Kubernetes Pod mount first container's content into a second container - kubernetes

I've been searching and every answer seems to be the same example (https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/communicate-containers-same-pod-shared-volume/). In a pod you can create an empty volume, then mount that into two containers and any content written in that mount will be seen on each container. While this is fine my use case is slightly different.
Container A
Container B
Container A has an install of about 4G of data. What I would like to do is mount /opt/content into Container B at /content. This way the 4G of data is accessible to Container B at runtime and I don't have to copy content or specially build Container B.
My question, is this possible. If it is, what would be the proper pod syntax.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: two-containers
restartPolicy: Never
- name: shared-data
emptyDir: {}
- name: nginx-container
image: nginx
- name: shared-data
mountPath: /opt/content
- name: debian-container
image: debian
- name: shared-data
mountPath: /content

From my research and testing the best I can tell is within a POD two containers can not see each others file system. The volume mount will allow each container to have a mount created in the pod to the specified path (as the example shows) and then any items written to it after that point, will be seen on both. This works great for logs and stuff.
In my context, this proves to not be possible and creating this mount, and then having Container A copy the 4G directory to the newly created mount is to time consuming to make this an option.
Best I can tell is the only way to do this is create a Persistent Volume or other similar and mount that in the Container B. This way Container A contents are stored in the Persistent Volume and it can be easily mounted when needed. The only issue with this is the Persistent Volume will have to be setup in every Kube cluster defined which is the pain point.
If any of this is wrong and I just didn't find the right document please correct me. I would love to be able to do this.

Your code example in your question should work. Both are using the same volume and you mount them under different locations in the container.
nginx-container will have the shared-data content in /opt/content and debian-container will have it in /content.
With mountPath you specify where the volume should be mounted in the container

When a container is started, first the container image (or more precisely the layers of an image) are mounted. Afterwards, your custom volumes are mounted, hiding any data from the image at and below the mount path. So sharing data from an image among several containers without copying them is not possible.
The typical solution is and stays to use an init container which downloads or copies the actual data into an ephemeral volume, which then is shared by one or more other containers (https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-pod-initialization/#create-a-pod-that-has-an-init-container).
- name: init
image: <image-containing-the-data-based-on-some-basic-image>
command: ["sh", "-c", "cp -ar /opt/content/* /mnt/target/"]
- name: shared-data
mountPath: /mnt/target
What you actually would need, is a kind of container storage interface (CSI) driver which supports creating volumes from container images. I found two projects which would exactly do that, but none of them states to be ready for production.


Share local directory with Kind Kubernetes Cluster using hostpath

I want to share my non-empty local directory with kind cluster.
Based on answer here: How to reference a local volume in Kind (kubernetes in docker)
I tried few variations of the following:
Kind Cluster yaml:
kind: Cluster
apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4
- role: control-plane
- hostPath: /Users/xyz/documents/k8_automation/data/manual/
containerPath: /host_manual
- containerPort: 30000
hostPort: 10000
Pod yaml:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: manual
serviceAccountName: manual-sa
- name: tools
image: tools:latest
imagePullPolicy: Never
- bash
tty: true
- mountPath: /home/jenkins/agent/data
name: data
- name: data
path: /host_manual
type: Directory
I see that the directory /home/jenkins/agent/data does exist when the pod gets created. However, the folder is empty.
kinds documentation here: https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/docs/user/configuration/#extra-mounts
It should be the case that whatever is in the local machine at hostpath (/Users/xyz/documents/k8_automation/data/manual/) in extraMounts in the cluster yaml be available to the node at containerPath (/host_manual), which then gets mounted at container volume mounthPath (/home/jenkins/agent/data).
I should add that even if I change the hostPath in the cluster yaml file to a non-existent folder, the empty "data" folder still gets mounted in the container, so I think it's the connection from my local to kind cluster that's the issue.
Why am I not getting the contents of /Users/xyz/documents/k8_automation/data/manual/ with it's many files also available at /home/jenkins/agent/data in the container?
How can I fix this?
Any alternatives if there is no fix?
Turns out these yaml configuration was just fine.
The reason the directory was not showing up in the container was related with docker settings. And because "kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container “nodes”", it matters.
It seems docker restricts resource sharing and allows only specific directories to be bind mounted into Docker containers by default. Once I added the specific directory I wanted to show up in the container to the list of directories under Preferences -> Resources -> File sharing, it worked!

