How to access a variable data from the state of a flutter stateful widget from another stateful widget class's state - flutter

Hi guys I am facing a problem which I have tried to solve through multiple approaches but failed. I have a stateful widget class which has a variable in its state I need to access the data in this variable from another stateful widget's class's state, I have tried accessing the variable by creating a GlobalKey for the class which contains the variable, but when I access the variable I get null. Am I accessing the variable the wrong, way or is there a more appropriate way of doing it?

what i usually do in cases like this is i will define varableX globally so that i can access it from anywhere in my app. To do this install flutter_riverpod and define variableX like this:
final variableXProvider = StateProvider<bool>((ref)=> false/true);
inside your build method, you can access it like this
class StatefulWidget1 extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
const StatefulWidget1({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
ConsumerState<ConsumerStatefulWidget> createState() => _StatefulWidget1State();
class _StatefulWidget1State extends ConsumerState<StatefulWidget1> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
//* watch variableX like this
final varibleX =;
return Scaffold(body: Column(
children: [
//* to change the value of variableX you can do this
ElevatedButton(onPressed: (){ = true/false;
}, child: Text('Change value'))
once you hit the button, the value changes without needing to call setState(). the ref object will automatically rebuild itself once it detects any changes.


Pass parameters to a route widget correctly

I am new to flutter, and have some difficulties understanding how to correctly pass parameters to a widget that is navigated to.
My goal is, that when the users clicks on a button, I want to start up a wizard controller with a certain enum parameter based on what button the user clicked.
The wizard controller has an app bar but the primary content is a dynamic child wizard flow widget which is chosen based on the enum parameter. The wizard controller (and its children) needs to be stateful because it, among other things, holds information about the current page in the chosen wizard flow and a model which holds data for the whole wizard flow.
As far as I can see there are two options of instantiating the wizard controller with the enum parameter:
Option 1.
//Pass the parameters when the route is pushed
onPressed: () {
Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/wizard', arguments: EFlowType.WizardFlow2);
//In the build method, extract the parameter from the navigator, and use it here:
class WizardController extends StatefulWidget {
WizardController({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
State<WizardController> createState() => _WizardControllerState();
class _WizardControllerState extends State<WizardController> {
StatefulWidget? dynamicWidget;
void initState() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final flowType = ModalRoute.of(context)!.settings.arguments as EFlowType;
switch (flowType) {
case EFlowType.WizardFlow1:
//Prepare models, set dynamicWidget and do alot of work
case EFlowType.WizardFlow2:
//Prepare models, set dynamicWidget and do alot of work
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('Wizard controller'),
body: dynamicWidget
The problem is here that I would like to access the flowType parameter in the initState (or in the WizardController class constructor), so I dont need to do all the initialization work every time the widget is being rebuild/UI is updated.
If I try to access the flowtype in the initstate I get this error which I cannot come around: FlutterError (dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<_ModalScopeStatus>() or dependOnInheritedElement() was called before _WizardControllerState.initState() completed.
It is not possible to access the context in the WizardController class, so that is not an option.
Option 2.
In the MaterialApp method I can declare an extra onGenerateRoute setting, for these routes in my app that has parameters:
class WizardController extends StatefulWidget {
EFlowType flowType = EFlowType.MeterChange;
WizardController({Key? key, required this.flowType}) : super(key: key);
State<WizardController> createState() => _WizardControllerState();
onGenerateRoute: (RouteSettings settings) {
if ( == '/wizard') {
return MaterialPageRoute(builder: (_) => WizardController(flowType: settings.arguments as EFlowType));
This makes the flowType available in the initState. But why on earth would I declare context and logic-specific stuff where I am defining my routes? Is this a preferred way of defining widget parameters?
So how would you normally go around this quite normal problem?

what does it mean when we see people calling widget in dart?

