Email conversation or threading - email

If A send a mail to B,C, reply for that mail from B is correctly mapped to the mail that is sent by A. How the mapping of reply and reply all is done internally? If Retrieval of the mail from inbox and sent items is stored separately in two different tables. How a reply for that mail can be mapped separately?
If message id for the mail generated is used for mapping, how it is internally done?
Whether retrieval of message id for inbound email can be done and stored in the table?

RFC 5322 explains how the header fields Message-ID, In-Reply-To, and References are used for the purpose of conversation threading. I don't know the implementation details of various mail clients, but maybe you can rephrase your question if some aspects are not clear yet.


How do email threads/chains work, and how do I ensure sending two emails separately will be merged together in a thread in the users email client?

I'm using AWS SES to send emails to customers. I want to send an initial email to confirm an action they've made on my website, and then send subsequent emails to that same email address to notify of any subsequent activity on that initial action.
Different email clients appear to implement this behaviour differently, and I've read about the thread-index header here, but that doesn't cover all clients.
Is there a standard way to mark that an email belongs to the thread of a previously sent email?
When adding the References Header to Emails, you can add message-ids of previously sent emails in order to create email threads.
Of course it's again a topic of the client to fulfill this feature, but it should be supported by major email clients.
Heres an old blogpost about that. (considering that email is also old, it should be fine ;) )

How to uniquely identify email reply?

I am building a ticketing system where users can raise a support ticket and agents can reply to the particular ticket and when the agent replied to a particular ticket I will send the reply to respective user email (email service using SendGrid).
My question is when the user replied to the agent email I will fetch that email with SendGrid inbound parser but I am stuck that how to uniquely identify for which ticket user has replied. I have two ideas attaching JWT in the header or unique email address resemble ticket id ( but I don't what will work
You could send a custom Message-ID Header (RFC 2392) with your E-Mail. Responses to your E-Mail should then contain a References and/or In-Reply-To header containing the Message-ID of the E-Mail that was answered.
Edit: Just tested it with Zendesk and Zammad. They both seem to identify responses in that way.
You mention having a unique email address, not unlike a VERP (Variable Envelope Return Path) address. VERP is most pertinent if it's dealing with bounces, since it refers to the address used for the SMTP MAIL FROM:,
in particular it is helpful to identify which emails bounce - the email likely never arrives in a mailbox at the remote end. Note that the address used during the SMTP conversation like this will be recorded at the top of the received email with a 'Return-Path:' header.
Assuming an email doesn't bounce then how to ensure an email with a recognisable identifier comes back:
MysteriousPerson's custom Message-ID: header suggestion is excellent; also specify a VERP address in a Reply-To: header - so one or both of the identifiers you put there should be found in the reply to decode which ticket/user the original message was sent to. You have the choice of using the same VERP address in the From: header or something more human-friendly, depending on what you want the recipient to see. Since Reply-To: is specified, client software will use that for replies.
The main RFCs on SMTP and message format are likely to be helpful if you're not already aware of them.

Can I Use Postmark to Create Threaded Replies?

Like many web apps, we use Postmark to send all notifications for server side events. Many of our events are grouped and related by something simple and logical (think multiple replies to the same issue, like in GitHub).
Right now, every email sent for these related events is it's own email thread. My question is: how do I send these emails so that related ones get pushed into the same thread?
I'm not sure if this is something at the Postmark level (like include a previous message ID) or if this is something I do with SMTP (like I should format my subject better and inline previous responses), so that's why I'm seeking guidance. Also, every Google search about: "Postmark email threads" returns concerns over the thread safety of the Ruby Gem.
For more information, the app is written in PHP and right now we are znarkus/postmark-php for sending emails and jjaffeux/postmark-inbound-php for parsing inbound ones. However, I am more than willing to add any extra packages if they help me in my quest.
Thanks in advance!
You can add a few SMTP headers with the original Message-ID that most clients use to link together replies. If the original email had a Message-ID header of <> the new email you send out should keep the subject line the same and add headers of:
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
And that should inform clients that the two emails should be threaded.
The value for these headers should be the SMTP Message-ID header, which is slightly confusing because it is a separate concept from the Postmark MessageID value, which is just a UUID for the email.
The SMTP Message-ID header is always in the form an email address, because that's how it's supposed to be formed, but doesn't have to be related to the from address.

Creating an email thread from IMAP?

I would like to create a "thread view" from emails that are on an IMAP server.
To achieve that, I fetch the list of emails in the INBOX and other folders but I need to know which email is answering which. Is there such a link between emails in IMAP?
For example on an IMAP server each email has a unique ID: if email B is an answer to email A, is the ID of A stored inside email B?
If your IMAP server supports the "thread" capability as described in RFC 5256, you can just ask the server to thread the messages for you.
Otherwise, you'll have to fetch the relevant information and do the threading on the client. The RFC describes two algorithms to do that. The simpler one, ORDEREDSUBJECT, just groups messages by subject and then sorts them by date. This gives a flat threading structure. The more complicated one, REFERENCES, looks at the In-Reply-To and References headers of each message, and considers messages with such headers to be children of the message with the given Message-Id.
The classic way is to retrieve the message-id and references fields. If two messages contain the same message-id in either message-id or references, then they are in the same thread.
Gmail has a new and IMO better way: each thread has a numeric ID which you can retrieve using x-gm-thrid. Google has published example code in various languages for using that (there should be links near that code).

Persist header data across reply emails

Am trying to determine the best way to persist information from an originating email, through to a reply back.
Essentially, it is to pass a GUID from the original email (c#), whereby when the receiver replies back, that GUID is also sent back for reference.
I have tried setting the MessageID, whereby using Outlook, the In-Reply-To value is set with the original ID, however using some webclient email systems, that value is not created on reply. Is there another way to sent this info through email headers?
Some variation on VERP is probably the most reliable...
Specifically, instead of having all your replies coming to the same address, encode the information you want to persist into the From address for the email.
For example, in the case of a helpdesk ticket, you could use something like:
From: Helpdesk <>
To: End User <>
Subject: Ticket #123 - problem with computer.
That way, regardless of what the user edits in the subject or text, you know what ticket is being referred to by the receiving email address.
I don't think you'll be able to do anything that is perfectly reliable by headers alone -- the number of clients that would have to cooperate is immense.
Most systems that do this work by including something in the body of the email that is sent that allows it to identify the message, and including text instructing the recipient to include that block of text in the response. You could also try including it in the subject (and including text in the body to leave the subject unchanged). That's how some mailing list managers I've seen do it.
I stumbled upon this question, and it's been very informative. This, however, leaves me with one question: Will using VERP, or a variation of editing the 'reply-to' or 'from address', cause the messages to be locked up in spam filters?
I have read that spam senders often change the bounce address to prevent their servers from getting clogged with bad email address bounces. Is it a spam risk to assume this approach?
The most reliable way is to put the ID in the subject, which should be preserved throughout replies.
(It doesn't hurt to tell your users that they should keep the subject intact.)
RT, a popular ticketing system, does this. They use a simple subject format like "[Ticket #123]" and key off of 123.