Postgresql14.5 Data Masking With PostgreSQL Anonymizer 1.0 - postgresql

I'm trying to understand data masking in Postgresql and implement it to my database. Firstly i tried on windows and mac but it is unsucessfull. On PostgreSQL Anonymizer 1.0, they said they will not support windows and osx platform. This extension seems like works great on Read Hat and Centos. So i created a virual machine with using Vmware and installed Centos Stream 9. I installed Pgadmin4 and postgresql 14.5... I also installed PostgreSQL Anonymizer 1.0. I activated anon extension successfully on Centos and i am able to use static masking correctly. But it removes data.I need role based data masking like dynamic masking. But when i try to use Dynaming Masking with roles,it is not working. I need to protect personel informations from everyone. I read too many articles but they wont work.Please help me.Thanks.
-Firstly i created 2 roles
-Than,i created Posgresql db which is named testdb with this command on Pgadmin
-Than i activated installed anon extension
ALTER DATABASE testdb SET session_preload_libraries = 'anon';
Than i created a table
CREATE TABLE customer (
      firstname TEXT,
      lastname TEXT,
      phone TEXT,
      birth DATE,
      postcode TEXT
Than i add some datas to customer table
INSERT INTO customer(firstname,lastname,phone,birth,postcode) VALUES('Burak','Unal','060-911-0911', '1985-10-10', '90016');
INSERT INTO customer(firstname,lastname,phone,birth,postcode) VALUES ('Şerif','Aydın', NULL, '1981-09-25', '90120');
INSERT INTO customer(firstname,lastname,phone,birth,postcode) VALUES ('Talha','Ersoy','347-515-3423', '1996-04-03', '04520');
INSERT INTO customer(firstname,lastname,phone,birth,postcode) VALUES ('Mehmet','Altunel','347-515-3423', '1995-06-01', '04520');
Than i activated extensions.(anon extension needs pgcrypto is installed)
Than i executed these commands to init extensions.
`SELECT anon.init();`
`SELECT setseed(0);`
Than i activated dynamic masking
SELECT anon.start_dynamic_masking();
Than i made maskedRole1 to masked
Than i gave select permission to maskedRole1
GRANT SELECT ON supplier TO maskedRole1;
Than i wanted to mask customers phone V1
Note: I found comment on instead of SECURITY LABEL FOR but result is same...Unsuccesfull...masking customers phone V2
comment on column IS 'MASKED WITH VALUE ''CONFIDENTIAL'' '
Now i expect maskedRole1 cant see phone numbers but it is epic fail...Everything is open to see.
set role maskedRole1; select * from company;
I wasted my 1 week to handle this. Read many articles,documantations but nothing changed... Any advice please? I'm completely open any other extensions or solutions


PostgreSQL Create Table command not working, checked access privileges and all default privileges are there

I'm extremely new to PostgreSQL and I just installed it using Homebrew.
I ran through creating and connecting to a database and now I'm trying to create a table with the standard command CREATE TABLE users(name string, age smallint, birthday date) and the command completes. However as soon as I run the command to list all tables I get the following Did not find any relations.
I checked all users and privileges and it looks like my profiles roles include Superuser, Create Role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS and I'm a member of {}.
I'm not sure if there's something more I need to do in order to create tables under a certain database or not, but I've looked all over and can't seem to find an answer to this.
I'm not really sure what you're intending to do, be more explicit.
But it seems to me you've juste created tables and did not create any relations.
Try using a key and defining mother tables ?

Linking MS Access table to PG Admin schema

I would like to link a MS Access table to a table in PG admin if it is possible for use in a Postgres query. I have searched for an answer but all I can find is answers for listing postgres tables in Access which is almost the opposite of what I want to do.
I want to be able to access the data entered in an access form without having to continually import the data into a table in PG Admin.
I'm not even sure that is possible but any method that is easier than importing the table into PG Admin every day would be useful.
Try the PostgreSQL OGR Foreign Data Wrapper. Its built for spatial data, but it works perfectly well with non-spatial tables. If you have the PostGIS extension installed you will already have it.
There are several examples on that page, but the command
ogr_fdw_info -s <pathToAccessFile> -l <tablename>
will return create server and a create foreign table statements which you can edit as required then run in pgAdmin.

