How to send Signature (r,s,v) to smart contract external function? - hash

I need to execute an external function at a deployed smart contract. This function receives a "Signature" struct as a parameter.
struct Signature {
uint8 v;
bytes32 r;
bytes32 s;
I've checked at
, the following code:
const Web3 = require('web3')
const provider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8545')
const web3 = new Web3(provider)
function toHex(str) {
var hex = ''
for(var i=0;i<str.length;i++) {
hex += ''+str.charCodeAt(i).toString(16)
return hex
let addr = web3.eth.accounts[0]
let msg = 'I really did make this message'
let signature = web3.eth.sign(addr, '0x' + toHex(msg))
What should we set at "msg" in this case to call the function?

The article you shared is about verifying the account which does the transaction:
Signing is a nice way to know something is being done by the correct
person/contract. This means we can trust that someone is actually
doing what they say they are.
Especially in NFT marketplaces before you upload metadata or images you are required to verify that your metamask account will the one who really does the transactions. To verify you just sign a message on the front-end and sent this signed message to the server. This msg can be anything, its value is not important, its signature is important. Once you receive the msg, you can verify it. I will show you the verification process, so you will extract the v,r,s and then pass them to your contract function if the verification process is successful. You should be also building the contract on the server as well.
import * as util from "ethereumjs-util";
import { ethers } from "ethers";
// you could send this with session as well
const message = req.body.message;
// getting contract on serverside. I am setting with ganache
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(
// import your abi and deployed smart contract address
const contract = new ethers.Contract(
// ****** Verification Process Starts ********
// we need to get the unsigned message
// nonce is the representation of something that we are going to sign
let nonce: string | Buffer =
"\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n" +
JSON.stringify(message).length +
// create a new buffer
nonce = util.keccak(Buffer.from(nonce, "utf-8"));
// signature: signedData, from signature we will get the address
const { v, r, s } = util.fromRpcSig(req.body.signature);
// matching signature with the unsigned message
const pubKey = util.ecrecover(util.toBuffer(nonce), v, r, s);
const addressBuffer = util.pubToAddress(pubKey);
const address = util.bufferToHex(addressBuffer);
if (address === req.body.address) {
// here call your contract external address passing "v,r,s"
} else {
reject("Validation Failed");


Wrap JWS in another JWS

I have a JWT which is created by a source server. Before the JWT goes to the destination server it passes through another intermediate service which verifies, adds some extra data and signs. I need the destination to verify it came from both services and obtain the extra_data
I was thinking the final JWT will look like the following
const token = JWT({
sub: 'ey....,
extra_data: 123,
and the code I will use to verify and get data would look like:
const { sub, extra_data } = jwt.verify(token, publicKeyIntermediate);
const { data } = jwt.verify(sub, publicKeySource);
const finalPayload = {
Is this the correct way to deal with this situation?

Unable to verify message signed by sol-wallet-adapter

Having created a signed message I'm unsure how to use the resulting signature to verify the message using the publicKey.
My use case is, I'm wanting to use a Solana Wallet to login to an API server with a pattern like:
GET message: String (from API server)
sign message with privateKey
POST signature (to API server)
verify signature with stored publicKey
I've attempted to use nodeJS crypto.verify to decode the signed message on the API side but am a bit out of my depth digging into Buffers and elliptic curves:
// Front-end code
const toHexString = (buffer: Buffer) =>
buffer.reduce((str, byte) => str + byte.toString(16).padStart(2, "0"), "");
const data = new TextEncoder().encode('message to verify');
const signed = await wallet.sign(data, "hex");
await setLogin({ // sends API post call to backend
variables: {
publicAddress: walletPublicKey,
signature: toHexString(signed.signature),
// Current WIP for backend code
const ALGORITHM = "ed25519";
const fromHexString = (hexString) =>
new Uint8Array(hexString.match(/.{1,2}/g).map((byte) => parseInt(byte, 16)));
const signature = fromHexString(args.signature);
const nonceUint8 = new TextEncoder().encode('message to verify');
const verified = crypto.verify(
`-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n${user.publicAddress}\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----`,
console.log("isVerified: ", verified);
I'm pretty sure I'm going about this the wrong way and there must be an obvious method I'm missing.
As the space matures I expect a verify function or lib will appear to to consume the output of const signed = await wallet.sign(data, "hex");
Something like:
import { VerifyMessage } from '#solana/web3.js';
const verified = VerifyMessage(message, publicKey, signature, 'hex');
But after 3 days of pushing hard I'm starting to hit my limits and my brain is failing. Any help or direction where to look much appreciated 🙏
Solved with input from the fantastic Project Serum discord devs. High level solution is to use libs that are also used in the sol-wallet-adapter repo, namely tweetnacl and bs58:
const signatureUint8 = base58.decode(args.signature);
const nonceUint8 = new TextEncoder().encode(user?.nonce);
const pubKeyUint8 = base58.decode(user?.publicAddress);
nacl.sign.detached.verify(nonceUint8, signatureUint8, pubKeyUint8)
// true
I recommend staying in solana-labs trail and use tweetnacl
spl-token-wallet ( signs an arbitrary message with
nacl.sign.detached(message, this.account.secretKey)
on the other end, verify is done with
in #solana/web3.js
Use nacl.sign.detached.verify in your backend and you should be good. I also recommend avoiding any data format manipulation, I am not sure what you were trying to do but if you do verify that each step is correct.
For iOS, solana.request will cause error. Use solana.signMessage and base58 encode the signature.
var _signature = '';
try {
signedMessage = await window.solana.request({
method: "signMessage",
params: {
message: encodedMessage
_signature = signedMessage.signature;
} catch (e) {
try {
signedMessage = await window.solana.signMessage(encodedMessage);
_signature = base58.encode(signedMessage.signature);
} catch (e1) {
try {
publicKey: signedMessage.publicKey,
signature: _signature,
callbackUrl: `${window.location.origin}/`
} catch (e) {
I needed to convert Uint8Array to string and convert it back to Uint8Array for HTTP communication. I found the toLocaleString method of Uint8Array helpful in this case. It outputs comma-separated integers as a string.
const signedMessage = await window.solana.signMessage(encodedMessage, "utf8");
const signature = signedMessage.signature.toLocaleString();
And then you can convert it back to Uint8Array with the following code.
const signatureUint8 = new Uint8Array(signature.split(",").map(Number));
The solution above was working on the desktop but when I tried my code inside the Phantom wallet iOS browser it gave an error. I guess the toLocaleString method is not available in that browser. I found a more solid solution to convert Uint8Array to a comma-separated string
Array.apply([], signedMessage.signature).join(",")
Signing and base64 encode:
const data = new TextEncoder().encode(message);
const signature = await wallet.signMessage(data); // Uint8Array
const signatureBase64 = Buffer.from(signature).toString('base64')
Base64 decode and verifying:
const signatureUint8 = new Uint8Array(atob(signature).split('').map(c => c.charCodeAt(0)))
const messageUint8 = new TextEncoder().encode(message)
const pubKeyUint8 = wallet.publicKey.toBytes() // base58.decode(publicKeyAsString)
const result = nacl.sign.detached.verify(messageUint8, signatureUint8, pubKeyUint8) // true or false
Full code example:

jsonwebtoken package fails to verify user Office.context.mailbox.getUserIdentityToken result

I'm developing an Outlook web add-in.
I'm trying to verify a token that I'm passing to server side, through a node.js library, but it's failing and I can't understand why.
This is what I'm doing to retrieve the user identity token.
Office.context.mailbox.getUserIdentityTokenAsync(function(result) {
result.value // contains the token.
// send this value to server side, which I can see that it's working.
On the server side, I retrieve the token and do below:
token; // contains the token passed from the web-app.
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
const request = require('request');
let decoded = jwt.decode(token, {complete: true});
// Get the key, we'll need this later since we'll have to
// find the matching key from the config file.
let key = decoded.header.x5t;
let amurl = JSON.parse(decoded.payload.appctx).amurl;
// Make a request to the url to get the configuration json file.
request(amurl, {}, (err, response, body) => {
let keys = JSON.parse(body).keys;
// Filter the keys so we get the one which we can verify.
let s = keys.filter(t => t.keyinfo.x5t === key);
let cert = s[0].keyvalue.value;
// Fails the verification.
console.log(jwt.verify(token, cert));
Just to clarify, I'm retrieving the token correctly and this npm package seems to be functioning fine for other jwt tokens. (So it's not really a configuration issue)
I have now found the answer to this question.
Just to re-iterate the problem was:
Office.context.mailbox.getUserIdentityToken method returns a jwt token.
When decoded this token contains an amurl field which points to the public certificate as a text.
When jsonwebtoken.verify(token, certText) is called, it's failing with the message invalid algorithm (even if you specify the algorithm from the token's header)
The problem was the formatting of the certificate text. jsonwebtoken package was looking for a particular formatting (splitted with 64 characters across each line along with the certificate begin and certificate end lines, so when formatted with method below - it started working properly.
The original code is taken from here: and formatted slightly to fit the needs.
* #param {string} key - The certificate value retrieved from amurl property.
formatKey: function(key) {
const beginKey = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----";
const endKey = "-----END CERTIFICATE-----";
const sanitizedKey = key.replace(beginKey, '').replace(endKey, '').replace('\n', '')
const keyArray = sanitizedKey.split('').map((l, i) => {
const position = i + 1
const isLastCharacter = sanitizedKey.length === position
if(position % 64 === 0 || isLastCharacter) {
return l + '\n'
return l
return `${beginKey}\n${keyArray.join('')}${endKey}\n`

Integrating with PayPal with no web site

I was thinking about integration in the background without any website other than the payment page as part of a desktop application in c++.
Would it be possible to following the following scenario:
1. Generate the invoice / sale and via REST API obtain some sort of unique ID for the transaction to come.
2. Redirect to Paypal web site to a ad-hoc payment page, using the unique ID.
3. In the background, check every few minutes, via REST API, if the payment was made.
We finally found a way, which is why I publish this answer along with some code (a POC) we have developed. This is a POC for a built-in payment processing engine which allows you to accept payments from any credit card holder (regardless of being a PayPal customer) and pay for unlocking a software product or for specific features.
To process payments you need to apply as a PayPal developer and obtain your own PayPal credentials. You will then receive 2 sets of credentials. One for tests ("sandbox") and the other for real life.
First you can use the Sandbox to test the API
Void InitPayPal(BOOL Sandbox, LPTSTR User, LPTSTR password, LPTSTR signature, LPTSTR successUrl, LPTSTR failedURL)
Sandbox – indicates whether you are testing your integration using PayPal's Sandbox account, or going live.
User – your PayPal user name
Password – your PayPal password
Signature – you PayPal signature
successUrl – a url leading to a web page which you wish to be shown after successful payment.
failedURL – a url leading to a web page which you wish to be shown after failed / cancalled payment.
This function is straight forward:
void InitPayPal(BOOL Sandbox, LPTSTR User, LPTSTR password, LPTSTR signature, LPTSTR successUrl, LPTSTR failedURL, LPWSTR ProductName)
m_sandbox = Sandbox;
m_user = User;
m_password = password;
m_signature = signature;
m_SuccessURL = successUrl;
m_FailureURL = failedURL;
m_ProductName = ProductName;
CUR_CHAR = L"$";
g_tPayStart = CTime(st);
InitilizedPaypal = TRUE;
Initiating a payment
When you wish to initiate a payment from your program, you call the following function which I wrote which generally build a string (ExpChkoutStr) and use the following PayPal API call:
// Send string to PayPal server
WinHttpClient WinClient1(ExpChkoutStr.GetBuffer());
httpResponseContent1 = WinClient1.GetResponseContent();
CString strTransactionRet = UrlDecode(httpResponseContent1.c_str());
The WinHTTP class was developed by Cheng Shi.
The Express Checkout String (ExpChkoutStr) is generated by another function which uses the member variables' values and the transaction details into a single string:
CString result;
result += Q_USER;
result += m_user;
result += AND_PASSWORD;
result += m_password;
result += AND_SIGNATURE;
result += m_signature;
result += strAmount;
result += L"&METHOD=SetExpressCheckout";
result += AND_RETURN_URL;
result += m_SuccessURL;
result += AND_CANCEL_URL;
result += m_FailureURL;
result += AND_VERSION;
result += L"&NOSHIPPING=1";
result += L"&ADDROVERRIDE=0&BRANDNAME=Secured Globe, Inc.";
result += L"Item name: " + strUnits + L"(" + UnitName + L") ";
result += L"Price: " + strAmount;
result += L"&NOTETOBUYER=Here you can add a note to the buyer";
The result from the PayPal server is a "token" used to figure out a one-time web page (LinkToOpen ) that must be opened in order for the end user to confirm the purchase:
// Extract token from response
CString sToken = ExtractElement(strTransactionRet, L"TOKEN");
if (sToken == L"")
wprintf(L"Internal error: (Paypal): no token was generated (%s)", strTransactionRet);
MessageBox(NULL, L"Internal payment processing error", L"", MB_OK);
return FALSE;
LinkToOpen += L"&token=";
LinkToOpen += sToken;
We then programatically open this one-time web page using the default web browser:
ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
si.cb = sizeof(si);
ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi));
CString command_line;
command_line.Format(L"cmd.exe /c start \"link\" \"%s\" ", LinkToOpen);
// LinkToOpen
if (!CreateProcess(NULL, // No module name (use command line)
NULL, // Process handle not inheritable
NULL, // Thread handle not inhberitable
FALSE, // Set handle inheritance to FALSE
NULL, // Use parent's environment block
NULL, // Use parent's starting directory
&si, // Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure
&pi) // Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure
wprintf(L"CreateProcess failed (%d).\n", GetLastError());
// At this stage you would want to mark this transaction as "failed"
return FALSE;
Then the rest is to maintain a small database of all pending transactions and follow up each of them until it is either succeed, failed, cancelled or if a timeout has passed.
To extract elements from the PayPal server response, we wrote this small function:
CString ExtractElement(CString EntireString, CString ElementName)
CString result = L"";
CString WhatToFind = ElementName + L"=";
int foundToken = EntireString.Find(WhatToFind);
if (foundToken > -1)
int EndToken = EntireString.Find(L"&", foundToken);
if (EndToken != -1)
result = EntireString.Mid(foundToken + ElementName.GetLength()+1, EndToken - foundToken - ElementName.GetLength()-1);
return result;

