PhotoKit: How To Sort Photos Randomly - swift

When fetching assets from the user's photo library, you must specify how you want the photos to be sorted. You do this by passing in a NSSortDescriptor(). There are a few completions, but I'm wondering if there's any way to pass in a "random sort".
I'm hoping there's something similar to the .sort function used like this:
var arr = [1, 2, 3]
arr = arr.sorted { Bool.random() } // Returns the array, sorted randomly
Is there any way I can achieve a "random sort" with NSSortDescriptor() ?
If not, is there any way to fetch random photos from a user's library (without fetching all of them and then sorting on those randomly) ?

I think you need to use a comporator in NSSortDescriptor for flexible sorting:
How to create an NSSortDescriptor using the comparator signature?


How can I search in arrays of integers with a compound MongoDB Atlas search query?

I am working on a function that helps me find similar documents, sorted by score, using the full-text search feature of MongoDB Atlas.
I set my collection index as "dynamic".
I am looking for similarities in text fields, such as "name" or "description", but I also want to look in another field, "thematic", that stores integer values (ids) of thematics.
Let say that I have a reference document as follows:
name: "test",
description: "It's a glorious day!",
thematic: [9, 3, 2, 33]
I want my search to match these int in the thematic field and include their weight in the score calculation.
For instance, if I compare my reference document with :
name: "test2",
description: "It's a glorious night!",
thematic: [9, 3, 6, 22]
I want to increase the score since the thematic field shares the 9 and 3 values with the reference document.
What search operator should I use to achieve this? I can input array of strings as queries with a text operator but I don't know how to proceed with integers.
Should I go for another approach? Like splitting the array to compare into several compound.should.term queries?
After a fair amount of search, I found this here and here:
Atlas Search cannot index numeric or date values if they are part of an array.
Before I consider to change the whole data structure of my objects, I wanted to make sure that there is no workaround.
For instance, could it be done with custom analyzers?
I solved it by adding a trigger to my collection. Each time a document is inserted or updated, I update the thematic and other similar fields counterparts, e.g. _thematic, where I store the string value of the integers. I then use this _thematic field for search.
Here is a sample code demonstrating it:
exports = function (changeEvent) {
const fullDocument = changeEvent.fullDocument;
const format = (itemSet) => {
let rst = [];
Object.keys(itemSet).forEach(item => rst.push(itemSet[item].toString()));
return rst;
let setter = {
_thematic: fullDocument.thematic ? format(fullDocument.thematic) : [],
const docId = changeEvent.documentKey._id;
const collection ="my-cluster").db("dev").collection("projects");
const doc = collection.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: docId },
{ $set: setter });
I'm pretty sure it can be done in a cleaner way, so if someone post it, I'll switch the selected answer to her/his.
Another way to solve this is to make a custom analyser with character mapping that will replace each digit with its string counterpart. I haven’t tried this one tho. See
Alternatives welcome!

How to get element property from array in Mongoose?

I have document structure like this in my schools collection
I am searching school by its code from array of codes School.findOne({ 'codes.code': '12345678' }) and I am getting my school but I also want to get code.type property from code object where my code is 12345678. Should i use javascript Array.find?
What you can do is selecting the matching array element by
School.find({ 'codes.code': '12345678' }, {"codes.$":1})
Otherwise, yes, you need to find the element in the array:
var myschool = School.find({ 'codes.code': '12345678' })[0] => c.code == '12345678')

Mongo - exclude entries in one collection from another find()

I have a local collection that logs when a user has viewed an entry. It stores the ID of the entry and the time it was viewed:
viewedDate = new Date();
'viewedDate': viewedDate
I want to exclude any of the 'viewed' ids in this collection from another find() (I basically want to count how many entries haven't been viewed)
How can I use the results of a notifications.find() to exclude results from another find()? If I assign the notifications.find() to a variable, it returns all kinds of stuff as an object.
OK, so if I use fetch() I can restrict what comes back - can I do something with this in a find()?
myNotes = notifications.find({}, {fields: {'viewedDate' :0, _id:0}}).fetch();
This returns
viewed: "HqYcCma3qKseHALyv"
__proto__: Object
Thanks to some invaluable help from garilla_ in the Meteor IRC, I got it working, solution as follows:
myViewedOffers = notifications.find({},{fields: {'viewed':1}}).fetch();
myViewedArray ={return viewed.viewed});
offerCount = Offers.find({_id: {$nin: myViewedArray}}).count();

How compare the size of two arrays in mongo?

I have two fields with separate arrays that have comparable data in them.
The first has a Name, and an ID. The second has a nickname.
I want to make sure that the count of the two are the same. If they are not the same, I want to know the mongoID of that document.
How would I do this?
With MapReduce it would be possible. If your document looks like:
document: { array1: [ a, b], array2: [c] }
You could write map and reduce functions like:
map = function(){
reduce = function(key,values){ return key;}
For instance, to get the results inline:,reduce,{out:{inline:1}}).results

Querying an array of objects

Anyone have guidance on how to query an array of hashes in coffeescript?
For example, I have an array of hashes, each with a "name" and "setting":
{"name":"color", "setting":"red"},
{"name":"scale_min", "setting":"15"},
{"name":"scale_type", "setting":"linear"},
{"name":"x_axis_label", "setting":"Weeks"}
I want to find the element in this array where the hash "name" is "x_axis_label"
How can I easily do that with coffeescript?
I need some kind of value_for_key_in_object(key, object) function and figured if would be part of the lexicon...
I just hacked this up quickly:
data = [{"name":"color","setting":"red"},{"name":"scale_min","setting":"15"},{"name":"scale_type","setting":"linear"},{"name":"x_axis_label","setting":"Weeks"}]
find = (i for i in data when is 'x_axis_label')[0]
If you going to do this repeatedly, always looking for things where the name equals something, then you are better off converting this from an array of maps to just a map where the key is the name.
data = [
myMap = {}
for row in data
myMap[] = row.setting
I always prefer a 'multi language' solution over a 'idiomatic' solution. Thus you can to use Array.filter
data = [{"name":"color","setting":"red"},{"name":"scale_min","setting":"15"},{"name":"scale_type","setting":"linear"},{"name":"x_axis_label","setting":"Weeks"}]
find = (data.filter (i) -> is 'x_axis_label')[0]
alert find.setting
If you happen to be using Underscore.js, you can use find:
xAxisLabel = _.find data, (datum) -> is 'x_axis_label'