Program stalls on "DEBUG Starting new HTTPS connection (1):" only when executed via cron - docker-compose

I'm using the python-O365 library in order to access my O365 mailbox. The project requires me to execute the program in a docker container. If I start the program manually (as root), everything works fine, but if I try to start it via cron, it stalls on DEBUG Starting new HTTPS connection (1):, which I found out after activating logging.
The minimal code example that reproduces the error (with log):
import O365
from utils.credentials import get_credentials
import logging # We want to get additional information
format='%(levelname)s %(message)s', # %(asctime)s %(pathname)s %(lineno)d
filename = "o365_token.txt"
token_backend = O365.FileSystemTokenBackend(token_path = filename)
account = O365.Account(get_credentials(), token_backend=token_backend)
inbox = account.mailbox().inbox_folder()
messages = inbox.get_messages()
for message in messages:"finished")
To start it via cron, I used the following command:
echo "15 21 * * * bash /workspace/ >> /workspace/cronlogs/logs_daemon_mail.log" | crontab. If I start the program manually, the log continues like this:
DEBUG Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
DEBUG "GET /v1.0/me/mailFolders/Inbox/messages?%24top=100&%24filter=isRead+eq+false HTTP/1.1" 200 None
DEBUG Received response (200) from URL
If the program is started via cron, sometimes the log continues like this:
DEBUG Incremented Retry for (url='/common/oauth2/v2.0/token'): Retry(total=2, connect=3, read=3, redirect=None, status=None)
WARNING Retrying (Retry(total=2, connect=3, read=3, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'SSLError(SSLEOFError(8, 'EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:1131)'))': /common/oauth2/v2.0/token
In order to resolve the issue, I added my proxy by using account = Account(credentials, token_backend=token_backend, proxy_server=""). It's strange, that I would have to add it, for the container is already configured to use this proxy. When I tried it with this setting, I encountered the same issue, only that the log when started with cron was continued always and much faster.
Since I think, that cron simply starts the program and does not meddle with the connections, it doesn't make sense to me, that I get different outcomes by starting it manually or with cron.


weblogic fail to start: Address already in use error

I have a test application that I created to start learn weblogic with Eclipse .
yesterday the jsp page was working well when I run as / on server , I got the basic page that I created .
but today I have an error message :
FATAL ERROR in native method: JDWP No transports initialized, jvmtiError=AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_INIT(197)
ERROR: transport error 202: bind failed: Address already in use
ERROR: JDWP Transport dt_socket failed to initialize, TRANSPORT_INIT(510)
JDWP exit error AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_INIT(197): No transports initialized [../../../src/share/back/debugInit.c:750]
in the browser I got this :
Error 404--Not Found
From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
10.4.5 404 Not Found
The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent.
and an other time I got this on console :
weblogic.application.ModuleException: null
at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.createModuleException(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.init(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.init(
at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ScopedModuleDriver.init(
at weblogic.application.internal.ExtensibleModuleWrapper.init(
Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
can you explain to me what I miss , when I start the server it has the status started . thank you I can add any information .
The most probable cause is server running in debug mode and having the same debug port as an existing server on same machine.
If you have multiple domains configured for each domain running in development mode on the same machine make sure DEBUG_PORT in the setDomainEnv script has different values.
If you have multiple managed servers on the same domain and same machine, create a separate startManagedWeblogic script to start your managed servers and set the Debug Port in that script.
If you use Node Manager to start your managed servers, make sure you have the following lines set in your file, otherwise won't be executed:
This way, if you start the Managed Server via the Admin Console, will get called.
Then, you can modify the WebLogic domain script to set the proper DEBUG_PORT value according to the server name that needs to be started:
Use your favourite editor to change the file
You should find the following lines already :
if [ "${SERVER_NAME}" = "" ] ; then
The same way, you can add :
if [ "${SERVER_NAME}" = "ManagedServer1" ] ; then
if [ "${SERVER_NAME}" = "ManagedServer2" ] ; then

FTPD Server Issue

So I am trying to use my xampp server and for the life of me can't understand why my ProFTPD will not turn on. It only became cause for concern when I saw the word "bogon" in the application log. Can anyone translate to me what the application log means and maybe how I go about troubleshooting the problem ?
Stopping all servers...
Stopping Apache Web Server...
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/apache2/scripts/ : httpd stopped
Stopping MySQL Database...
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/mysql/scripts/ : mysql stopped
Starting ProFTPD...
Exit code: 8
Checking syntax of configuration file
proftpd config test fails, aborting
bogon proftpd[3948]: warning: unable to determine IP address of 'bogon'
bogon proftpd[3948]: error: no valid servers configured
bogon proftpd[3948]: Fatal: error processing configuration file '/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/etc/proftpd.conf'

Debugging a crashing language server

I apologize if I'm a bit low on details here, but the main issue is actually trying to find the problem with my code. I'm updating an older extension of my own that was based on the Language Server example ( I've run into an issue where when I run the client part of my code using F5, and the debug window fires, I get:
The CSSLint Language Client server crashed 5 times in the last 3 minutes. The server will not be restarted.
Ok... so... here's the thing. The problems view in my extension client code shows nothing. DevTools for that Code window shows nothing.
The problems view for my server code shows nothing. DevTools, ditto.
For the Extension Developer Host instance, DevTools does show this:
messageService.ts:126 The CSSLint Language Client server crashed 5 times in the last 3 minutes. The server will not be restarted.e.doShow # messageService.ts:126
But I can't dig into the details to find a bug. So the question is - assuming that my server code is failing, where exactly would the errors be available?
Here is what I usually do to track server crashes down (I assume your server is written in JavaScript / TypeScript).
Use the following server options:
let serverModule = "path to your server"
let debugOptions = { execArgv: ["--nolazy", "--debug=6009"] };
let serverOptions = {
run: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc },
debug: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc, options: debugOptions}
Key here is to use the TransportKind.ipc. Errors that happen in the server and printed to stdio will then show in the output channel associated to your server (the name of the output channel is the name passed to the LanguageClient)
If you want to debug the server startup / initialize sequence you can change the debugOptions to:
let debugOptions = { execArgv: ["--nolazy", "--debug-brk=6009"] };
If the extension is started in debug mode (e.g. for example launched from VS Code using F5) then the LanguageClient automatically starts the server in debug mode. If the extension is started normally (for example as a real extension in VS Code) then the server is started normally as well.
To make this all work you need a latest version of the LSP node npm module both for server can client (e.g. 2.6.x)


I have been working with HFC SDK for Node.js and it used to work, but since last night I am having some problems.
When running helloblockchain.js only few times works, most time I get this error when it tries to enroll a new user:
E0113 11:56:05.983919636 5288 handshake.c:128] Security handshake failed: {"created":"#1484304965.983872199","description":"Handshake read failed","file":"../src/core/lib/security/transport/handshake.c","file_line":237,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"#1484304965.983866102","description":"FD shutdown","file":"../src/core/lib/iomgr/ev_epoll_linux.c","file_line":948}]}
Error: Failed to register and enroll JohnDoe: Error
Other times, the enroll works and the failure appears deploying the chaincode:
Enrolled and registered JohnDoe successfully
Deploying chaincode ...
E0113 12:14:27.341527043 5455 handshake.c:128] Security handshake failed: {"created":"#1484306067.341430168","description":"Handshake read failed","file":"../src/core/lib/security/transport/handshake.c","file_line":237,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"#1484306067.341421859","description":"FD shutdown","file":"../src/core/lib/iomgr/ev_epoll_linux.c","file_line":948}]}
Failed to deploy chaincode: request={"fcn":"init","args":["a","100","b","200"],"chaincodePath":"chaincode","certificatePath":"/certs/peer/cert.pem"}, error={"error":{"code":14,"metadata":{"_internal_repr":{}}},"msg":"Error"}
Enrolled and registered JohnDoe successfully
Deploying chaincode ...
E0113 12:15:27.448867739 5483 handshake.c:128] Security handshake failed: {"created":"#1484306127.448692244","description":"Handshake read failed","file":"../src/core/lib/security/transport/handshake.c","file_line":237,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"#1484306127.448668047","description":"FD shutdown","file":"../src/core/lib/iomgr/ev_epoll_linux.c","file_line":948}]}
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
at ClientDuplexStream._emitStatusIfDone (/usr/lib/node_modules/hfc/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:189:19)
at ClientDuplexStream._readsDone (/usr/lib/node_modules/hfc/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:158:8)
at readCallback (/usr/lib/node_modules/hfc/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:217:12)
E0113 12:15:27.563487641 5483 handshake.c:128] Security handshake failed: {"created":"#1484306127.563437122","description":"Handshake read failed","file":"../src/core/lib/security/transport/handshake.c","file_line":237,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"#1484306127.563429661","description":"FD shutdown","file":"../src/core/lib/iomgr/ev_epoll_linux.c","file_line":948}]}
This code worked yesterday, so I don't know what could be happening.
Does anybody know how can I fix it?
These types of intermittent issues are usually related to GRPC. An initial suggestion is to ensure that you are using at least GRPC version 1.0.0.
If you are using a Mac, then the maximum number of open file descriptors should be checked (using ulimit -n). Sometimes this is initially set to a low value such as 256, so increasing the value could help.
There are a couple of GRPC issues with similar symptoms.
There is a grpc.initial_reconnect_backoff_ms property that is mentioned in some of these issues. Increasing the value past the 1000 ms level might help reduce the frequency of issues. Below are instructions for how the helloblockchain.js file can be modified to set this property to a higher value.
Open the helloblockchain.js file in the Hyperledger Fabric Client example and find the enrollAndRegisterUsers function.
Add “grpc.initial_reconnect_backoff_ms": 5000 to the setMemberServicesUrl call.
chain.setMemberServicesUrl(ca_url, {
pem: cert, "grpc.initial_reconnect_backoff_ms": 5000
Add “grpc.initial_reconnect_backoff_ms": 5000 to the addPeer call.
chain.addPeer("grpcs://" + peers[i].discovery_host + ":" + peers[i].discovery_port,
{pem: cert, "grpc.initial_reconnect_backoff_ms": 5000
Note that setting the grpc.initial_reconnect_backoff_ms property may reduce the frequency of issues, but it will not necessarily eliminate all issues.
The connection to the eventhub that is made in the helloblockchain.js file can also be a factor. There is an earlier version of the Hyperledger Fabric Client that does not utilize the eventhub. This earlier version could be tried to determine if this makes a difference. After running git clone, run git checkout b7d5195 to use this prior level. Before running node helloblockchain.js from a Node.js command window, the git status command can be used to check the code level that is being used.