I have seen many times people calling widget. sth inside the code.
May I know what it is actually doing?
For example code below, (highlighted part is my confusion)
class _MyOwnClassState extends State<MyOwnClass> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ListTile(
title: Container(
child: Column(children: makeWidgetChildren(**widget.jsonObject)**),
In flutter's StatefulWidget, we have the following architecture.
You have a StatefulWidget like this,
class MyOwnClass extends StatefulWidget {
State createState () => _MyOwnClassState();
And you have a State class for your StatefulWidget like this,
class _MyOwnClassState extends State<MyOwnClass> {
Now, State class is meant to house variables that tend to change in order for your UI to be rebuilt.
So you can have variables in your State that you can update using setState.
But what if you had some data that doesn't change and you want to avoid putting them inside the State class.
That's where your StatefulWidget comes to play.
You can store variables in your MyOwnClass and the widget variable inside the State class gives you a way to access them.
For example,
class MyOwnClass extends StatefulWidget {
int numberThatDoesntChange = 1;
State createState () => _MyOwnClassState();
You can access them in your State class like this,
class _MyOwnClassState extends State<MyOwnClass> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Text('$widget.numberThatDoesntChange');
Apart from this, your StatefulWidget has many more internal instance members that you can access inside of your State class using the widget variable.
The widget refers to the actual view that renders on the screen. It extends the StatefulWidget class of the flutter framework and overrides the createState() method. The createState() method is used to create the instance of state class. We will look into createState().
The state class is used to maintain the state of the widget so that it can be rebuilt again. It extends the State class of the flutter framework and overrides the build method.
The framework calls build() method again and again whenever setState() method is called. The setState() method notifies the framework that the internal state of this object has changed and it should be rebuilt. Suppose we change the value of text in StatefulWidget then we need to call setState().
Edit As Nisanth pointed outh in his comment - I missed your question completely; please ignore the below....
Let me try my answer, I don't think others are getting your point.
In your exapmle, Column(children: x) expect a list of Widgets.
You have two options - either provide this list directly:
class _MyOwnClassState extends State<MyOwnClass> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ListTile(
title: Container(
child: Column(children: <Widget>[SomeWidget()]),
Or if you have more complex code that generates widget - based on input parameters, or you have the same widget generated multiple times and you want to avoid the code duplication - you would create the separate function to do the job.
Something like:
class _MyOwnClassState extends State<MyOwnClass> {
List<Widget> makeWidgetChildren(int param) {
some very complex logic here
if (param>3 && param<4) {
return List<Widget>.generate(4, (index)=>SomeWidget1(index));
} else {
return <Widget>[Center()];
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ListTile(
title: Container(
child: Column(children: makeWidgetChildren(**widget.jsonObject)**),
So basically, it is just to make the code nicer; and to avoid having code repeated over and over again in the build function.

Flutter Riverpod - using read() inside build method

Suppose I want to initialize a text field by using the initialValue: property on a TextFormField, and I need my initial value to come from a provider. I read on the docs that calling read() from inside the build method is considered bad practice, but calling from handlers is fine (like onPressed). So I'm wondering if its fine to call read from the initialValue property like shown below?
No, you should use useProvider if you are using hooks, or a ConsumerWidget / Consumer if you are not.
The difference being, the initialValue field is a part of the build method, and like you said, onPressed is a handler, outside of the build method.
A core aspect of providers is optimizing rebuilds as provided values change. Using in the build method is nullifying this benefit as you aren't listening to the provided value.
Using is highly recommended in anonymous functions (onChanged, onPressed, onTap, etc.) because those functions are retrieving the provided value at the time the function is executed. This means the function will always execute with the current value of that provider, without having to listen to the provider. The other methods for reading providers use a listener which is more expensive and unnecessary in the case of anonymous functions.
In your example, you wanted to set initialValue of a TextFormField. The following is how you could use hooks_riverpod and flutter_hooks to accomplish that.
class HooksExample extends HookWidget {
const HooksExample({Key key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return TextFormField(
initialValue: useProvider(loginStateProv).email,
And for readers who prefer to not use hooks:
class ConsumerWidgetExample extends ConsumerWidget {
const ConsumerWidgetExample({Key key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context, ScopedReader watch) {
return TextFormField(
initialValue: watch(loginStateProv).email,
class ConsumerExample extends StatelessWidget {
const ConsumerExample({Key key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Consumer(
builder: (context, watch, child) {
return TextFormField(
initialValue: watch(loginStateProv).email,
The primary difference being that Consumer will only rebuild its children because only they are relying on provided data.

Trying to access state from widget, probably using wrong design

I'm learning flutter and trying to make a kind of MutableImage widget. The idea is to make a MutableImage StatefulWidget that would rebuild when a new image is provided. I try to avoid rebuilding the whole widget tree each time the image is changed because that seems overkill, and I plan to update the image several times per second. So I want to rebuild only that MutableImage widget.
So here is the code I have, with comments to explain where I'm stuck :
class MutableImage extends StatefulWidget {
State<StatefulWidget> createState() {
return MutableImageState();
void updateImage(List<int> bytes) {
// !!!!!! Would like to call this method here, but state is not available from Widget, which means I want to do something wrong, but not sure exactly how I should do it...
// this.state.updateImage(bytes);
class MutableImageState extends State<MutableImage> {
List<int> _bytes;
void updateImage(List<int> bytes) {
setState(() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
if ((_bytes==null)||(_bytes.length==0)) {
return Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());
return Image.memory(_bytes);
Then the idea was to use this widget like this for example in another stateful widget
MutableImage _mutableImage;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
if (_mutableImage == null) _mutableImage=MutableImage();
return : Row( //using Row as an example, the idea is that the mutable Image is deep into a tree of widgets, and I want to rebuild only _mutableImage when image changes, not all widgets.
children : <Widget>[
child0, child1, _mutableImage, child3, child4
void updateImage(List<int> bytes) {
So is there a good way to do this ? I'm quite confused, thx for any help/hint.
This is a place for an application of a GlobalKey. In the parent Widget of MutableImage make a global key and pass that to MutableImage. With that key you can access MutableImage state by using .currentState on the key and calling updateImage.
You'll have to add key as an argument of the MutableImage constructor and call super(key: key). updateImage should also be moved the the state of MutableImage.
final GlobalKey<MutableImageState> _imageKey = GlobalKey<MutableImageState>();
Pass the key:
MutableImage(key: _imageKey);
Access the state:

