why `NOT` is not macro but function in Common Lisp? - lisp

i don't know why NOT is defined as function but macro.i've heard that function call may be cache-unfriendly.
will it be better if NOT is a macro?the only reason i can think of is that a NOT function can be passed as value by adding #'.
grateful for your answers!

not has the semantics of a function: its argument is evaluated perfectly normally (unlike, say, and and so on). It should therefore be a function: macros should be used only for things which cannot semantically be functions.
Making not a function has benefits: simply because it is a function you don't need to write your own version every time you need a function with the semantics of not. Making not a function also has zero cost since the semantics of CL leave a compiler or interpreter entirely free to never actually call the function but rather generate inline code.
Indeed you can see, for instance, in the SBCL sources that this is happening: in src/code/pred.lisp you will find
(defun not (object)
"Return T if X is NIL, otherwise return NIL."
(not object))
You can do this yourself, pretty much:
(declaim (inline neg))
(defun neg (x)
(if x nil t))
(And if you are really feeling your oats define a compiler macro as well, although I can't see any strong reason to do that here.)


Are Lisp macros just syntactic sugar? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What makes Lisp macros so special?
(15 answers)
Closed 3 months ago.
I keep reading that Lisp macros are one of the most powerful features of the language. But reading over the specifications and manuals, they are just functions whose arguments are unevaluated.
Given any macro (defmacro example (arg1 ... argN) (body-forms)) I could just write (defun example (arg1 ... argN) ... (body-forms)) with the last body-form turned into a list and then call it like (eval (example 'arg1 ... 'argN)) to emulate the same behavior of the macro. If this were the case, then macros would just be syntactic sugar, but I doubt that syntactic sugar would be called a powerful language feature. What am I missing? Are there cases where I cannot carry out this procedure to emulate a macro?
I can't talk about powerful because it can be a little bit subjective, but macros are regular Lisp functions that work on Lisp data, so they are as expressive as other functions. This isn't the case with templates or generic functions in other languages that rely more on static types and are more restricted (on purpose).
In some way, yes macros are simple syntactic facilities, but you are focused in your emulation on the dynamic semantics of macros, ie. how you can run code that evaluates macros at runtime. However:
the code using eval is not equivalent to expanded code
the preprocessing/compile-time aspect of macros is not emulated
Lexical scope
Function, like +, do not inherit the lexical scope:
(let ((x 30))
(+ 3 4))
Inside the definition of +, you cannot access x. Being able to do so is what "dynamic scope" is about (more precisely, see dynamic extent, indefinite scope variables). But nowadays it is quite the exception to rely on dynamic scope. Most functions use lexical scope, and this is the case for eval too.
The eval function evaluates a form in the null lexical environment, and it never has access to the surrounding lexical bindings. As such, it behaves like any regular function.
So, in you example, calling eval on the transformed source code will not work, since arg1 to argnN will probably be unbound (it depends on what your macro does).
In order to have an equivalent form, you have to inject bindings in the transformed code, or expand at a higher level:
(defun expand-square (var)
(list '* var var))
;; instead of:
(defun foo (x) (eval (expand-square 'x))) ;; x unbound during eval
;; inject bindings
(defun foo (x) (eval `(let ((z ,x)) (expand-square z))))
;; or expand the top-level form
(eval `(defun foo (x) ,(expand-square 'x)))
Note that macros (in Common Lisp) also have access to the lexical environment through &environment parameters in their lambda-list. The use of this environment is implementation dependent, but can be used to access the declarations associated with a variable, for example.
Notice also how in the last example you evaluate the code when defining the function, and not when running it. This is the second thing about macro.
Expansion time
