Rundeck querying AWS WAF [Community edition] - rundeck

I am new to creating jobs in Rundeck (community). I'd like to create a job under a project that accepts 2 parameters from the user (1. external/internal 2. IP CIDR) and then return if the IP CIDR already exists in WAF.
The current process is that user passes these parameters and the script has aws-vault command for the user to authenticate with the AWS account.
I have a shell script to do so but wondering how to do this using Rundeck jobs. Also, is there a way to allow the entire Rundeck instance (IAM roles?) to authenticate against a certain AWS account?
Thanks in advance.

To execute a script on Rundeck:
Create a new Project, create a new job, give it a name, on the workflow tab select the "Script" step (you can pass the parameters on the "arguments" textbox) put the parameters on the ), put the script content there, and save and run the job.
Create a new Project, create a new job, give it a name, on the workflow tab select the "Script file or URL" step (you can pass the parameters on the "arguments" textbox), put the script file path there, and save and run the job.
I have a shell script to do so but wondering how to do this using
Rundeck jobs. Also, is there a way to allow the entire Rundeck
instance (IAM roles?) to authenticate against a certain AWS account?
For EC2 remote instances, S3 actions, and some specific (and exclusive) Process Automation it's possible (the credentials are part of the plugin config).
For AWS WAF you can create a script using awscli tool with the rights parameters to execute it (or design your own AWS WAF plugin).
Anyway, take a look at the basic tutorial to learn how Rundeck works.


Deploy firebase cloud function with default user

I have created some cloud functions. I have functions that rely on a custom claim that has admin as a role. I want to be able to create a default user (set in an environment variable) to have admin role so it can be used to assign others if needed but can only be created during deployment. Is that possible to put in cloud functions so it creates a user when deploying the functions?
Is that possible to put in cloud functions so it creates a user when deploying the functions?
No. Any accounts required for deployment must exist prior to deployment. Whatever command you're running (gcloud or firebase CLI) can't double up work in a single command. You would need to run at least two commands to get everything set up, or create your own program or script that does all the work in one shot.

How to connect Microsoft SQL Server (IaaS) using API from IBM Datastage

We are trying to connect to Microsoft SQL Server installed in an Azure VM (IaaS) from Datastage using API.
Currently, we are using JDBC connector to connect to Microsoft SQL Server (IaaS) using a service account and its password. But, on a new server, we have to reset the password every three months in Azure. Also, same service account is being used by other applications.
We have to create the change request to reflect the new password in the datastage PROD environment. Also, we are getting separated service account to use in Datastage.
To avoid the password reset or lock issue, we are planning use API to get the password for connecting to the DB.
API DB connection is working in Alteryx. Can you please let us know is it possible to connect and ways to do so in Datastage Also, please let me know any other feasible solution for this problem, if the API connection is not possible.
I assume you know how to fetch the password via command line interface from your cloud service.
Store the password as datastage environment variable which is then used in the job.
Use a shell script to update the password. In the script, check first if the password has changed. If it did, run the dsadmin -envset command to set the environment variable to a new value. You might need to encrypt the new value using the encrypt command located in .../ASBNode/bin. Call the script every time before running the parallel job.
You should test if the change of an environment variable will be recognized by the job just in time when the script and the job are called by the same sequence. It might not work if the param is passed-through by the sequence.
Please read the IBM docs about the commands I mentioned.