Does every container in same pod has independent file system?

Try to share a file between two containers within a pod, I must use volume and create file in mouth path for this volume.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: pod-5
- name: busybox
image: busybox
command: ["sh", "-c", "if [ -f /workdir/foo ]; then sleep 3600; else exit; fi"]
- name: workdir
mountPath: "/workdir"
- name: install
image: busybox
command: ["sh", "-c", "touch /workdir/foo; hostname > /workdir/foo"]
- name: workdir
mountPath: "/workdir"
- name: workdir
emptyDir: {}
If I don't use volume and create a file in init container and try to read it from the other container, it will not work.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: pod-5
- name: busybox
image: busybox
command: ["sh", "-c", "if [ -f /workdir/foo ]; then sleep 3600; else exit; fi"]
- name: install
image: busybox
command: ["sh", "-c", "touch /workdir/foo; hostname > /workdir/foo"]
Why? I thought all containers within a pod should share both network and file system.
Containers within same pod share network namespace and IPC namespace but they have separate mount namespace and filesystem.Hence we use volumes for sharing mounts. To know more about namespaces check the linux namespace doc.
Let’s start by explaining what a Pod is in the first place. A Pod is is the smallest unit that can be deployed and managed by Kubernetes. In other words, if you need to run a single container in Kubernetes, then you need to create a Pod for that container. At the same time, a Pod can contain more than one container, usually because these containers are relatively tightly coupled. How tightly coupled? Well, think of it this way: the containers in a pod represent processes that would have run on the same server in a pre-container world.
Now think of pod as in your local machine where you are trying to run you containers.
Lets say for example you have your two container initcontainer (container 1) and the main container (container 2) running in the same network.They both are running on your local environment.Now if you create a file in one container and expect the file to be present in the other container thats simply not true.The file is present in a different container in its own file system and there is no way other container can have access to it.But to share the file system between two container you can create a volume mount from your local to container 1 and then mount the same path to container 2. Thus both the container can share the file system.
The same thing applies for Pod in kubernetes environment as well.
In Kubernetes, you can use a shared Kubernetes Volume as a simple and efficient way to share data between containers in a Pod. For most cases, it is sufficient to use a directory on the host that is shared with all containers within a Pod

Incomplete tail output from the same file in different containers in Kubernetes emptyDir volume

To test if a file in a emptyDir Volume is synchronized between containers I used tail to observe the same file in two containers, and I stumbled upon the following behavior:
Pod definition:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: fortune
- image: luksa/fortune
name: html-generator
- name: html
mountPath: /var/htdocs
- image: nginx:alpine
name: web-server
- name: html
mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html
readOnly: true
- containerPort: 80
protocol: TCP
- name: html
emptyDir: {}
Example was taken from the book Kubernetes in Action by Marko Luksa. The luksa/fortune image just writes a fortune text to the file /var/htdocs/index.html inside the html-generator container. Every 10 seconds a new file is written in which the content is the output of fortune.
Tailing the same file in both containers outputs sometimes an incomplete response by the web-server container.
Part of the html-generator container output:
kubectl exec -c html-generator -it fortune -- tail -f /var/htdocs/index.html
The very ink with which all history is written is merely fluid prejudice.
-- Mark Twain
Part of the web-server container output
kubectl exec -c web-server -it fortune -- tail -f /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html
h all history is written is merely fluid prejudice.
-- Mark Twain
Question: is this caused by
slow IO speed of the node disk
Kubernetes volume sync logic
something else?
PS.: I also noted that cURLing the web-service pod port while the index.html is being written to causes nginx to return an empty response body.
The issue with incomplete output from the container is caused by nginx alpine used in pod definition.
When you change the image from nginx:alpine to nginx the issue disappears because of different tail binaries used in those images.
Kubernetes volumes sync seems unlikely to cause the issue- as written in emptyDir documentation
By default, emptyDir volumes are stored on whatever medium is
backing the node - that might be disk or SSD or network storage,
depending on your environment.
The partition created by emptyDir is ephemeral and applications cannot expect any performance SLAs (Disk IOPS for example) from this partition so "2. slow IO speed of the node disk" can also cause such issue but based on reproduction and changing image (what seemed to solve the issue) might be excluded.

