NotificationCenter observer is “mutated after capture by sendable closure” - swift

Consider this simple class:
import Foundation
class ExampleClass {
init() {
let notificationCenter = NotificationCenter.default
var observer: NSObjectProtocol? = nil
// A warning is emitted for the next line
observer = notificationCenter.addObserver(forName: .NSExtensionHostDidEnterBackground,
object: nil,
queue: nil) { [weak self] _ in
func doSomething() {
print("We got the notification")
This code uses the exact pattern that Apple suggests in their documentation for NotificationCenter.addObserver(forName:object:queue:using:), where the NotificationCenter gives us some opaque token that conforms to NSObjectProtocol, and we later use that token to remove the observer.
Recently, though, this code has started to produce a warning. On the line where observer is assigned, the compiler complains that
'observer' mutated after capture by sendable closure
I understand where the compiler is coming from here; if observer is a value type, then the closure will indeed get an “old” version of it. In this case, though, what we get back from addObserver() does seem to be a reference type, because the code works fine. (It’s unfortunate that Apple doesn’t give us a more specific return type for that method.)
Does this warning indicate an actual problem in this case? If so, what’s the best alternative pattern to use?

You can store the observer on the object itself:
import Foundation
class ExampleClass {
private var observer: NSObjectProtocol?
init() {
let notificationCenter = NotificationCenter.default
observer = notificationCenter.addObserver(forName: .NSExtensionHostDidEnterBackground,
object: nil,
queue: nil) { [weak self] _ in
if let self {
func doSomething() {
print("We got the notification")
This workaround silences the warning, and it shouldn’t change the semantics of the program in a meaningful way. It’s a bit less elegant, in that a variable that could have stayed local to init (and its closures) is now exposed to the entire class, but it should have the same effect as the previous version of the code.


Is it required to to use weak reference's within a singleton class?

I came across a tutorial from raywenderlich were the author gave some good tips on handling threading issues in singleton. But when using closures from within the singleton class he is using 'weak' reference cycle. Is it really required so since the class is a singleton, it should have a single instance always right?
final class PhotoManager {
private init() {}
static let shared = PhotoManager()
private var unsafePhotos: [Photo] = []
let concurrentPhotoQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.jeesson.googlypuff.photoQueue", attributes: .concurrent)
var photos: [Photo] {
var photoCopy:[Photo]!
concurrentPhotoQueue.sync {
photoCopy = self.unsafePhotos
return photoCopy
func addPhoto(_ photo: Photo) {
// Do we need 'weak self here.. and why?
concurrentPhotoQueue.async(flags: .barrier) {[weak self] in
// 1
guard let self = self else {
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
The tutorial
In case of DispatchQueue closures don't add any capture list at all, nowhere.
DispatchQueue closures don't cause retain cycles because self doesn't own them.
Basically capture lists inside a singleton object are not needed as the singleton is never going to be deallocated.
Some singleton's lifecycle is tied to App lifecycle. Some singleton's lifecycle is tied to login/logout.
So what if the singleton is to be deallocated upon logout? I think that's a valid case where using [weak self] can be useful, even for a singleton.
Otherwise just as vadian said, DispatchQueue closures don't cause retain cycles because self doesn't own them. For more see here

Setting function-scope variable to avoid using a capture list

I have the following class, which uses a closure in one of its methods:
class SomeClass {
let someOtherClassInstance: OtherClass
func performAsyncTask() { .background).async { [weak self] in
I'm wondering if I can also rewrite performAsyncTask as:
func performAsyncTask() {
let instance = self.someOtherClassInstance .background).async {
The main goal is that I can avoid making self weak in the capture list - or rather so that I don't have to access self at all. There seems to be no reference to self in the second version, but is there a possibility that there will be an error when I try to access instance?
That's fine (assuming that self.someOtherClassInstance has no
back references to the SomeClass instance). You can achieve the
same with a capture list:
func performAsyncTask() { .background).async {
[instance = self.someOtherClassInstance] in
The closure captures a strong reference to the
OtherClass instance which is held until it has been executed,
but no reference to self.
Note that the closure accesses instance regardless of whether
the SomeClass instance still exists or not, so the behavior is
slightly different from what your first method does.

