Local Bit components repository - bit.dev

Is it possible to use Bit for a team without using paid 'Team' services on bit.cloud?
Basically we just want to use as a private components library and dependency manager, without using all those paid features and public components library.

Yes, it is possible with some limitations. For example, you can only add up to 10 collaborators. It could be done.
Source: https://bit.cloud/pricing


Is there any way to restrict the releases download only to registered users?

Is there any way to restrict the release download only to registered users, for a public repository?
No, there isn't. Access to the releases and release assets are allowed to exactly those people that have access to the repository. For a public repository, that's everyone.
If you want to restrict the set of users who can download release assets, you'll need to either restrict access to the repository or use a different solution. For example, if you want to restrict binaries to paid users, you'll need to build something yourself.

Exception list of the project for organisation level hooks in Github Enterprise

I have a hook configured in Github in Organization level which applies all the projects underneath of that organization by default. But I want to eliminate this hook for specific projects of this organization. Is it possible to set up somehow in Github Enterprise?
No, this isn't possible. You will either need to configure the individual repos to have the hooks you need, or have the org-level hook be smart enough to ignore the things it does not need.
Perhaps you can write a simple webhook forwarder that has the logic you need?

Is it possible to move project collection between two organizations?

We are currently having a project collection with backlogs, sprints, etc. in an Azure DevOps account. There is another organization with completely different credentials to log in that we'd like to transfer this project collection to the other organization. I could not find any features or approaches to complete this transfer. Is there a way to be able to achieve this goal?
There is no way to migrate a project between organisations. This may become possible in the future, but the feature suggestion is 8 years old and hasn't seen progress, yet.
However, depending on your requirements, you might be able to create your own tools/scripts to "re-create" your project in the new organisation using the REST API.

Support for "sub-organization" or non-global organization namespacing

We are looking at adopting Azure DevOps' hosted and cloud-based solution. However, organization names appear to be global in namespacing. Therefore, private internal project organization names become exposed to enumeration attacks and make it difficult for us to organize our projects.
A very simple example would be that we have an internal organization called Finance. Since it's global namespacing, we would have to call it Acme-Finance. Then we'd have to have Acme-Infrastructure, Acme-ProjectX, Acme-Project-Y. That is very messy.
Gitlab, as an example, has an infinite set of sub-organizations that you can create.
We could solve this with the on-premises version and using Collections, but it would lag behind all of the updates and functionality in the cloud version.

How to query RTC builds?

We are using RTC for version control and build system.
RTC's web interface allow user to create custom queries for work items - good.
How about creating custom queries to the builds (or other RTC items maybe)?
Let's say I want to know in what builds this particular file was modified or in what builds this particular team member contributed something.
Definitely there is no web interface to do this.
Maybe some other tool? .. Something...
BTW, I didn't find it in scm.exe tool provided with eclipse.
While there is no web GUI for building such a query, there is a REST API for querying Build Results:
See "Report REST API" (you need a -- free -- jazz.net account to access it), for com.ibm.team.build.BuildResult, that you can access as in this thread, for instance: