Does Kafka provides a way to interleave messages from multiple topics based on event timestamp, instead of doing it client-side? - apache-kafka

I have messages sitting in two Kafka topics. I have a consumer that needs messages from both topics in such a way that these messages are interleaved based on the timestamp in which these messages (i.e.: events) occurred.
Note that the occurrence of the event is not the same as the timestamp when the message was produced on the topic.
As an example, let's say I have 2 datafeeds of historic stock prices. Events (a price of a stock at a certain time) has already happened. I create 2 topics (1 for each datafeed) and insert all events in these 2 topics.
I now want to somehow subscribe to both topics, and receive interleaved prices of both datafeeds based on the order in which these stock prices actually changed.
A way to do this in the client would be to buffer prices from 1 feed, until a price from the other feed is received. This allows to compare timestamps and as a result allows me to push the correct 'next' event downstream.
I'd rather not have to do this clientside as these buffers might grow, and it's just not nice boilerplate.
is there any way to push this responsibility down to Kafka?


grouping messages and processing bunch of messages at once with kafka [duplicate]

I need to make Kafka consumers process all the messages with the same ID in each partition at once. For example, consider one topic containing all orders with different types and there are multiple consumer instances subscribing to this topic. How can I run consumers to process all the messages in each partition with the same Id? Because when the orders are produced with that Id, although Kafka guarantees that all same IDs go to the same partition, but each partition may contain different orders. I need to process all the similar orders in each partition at once(not one by one) and once in a while(not as soon as a new message arrives).
As the comments say, you'll need to manually batch your data into "bins per ID", then process those on your own. For example, write each record to a database, group by ID, then iterate/process each batch.
As far as Kafka is concerned, you're required to look at each event "one by one", but this does not require you to "handle them" in that order, unless you care about sequential processing, at least once processing, and in-order offset commits.
There's also no way to get "all unique ids" in any partition without consuming the whole partition end-to-end. You could use Kafka Streams aggregate function to help with this, and punctuate to periodically handle all gathered IDs up to a certain point, as one other solution.

Kafka: Adding batches of old data

Using Kafka for time-based events, using windowing to group events(sessioning) in Kafka Streams.
How should we handle the arrival of a set of data from a different source, which consists of old data?
Say for example, you are doing web analytics for a client.
You receive event data from a client in an event topic, where you receive all event types.
For some reason you did not receive order(purchases) data from a client, you only received pageview data from which you build sessions.
Some time later, you receive a batch of time-based orders, say from the last year, so you can match them with the sessions (associate which sessions are related to which order).
Output of this process is sent to "orders", "pageviews", "sessions", etc. topics.
However, if you just add them to the (end of the) topic, they will be "unordered", so even if you recalculate data, your results will not be correct.
This is somehow similar to the streaming out-of-order events problem, but allowing a much longer time (e.g. a year)
A possibility would be to "delete and rewrite": on a topic with compaction, delete all data from that client, and resending it again in order, and then launch a recalculation for that client.
But that's quite cumbersome.
Is there a better way to handle this?

Kafka Streams Sort Within Processing Time Window

I wonder if there's any way to sort records within a window using Kafka Streams DSL or Processor API.
Imagine the following situation as an example (arbitrary one, but similar to what I need):
There is a Kafka topic of some events, let's say user clicks. Let's say topic has 10 partitions. Messages are partitioned by key, but each key is unique, so it's sort of a random partitioning. Each record contains a user id, which is used later to repartition the stream.
We consume the stream, and publish each message to another topic partitioning the record by it's user id (repartition the original stream by user id).
Then we consume this repartitioned stream, and we store consumed records in local state store windowed by 10 minutes. All clicks of a particular user are always in the same partition, but order is not guarantied, because the original topic had 10 partitions.
I understand the windowing model of Kafka Streams, and that time is advanced when new records come in, but I need this window to use processing time, not the event time, and then when window is expired, I need to be able to sort buffered events, and emit them in that order to another topic.
We need to be able to flush/process records within the window using processing time, not the event time. We can't wait for the next click to advance the time, because it may never happen.
We need to remove all the records from the store, as soon window is sorted and flushed.
If application crashes, we need to recover (in the same or another instance of the application) and process all the windows that were not processed, without waiting for new records to come for a particular user.
I know Kafka Streams 1.0.0 allows to use wall clock time in Processing API, but I'm not sure what would be the right way to implement what I need (more importantly taking into account the recovery process requirement described above).
You can see my answer to a similar question here:
Since your message keys are already unique you can ignore my comments about de-duplication.
Now that KIP-138 (wall-clock punctuation semantics) has been released in 1.0.0 you should be able to implement the outlined algorithm without issues. It uses the Processor API. I don't know of a way of doing this with only the DSL.

Is it possible to filter Apache Kafka messages by retention time?

At an abstract point of view Apache Kafka stores data in topics. This data could be read by a consumer.
I'd like to have a (monitor)-consumer which greps data with a certain age. The monitor should send a warning to subsystems that records are still unread and would be discarded by Kafka if they reach retention time.
I couldn't find a suitable way until now.
You can use KafkaConsumer.offsetsForTimes() to map messages to dates.
For example, if you call it with the date of yesterday and it returns offset X, then any messages with an offset smaller than X are older than yesterday.
Then your logic can figure out from the current positions of your consumers if you are at risk of having unprocessed records discarded.
Note that there is currently a KIP under discussion to expose metrics to track that:

How to merge multiple kafka streams in order to do a session windowing over all events of the resulting stream

We have multiple input topics with different business events (page views, clicks, scroll events etc). As far as I understood Kafka streams they all get an event timestamp, which can be used for KStream joins with other streams or tables to align the times.
What we want to do is: Merge all different events (originating from the above mentioned different topics) for a user id (i.e. group by user id) and apply a session window to them.
This should by possible by using groupByKey and then aggregate/reduce (specifying the Inactivity time here) on a stream containing all events. This combined stream must have all events from the different input topics in an order of the event time (or in a way that the above kafka streams methods honor this event times).
The only challenge that is left, is to create this combined / merged stream.
When I look at the Kafka Streams API, there is the KStreamBuilder#merge operation for which the javadoc says: There is no ordering guarantee for records from different {#link KStream}s.. Does this mean the Session Windowing will produce incorrect results?
If yes, what is the alternative to #merge?
I was also thinking about joining, but in fact it seems to depend if you have one event per topic per ID, or potentially multiple events with the same ID within one input topic. For the first case, joining is a good strategy but not for the later, as you would get some unnecessary duplication.
stream A: <a,1> <a,2>
stream B: <a,3>
join-output plus session: <a,1-3 + 2-3>
Number 3 would be a duplicate.
Also keep in mind, that joining slightly modifies the time stamps and thus your session windows might be different if you apply them on the join result or on the raw data.
About merge() and ordering. You can use merge() safely as the session windows will be build based on record timestamp and not offset-order. And all window operations in Kafka Streams can handle out-of-order data gracefully.
What we want to do is: Merge all different events (originating from the above mentioned different topics) for a user id (i.e. group by user id) and apply a session window to them.
From what I understand, you'd need to join the streams (and use groupBy to ensure that they can be properly joined by user id), not merge them. You can then follow-up with an session-windowed aggregation.