azure devops local agent pipeline permission denied

I have a python script that execute an automation script on remote SUT. and given that the script is working when execute locally with user tester and password xxx.
when I build the DevOps Azure pipeline I have checkout from GIT the project into the agent and then try to execute the code from the command line .
cd .\MatrixPro\TestFramework
python .\ -t profaund_tests.matrix_pro_rf_energy_across_impedances
this code gave me an error
E PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied:
seems that this script try to create report file on the SUT and doesn't have permission.
more over that the azure user agent have admin permission but I suspect that I need to change into the local user before execute the command.
note: I'm working on windows 10 .
what is the right method to solve this issue ? how can I figure out way this error occur ?
is their a simple way to change the pipeline permmision to work on local agent with local user and password?
When you run the build pipeline on Azure DevOps.
It's actually the build service account which is running the script. You should make sure the build service account have sufficient permission to Access: '//\c$\'
To change the identity of the build agent, just go into Windows Services and change the identity of related Build service (service name is " Azure Pipelines Agent").
In the Services pane, right-click Azure Pipelines Agent.
Under Service Status, click Stop.
Click the Log On tab.
Specify the account you want to use for the service in the This
account text box.
Type the new password in the Password text box, and then type the
new password again in the Confirm password text box.
Under Service Status, click Start.
You should use a user to remote to that the server hold build agent and manually run the script to perform the deploy process. If that user is able to deploy succeed without any permission issue. Simply use this user as your build service account of Azure DevOps agent.
Hope this helps.

Run Container Jobs as specific User

We're trying to get our first containerized build running in Azure Devops Server.
The build runs fine in the container, but, unfortunately, it needs to access resources on another server. As such, I need this to be running as a domain user (GMSA account will work) so that it can authenticate the network share to access those resources.
I can't seem to find any documentation on running a containerized build as a specific user.
Can anyone point me to how to setup the yml for passing credentials, or gmsa account? That would be great.
Thanks in advance
Alright... so I figured it out.
First you have to create a credential spec
In powershell New-CredentialSpec -AccountName GMSAAccountName
Then add this in the yml file beneath the container declaration:
options: --security-opt "credentialspec=file://Domain_GMSAAccountName.json"
That was it... and now it works.
Have you tried using PAT(Personal Access Token) to run in agent build?
When setup asks for your authentication type, choose PAT. Then paste the PAT token you created into the command prompt window.

Add reply URL to Azure Active Directory register app via command line

I have an Azure Active Directory app and it has various reply URLs. I've being adding reply URLs manually in the Azure portal AAD-> register-app-> settings-> reply-URLS.
My goal is to be able to run an azure pipeline task that can retrieve the reply URL I need from an azure app service( which I know how to do) and add it to the reply URL list from the register app in AAD with a command. Using either Azure-cli, Azure-powershell or Powershell from azure pipeline task list.
If there's another way of doing it with another task I'm open to suggestions.
This is what i tried:
This is what the log/debug output:
I guess that a better questions is:
How Can I give privileges to an Azure CLI task from Azure DevOps to achieve the task from previous problem?
Your question has changed a bit after your edit, so I've tried to revise and answer both parts.. i.e. adding reply URLs through script and something to possibly help with privileges issues:
Adding Reply URLs to your application through PowerShell script
Make use of application object's ReplyUrls list and Set-AzureADApplication command. Here's a quick sample script:
# ObjectId for application from App Registrations in your AzureAD
$appObjectId = "<Your Application Object Id>"
$app = Get-AzureADApplication -ObjectId $appObjectId
# reply URL to add
$newURL = "https://mynewurl"
# Existing reply URLs list
$replyURLList = $app.ReplyUrls;
Set-AzureADApplication -ObjectId $app.ObjectId -ReplyUrls $replyURLList
Assigning correct privileges for execution of script
To execute your script as part of pipeline, this article provides very detailed step-by-step instructions: Set up continuous deployment in Azure Pipelines
I would point you to option 1 in the article, which talks about creating a separate application/service principal for executing the script. Once you do that, you can assign the required privileges to this service principal that will be used to execute the script and resolve your current issue of insufficient privileges.
Screenshot for important parts from article:
For step h, you can follow the first link to register application from Azure Portal.
Once you have the separate application/service principal created for executing script, please go to it's settings > Required Permissions
"Windows Azure Active Directory" should already be available in list of APIs (if not, you can click Add button to add it)
Pick the appropriate privilege under application permissions.
Make sure you go through Admin consent at the end of this process by clicking on the "Grant permissions" button at the end of this process.