Azure resource visualizer API to generate SVG or PNG? - azure-rest-api

Is there any Azure Rest API to get the Resource visualizer in the SVG or PNG format?

Unfortunately, there is no such API and the diagram is generated client side based on relationships that is determined in the resource object.


Getting filtered/aggregated data from Tableau Server via REST API from custom page

I have existing Tableu Server workbook with diagrams and own datasources(mysql).
Is it possible to fetch data from Tableau Server via Rest Api, e.g. if I build a custom web dashboard and need only data from Tableau?
I am interested in Tableaus ability to filter/aggregate data, thats what it does for its diagrams, would be great to harvest it from custom Python web page for my custom diagrams (e.g. for D3 or Highcharts).
Is "Extracts API" the right direction for this?
Or the path with "Query View Data" is the solution?
If you want to specify the filter values and get the exact set of data that your diagrams/workbooks are using, go with the Query View Data solution.
If you pull the data from the extract, you will get it exactly as it is out of the extract. This means if you have filters or aggregation done in your visualization (which is processed after the extract), it won't apply to the extracted data.

java interfaces to connect to sharepoint

I have to connect SharePoint resources using Java API for the tasks like uploading the new document and custom metadata to SP,Fetching the document list based on the filtering using the custom metadata and updating the existing document along with custom metadata to SP.
Main Actions:
Storing and updating document with custom metadata
Fetching documents based on document metadata(Using custom metadata filtering)
Please highlight some Java API to do the above tasks.
Check the API from github below.
Sharepoint Java API
Java Sharepoint REST API
You can also take a look of this project i've developed where you'll find a working API that will provide you some common operations to perform against a sharepoint site. It covers all the use cases you want to achieve and some more and it is very easy to use

Upload a document to Socrata using REST API

I am attempting to upload a file to a socrata site using their REST API. The file(s) I am trying to upload can be access directly by my application and could be serialized, or I could point Socrata to a url. The rest of the datatypes I am using are pretty straight forward; strings, dates, ect. But I can't seem to find any documentation on how to upload a file using REST with Socrata.
Is it even possible?
Thanks in advance.
There's no "official" way of uploading files to Socrata, hence no documentation. If you want to attach a file to the dataset programmatically, then what existing libraries (Java in this example) do is use the /api/assets endpoint (which, if I'm not mistaken, is what the UI uses for uploading documents) and do a multipart POST.
soda-java's SodaDll::addAsset()
soda-java's HttpLowLevel::postFileRaw()

Can Tableau connect to arbitrary REST APIs as data sources?

I would like to use a REST API as a data source for tableau. Is this possible in any way? The API service returns standard JSON, and I would think that would be an ideal scenario for tableau. Rather than connecting to some backend database behind the API.
The web data connector does this and is in beta right now as noted by inox. See:
"The Web Data Connector will allow you to create a connection to almost any data that is accessible over HTTP. This can include internal web services, JSON data, REST APIs, and many other sources. It will not be supported in the initial launch of Tableau 9.0. Beta participants will be able to use a dedicated product key to continue building and testing connectors until the Web Data Connector officially launches."
Also, you can use the Extract API to create Tableau Extracts from an API:

How Create Charts with the Google Chart API in

How to Creat Charts with the Google Chart API in
Google is a good place to start...
Google Charts API as ASP.NET 2.0 Server Control
Google Chart Net
Or better yet use the new ASP.NET charting control
ASP.NET Charting Control
Please refer the article on 4guysfromrolla
Creating charts with Google chart API with ASP.NET
ASP.NET Custom Server Control for Google chart
FYI there are plenty of Google Chart API wrapper APIs that will make your life easier in terms of dealing with low-level Google Chart API details. I wrote one the Java side (called charts4j). But there is also at least one wrapper API in the .NET arena.
I am not completely familiar with the ASP .Net stack, but you will probably want to generate the the Google Chart URL server side, and display that URL with your HTML view technology in an image tag. The alternative is to pass the data to the browser and construct the chart URL with javascript, but this is likely to be more tedious and error prone. Hope that helps.
It is not that hard, things to consider are
1. Build up your data table for chart and save it to Json format
2. Use jquery function getJson to retrieve it, then follow google API on how to
Parse Json file, then there is the graph
I built lots of graphs by using this method using C#