Word addin, set filename - ms-word

If one starts a blank file on Word you can usually see in the top bar a name such as "Document1", "Document2" and so on.
Yet, if you attempt to open a file using the Word JS API like this:
Word.run((context) => {
return context.sync()
The top bar comes out like this:
No filename is set.
To set a filename/handle(?), I tried using the code given here Office JS - Add customProperty to new document but that didn't help.
My addin is usually used in conjunction with another (VSTO) add-on and that add-on can't work properly with the documents opened by my addin and I believe the lack of a filename (/handle?) explains it to some extent.
Is there something I can do about this?
Thank you

Currently you can't do this because the newly created document is just a temporary file and not saved. can you try to call the following code to make sure the newly created file is saved?
const documentCreated = context.application.createDocument(externalDoc);


JSReport -- working with docxChild. I can't resolve the error : "docxChild helper requires asset parameter to be set"

I'm trying many functionality on jsReport and word and got stuck on this one.
I want to create an asset usable in different template, assuming that my asset got the right data.
Using this documentation and the UI jsReport Studio I create a working template called test-word, I upload a docx test_jsReport.docx with some ahnddlebar in it, create some data and it work.
Then I create an asset, in the same folder, with a second docx test_jsReport2.docx ; put some code and try to generate it alone with the same data, it worked again.
At this point my project look like this :
test project
Then, using this chapter I add in my docx test_jsReport.docx the following code : {{docxChild "test_jsReport2.docx"}}.
So I can no longer run my report, the error is the following.
Report "test-word" render failed.
Error while executing docx recipe
(because) error when evaluating engine handlebars for template anonymous
(because) "docxChild" helper call failed
(because) docxChild helper requires asset parameter to be set
(system-helpers.js line 706:11)
704 |
705 | if (assetNamePathOrObject == null) {
> 706 | throw new Error('docxChild helper requires asset parameter to be set')
| ^
707 | }
708 |
709 | const docxChildInfo = {}
What is that aset parameter that I need to set ? And how to do it ?
I'm pretty sure that I should omehow declare some kind of link beween my two reports, but I can't find how to do that.
First I tried to use the asset property in jsReport studio on my report, like this :
first try
But it doesn't worked and I never really believe it, I think it's an option to define a link to the physical docx I modify, so I don't have to upload after each save.
Second I read and try to mimic some other systems I can find in the doc like this and that and but it's for HTML report not word.
Lastly I tried to reference my report using a script like this :
const jsreport = require('jsreport-proxy')
// Use the "beforeRender" or "afterRender" hook
// to manipulate and control the report generation
async function beforeRender (req, res) {
await jsreport.assets.registerHelpers('test_jsReport2.js')
It doesn't work either.
I'm a little lost here, what is the right way to use docxChild ?
Here is a link to an example of what I do : https://playground.jsreport.net/w/anon/Pm_vIEwF
Here is how I setup the example :
I prepared my two word
Right click > new entity > template
Select handdlebars and docx > next > next
Click on my template > in properties, in docx I upload my main.docx
Right click > new entity > asset > upload, i put my subreport.docx
The docxChild feature works by searching a docx asset and take the content of such docx and insert it into the docx it was called from. You have follow the right steps, but the only issue is that you are using different characters for the quotes in your docxChild helper call. It was perhaps not your intention, for example on macos i noticed that whenever i try to use " it replace it for the characters present in your docx, so maybe if you are using macos this is the problem you are having.
Your original template
What should look like to have it working
I've prepared a playground example with your same code but fixing the docxChild call to use the right quote characters "",

How can I manually edit the list of recently opened files in VS Code?

I rely heavily on the File: Open Recent… command to open frequently used files, but yesterday my local Google Drive folder got moved to a new location and now I can no longer access any of the files in that folder through the Open Recent panel because the paths don't match.
The fix would be as simple as replacing "/Google Drive/" with "/Google Drive/My Drive/" but I have no idea what file contains the list of files that appears in the recently opened panel.
I'm assuming it's somewhere in ~/Library/Application Support/Code but not sure where.
I was wondering the same thing the other day and found this while searching for a solution, so I took some time to investigate it today.
It's been a a few weeks since you posted, so hopefully this will still be of help to you.
Also, I'm using Windows and I'm not familiar with macOS, but I think it should be easy enough adjust the solution.
Location of settings
Those setting are stored in the following file: %APPDATA%\Code\User\globalStorage\state.vscdb.
The file is an sqlite3 database, which is used as a key-value store.
It has a single table named ItemTable and the relevant key is history.recentlyOpenedPathsList.
The value has the following structure:
"entries": [
"folderUri": "/path/to/folder",
"label": "...",
"remoteAuthority": "..."
To view the current list, you can run the following command:
sqlite3.exe -readonly "%APPDATA%\Code\User\globalStorage\state.vscdb" "SELECT [value] FROM ItemTable WHERE [key] = 'history.recentlyOpenedPathsList'" | jq ".entries[].label"
Modifying the settings
Specifically, I was interested in changing the way it's displayed (the label), so I'll detail how I did that, but it should be just as easy to update the path.
Here's the Python code I used to make those edits:
import json, sqlite3
# open the db, get the value and parse it
db = sqlite3.connect('C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Roaming/Code/User/globalStorage/state.vscdb')
history_raw = db.execute("SELECT [value] FROM ItemTable WHERE [key] = 'history.recentlyOpenedPathsList'").fetchone()[0]
history = json.loads(history_raw)
# make the changes you'd like
# ...
# stringify and update
history_raw = json.dumps(history)
db.execute(f"UPDATE ItemTable SET [value] = '{history_raw}' WHERE key = 'history.recentlyOpenedPathsList'")
Code references
For reference (mostly for my future self), here are the relevant source code areas.
The settings are read here.
The File->Open Recent uses those values as-is (see here).
However when using the Get Started page, the Recents area is populated here. In the Get Started, the label is presented in a slightly different way:
vscode snapshot
The folder name is the link, and the parent folder is the the text beside it.
This is done by the splitName method.
Before messing around with the settings file, it would be wise to back it up.
I'm not sure how vscode handles and caches the settings, so I think it's best to close all vscode instances before making any changes.
I haven't played around with it too much, so not sure how characters that need to be json-encoded or html-encoded will play out.
Keep in mind that there might be some state saved by other extensions, so if anything weird happens, blame it on that.
For reference, I'm using vscode 1.74.2.
SQLite command-line tools
jq - command-line JSON processor