In order to emulate macros you could locally replace a call to a macro by a form that emulates it at runtime (using let to captures all the bindings you want to see inside the expanded code, which is tedious), but then you would miss the useful aspect of macros that is: generating code ahead of time.
The last example above shows how you can quote defun and wrap it in eval, and basically you would need to do that for all functions if you wanted to emulate the preprocessing work done by macros.
The macro system is a way to integrate this preprocessing step in the language in a way that is simple to use.
Macros themselves are a nice way to abstract things when functions can't. For example you can have a more human-friendly, stable syntax that hides implementation details. That's how you define pattern-matching abilities in Common Lisp that make it look like they are part of the language, without too much runtime penalty or verbosity.
They rely on simple term-rewriting functions that are integrated in the language, but you can emulate their behavior either at compile-time or runtime yourself if you want. They can be used to perform different kinds of abstraction that are usually missing or more cumbersome to do in other languages, but are also limited: they don't "understand" code by themselves, they don't give access to all the facilities of the compiler (type propagation, etc.). If you want more you can use more advanced libraries or compiler tools (see deftransform), but macros at least are portable.
Macros are not just functions whose arguments are unevaluated. Macros are functions between programming languages. In other words a macro is a function whose argument is a fragment of source code of a programming language which includes the macro, and whose value is a fragment of source code of a language which does not include the macro (or which includes it in a simpler way).
In very ancient, very rudimentary, Lisps, before people really understood what macros were, you could simulate macros with things called FEXPRs combined with EVAL. A FEXPR was simply a function which did not evaluate its arguments. This worked in such Lisps only because they were completely dynamically scoped, and the cost of it working was that compilation of such things was not possible at all. Those are two enormous costs.
In any modern Lisp, this won't work at all. You can write a toy version of FEXPRs as a macro (this may be buggy):
(defmacro deffex (fx args &body body)
(assert (every (lambda (arg)
(and (symbolp arg)
(not (member arg lambda-list-keywords))))
(args) "not a simple lambda list")
`(defmacro ,fx ,args
`(let ,(mapcar (lambda (argname argval)
`(,argname ',argval))
',args (list ,#args))
So now we could try to write a trivial binding construct I'll call with using this thing:
(deffex with (var val form)
(eval `(let ((,var ,val)) ,form)))
And this seems to work:
> (with a 1 a)
Of course, we're paying the cost that no code which uses this construct can ever be compiled so all our programs will be extremely slow, but perhaps that is a cost we're willing to accept (it's not, but never mind).
Except, of course, it doesn't work, at all:
> (with a 1
(with b 2
(+ a b)))
Error: The variable a is unbound.
Oh dear.
Why doesn't it work? It doesn't work because Common Lisp is lexically scoped, and eval is a function: it can't see the lexical bindings.
So not only does this kind of approach prevent compilation in a modern Lisp, it doesn't work at all.
People often, at this point, suggest some kind of kludge solution which would allow eval to be able to see lexical bindings. The cost of such a solution is that all the lexical bindings need to exist in compiled code: no variable can ever be compiled away, not even its name. That's essentially saying that no good compilers can ever be used, even for the small part of your programs you can compile at all in a language which makes extensive use of macros like CL. For instance, if you ever use defun you're not going to be able to compile the code in its body. People do use defun occasionally, I think.
So this approach simply won't work: it worked by happenstance in very old Lisps but it can't work, even at the huge cost of preventing compilation, in any modern Lisp.
More to the point this approach obfuscates the understanding of what macros are: as I said at the start, macros are functions between programming languages, and understanding that is critical. When you are designing macros you are implementing a new programming language.