Preserve widget state when temporarily removed from tree in Flutter

I'm trying to preserve the state of a widget, so that if I temporarily remove the stateful widget from the widget tree, and then re-add it later on, the widget will have the same state as it did before I removed it. Here's a simplified example I have:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() => runApp(MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter Demo',
theme: ThemeData(
home: MyHomePage(title: 'Flutter Demo Home Page'),
class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
MyHomePage({Key key, this.title}) : super(key: key);
final String title;
_MyHomePageState createState() => _MyHomePageState();
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
bool showCounterWidget = true;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Material(
child: Center(
// Center is a layout widget. It takes a single child and positions it
// in the middle of the parent.
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
showCounterWidget ? CounterButton(): Text("Other widget"),
SizedBox(height: 16,),
child: Text("Toggle Widget"),
onPressed: (){
setState(() {
showCounterWidget = !showCounterWidget;
class CounterButton extends StatefulWidget {
_CounterButtonState createState() => _CounterButtonState();
class _CounterButtonState extends State<CounterButton> {
int counter = 0;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialButton(
color: Colors.orangeAccent,
child: Text(counter.toString()),
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
Ideally, I would not want the state to reset, therefor the counter would not reset to 0, how would I preserve the state of my counter widget?
The reason why the widget loose its state when removed from the tree temporarily is, as Joshua stated, because it loose its Element/State.
Now you may ask:
Can't I cache the Element/State so that next time the widget is inserted, it reuse the previous one instead of creating them anew?
This is a valid idea, but no. You can't.
Flutter judges that as anti-pattern and will throw an exception in that situation.
What you should instead do is to keep the widget inside the widget tree, in a disabled state.
To achieve such thing, you can use widgets like:
These widgets will allow you to keep a widget inside the widget tree (so that it keeps its state), but disable its rendering/animations/semantics.
As such, instead of:
Widget build(context) {
if (condition)
return Foo();
return Bar();
which would make Foo/Bar loose their state when switching between them
index: condition ? 0 : 1, // switch between Foo and Bar based on condition
children: [
Using this code, then Foo/Bar will not loose their state when doing a back and forth between them.
Widgets are meant to store transient data of their own within their scope and lifetime.
Based on what you have provided, you are trying to re-create CounterButton child widget, by removing and adding it back to the widget tree.
In this case, the counter value that is under the CounterButton was not saved or not saving in the MyHomePage screen, the parent widget, without any reference to a view model or any state management within or at the top level.
A more technical overview how Flutter renders your widgets
Ever wonder what is the key if you try to create a constructor for a widget?
class CounterButton extends StatefulWidget {
const CounterButton({Key key}) : super(key: key);
_CounterButtonState createState() => _CounterButtonState();
keys (key) are identifiers that are automatically being handled and used by the Flutter framework to differentiate the instances of widgets in the widget tree. Removing and adding the widget (CounterButton) in the widget tree resets the key assigned to it, therefore the data it holds, its state are also removed.
NOTE: No need to create constructors for the a Widget if it will only contain key as its parameter.
From the documentation:
Generally, a widget that is the only child of another widget does not need an explicit key.
Why does Flutter changes the key assigned to the CounterButton?
You are switching between CounterButton which is a StatefulWidget, and Text which is a StatelessWidget, reason why Flutter identifies the two objects completely different from each other.
You can always use Dart Devtools to inspect changes and toggle the behavior of your Flutter App.
Keep an eye on #3a4d2 at the end of the _CounterButtonState.
This is the widget tree structure after you have toggled the widgets. From CounterButton to the Text widget.
You can now see that the CounterButton ending with #31a53, different from the previous identifier because the two widgets are completely different.
What can you do?
I suggest that you save the data changed during runtime in the _MyHomePageState, and create a constructor in CounterButton with a callback function to update the values in the calling widget.
class CounterButton extends StatefulWidget {
final counterValue;
final VoidCallback onCountButtonPressed;
const CounterButton({Key key, this.counterValue, this.onCountButtonPressed})
: super(key: key);
_CounterButtonState createState() => _CounterButtonState();
class _CounterButtonState extends State<CounterButton> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialButton(
color: Colors.orangeAccent,
child: Text(widget.counterValue.toString()),
onPressed: () => widget.onCountButtonPressed(),
Assuming you named your variable _counterValue in the _MyHomePageState, you can use it like this:
? CounterButton(
counterValue: _counterValue,
onCountButtonPressed: () {
setState(() {
: Text("Other widget"),
In addition, this solution will help you re-use CounterButton or other similar widgets in other parts of your app.
I've added the complete example in
Andrew and Matt gave a great talk how Flutter renders widgets under the hood:
Further reading
The real solution to this problem is state management. There are several good solutions for this available as concepts and flutter packages. Personally I use the BLoC pattern regularly.
The reason for this is that widget state is meant to be used for UI state, not application state. UI state is mostly animations, text entry, or other state that does not persist.
The example in the question is application state as it is intended to persist longer than the live time of the widget.
There is a little Tutorial on creating a BLoC based counter which could be a good starting point.