Swift 3: capture strong self in #escaping closure without asynchronous work

There is a protocol with the following declaration:
typealias SuggestionSourceCallback = ([Suggestion]) -> ()
protocol SuggestionSource {
func suggest(_ query: SuggestionQuery, callback: #escaping SuggestionSourceCallback)
Two classes implement this protocol. First class obtains suggestions asynchronously (via GCD)
final class FisrtClass: SuggestionSource {
private let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "", attributes: [])
private var lastQuery: SuggestionQuery?
// ...
func suggest(_ query: SuggestionQuery, callback: #escaping SuggestionSourceCallback) {
self.queue.async { [weak self] in
// capturing strong self
guard let strongSelf = self else {
// referencing self here, for example
guard self.lastQuery == query else {
// suggestions is a local variable
var suggestions: [Suggestion] = []
// ...
DispatchQueue.main.async {
...while second class does it synchronously
final class SecondClass: SuggestionSource {
// ...
func suggest(_ query: SuggestionQuery, callback: #escaping SuggestionSourceCallback) {
// ...
My questions are:
should I capture strongSelf in FirstClass's implementation?
should I capture strongSelf in SecondsClass's implementation?
Additional question. Suppose SecondClass has its suggestions as a static let, what pattern in this case would be?
final class SecondClass: SuggestionSource {
static let suggestions: [String: [SuggestionQuery]] = {
// ...
// ...
func suggest(_ query: SuggestionQuery, callback: #escaping SuggestionSourceCallback) {
// ...
In SecondClass, there is no need to create a strongSelf variable. Where would you put it? The point is that self is guaranteed not to be nil anyway because you are running within the scope of one of its methods.
The same is true of your additional question, but for a different reason. suggestions is now static, so prefixing with self is a matter of syntax, (I am presuming you meant to also prefix the suggest method with static).
However, in FirstClass, there is a subtle difference between capturing strongSelf and not capturing it.
Because you are using [weak self], self could be nil when you enter that block so you need to check against that anyway. One way is to repeatedly use optional chaining, i.e.:
This is saying:
If I have a reference to self, do something. If I still have a
reference to self, do something else.
By adding a strongSelf variable:
guard let strongSelf = self else {
strongSelf.doSomethingElse() are saying:
do something and do something else if you have a reference to self,
otherwise do nothing.
So, you guarantee that if the first thing happens, so does the second. The approach you take is going to depend on your application.
Scenario 1 is a good candidate for [unowned self].
In this case if the queue exists, so does self, therefore it is safe to reference self without retaining it.
Note: You should only use unowned when you can be sure that the block's lifecycle is directly tied to the captured variable. In other cases unowned can cause interrmittent crashes (which are really hard to debug).
Also unowned is more performant than weak so should be preferred where it is safe to use either source.
For scenario 2, self is not captured by any block that I can determine so you shouldn't need to worry at all about it.
For the update, you still don't capture self, the closure that defines the suggestions dictionary should be executed as soon as it is called.

Swift: possible removeObserver cyclic reference in addObserverForName's usingBlock

I'm toying around with a small Swift application. In it the user can create as many MainWindow instances as he wants by clicking on "New" in the application's menu.
The application delegate holds an array typed to MainWindowController. The windows are watched for the NSWindowWillCloseNotification in order to remove the controller from the MainWindowController array.
The question now is, if the removal of the observer is done correctly – I fear there might be a cyclic reference to observer, but I don't know how to test for that:
class ApplicationDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
private let notificationCenter = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter()
private var mainWindowControllers = [MainWindowController]()
func newWindow() {
let mainWindowController = MainWindowController()
let window = mainWindowController.window
var observer: AnyObject?
observer = notificationCenter.addObserverForName(NSWindowWillCloseNotification,
object: window,
queue: nil) { (_) in
// remove the controller from self.mainWindowControllers
self.mainWindowControllers = self.mainWindowControllers.filter() {
$0 !== mainWindowController
// remove the observer for this mainWindowController.window
In general you should always specify that self is unowned in blocks registered with NSNotificationCenter. This will keep the block from having a strong reference to self. You would do this with a capture list in front of the parameter list of your closure:
{ [unowned self] (_) in
// Block content

Referencing [weak self] as self? inside animateWithDuration causes crash

If I declare [weak self] on a closure and reference self as self? inside UIView.animateWithDuration the app will crash:
someFunc() { [weak self] (success) -> Void in
UIView.animateWithDuration(0.25) {
self?.someView.alpha = 1;
with a message sent to deallocated instance
but if I optionally unwrap self ahead of time it doesn't
someFunc() { [weak self] (success) -> Void in
if let weakself = self {
UIView.animateWithDuration(0.25) {
weakself.someView.alpha = 1;
Why is that, I would think that it doesn't matter which way I reference the weak self since it should "just" optionally unwrap self? correctly. For context this is done in a UICellView which is deallocated when I leave the UICollectionViewController
EDIT: Filed a bug with apple: #23492648
I think the problem here is that self is special. You've passed the reference to self weakly into the anonymous function to prevent a retain cycle, but there isn't really an Optional wrapping self in this story. Thus, the syntactic sugar self?.someView.alpha = 1 — and remember, it is merely syntactic sugar — doesn't work.
It may be that Apple will regard this as a bug; or maybe not. But either way, the solution is to do formulaically exactly what you are doing in the second example: do the weak-strong dance explicitly.