ELisp: forward references (reference a symbol before it is defined)

How do you go about solving this problem?
Suppose I want to write a function that does the following: if the user has library X installed, then use function X-function, otherwise - skip?
What I tried:
(when (symbol-function 'X-function)
I'm getting a warning for this code - so what is the right way?
How about this:
(when (fboundp 'X-function)
The docs at http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Function-Cells.html says about symbol-function
If the symbol's function cell is void, a void-function error is signaled.
I'm guessing that is what you are seeing. On the other hand, fboundp just returns t or nil depending on whether the function exists.
The way to suppress this compiler warning is with something like:
(declare-function X-function "ext:X-library.el")
(when (fboundp 'X-function)
Here X-library is the name of the library that X-function is defined in when the library is there. The byte-compiler will then do the following:
It will look for the library in the load path.
If it finds it, it will check that the function has been defined.
If it does not find the library it will assume that it will be when the library is there and pass on without error.
Thus if there is no X-library it won't complain, but if there is one and it does not define the function then it will. This means that if an updated version of the library does not contain X-function then you will know when you try to re-compile your code.
If you look up the documentation for declare-function you will find that it can also check the argument list of functions.
Incidentally If you get similar warnings about undeclared variables you can suppress these with:
(defvar X-variable)
However it is important not to set the variable even if you know what value the library sets it to as this could change in a later version.
This gives you one version of the program that works whether or not X-library is present. You might prefer to have two versions, one for when X-library is present and one for when it is not. This can be done with a macro:
(defmacro run? (function &rest args)
"Expand to function call if function exists."
(when (fboundp `,function)
`(,function ,#args)))
Now instead of a call like:
(X-function a1 a2 a3)
You write:
(run? X-function a1 a2 a3)
If you compile it with X-library present this expands to the call to X-function. If the library is not present then it expands to nothing at all. You will not need the declare-function in any case. This gives two different versions, but it should be more efficient because the decisions as to whether the library is there or not are taken at compile time not run time.
One small caveat. If you go for this second solution you must either compile the whole program in the X-library environment or outside it. If you try loading the library half way through the program then when interpreted it will work as you might expect with the macro expanding differently before and after the load. But in a compiled program a macro is only expanded once. The test test for the library is in code that does the expanding not in the expansion, so the macro will not work the same before and after the load.
Another case when you can get the warning that a function cannot be found is when you define a function programmatically and use fset to set it. The following example illustrates this and what to do about it:
(fset 'my-function1 (lambda () nil)))
(fset 'my-function2 (lambda () nil))
(fset 'my-function3 (lambda () nil)))
If you compile this you get the warnings:
Warning: the function `my-function2' is not known to be defined.
Warning: the function `my-function3' might not be defined at runtime.
The second warning goes away if you re-compile the code a second time in the same Emacs session, but the first doesn't.
What is happening here is this: When the compiler sees eval-and-compile, it first evaluates the body of the in the current Emacs session and then compiles it. Having evaluated the code, Emacs knows about the programmatically defined function.
In the case of function1, the byte compiler sees the function call after Emacs has evaluated the form and so you don't get any warnings.
In the case of function2 the byte compiler never knows the functions is defined so you always get a warning.
In the case of function3, the first time round, the bite compiler doesn't know the function exists when it sees the function call. By the end of the compilation it knows the function exists but it isn't intelligent enough to work out how it knows so you get a different warning. However, if you re-compile it in the same Emacs session, it does know so the warning goes away.
Note that eval-and-compile, like eval-with-compile, look like a progn to the Emacs interpreter.

How to live with Emacs Lisp dynamic scoping?

