Flutter Web and multiple deployment error - flutter

I am trying to set up a production/development of a Flutter web app for Firebase. I am able to deploy to the first one I configured (production) but not to the second (development). I am getting this error:
=== Deploying to 'my-app-dev'...
i deploying hosting i hosting[my-app-dev]: beginning deploy... i
hosting[my-app-dev]: found 27 files in build/web ⠋ hosting: uploading
new files [3/21] (14%) Error: Task
failed: retries exhausted after 6 attempts, with error: The "path"
argument must be of type string. Received undefined ⠸ hosting:
uploading new files [4/21] (19%)
I am running the following commands:
firebase use my-app-dev
flutterfire configure --project=my-app-dev
flutter build web
firebase deploy
Note: if I use my-app-prod instead it works perfectly.
What am I doing wrong?

I faced the same problem and I solved it with the next two steps:
remove the .firebase folder from the root folder of your project
try to deploy your project again with firebase deploy


Flutterfire won't configure

I am trying to create a firebase project. But when I try to create one using flutterfire, this is what happens:
✔ Enter a project id for your new Firebase project (e.g. my-cool-project) · fluttercourse-yung
i New Firebase project fluttercourse-yung created successfully.
FirebaseCommandException: An error occured on the Firebase CLI when attempting to run a command.
COMMAND: firebase projects:create fluttercourse-yung --json
ERROR: Failed to create project. See firebase-debug.log for more info.
Enter your project name like this
"-" is important

NextJs deploy on vercel

I get the following errors while deploying my nextjs app on vercel. However my app runs all right with no errors in localhost but while deploying it is giving me the errors attached in the imagesenter image description here
This is my package.json fileenter image description here
you have error on [slug].js file
befor deploy on vercel run this commands and check the app run on your compouter or not
yarn run build
yarn start
fix this issue in pizza/[slug] file :
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'image')
and deploy it again

Codemagic or Fastlane failing while exporting archive for iOS in Flutter projects

For flutter projects when trying to do CI via Fastlane or Code magic getting an error.
Unable to export archive: 2019-07-19 06:35:19.256
xcodebuild[3381:21183] [MT] IDEDistribution: -[IDEDistributionLogging
_createLoggingBundleAtPath:]: Created bundle at path '/var/folders/r7/d9twdq011sb8d3q1p8f39cdr0000gn/T/Runner_2019-07-19_06-35-19.252.xcdistributionlogs'.
error: exportArchive: Symbols tool failed Error
Domain=IDEFoundationErrorDomain Code=1 "Symbols tool failed"
UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Symbols tool failed} ** EXPORT FAILED
Some Extra Detail(s)
This issue is coming with recent master commits in Flutter git.
When using Flutter stable git branch we don't have this issue.
Had the same issue. Running pod install solved on my side. I'm using local Fastlane on flutter beta channel.

Buildpacks error

I am running an application at IBM Bluemix DevOps and while deploying I am getting this error:
App staging failed in the buildpack compile phase.
On checking logs I found this:
How do I get rid of this problem?
You're trying to use a node npm module which you might not have declared as a dependency. Add gulp to your package.json as show in in the car-dashboard sample you are referencing.

Deployment in Meego crashing for large Deb file

I recently update my QtSdk to 1.2 and after that, I am unable to deploy a debian file of more then 6 mb. It gives me the following error:
16:32:02: Preparing SFTP connection...
16:32:02: Starting upload...
16:32:03: Failed to upload package: Failure
16:32:03: Deploy step failed.
Error while building project Animal101SymbianMeegov1 (target: Harmattan)
When executing build step 'Deploy Debian package via SFTP upload'
Has anyone run across this problem?
The workaround I use to deploy is to create a link in /tmp/.deb pointing to /var/tmp/.deb and the run the deploy step in QtCreator.