How to install the JProfiler agent in a Kubernetes container?

What do I have to put into a container to get the agent to run? Just libjprofilerti.so on its own doesn't work, I get
Could not find agent.jar. The agentpath parameter must point to
libjprofilerti.so in an unmodified JProfiler installation.
which sounds like obvious nonsense to me - surely I can't have to install over 137.5 MB of files, 99% of which will be irrelevant, in each container in which I want to profile something?
An approach is to use Init Container.
The idea is to have an image for JProfiler separate from the application's image. Use the JProfiler image for an Init Container; the Init Container copies the JProfiler installation to a volume shared between that Init Container and the other Containers that will be started in the Pod. This way, the JVM can reference at startup time the JProfiler agent from the shared volume.
It goes something like this (more details are in this blog article):
Define a new volume:
- name: jprofiler
emptyDir: {}
Add an Init Container:
- name: jprofiler-init
command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "cp -R /jprofiler/ /tmp/"]
- name: jprofiler
mountPath: "/tmp/jprofiler"
Replace /jprofiler/ above with the correct path to the installation directory in the JProfiler's image. Notice that the copy command will create /tmp/jprofiler directory under which the JProfiler installation will go - that is used as mount path.
Define volume mount:
- name: jprofiler
mountPath: /jprofiler
Add to the JVM startup arguments JProfiler as an agent:
Notice that there isn't a "nowait" argument. That will cause the JVM to block at startup and wait for a JProfiler GUI to connect. The reason is that with this configuration the profiling agent will receive its profiling settings from the JProfiler GUI.
Change the application deployment to start with only one replica. Alternatively, start with zero replicas and scale to one when ready to start profiling.
To connect from the JProfiler's GUI to the remote JVM:
Find out the name of the pod (e.g. kubectl -n <namespace> get pods) and set up port forwarding to it:
kubectl -n <namespace> <pod-name> port-forward 8849:8849
Start JProfiler up locally and point it to, port 8849.
Change the local port 8849 (the number to the left of :) if it isn't available; then, point JProfiler to that different port.
Looks like you are missing the general concept here.
It's nicely explained why to use containers in the official documentation.
The New Way is to deploy containers based on operating-system-level virtualization rather than hardware virtualization. These containers are isolated from each other and from the host: they have their own filesystems, they can’t see each others’ processes, and their computational resource usage can be bounded. They are easier to build than VMs, and because they are decoupled from the underlying infrastructure and from the host filesystem, they are portable across clouds and OS distributions.
Of course you don't need to install the libraries on each containers separately.
Kubernetes is using Volumes to share files between Containers.
So you can create a local type of Volume with JProfiles libs inside.
A local volume represents a mounted local storage device such as a disk, partition or directory.
You also need to keep in mind that if you share the Volume between Pods, those Pods will not know about JProfiles libs being attached. You will need to configure the Pod with correct environment variables/files through the use of Secrets or ConfigMaps.
You can configure your Pod to pull values from a Secret:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
context: docker-k8s-lab
name: jp-pod
name: jp-pod
- image: k8s.gcr.io/busybox
name: jp
name: jp-secret
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: jp-secret
type: Opaque
I hope this helps you.

Kubernetes - setting custom permissions/file ownership per volume (and not per pod)

Is there any way to set per-volume permissions/ownership in Kubernetes declaratively?
a pod is composed of two containers, running as two distinct users/groups, both of them non-root, and are unable to sudo
the containers mount a volume each, and need to create files in these volumes (e.g. both of them want to write logs)
We know that we can use fsGroup, however that is a pod-level declaration. So even if we pick fsGroup equal to user in first container, then we are going to have permission issues in the other one. (ref: Kubernetes: how to set VolumeMount user group and file permissions)
One solution is to use init-container to change permissions of mounted directories.
The init-container would need to mount both volumes (from both containers), and do the needed chown/chmod operations.
extra container that needs to be aware of other containers' specific (ie. uid/gid)
init container needs to run as root to perform chown
It can be done with adding one init container with root access.
- name: changeowner
image: busybox
command: ["sh", "-c", "chown -R 200:200 /<volume>"]
- name: <your volume>
mountPath: /<volume>