How to create a chat app using TCP in swift - swift

I simply wants to pass a string from one phone to another (vice versa) using TCP connection. Hence, I have a few questions as I'm a bit confused.
Can this be achieved using two different simulators in two different mac machines ?
Can this be achieved using two different simulators in the same mac machine ?
If this can be done on simulators would replacing the IP of the mac would work with 8080 port ?
My partially completed code as bellow;
class NWTCPConnection: NSObject {
var connection: NWConnection!
func connectToTcp() {
let PORT: NWEndpoint.Port = 8080
let ipAddress :NWEndpoint.Host = "" //Machines IP
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "TCP Client Queue")
let tcp = NWProtocolTCP.Options.init()
tcp.noDelay = true
let params = NWParameters.init(tls: nil, tcp: tcp)
connection = NWConnection(to: NWEndpoint.hostPort(host: ipAddress, port: PORT), using: params)
connection.stateUpdateHandler = { (newState) in
switch (newState) {
case .ready:
print("Socket State: Ready")
UserDefaults.standard.set(true, forKey: "isConnected")
UserDefaults.standard.set(false, forKey: "isConnected")
connection.start(queue: queue)
func sendMSG() {
print("send data")
let message1 = "hello world"
let content: Data = .utf8)!
connection.send(content: content, completion: NWConnection.SendCompletion.contentProcessed(({ (NWError) in
if (NWError == nil) {
print("Data was sent to TCP destination ")
} else {
print("ERROR! Error when data (Type: Data) sending. NWError: \n \(NWError!)")
// How to trigger this ???
func receive() {
connection.receiveMessage { (data, context, isComplete, error) in
if (isComplete) {
print("Receive is complete, count bytes: \(data!.count)")
if (data != nil) {
} else {
print("Data == nil")
the moment I run the simulator and call the connectToTcp() I get the following error
nw_socket_handle_socket_event [C1:1] Socket SO_ERROR [61: Connection refused]


Swift UDP Connection Refused

func send(_ payload: Data) {
connection!.send(content: payload, completion: .contentProcessed({ sendError in
if let error = sendError {
NSLog("Unable to process and send the data: \(error)")
} else {
NSLog("Data has been sent")
connection!.receiveMessage { (data, context, isComplete, error) in
guard let myData = data else { return }
NSLog("Received message: " + String(decoding: myData, as: UTF8.self))
So, I got this send function, connection works fine, connection.send works fine, but connection.receiveMessage throws strange error, which I cannot find how to resolve.
[connection] nw_socket_get_input_frames [C1:1] recvmsg(fd 17, 9216 bytes) [61: Connection refused]
Any suggestions?

Swift NWConnection with Discord IPC (protocol error)