How to avoid opening a QuickInput when choosing files to compare in a vscode extension?

In my case I want to compare two files.
But I don't want the user to select the File in the QuickInput form, i want to choose this directly for him.
vscode.commands.executeCommand("workbench.files.action.compareFileWith", filePath)
This results in
Meaning that filePath is ignored and a QuickInput is displayed instead.
Is there a way to directly select a file programmatically instead of showing the QuickInput first?
While the compareFileWith command probably requires a QuickInput panel to use, you can use the other compare commands to do what you want:
// using the current file for the 'compareWith' file
const currentFileUri = vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document.uri;
// create a Uri from some filePath
const compareWithSelectedUri = vscode.Uri.file('C:\\Users\\Mark\\OneDrive\\Test Bed\\BAR.txt');
await vscode.commands.executeCommand('selectForCompare', currentFileUri)
await vscode.commands.executeCommand('compareFiles', compareWithSelectedUri);
This works in my testing.
Looking at compareFileWith in https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/blob/9b9361cfd1b0678f0bb0b32bf9925b6520bb9926/src/vs/workbench/contrib/files/browser/fileActions.ts I don't think there is any way to avoid the QuickInput opening.
Alternatively, what you are asking for would be "easy" if an open method were supported on TabGroups api like the close methods. You would create a tab of kind TabInputTextDiff with an original uri and a modifieed uri.
When the TabGroups api was being developed there was an open tab method but it was removed prior to release and hasn't seen any love since. See https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/commit/aa69f3d7623c464aba726d12ea0d83428f43e8b9#commitcomment-71831337.
I'll open an issue to see if it will help (and post the link here later).

Moodle local plugins and save_file

I've created a working form within a local plugin and it is inserting data fine into my custom table.
What I want tyo add now is a filepicker element that upon saving the form puts the file into a specified folder.
The filep[icker itself works fine but when I save the form no file appears, the code I'm using looks like this:
$mform->save_file('lowresCh', '/my_form/', false);
I've tried various things in the 'my_form' bit, but to no avail. The rest of the form still puts its data into the custom table and I can see my file in the mdl_files table (marked as draft).
With full debugging on I can get a warning of:
Warning: copy(/my_form/): failed to open stream: Is a directory in /...../lib/filestorage/stored_file.php on line 390
I don't know if I'm approaching it incorrectly or not, any help or pointers in the right direction would be most appreciated. 
Oh and I have read the Using the File API in Moodle forms page, useful in getting me to the point I'm at, but no further.
I solved it by using the filename as the second argument in save_file() and if I prepend a directory then all of the files will be saved within my plugin in a sub directory which is perfect.
So it looks like this now:
$mform->save_file('lowresCh', 'files/'.$mform->get_new_filename('lowresCh'), false);

how to stop macros running when opening a Word document using OLE Interop?

As the title suggests, I have a .Net application which uses interop to open documents in Word. I have set
app.AutomationSecurity = Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoAutomationSecurity.msoAutomationSecurityForceDisable
before opening the document. According to the documentation, thhis "Disables all macros in all files opened programmatically, without showing any security alerts"
However, when I attempt to open one specific document I get a dialog box on the screen that says "could not load an object because it is not available on this machine". It's a customer document but I believe it contains a macro with references to a COM object which I don't have installed.
Am I doing something stupid? is there any way to actually disable macros when opening a Word document?
WordBasic.DisableAutoMacros 1
Bizarrely, this relies on a throwback to pre-VBA days, but still seems to be the most-reliable way to ensure that no auto macros are triggered (in any document - you may want to turn it back using the parameter "0").
I recently had a project where I had to process 6,000 Word templates (yes, templates, not documents) many of which had oddball stuff like macros, etc. I was able to process all but 6 using this technique. (I never did figure out what the problem was with those 6).
EDIT: for a discussion of how to call this from C#, see: http://www.dotnet247.com/247reference/msgs/56/281785.aspx
For c# you can use
(_wordApp.WordBasic as dynamic).DisableAutoMacros();
The whole code I'm using is:
using Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;
private Word.Application _wordApp;
_wordApp = new Word.Application
Visible = false,
ScreenUpdating = false,
DisplayAlerts = Word.WdAlertLevel.wdAlertsNone,
FileValidation = MsoFileValidationMode.msoFileValidationSkip
_wordApp.Application.AutomationSecurity = MsoAutomationSecurity.msoAutomationSecurityForceDisable;
(_wordApp.WordBasic as dynamic).DisableAutoMacros();