ZStack explicit animation not working when conditionally hiding/showing a view - swift

I want to create some sort of banner view that either moves in or out with animations when some state changes in SwiftUI. It feels like a basic task to do but the transition when showing the banner is not being animated. Hiding works fine.
So for demonstration purposes, here is a basic view modifier that creates a ZStack with the content and a conditional view that acts as the banner overlay and has a transition:
struct BannerViewModifier: ViewModifier {
let showBanner: Bool
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
ZStack {
if showBanner {
VStack {
}.transition(.move(edge: .top).combined(with: .opacity))
If I would then go ahead and tack that view modifier onto a button that toggles a boolean like this (with explicit animations)...
#State var showBanner = false
var body: some View {
Button(showBanner ? "Hide banner" : "Show banner") {
withAnimation { showBanner.toggle() }
}.modifier(BannerViewModifier(showBanner: showBanner))
... it results in not animating the show transition as I already mentioned.
Solutions I've tried already:
When adding an implicit animation to the VStack with the transition modifier like this:
.animation(.default).transition(.move(edge: .top).combined(with: .opacity)) the show animation works.
However this feels like bad practice since the user of the view modifier cannot control the animation properties since they are baked into the view modifier already. Furthermore the animation modifier .animation(.default) was deprecated in iOS 15 and its replacement .animation(.default, value: showBanner) also does not animate the show transition either.


Is it possible to override SwiftUI modifiers?

Knowing that with SwiftUI view modifiers, order matters - because each modifier is a part of a chain of modifiers, I was wondering if it was possible to reset/overwrite/override a modifier (or the whole chain?
Specifically, I'm wondering about Styles (groupBoxStyle, buttonStyle, etc). I have default styles that I want to use in 90% of my app, and a few pages will have slightly different styles for those widgets.
For example:
// Renders a button with the "light" style
Button("Hello world") {
// Renders a button with the "dark" style
Button("Hello world") {
In those cases, I would actually like the 2nd modifier to be used, but the 1st takes over and subsequent styles don't work.
Note: In my actual app, none of my use cases are this trivial - this is just the simplest proof of concept.
The workaround(s) I have are that I create separate LightButton and DarkButton views, but that feels very inelegant (and becomes a mess when I have 5-6 variants of each component).
Alternatively, I have a custom MyButton(myStyle: ButtonStyle = .myDefaultStyle), but since this is a forms app, there are about 50-60 locations where something like that needs to be updated (instead of applying a modifier at a top level and letting that cascade through).
Edit: I should note, where I can set a top-level style and let it cascade, that works very well and as expected (closer to the View, the modifier takes over). But, there are just some weird use cases where it would be nice to flip the script.
Generally, buttonStyle propagates to child views, so ideally you would only need to set your “house style” once on the root view of your app.
The well-known place where this fails to work is the presentation modifiers like .sheet, which do not propagate styles to the presented view hierarchy. So you will need to write your own versions of the presentation modifiers that re-apply your house style.
For example, here's a custom ButtonStyle:
struct HouseButtonStyle: ButtonStyle {
func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View {
.background {
Capsule(style: .continuous)
.saturation(configuration.isPressed ? 1 : 0.5)
And here's a cover for sheet that applies the custom button style to the presented content:
extension View {
func houseSheet<Content: View>(
isPresented: Binding<Bool>,
onDismiss: (() -> Void)? = nil,
#ViewBuilder content: #escaping () -> Content
) -> some View {
return sheet(isPresented: isPresented, onDismiss: onDismiss) {
We can test out whether a NavigationLink, a sheet, and a houseSheet propagate the button style:
struct ContentView: View {
#State var showingHouseSheet = false
#State var showingStandardSheet = false
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
VStack {
NavigationLink("Navigation Push") {
Button("Standard Sheet") {
showingStandardSheet = true
Button("House Sheet") {
showingHouseSheet = true
.sheet(isPresented: $showingStandardSheet) {
.houseSheet(isPresented: $showingHouseSheet) {
Here's the root view that applies the house button style at the highest level:
struct RootView: View {
var body: some View {
If you play with this, you'll find that both NavigationLink and houseSheet propagate the button style to the presented content, but sheet does not.

SwiftUI ScrollView does not respond to keyboard

Thanks for taking your time to help others :)
Problem description:
I want to bring up the ScrollView content as keyboard shows up. And I can't.
Despite, if ScrollView is turned upside down... it works!!! But I can't do that because I have to implement .contextMenu(...) and this produces an even worse bug (detailed in this post).
App must support iOS 14.
Simple code demo to show what happens.
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
#State var text: String = ""
var body: some View {
VStack {
ScrollView() {
LazyVStack {
ForEach(1..<201, id: \.self) { num in
Text("Message \(num)")
// .upsideDown() // With these modifiers, will prompt up the scrollView content
// .upsideDown() // With these modifiers, will prompt up the scrollView content
TextField("Your text here", text: $text)
.navigationTitle("Example app")
extension View {
func upsideDown() -> some View {
GIF resources to see behaviour:
Good result (when upside down):
Bad result (on normal scrollView):
What we have checked?
Already tried this solution, but does not help.
Tried setting an offset to ScrollView of keyboards height when it does come up but... nothing happens.
Why does this happen when it is upside down? (and not at normal scrollview)
Why on both cases it brings up the TextField but does NOT bring up the content of Scrollview if is not upside down???

Button remains tappable after removing from view hierarchy - SwiftUI

I'm trying to show and hide a view based on a certain state. But even after that view is removed from the hierarchy, it still remains tappable for a few moments, leading to phantom button presses. This is occurring only in iOS 16 to my knowledge.
Note that this only occurs when using the .zIndex modifier, which I need in order to transition the view out smoothly. The bug occurs with or without a transition modifier, however.
Minimum working example (tap the show button, then tap the hide button multiple times. If it worked correctly, the hide button handler should only trigger once, since it is removed from the hierarchy. In reality it can be triggered many times)
struct ContentView: View {
#State var show = false
var body: some View {
ZStack {
Button {
show = true
} label: {
if show {
Button {
// this can be triggered multiple times if you tap fast
show = false
} label: {
.zIndex(1) // if we remove the zindex, it won't happen. but then we lose the ability to transition this view out.
Has anyone else experience this bug? I don't know a workaround besides removing zIndex, is there a way to fix it without losing transitions?
I filed a feedback for this FB11753719

Why does SwiftUI View background extend into safe area?

Here's a view that navigates to a 2nd view:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
NavigationLink {
} label: {
Text("Go to 2nd view")
struct SecondView: View {
var body: some View {
ZStack {
VStack {
Text("This is a test")
//Spacer() // <--If you add this, it pushes the Text to the top, but its background no longer respects the safe area--why is this?
On the 2nd screen, the green background of the Text view only extends to its border, which makes sense because the Text is a pull-in view:
Now, if you add Spacer() after the Text(), the Text view pushes to the top of the VStack, which makes sense, but why does its green background suddenly push into the safe area?
In the Apple documentation here, it says:
By default, SwiftUI sizes and positions views to avoid system defined
safe areas to ensure that system content or the edges of the device
won’t obstruct your views. If your design calls for the background to
extend to the screen edges, use the ignoresSafeArea(_:edges:) modifier
to override the default.
However, in this case, I'm not using ignoresSafeArea, so why is it acting as if I did, rather than perform the default like Apple says, which is to avoid the safe areas?
You think that you use old background modifier version.
But actually, the above code uses a new one, introduced in iOS 15 version of background modifier which by default ignores all safe area edges:
func background<S>(_ style: S, ignoresSafeAreaEdges edges: Edge.Set = .all) -> some View where S : ShapeStyle
To fix the issue just replace .background(.green) with .background(Color.green) if your app deployment target < iOS 15.0, otherwise use a new modifier: .background { Color.green }.

How to disable vertical scroll in TabView with SwiftUI?

I have set up a TabView in my application, so that I can swipe horizontally between multiple pages, but I also have an unwanted vertical scroll that may appear, with a bounce effect so. How can I disable this vertical scroll?
My code:
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var currentTabIndex: Double = 0
var body: some View {
VStack {
TabView(selection: $currentTabIndex) {
Text("Text n°1")
Text("Text n°2")
.tabViewStyle(PageTabViewStyle(indexDisplayMode: .never))
I had this same problem. It's not an exact solution, but you can turn off bouncing on scrollviews (which is used within a TabView). And as long as the items within the TabView are not larger than the TabView frame, it should act as if you disabled vertical scrolling.
I would call it either .onAppear or in your init function:
.onAppear(perform: {
UIScrollView.appearance().bounces = false
Note: this disables the bouncing on ALL scrollviews across your app... So you may want to re-enable it .onDisappear.
Still an issue with Xcode 12.4.
I managed to workaround that by wrapping the TabView within a ScrollView and using the alwaysBounceVertical property set to false, as follow:
ScrollView(.horizontal) {
TabView {
///your content goes here
.onAppear(perform: {
UIScrollView.appearance().alwaysBounceVertical = false
.onDisappear(perform: {
UIScrollView.appearance().alwaysBounceVertical = true
I actually came across this because I saw this effect in a tutorial but couldn’t replicate it on iOS 15.2. However, I managed to replicate it on iOS 14.4 on another simulator side by side. So I guess this behaviour is disabled or fundamentally changed in the newer iOS.