I've learned Clojure previously and really like the language. I also love Emacs and have hacked some simple stuff with Emacs Lisp. There is one thing which prevents me mentally from doing anything more substantial with Elisp though. It's the concept of dynamic scoping. I'm just scared of it since it's so alien to me and smells like semi-global variables.
So with variable declarations I don't know which things are safe to do and which are dangerous. From what I've understood, variables set with setq fall under dynamic scoping (is that right?) What about let variables? Somewhere I've read that let allows you to do plain lexical scoping, but somewhere else I read that let vars also are dynamically scoped.
I quess my biggest worry is that my code (using setq or let) accidentally breaks some variables from platform or third-party code that I call or that after such call my local variables are messed up accidentally. How can I avoid this?
Are there a few simple rules of thumb that I can just follow and know exactly what happens with the scope without being bitten in some weird, hard-to-debug way?
It isn't that bad.
The main problems can appear with 'free variables' in functions.
(defun foo (a)
(* a b))
In above function a is a local variable. b is a free variable. In a system with dynamic binding like Emacs Lisp, b will be looked up at runtime. There are now three cases:
b is not defined -> error
b is a local variable bound by some function call in the current dynamic scope -> take that value
b is a global variable -> take that value
The problems can then be:
a bound value (global or local) is shadowed by a function call, possibly unwanted
an undefined variable is NOT shadowed -> error on access
a global variable is NOT shadowed -> picks up the global value, which might be unwanted
In a Lisp with a compiler, compiling the above function might generate a warning that there is a free variable. Typically Common Lisp compilers will do that. An interpreter won't provide that warning, one just will see the effect at runtime.
make sure that you don't use free variables accidentally
make sure that global variables have a special name, so that they are easy to spot in source code, usually *foo-var*
Don't write
(defun foo (a b)
(setq c (* a b)) ; where c is a free variable
(defun foo (a b)
(let ((c (* a b)))
Bind all variables you want to use and you want to make sure that they are not bound somewhere else.
That's basically it.
Since GNU Emacs version 24 lexical binding is supported in its Emacs Lisp. See: Lexical Binding, GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual.
In addition to the last paragraph of Gilles answer, here is how RMS argues in favor of dynamic scoping in an extensible system:
Some language designers believe that
dynamic binding should be avoided, and
explicit argument passing should be
used instead. Imagine that function A
binds the variable FOO, and calls the
function B, which calls the function
C, and C uses the value of FOO.
Supposedly A should pass the value as
an argument to B, which should pass it
as an argument to C.
This cannot be done in an extensible
system, however, because the author of
the system cannot know what all the
parameters will be. Imagine that the
functions A and C are part of a user
extension, while B is part of the
standard system. The variable FOO does
not exist in the standard system; it
is part of the extension. To use
explicit argument passing would
require adding a new argument to B,
which means rewriting B and everything
that calls B. In the most common case,
B is the editor command dispatcher
loop, which is called from an awful
number of places.
What's worse, C must also be passed an
additional argument. B doesn't refer
to C by name (C did not exist when B
was written). It probably finds a
pointer to C in the command dispatch
table. This means that the same call
which sometimes calls C might equally
well call any editor command
definition. So all the editing
commands must be rewritten to accept
and ignore the additional argument. By
now, none of the original system is
Personally, I think that if there is a problem with Emacs-Lisp, it is not dynamic scoping per se, but that it is the default, and that it is not possible to achieve lexical scoping without resorting to extensions. In CL, both dynamic and lexical scoping can be used, and -- except for top-level (which is adressed by several deflex-implementations) and globally declared special variables -- the default is lexical scoping. In Clojure, too, you can use both lexical and dynamic scoping.
To quote RMS again:
It is not necessary for dynamic scope to be the only scope rule provided, just useful
for it to be available.
Are there a few simple rules of thumb that I can just follow and know exactly what happens with the scope without being bitten in some weird, hard-to-debug way?
Read Emacs Lisp Reference, you'll have many details like this one :
Special Form: setq [symbol form]...
This special form is the most common method of changing a
variable's value. Each SYMBOL is given a new value, which is the
result of evaluating the corresponding FORM. The most-local
existing binding of the symbol is changed.
Here is an example :
(defun foo () (setq tata "foo"))
(defun bar (tata) (setq tata "bar"))
(message tata)
===> "foo"
(bar tata)
(message tata)
===> "foo"
As Peter Ajtai pointed out:
Since emacs-24.1 you can enable lexical scoping on a per file basis by putting