Generating a UUID in Postgres for Insert statement?

My question is rather simple. I'm aware of the concept of a UUID and I want to generate one to refer to each 'item' from a 'store' in my DB with. Seems reasonable right?
The problem is the following line returns an error:
honeydb=# insert into items values(
uuid_generate_v4(), 54.321, 31, 'desc 1', 31.94);
ERROR: function uuid_generate_v4() does not exist
LINE 2: uuid_generate_v4(), 54.321, 31, 'desc 1', 31.94);
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
I've read the page at:
I'm running Postgres 8.4 on Ubuntu 10.04 x64.
uuid-ossp is a contrib module, so it isn't loaded into the server by default. You must load it into your database to use it.
For modern PostgreSQL versions (9.1 and newer) that's easy:
but for 9.0 and below you must instead run the SQL script to load the extension. See the documentation for contrib modules in 8.4.
For Pg 9.1 and newer instead read the current contrib docs and CREATE EXTENSION. These features do not exist in 9.0 or older versions, like your 8.4.
If you're using a packaged version of PostgreSQL you might need to install a separate package containing the contrib modules and extensions. Search your package manager database for 'postgres' and 'contrib'.
Without extensions (cheat)
If you need a valid v4 UUID
SELECT uuid_in(overlay(overlay(md5(random()::text || ':' || random()::text) placing '4' from 13) placing to_hex(floor(random()*(11-8+1) + 8)::int)::text from 17)::cstring);
Thanks to #Denis Stafichuk #Karsten and #autronix
Or you can simply get UUID-like value by doing this (if you don't care about the validity):
SELECT uuid_in(md5(random()::text || random()::text)::cstring);
output>> c2d29867-3d0b-d497-9191-18a9d8ee7830
(works at least in 8.4)
PostgreSQL 13 supports natively gen_random_uuid ():
PostgreSQL includes one function to generate a UUID:
gen_random_uuid () → uuid
This function returns a version 4 (random) UUID. This is the most commonly used type of UUID and is appropriate for most applications.
db<>fiddle demo
The answer by Craig Ringer is correct. Here's a little more info for Postgres 9.1 and later…
Is Extension Available?
You can only install an extension if it has already been built for your Postgres installation (your cluster in Postgres lingo). For example, I found the uuid-ossp extension included as part of the installer for Mac OS X kindly provided by Any of a few dozen extensions may be available.
To see if the uuid-ossp extension is available in your Postgres cluster, run this SQL to query the pg_available_extensions system catalog:
SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions;
Install Extension
To install that UUID-related extension, use the CREATE EXTENSION command as seen in this this SQL:
Beware: I found the QUOTATION MARK characters around extension name to be required, despite documentation to the contrary.
The SQL standards committee or Postgres team chose an odd name for that command. To my mind, they should have chosen something like "INSTALL EXTENSION" or "USE EXTENSION".
Verify Installation
You can verify the extension was successfully installed in the desired database by running this SQL to query the pg_extension system catalog:
SELECT * FROM pg_extension;
UUID as default value
For more info, see the Question: Default value for UUID column in Postgres
The Old Way
The information above uses the new Extensions feature added to Postgres 9.1. In previous versions, we had to find and run a script in a .sql file. The Extensions feature was added to make installation easier, trading a bit more work for the creator of an extension for less work on the part of the user/consumer of the extension. See my blog post for more discussion.
Types of UUIDs
By the way, the code in the Question calls the function uuid_generate_v4(). This generates a type known as Version 4 where nearly all of the 128 bits are randomly generated. While this is fine for limited use on smaller set of rows, if you want to virtually eliminate any possibility of collision, use another "version" of UUID.
For example, the original Version 1 combines the MAC address of the host computer with the current date-time and an arbitrary number, the chance of collisions is practically nil.
For more discussion, see my Answer on related Question.
pgcrypto Extension
As of Postgres 9.4, the pgcrypto module includes the gen_random_uuid() function. This function generates one of the random-number based Version 4 type of UUID.
Get contrib modules, if not already available.
sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib-9.4
Use pgcrypto module.
The gen_random_uuid() function should now available;
Example usage.
INSERT INTO items VALUES( gen_random_uuid(), 54.321, 31, 'desc 1', 31.94 ) ;
Quote from Postgres doc on uuid-ossp module.
Note: If you only need randomly-generated (version 4) UUIDs, consider using the gen_random_uuid() function from the pgcrypto module instead.
Update from 2021,
There is no need for a fancy trick to auto generate uuid on insert statement.
Just do one thing:
Set default value of DEFAULT gen_random_uuid () to your uuid column.
That is all.
Say, you have a table like this:
CREATE TABLE table_name (
unique_id UUID DEFAULT gen_random_uuid (),
first_name VARCHAR NOT NULL,
phone VARCHAR,
PRIMARY KEY (unique_id)
Now you need NOT to do anything to auto insert uuid values to unique_id column. Because you already defined a default value for it. You can simply focus on inserting onto other columns, and postgresql takes care of your unique_id. Here is a sample insert statement:
INSERT INTO table_name (first_name, last_name, email, phone)
Notice there is no inserting into unique_id as it is already taken care of.
About other extensions like uuid-ossp, you can bring them on if you are not satisfied with postgres's standard gen_random_uuid () function. Most of the time, you should be fine without them on
ALTER TABLE table_name ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT uuid_in((md5((random())::text))::cstring);
After reading #ZuzEL's answer, i used the above code as the default value of the column id and it's working fine.
The uuid-ossp module provides functions to generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
uuid_generate_v1() This function generates a version 1 UUID.
Add Extension
Verify Extension
SELECT * FROM pg_extension;
Run Query
INSERT INTO table_name(id, column1, column2 , column3, ...) VALUES
(uuid_generate_v1(), value1, value2, value3...);
Verify table data
SELECT uuid_generate_v5(uuid_ns_url (), 'test');

