Flutter - How to detect if popupmenu has been closed or user tapped out of the menu to close it? - flutter

I am showing a popupmenu by calling the showMenu() method inside my custom appbar widget.
I need to be able to detect if user closed the popupmenu in anyway.
I tried using GestureDetector but it only detects taps when the popupmenu is already closed which is not what I need.
body: GestureDetector(
onTap: () => print('Tapped'),
child: MyWidget(),
Any ideas on how to solve this problem?

you can look at the PopupMenuButton documentation you will find it has a property called onCancelled you can read about it here

showMenu method returns a value, you should wait for. It returns either null (if menu has been closed in ANYWAY) or any value(if user selected menu button)
final result = await showMenu(...)
// you can detect close event even if user just dismissed menu like this:
if(result==null){...do something}
else{...use result}


Submit data/trigger function when modalsheet is closed

I'm using a modal sheet with a TextEditingController and a TextField to allow the users to make inputs. When the user submints (presses enter on the keyboard), a function is triggered, the data collected and everything works perfectly. But: If the user clicks outside of the modal sheet, it closes without the onsubmit function being triggered. Can I change that somehow?
In short: I want to treat tapping outside of the modal sheet as if the user hits enter/submits.
wrap the model sheet with WillPopScop widget and onpop you can write your function
onWillPop: () async {
//enter your function here
return true;

how to make showModalBottomSheet background become pressable

just like the title says, when the showModalBottomSheet appear i want to press some button in the body/screen without closing the showModalBottomSheet i already set
isDismissible: false,
barrierColor: Colors.transparent,
but no button can be press
The short answer to your question is to wrap your bottom sheet with a GestureDetector and to do some processing in there yourself and avoid the touch event to get to the modal sheet. Here is a link to a similar answer on SO.
From what I understand, ModalBottomSheet internally uses BottomSheet and its code, where the actual presentation is done looks like this:
return AnimatedBuilder(
animation: widget.route!.animation!,
child: BottomSheet(
animationController: widget.route!._animationController,
onClosing: () {
if (widget.route!.isCurrent) {
If you look at the onClosing() callback, it simply dismisses the object without checking with any external callbacks so I don't really think you can achieve that with a modal bottom sheet in Flutter without wrapping it inside a GestureDetector

Flutter dont close bottomSheet on BottomNavigationBar tap

I have a problem with a BottomNavigationBar. My app has two screens and one of them has a bottom sheet that doesn't hide on disposing of the first screen when I'm tapping on the icon of the second screen. BottomNavigationBar works normally and screens switch, but how to hide the bottom sheet of the first screen when shown the second screen I have no ideas. Could you help me solve that?
void _showForm(int id) async {
context: context,
elevation: 5,
builder: (context) => BottomSheetSwitch(_refreshJournals, id));
Closing (inside bottom sheet):
P.S. I couldn't solve that problem, so I change showBottomSheet to showModalBottomSheet like that was in: how to set showModalBottomSheet to full height?
You can try to provide a key to the stateful widget of BottomSheet. And access that key's context just use the Navigator's pop method on tap or change of the screen. It might help you.
You can use it like
Else call the function of your BottomSheet using the key. Like as below
Declare GlobalKey with state in your currentWidget.
GloabalKey<BottomSheetWidgetState> closeKey = GloabalKey();
Declare one function closeBottomSheet in your bottomsheet widget state.
void closeBottomSheet(){ Navigator.of(conext).pop(); }
Call the function using the key.
And done.

How to set a widget as a button in Flutter

I set two widgets in a Stack(), the one in the back is a sidebar and the one in the front is my main page.
When I click on the menu button from the main page, the main page gets shifted to the right and then the user can see the sidebar.
Now the problem is when the sidebar gets displyed i'm obliged to click exactly on the menu button to go back to the main page.
What i want to do is just to click anywhere in the main page to hide the sidebar.
I mean that i want to set the whole main page as a button when the sidebar is displayed.
You can use InkWell
onTap: (){
/// do something
child: Text('data') /// your widget,
You can also use GestureDetector
Generally if you want to make anything tappable you can just wrap the widget with GestureDetector
I fixed it by wrapping the main page with InkWell() and I added this to the onTap property"
onTap: isSidebarCollapsed ? () {
setState(() {
isSidebarCollapsed = false;
} : null,
child: Container(...)
Note that isSidebarCollapsed is the variable that determines if the menu is displayed or not.
Explaination of the code:
If the sidebar is collapsed (is displayed) then the onTap property returns a function where I set the variable isSidebarCollapsed to false (to say that the sidebar is gonna be hidden).
Else it returns null

FlutterDriver - how to close showDialog [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to close Dialog using FlutterDriver
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I am working with FlutterDriver, I have an IconButton defined and a key set as shown:
child: IconButton(
key: Key('moredots'),
icon: Icon(Icons.more_vert),
onPressed: () {
context: context,
builder: (_) => tableConfig,
The dialog is successfully shown with the following code:
await driver.tap(find.byValueKey('moredots'));
What I can't figure out is how to dismiss the dialog. I've tried:
Tapping the same value as shown above
Adding a key in Scaffold, finding the key and tapping
Adding keys in other UI elements in the hierarchy, finding and tapping
The error message I receive is:
FlutterDriver: tap message is taking a long time to complete...
I figured out that showDialog() presents a ModalBarrier to stop user input while the dialog is shown.
The trick to close the showDialog is to find by type passing in the ModalBarrier as shown here:
await driver.tap(find.byType(ModalBarrier));
await driver.tap(find.byValueKey('moredots'));