;; -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
on top of your elisp file.
First, elisp has separate variable and function bindings, so some pitfalls of dynamic scoping are not relevant.
Second, you can still use setq to set variables, but the value set does not survive the exit of the dynamic scope it is done in. This isn't, fundamentally, different from lexical scoping, with the difference that with dynamic scoping a setq in a function you call can affect the value you see after the function call.
There's lexical-let, a macro that (essentially) imitates lexical bindings (I believe it does this by walking the body and changing all occurrences of the lexically let variables to a gensymmed name, eventually uninterning the symbol), if you absolutely need to.
I'd say "write code as normal". There are times when the dynamic nature of elisp will bite you, but I've found that in practice that is surprisingly seldom.
Here's an example of what I was saying about setq and dynamically-bound variables (recently evaluated in a nearby scratch buffer):
(let ((a nil))
(list (let ((a nil))
(setq a 'value)
(value nil)
Everything that has been written here is worthwhile. I would add this: get to know Common Lisp -- if nothing else, read about it. CLTL2 presents lexical and dynamic binding well, as do other books. And Common Lisp integrates them well in a single language.
If you "get it" after some exposure to Common Lisp then things will be clearer for you for Emacs Lisp. Emacs 24 uses lexical scoping to a greater extent by default than older versions, but Common Lisp's approach will still be clearer and cleaner (IMHO). Finally, it is definitely the case that dynamic scope is important for Emacs Lisp, for the reasons that RMS and others have emphasized.
So my suggestion is to get to know how Common Lisp deals with this. Try to forget about Scheme, if that is your main mental model of Lisp -- it will limit you more than help you in understanding scoping, funargs, etc. in Emacs Lisp. Emacs Lisp, like Common Lisp, is "dirty and low-down"; it is not Scheme.
Dynamic and lexical scoping have different behaviors when a piece of code is used in a different scope than the one it was defined in. In practice, there are two patterns that cover most troublesome cases:
A function shadows a global variable, then calls another function that uses that global variable.
(defvar x 3)
(defun foo ()
(defun bar (x)
(+ (foo) x))
(bar 0) ⇒ 0
This doesn't come up often in Emacs because local variables tend to have short names (often single-word) whereas global variables tend to have long names (often prefixed by packagename-). Many standard functions have names that are tempting to use as local variables like list and point, but functions and variables live in separate name spaces are local functions are not used very often.
A function is defined in one lexical context and used outside this lexical context because it's passed to a higher-order function.
(let ((cl-y 10))
(mapcar* (lambda (elt) (* cl-y elt)) '(1 2 3)))
⇒ (10 20 30)
(let ((cl-x 10))
(mapcar* (lambda (elt) (* cl-x elt)) '(1 2 3)))
⇑ (wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p (1 2 3))
The error is due to the use of cl-x as a variable name in mapcar* (from the cl package). Note that the cl package uses cl- as a prefix even for its local variables in higher-order functions. This works reasonably well in practice, as long as you take care not to use the same variable as a global name and as a local name, and you don't need to write a recursive higher-order function.
P.S. Emacs Lisp's age isn't the only reason why it's dynamically scoped. True, in those days, lisps tended towards dynamic scoping — Scheme and Common Lisp hadn't really taken on yet. But dynamic scoping is also an asset in a language targeted towards extending a system dynamically: it lets you hook into more places without any special effort. With great power comes great rope to hang yourself: you risk accidentally hooking into a place you didn't know about.
The other answers are good at explaining the technical details on how to work with dynamic scoping, so here's my non-technical advice:
Just do it
I've been tinkering with Emacs lisp for 15+ years and don't know that I've ever been bitten by any problems due to the differences between lexical/dynamic scope.
Personally, I've not found the need for closures (I love 'em, just don't need them for Emacs). And, I generally try to avoid global variables in general (whether the scoping was lexical or dynamic).
So I suggest jumping in and writing customizations that suit your needs/desires, chances are you won't have any problems.
I entirely feel your pain. I find the lack of lexical binding in emacs rather annoying - especially not being able to use lexical closures, which seems to be a solution I think of a lot, coming from more modern languages.
While I don't have any more advice on working around the lacking features that the previous answers didn't cover yet, I'd like to point out the existance of an emacs branch called `lexbind', implementing lexical binding in a backward-compatible way. In my experience lexical closures are still a little buggy in some circumstances, but that branch appears to a promising approach.
Just don't.
Emacs-24 lets you use lexical-scope. Just run
(setq lexical-binding t)
or add
;; -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
at the beginning of your file.

