
fprintf('salary: %.2f\n',employee(i).salary);
fprintf('employee name: %s\n',employee(i).name);
The salary prints with no problem. But the for the variable "name" it gives an error:
Error using fprintf
Function is not defined for 'cell' inputs.
fprintf('employee name: %s\n',employee(i).name);
I looked for some other examples:
access struct data (matlab)
How do I access structure fields dynamically?
Matlab Error: Function is not defined for 'cell' inputs
How do i define a structure in Matlab
But there is nothing to address this case, where only string is not working.
I have not explicitly declared the data as struct, i.e. inside the code there is nowhere the "struct" word is included, but Matlab apparently automatically understand it as an "Array of structures".
Any hints what might be missing here?
All comments are highly appreciated!
The issue is that employee(k).name is a cell (check with iscell(employee(1).name)) and the format string %s doesn't know how to handle that.
The reason that it is a cell is because strread returns a cell array. To grab an element from the result (parts), you want to use {} indexing which returns a string rather than () which will return a cell.
employee(i).name = parts{1};

Checking all values of an array [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to check if an element is in an array
(18 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
Swift 2 - so, I have an array and a uitextfield that a user inputs a string, I want to check whether the textfield.text is equal to ANY of the values in the array, can I do this with one line of code rather than lots of if's and else if's?!?
This is a generic code that will do what you are looking for. The if statement checks to see if a given value is equal to something that is located in the array. Simply replace the arr.contains() with the output you have given for your UITextfield.text Try to do a little research before you post. I can see that you are new here, so here is a little bit of help.
var arr = [1,2,3,4]
if arr.contains(3) {
//do something

Matlab bad cell reference operation when if statement

I have a <850x1> cell called x. Each of the individual structures has a 'Tag' name and 'Data' cell with <7168x1 double> data values.
x{1,1}.Tag = 'Channel1', x{1,1}.Data= <7168x1 double>)
So, I want to go through the x cell, identify the structures with 'Channel1' Tag names and pull out that structure's data. Then, combine the data into a cell called Ch1. Here is my approach so far:
if x{n,1}.Tag == 'Channel1'
Ch1{:,n} = x{n,1}.Data;
However, this gives an error: Bad cell reference operation.
Any ideas what may be going wrong?
There are 2 issues here. First, your if statement will compare each entry in the string x{n,1}.Tag to each entry in the string 'Channel1'. If the dimensions are not the same, you will get an error. To fix this, you could use the string compare function, strcmp. The other issue is that you are assigning n to all values between 1 and 850 at once. This is the issue that is producing the actual error you are seeing. Instead, you want to step through each of these values one at a time with a for loop. I would suggest trying the following code:
for n=1:850
if strcmp(x{n,1}.Tag, 'Channel1')
Ch1{:,n} = x{n,1}.Data;