I try to connect with Discord using IPC, but whatever i try, the error message stays the same Optional("\u{02}\0\0\0(\0\0\0{"code":1003,"message":"protocol error"}")
I started with the encode function, but that is UInt8 because Swift apparently does not support an UInt32 data object.
Then i tried to create an UInt32 (memory) array, to convert that to Data, that failed as well.
can someone point me into the direction where I make a mistake.
import Foundation
import Cocoa
import Network
class Discord {
enum opcode: UInt32 {
case handshake = 0
case frame = 1
case close = 2
case ping = 3
case pong = 4
var appID: String
private var connection: NWConnection?
private let endpoint: String = NSTemporaryDirectory() + "discord-ipc-0"
init(appID: String) {
self.appID = appID
func connect() {
print("Connecting to \(endpoint)")
connection = NWConnection(
to: NWEndpoint.unix(path: endpoint),
using: .tcp
connection?.stateUpdateHandler = { state in
switch state {
case .setup:
print("Setting up...")
case .preparing:
case .waiting(let error):
print("Waiting: \(error)")
case .ready:
case .failed(let error):
print("Failed: \(error)")
case .cancelled:
print("Cancelled :'(")
connection?.receiveMessage { completeContent, contentContext, isComplete, error in
String(data: completeContent ?? Data(), encoding: .utf8),
connection?.start(queue: .global())
func uint32encode(opcode: opcode, message string: String) -> Data {
let payload = .utf8)!
var buffer = UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.allocate(byteCount: 8 + payload.count, alignment: 0)
defer { buffer.deallocate() }
buffer.copyBytes(from: payload)
buffer[8...] = buffer[..<payload.count]
buffer.storeBytes(of: opcode.rawValue, as: UInt32.self)
buffer.storeBytes(of: UInt32(payload.count), toByteOffset: 4, as: UInt32.self)
let uIntData = Data(bytes: &buffer, count: 8 + payload.count)
return uIntData
func encode(opcode: opcode, message string: String) -> Data {
let jsondata = .utf8)!
var data = Data()
data.append(contentsOf: [UInt8](jsondata))
uint32 opcode (0 or 1)
uint32 length (length)
byte[length] jsonData (??)
return data
func handshake() {
// We should say "hello", with opcode handshake
let hello = encode(opcode: .handshake, message: "{\"v\":1,\"client_id\":\"\(appID)\"}")
print("Sending \(String.init(data: hello, encoding: .utf8))")
content: hello,
completion: .contentProcessed({ error in
print("Error:", error?.localizedDescription)
func handshakev2() {
// We should say "hello", with opcode handshake
let hello = uint32encode(opcode: .handshake, message: "{\"v\":1,\"client_id\":\"\(appID)\"}")
print("Sending (V2) \(String.init(data: hello, encoding: .utf8))")
content: hello,
completion: .contentProcessed({ error in
print("Error (V2):", error?.localizedDescription)

How to convert message received by Swift socket communication to String type

I want to do TCP communication using a library called SwiftSocket.
Below is the sample code of SwiftSocket.
func echoService(client: TCPClient) {
print("Newclient from:\(client.address)[\(client.port)]")
var d =*10)
client.send(data: d!)
func testServer() {
let server = TCPServer(address: "", port: 8080)
switch server.listen() {
case .success:
while true {
if var client = server.accept() {
echoService(client: client)
} else {
print("accept error")
case .failure(let error):
I want to convert the received message to String in the third line of the above code
var d =*10)
How can I do that?
Try this;
if let string = String(bytes: d, encoding: .utf8)
} else
print("not a valid UTF-8 sequence")

How to detect end of socket packet in Swift

I am building an HTTP server in Swift. The server will eventually run on Linux, but right now only compiles on Mac OS.
Anyways, I have the socket connections working perfectly and I'm able to receive the data stream, but I am having difficulty finding the best way to determine how to detect the end of the socket data stream.
I know there's many ways todo this, and I know that sockets basically just spit out pure binary data and have no concept of a "packet" that has a beginning and end. My question what are the best techniques used to detect the end of a packet sent from a web browser requesting a web page? I know for JSON it's pretty easy, but I'm curious about when the client is requesting a web page specifically.
InputStream did that for you, you don't have to care about that.
Try to use this:
import Foundation
typealias OnComing = (String) -> (Void)
class SocketClient: NSObject, StreamDelegate {
var host:String?
var port:Int?
var inputStream: InputStream?
var outputStream: OutputStream?
var status = false;
var output = ""
var bufferSize = 1024;
var onComing:OnComing!
func makeCFStreamConnection(host: String, port: Int, onComing:#escaping OnComing) { = host
self.port = port
self.onComing = onComing
Stream.getStreamsToHost(withName: host, port: port, inputStream: &self.inputStream, outputStream: &self.outputStream)
if self.inputStream != nil && self.outputStream != nil {
self.inputStream!.delegate = self
self.outputStream!.delegate = self
self.inputStream!.schedule(in: .main, forMode: RunLoopMode.defaultRunLoopMode)
self.outputStream!.schedule(in: .main, forMode: RunLoopMode.defaultRunLoopMode)
func stream(_ aStream: Stream, handle eventCode: Stream.Event) {
if aStream === self.inputStream {
switch eventCode {
case Stream.Event.errorOccurred:
case Stream.Event.openCompleted:
case Stream.Event.hasBytesAvailable:
} else if aStream === self.outputStream {
switch eventCode {
case Stream.Event.errorOccurred:
case Stream.Event.openCompleted:
case Stream.Event.hasSpaceAvailable:
func read() {
var buffer = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: bufferSize)
while (self.inputStream!.hasBytesAvailable) {
let bytesRead: Int = inputStream!.read(&buffer, maxLength: buffer.count)
if bytesRead >= 0 {
output += NSString(bytes: UnsafePointer(buffer), length: bytesRead, encoding: String.Encoding.ascii.rawValue)! as String
} else {
print("# Stream read() error")
func write(message:String) {
let encodedDataArray = [UInt8]("\(message)\n".utf8)
self.outputStream?.write(encodedDataArray, maxLength: encodedDataArray.count)
Your problem is resolved by read()