wsadmin script timing out when executing against DMGR via SOAP

I'm attempting to start and stop an application on a single JVM via the wsadmin console since the Web UI for IBM BPM PS Adv. doesn't allow for that kind of operation. So, I have the following script:
and when I run it against the DMGR from the Cell Host, I receive the following errors.
[wasadmin#server01 ~]$ cat /usr/local/bin/
/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ -lang jython -user serviceAccount -password password $*
[wasadmin#cessoapscrt00 ~]$ time -f /opt/IBM/wsadmin/ WPS00 CRT00WPS01 redirectResource_war
WASX7209I: Connected to process "dmgr" on node CRTDMGR using SOAP connector; The type of process is: DeploymentManager
WASX7303I: The following options are passed to the scripting environment and are available as arguments that are stored in the argv variable: "[WPS00, CRT00WPS01, redirectResource_war]"
WASX7017E: Exception received while running file "/opt/IBM/wsadmin/"; exception information:
org.apache.soap.SOAPException: [SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client; msg=Read timed out; Read timed out]
real 3m21.275s
user 0m17.411s
sys 0m0.796s
So, I'm not specifying the connection types, and using the default, which is SOAP. However, upon reading about the other Connection Types, none of them seem any better, but I attribute that to IBM Documentation vagueness. Is there an option to increase the timeout wait periods, or turn it off, or is there a better connection type?
Also running this directly on the wsadmin console, it seems that it is hanging up on gathering the application manager string.
[wasadmin#server01 ~]$
WASX7209I: Connected to process "dmgr" on node CRTDMGR using SOAP connector; The type of process is: DeploymentManager WASX7031I: For help, enter: "print"
wsadmin>appManager = AdminControl.queryNames('cell=CRTCELL,node=WPS00,type=ApplicatoinManager,process=CRT00WPS01,*')
WASX7015E: Exception running command: "appManager = AdminControl.queryNames('cell=CRTCELL,node=WPS00,type=ApplicationManager,process=CRT00WPS01,*')"; exception information:
org.apache.soap.SOAPException: [SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client; msg=Read timed out; Read timed out]
You can increase timeout value in {profile}/properties/soap.client.props
If you want to turn off timeout, modify
Or if you want longer timeout you can modify the value 180 to something else.
Also about your query command, I noticed that you have a typo on the MBean type, you had type=ApplicatoinManager, it should be type=ApplicationManager
HERE YOU GO -- I had the same issue. I want to override the timeout prop temporarily. This worked like a champ. Make sure you follow below steps exactly.I did some mistakes and the prop did not passed, I figured out and it works.
Copy the soap.client.props file from /properties and give it a new name such as mysoap.client.props.
Edit mysoap.client.props and update the value of as required
Create a new Java properties file soap_override.props and enter the following line:
Pass soap_override.props into wsadmin using the -p option: wsadmin -p soap_override.props...