Error adding my first migration in EF Core 6 - entity-framework-core

I'm trying to add an initial migration in my EF Core 6 Project in .NET6 but I get this error: Add-Migration: Exception calling "BuildProject" with "3" argument(s): "The method or operation is not implemented."
Any idea, please?

The problem was that one of the projects isn’t able to build. So I build each one from the bottom up (I.e. one with no dependencies (domain), then data then the console app and Now it works fine


Error while add migration to create database in Entity Framework 6, method not found CoreTypeMappingParameters

I'm trying to run add migration to create database on my local machine, in the last seconds I get this error:
Method not found: 'Void CoreTypeMappingParameters..ctor(System.Type, Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.ValueConversion.ValueConverter, Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.ValueComparer, Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.ValueComparer, System.Func`3<Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.IProperty,Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.IEntityType,Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ValueGeneration.ValueGenerator>)'.
Here is my Program.cs :
I have no idea where to look, any suggestion?
I found the solution for my problem based on the video in this article
click here
the solution is to make all the packages have the same version as Palemo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql = 6.0.1 .
This made it work and create the migration for Mysql.
If anyone has faced the same error, in your solution if you have different projects, check if the Microsoft Core version and tools versions are the same, removed them all re-installed the packages, the error is gone

I deleted Migrations file and folder .I try again dotnet ef migration add initial but I see Built failed

I am working on an ASP.NET Core MVC app. I deleted the Migrations file and folder. I try again using .NET EF Core migration and adding initial, but I see the build failed. How can I do this?
Your question does not explain many things like did you created any other class or namespace in migrations folder and accidentally deleted it as well.
Build failed error is caused by some missing file, reference or some syntax error.
Check you Error List tab in visual studio.
I use to write my command ">dotnet ef migrations add initial" in CLI and I could see only "Build Failed" . Then I used Package Maneger Console "PM> add-migration initial" and take more description. when I fixed errors I am succed successful

'The string argument 'migrationId' cannot be empty.'

Blocked on a weird error. I am working in an core web application, and using EF core 1.1.0 in it.
EF database migration is throwing error 'The string argument 'migrationId' cannot be empty.' when trying to execute below command
Performed accepted answer from the the link but it did not solved my issue.
Uninstall donet 2.0.0, installed 1.1.0 and restarted PC. Still i am getting the same error.
Can anyone please help me on this.
When you have MigrationID column with in __EFMigrationsHistory table is empty you will have above issue. Make sure you delete this record manually and rerun the command. Please find screen shot for the same.
I had solved my issue.
Just deleted development database and executed migration on start.
It working now perfectly.

How to cope with "No data stores are configured"?

I am currently playing with beta4 of EF7 using the blank ASP.NET web project template.
After having kicked off the existing migration, resulting in the tables being created in the localdb, the following occurs:
Strangely, when I clean up the migration-folder, including removing ApplicationDbContextModelSnapshot.cs and I run
dnx . ef migration add twice, I get the following error:
dnx : System.InvalidOperationException: No data stores are configured. Configure a data store by overriding OnConfiguring in your DbContext class or in the AddDbContext method when setting up services.
The second migration is not created. When I review the created migration it contains all tables whereas the database is already provisioned, so you should expect the migration being empty.
Then, when I remove the first migration and run the add migration command again more than once, all the migrations are correctly created, i.e. as empty files.
Can someone explain this to me? Is this expected behavior or is this a bug in beta4?
Tip for people coming from former EF-versions:
* Don't use the K command framework anymore.
* Don't use the Add-Migration cmdlets anymore.
Both have been replaced by dnx . (dot). (dnx = .NET execution environment)
Some references:,-2014
Remove the constructor of ApplicationContext. It is a temporary workaround to enable deployment, but it interferes with the Migrations commands.

How to use Entity Framework code-first

I created some classes, and configured the connection string.
But still got an error:
Unhandled Exception: System.NotSupportedException: Model compatibility cannot be
checked because the database does not contain model metadata. Model compatibility
can only be checked for databases created using Code First or Code First Migrations.
Check the EF version you have, latest is 4.3.1.
You also need to configure a DbContext class. check this:
i fixed it
by Run the ‘Enable-Migrations’ command in Package Manager Console.
Here is what worked for me if you are fine with deleting and recreating the database from scratch.
First, run the following commands from package manager console.
sqllocaldb.exe stop v11.0
sqllocaldb.exe delete v11.0
Next, delete the mdf and ldf files from the app_data folder of your project.
Here comes the critical part. Usually you will run update-database. If you do that the exception will still be thrown.
DO NOT Run update-database. INSTEAD directly run your project code. The EF will recreate the database.
These steps worked for me. Let me know if this helps you.