Joining Results from Two Separate Databases

Is it possible to JOIN rows from two separate postgres databases?
I am working with system with couple databases in one server and sometimes I really need such a feature.
According to
There is no way to query a database other than the current one.
Because PostgreSQL loads database-specific system catalogs, it is
uncertain how a cross-database query should even behave.
contrib/dblink allows cross-database queries using function calls. Of
course, a client can also make simultaneous connections to different
databases and merge the results on the client side.
EDIT: 3 years later (march 2014), this FAQ entry has been revised and is more helpful:
How do I perform queries using multiple databases?
There is no way to directly query a database other than the current
one. Because PostgreSQL loads database-specific system catalogs, it is
uncertain how a cross-database query should even behave.
The SQL/MED support in PostgreSQL allows a "foreign data wrapper" to
be created, linking tables in a remote database to the local database.
The remote database might be another database on the same PostgreSQL
instance, or a database half way around the world, it doesn't matter.
postgres_fdw is built-in to PostgreSQL 9.3 and includes read/write
support; a read-only version for 9.2 can be compiled and installed as
a contrib module.
contrib/dblink allows cross-database queries using function calls and
is available for much older PostgreSQL versions. Unlike postgres_fdw
it can't "push down" conditions to the remote server, so it'll often
land up fetching a lot more data than you need.
Of course, a client can also make simultaneous connections to
different databases and merge the results on the client side.
Forget about dblink!
Say hello to Postgres_FDW:
To prepare for remote access using postgres_fdw:
Install the postgres_fdw extension using CREATE EXTENSION.
Create a foreign server object, using CREATE SERVER, to represent each remote database you want to connect to. Specify connection
information, except user, and password, as options of the server
Create a user mapping, using CREATE USER MAPPING, for each database user you want to allow to access each foreign server. Specify
the remote user name and password to use as user and password options
of the user mapping.
Create a foreign table, using CREATE FOREIGN TABLE or IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA, for each remote table you want to access. The columns
of the foreign table must match the referenced remote table. You can,
however, use table and/or column names different from the remote
table's, if you specify the correct remote names as options of the
foreign table object.
Now you need only SELECT from a foreign table to access the data
stored in its underlying remote table.
It's really useful even on large data.
Yes, it is possible to do this using dblink albeit with significant performance considerations.
The following example will require the current SQL user to have permissions on both databases. If db2 is not located on the same cluster, then you will need to replace dbname=db2 with the full connection string defined in the dblink documentation.
FROM table1 tb1
FROM dblink('dbname=db2','SELECT id, code FROM table2')
AS tb2(id int, code text);
) AS tb2 ON tb2.column = tb1.column;
If table2 is very large, you could have performance issues because the sub-query loads up the entire table2 before performing the join.
No you can't. You could use dblink to connect from one database to another database, but that won't help if you're looking for JOIN's.
You can't use different SCHEMA's within a single database to store all you data?
Just a few steps and You can reach the goal:
follow this reference step by step
*** connecting to second db ie db2
Now just **copy paste the 1-7 processes** (make sure u use correct username and password and ofcourse db name)