GCM Cloud Connection Server doesn't respond to SASL on XMPP

Using agsXMPP to connect to Google Cloud Messaging XMPP API for the purpose of sending notification to Android devices.
The connection is established OK, but on SASL start, after sending the PLAIN auth element, the server stops responding, and closes the connection after a further 20 seconds.
Base64 decoding the auth example from the documentation page ( shows login values of:
Where as agsXMPP is (correctly I think) encoding the string, to give something like:
Note the \40 in my version instead of the # in the Google example - could this make a difference?
I'm expecting either a success or failure message, no response at all is difficult to debug. Could this at character be responsible for some failure, or does Google's implementation of XMPP just not provide the correct responses.
I answered below, essentially, yes, Google can't handled the encoded # character because it doesn't support that XMPP extension.
After some more testing, I added a new SaslFactory mechanism in agsXMPP and bound it to use the username without encoding (part of extension, which Google doesn't support), and then on SaslStartEvent - specify that I want to use that mechanism instead of the inbuilt plain one. - and now the connection will continue normally.
xmpp = new XmppClientConnection();
xmpp.UseSSL = true;
xmpp.UseStartTLS = false;
xmpp.Server = "";
xmpp.ConnectServer = "";
xmpp.Port = 5235;
/* Other connection settings /*
SaslFactory.AddMechanism("MyPLAINMechanism", typeof(MyPlainMechanismClass));
xmpp.OnSaslStart += (sender, args) =>
args.Auto = false;
args.Mechanism = "MyPLAINMechanism";
args.ExtentedData = new GcmPlainSaslExtendedData
Then we define the MyPlainMechanismClass which inherits from the Mechanism in agsXMPP, the source code is the same as the original PlainSaslMechanism except the line where the username is input - you can pass in an unencoded username using the ExtendedData property on args.
public class MyPlainMechanismClass: Mechanism
private XmppClientConnection m_XmppClient = null;
public GcmPlainSaslMechanism()
public override void Init(XmppClientConnection con)
m_XmppClient = con;
// <auth mechanism="PLAIN" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">$Message</auth>
m_XmppClient.Send(new agsXMPP.protocol.sasl.Auth(agsXMPP.protocol.sasl.MechanismType.PLAIN, Message()));
public override void Parse(Node e)
// not needed here in PLAIN mechanism
private string Message()
// NULL Username NULL Password
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
//sb.Append( (char) 0 );
sb.Append(((GcmPlainSaslExtendedData) this.ExtentedData).Username);
byte[] msg = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sb.ToString());
return Convert.ToBase64String(msg, 0, msg.Length);
Our custom ExtendedData object which we use to pass in custom arguments, such as an unencoded username in this case.
public class GcmPlainSaslExtendedData : agsXMPP.Sasl.ExtendedData
public string Username { get; set; }