How to test if my remote socket NSStream are correctly open

TL;DR : What's the way to check if my remote stream are opened correctly after a call to NSStream.getStreamsToHostWithName(...)?
My application is a mobile IOS8 swift application.
I am using NSStream for input and output socket communication with a remote server.
To connect to my server and open my stream I use this code:
func connect(host: String, port: Int) -> Bool
//clear the previous connection if existing (and update self.connected)
//updating the current connection = host
self.port = port
//pairing NSstreams with remote connection
NSStream.getStreamsToHostWithName(!, port: self.port!, inputStream: &inputStream, outputStream: &outputStream)
if (self.inputStream != nil && self.outputStream != nil)
//open streams
if self.outputStream?.streamError == nil && self.inputStream?.streamError == nil
println("SOK") //PROBLEM 1
//error checking after opening streams // PROBLEM 2
if var inputStreamErr: CFError = CFReadStreamCopyError(self.inputStream)?
println("InputStream error : " + CFErrorCopyDescription(inputStreamErr))
else if var outputStreamErr: CFError = CFWriteStreamCopyError(self.outputStream)?
println("OutStream error : " + CFErrorCopyDescription(outputStreamErr))
//set the delegate to self
self.inputStream?.delegate = self
self.outputStream?.delegate = self
self.connected = true
//return connection state
return self.connected
My problem is located at //PROBLEM1 and //PROBLEM2.
At these points I try to determine if my sockets are opened correctly, but even if the server is not running this code still works, then the read and write operations are failing.
I would like to be able to determine if the connection failed or not.
Maybe I am doing it totally wrong, I don't get how to test this.
First of all, you have to schedule the stream on a runloop:
inputStream!.scheduleInRunLoop(.mainRunLoop(), forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
outputStream!.scheduleInRunLoop(.mainRunLoop(), forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
And, in your code, it's too soon to check the error. Because open() is async operation, you have to wait the result using delegate. Here is working example:
import Foundation
class Connection: NSObject, NSStreamDelegate {
var host:String?
var port:Int?
var inputStream: NSInputStream?
var outputStream: NSOutputStream?
func connect(host: String, port: Int) { = host
self.port = port
NSStream.getStreamsToHostWithName(host, port: port, inputStream: &inputStream, outputStream: &outputStream)
if inputStream != nil && outputStream != nil {
// Set delegate
inputStream!.delegate = self
outputStream!.delegate = self
// Schedule
inputStream!.scheduleInRunLoop(.mainRunLoop(), forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
outputStream!.scheduleInRunLoop(.mainRunLoop(), forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
print("Start open()")
// Open!
func stream(aStream: NSStream, handleEvent eventCode: NSStreamEvent) {
if aStream === inputStream {
switch eventCode {
case NSStreamEvent.ErrorOccurred:
print("input: ErrorOccurred: \(aStream.streamError?.description)")
case NSStreamEvent.OpenCompleted:
print("input: OpenCompleted")
case NSStreamEvent.HasBytesAvailable:
print("input: HasBytesAvailable")
// Here you can `read()` from `inputStream`
else if aStream === outputStream {
switch eventCode {
case NSStreamEvent.ErrorOccurred:
print("output: ErrorOccurred: \(aStream.streamError?.description)")
case NSStreamEvent.OpenCompleted:
print("output: OpenCompleted")
case NSStreamEvent.HasSpaceAvailable:
print("output: HasSpaceAvailable")
// Here you can write() to `outputStream`
let conn = Connection()
conn.connect("", port: 80)