Can someone explain the concept of 'hygiene' to me (I'm a scheme programmer)?

So... I'm new to scheme r6rs, and am learning macros. Can somebody explain to me what is meant by 'hygiene'?
Thanks in advance.
Hygiene is often used in the context of macros. A hygienic macro doesn't use variable names that can risk interfering with the code under expansion. Here is an example. Let's say we want to define the or special form with a macro. Intuitively,
(or a b c ... d) would expand to something like (let ((tmp a)) (if tmp a (or b c ... d))). (I am omitting the empty (or) case for simplicity.)
Now, if the name tmp was actually added in the code like in the above sketched expansion, it would be not hygienic, and bad because it might interfere with another variable with the same name. Say, we wanted to evaluate
(let ((tmp 1)) (or #f tmp))
Using our intuitive expansion, this would become
(let ((tmp 1)) (let ((tmp #f)) (if tmp (or tmp)))
The tmp from the macro shadows the outer-most tmp, and so the result is #f instead of 1.
Now, if the macro was hygienic (and in Scheme, it's automatically the case when using syntax-rules), then instead of using the name tmp for the expansion, you would use a symbol that is guaranteed not to appear anywhere else in the code. You can use gensym in Common Lisp.
Paul Graham's On Lisp has advanced material on macros.
If you imagine that a macro is simply expanded into the place where it is used, then you can also imagine that if you use a variable a in your macro, there might already be a variable a defined at the place where that macro is used.
This is not the a that you want!
A macro system in which something like this cannot happen, is called hygienic.
There are several ways to deal with this problem. One way is simply to use very long, very cryptic, very unpredictable variable names in your macros.
A slightly more refined version of this is the gensym approach used by some other macro systems: instead of you, the programmer coming up with a very long, very cryptic, very unpredictable variable name, you can call the gensym function which generates a very long, very cryptic, very unpredictable and unique variable name for you.
And like I said, in a hygienic macro system, such collisions cannot happen in the first place. How to make a macro system hygienic is an interesting question in itself, and the Scheme community has spent several decades on this question, and they keep coming up with better and better ways to do it.
I'm so glad to know that this language is still being used! Hygienic code is code that when injected (via a macro) does not cause conflicts with existing variables.
There is lots of good information on Wikipedia about this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hygienic_macro
Here's what I found. Explaining what it means is another matter altogether!
Macros transform code: they take one bit of code and transform it into something else. As part of that transformation, they may surround that code with more code. If the original code references a variable a, and the code that's added around it defines a new version of a, then the original code won't work as expected because it will be accessing the wrong a: if
(myfunc a)
is the original code, which expects a to be an integer, and the macro takes X and transforms it to
(let ((a nil)) X)
Then the macro will work fine for
(myfunc b)
but (myfunc a) will get transformed to
(let ((a nil)) (myfunc a))
which won't work because myfunc will be applied to nil rather than the integer it is expecting.
A hygienic macro avoids this problem of the wrong variable getting accessed (and a similar problem the other way round), by ensuring that the names used are unique.
Wikipedia has a good explanation of hygienic macros.
Apart from all the things mentioned, there is one important other thing to Scheme's hygienic macros, which follow from the lexical scope.
Say we have:
(syntax-rules () ((_ a b) (+ a b)))
As part of a macro, surely it will insert the +, it will also insert it when there's a + already there, but then another symbol which has the same meaning as +. It binds symbols to the value they had in the lexical environment in which the syntax-rules lies, not where it is applied, we are lexically scoped after all. It will most likely insert a completely new symbol there, but one which is globally bound to the same meaning as + is at the place the macro is defined. This is most handy when we use a construct like:
(let ((+ *))
; piece of code that is transformed
The writer, or user of the macro thus needn't be occupied with ensuring its use goes well.

My first Lisp macro; is it leaky?

I've been working through Practical Common Lisp and as an exercise decided to write a macro to determine if a number is a multiple of another number:
(defmacro multp (value factor)
`(= (rem ,value ,factor) 0))
so that :
(multp 40 10)
evaluates to true whilst
(multp 40 13)
does not
The question is does this macro leak in some way? Also is this "good" Lisp? Is there already an existing function/macro that I could have used?
Siebel gives an extensive rundown (for simple cases anyway) of possible sources of leaks, and there aren't any of those here. Both value and factor are evaluated only once and in order, and rem doesn't have any side effects.
This is not good Lisp though, because there's no reason to use a macro in this case. A function
(defun multp (value factor)
(zerop (rem value factor)))
is identical for all practical purposes. (Note the use of zerop. I think it makes things clearer in this case, but in cases where you need to highlight, that the value you're testing might still be meaningful if it's something other then zero, (= ... 0) might be better)
Your macro looks fine to me. I don't know what a leaky macro is, but yours is pretty straightforward and doesn't require any gensyms. As far as if this is "good" Lisp, my rule of thumb is to use a macro only when a function won't do, and in this case a function can be used in place of your macro. However, if this solution works for you there's no reason not to use it.
Well, in principle, a user could do this:
(flet ((= (&rest args) nil))
(multp 40 10))
which would evaluate to NIL... except that ANSI CL makes it illegal to rebind most standard symbols, including CL:=, so you're on the safe side in this particular case.
In generial, of course, you should be aware of both referential untransparency (capturing identifiers from the context the macro is expanded in) and macro unhygiene (leaking identifiers to expanded code).
No, no symbol introduced in the macro's "lexical closure" is released to the outside.
Note that leaking isn't NECESSARILY a bad thing, even if accidental leaking almost always is. For one project I worked on, I found that a macro similar to this was useful:
(defmacro ana-and (&rest forms)
(loop for form in (reverse forms)
for completion = form then `(let ((it ,form))
(when it
finally (return completion)))
This allowed me to get "short-circuiting" of things needed to be done in sequence, with arguments carried over from previous calls in the sequence (and a failure signalled by returning NIL). The specific context this code is from is for a hand-written parser for a configuration file that has a cobbled-together-enough syntax that writing a proper parser using a parser generator was more work than hand-rolling.