1.**CREATE EXTENSION dblink;**
2.**SELECT pg_namespace.nspname, pg_proc.proname
FROM pg_proc, pg_namespace
WHERE pg_proc.pronamespace=pg_namespace.oid
AND pg_proc.proname LIKE '%dblink%';**
3.**SELECT dblink_connect('host=localhost user=postgres password=postgres dbname=db1');**
4.**CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres VALIDATOR postgresql_fdw_validator;**
5.**CREATE SERVER postgres2 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres OPTIONS (hostaddr '', dbname 'db1');**
6.**CREATE USER MAPPING FOR postgres SERVER postgres2 OPTIONS (user 'postgres', password 'postgres');**
7.**SELECT dblink_connect('postgres2');**
---Now, you can SELECT the data of Database_One from Database_Two and even join both db results:
**SELECT * FROM public.dblink
('postgres2','SELECT col1,um_name FROM public.tbl1 ')
AS DATA(um_userid INTEGER),tbl2 where DATA.col1=tbl2.col2;**
You can also Check this :[How to join two tables of different databases together in postgresql [\[working finely in version 9.4\]][1]
You need to use araqnid mentioned above, something like this works fine:
select ST.Table_Name, ST.Column_Name, DV.Table_Name, DV.Column_Name, *
from information_schema.Columns ST
full outer join dblink('dbname=otherdatabase','select Table_Name,
Column_Name from information_schema.Columns') DV(Table_Name text,
Column_Name text)
on ST.Table_Name = DV.Table_name
and ST.Column_Name = DV.Column_Name
where ST.Column_Name is null or DV.Column_Name is NULL
You have use dblink extension of postgresql.
Reference take from this Article:
DbLink extension of PostgreSQL which is used to connect one database to another database.
Install DbLink extension.
Verify DbLink:
SELECT pg_namespace.nspname, pg_proc.proname
FROM pg_proc, pg_namespace
WHERE pg_proc.pronamespace=pg_namespace.oid
AND pg_proc.proname LIKE '%dblink%';
I have already prepared full demonstration on this. Please visit my post to learn step by step for executing cross database query in Postgresql.
Cannot be done? Of course we can, without special extensions. In our case, we had to compare two tables from different database servers, e.g. ACC and PROD, hence an even harder case than from most answers. Especially because ACC and PROD are deliberately on different servers to create a barrier, so you will not easily gain enough rights to perform a GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER.
The obvious solution is to export both tables, and import both in the same database, e.g. DEV, or your own local db, under appropriate names, e.g. table1_acc and table1_prod, or schemas like acc and prod. Then, you may JOIN those with no special problems.

Create Schema in oracle 10g express edition

I have installed oracle 10g express edition and I did not find the option to
create schema..
Is there a option to create schema in oracle 10g express edition
or else I have to install other oracle 10g..?
To create schema which oracle 10g
I have to install... what?
You don't need to explicitly create schema, Oracle automatically creates a schema when you create a user (see CREATE USER documentation).
If you really want, you can use CREATE SCHEMA statement and issue it through Oracle Express web interface or from SQL prompt.
The CREATE SCHEMA statement can include CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW, and GRANT statements. To issue a CREATE SCHEMA statement, you must have the privileges necessary to issue the included statements.
CREATE TABLE new_product
(color VARCHAR2(10) PRIMARY KEY, quantity NUMBER)
CREATE VIEW new_product_view
AS SELECT color, quantity FROM new_product WHERE color = 'RED'
GRANT select ON new_product_view TO hr;
As zendar said, creating a user automatically creates their schema (in Oracle these are pretty much the same concept).
When you create a Workspace in apex, it will ask you if you want to use an existing schema or create a new one - so that's another easy option you could use.