Overriding firmware installion recipe in Yocto - yocto

I am trying to reduce the amount of firmware that is included in a Yocto image to reduce its size. for example I have these i915/bxt_dmc_ver1_07.bin and i915/bxt_guc_ver9_29.bin, which are not needed.
My Yocto project build platform has this recipe linux-firmware_git.bb at meta/recipes-kernel/linux-firmware. Obviously I can edit this file to exclude items of firmware. But because it is one of the base files of the distribution I'm using I want to leave it intact.
I have tried creating a linux-firmware_git.bbappend file which contains the following entries:
LICENSE_${PN}-i915 = ""
LICENSE_${PN}-i915-license = ""
FILES_${PN}-i915-license = ""
FILES_${PN}-i915-license = ""
FILES_${PN}-i915-license = ""
FILES_${PN}-i915 = ""
RDEPENDS_${PN}-i915 = ""
Unfortunately this bbappend prevents all firmware being installed in the image rather than just excluding the *-i915 files.
Could someone please tell my how to override the linux-firmware recipe so that unneeded files are excluded.
Thanks in advance

After much digging around, I found it was quite easy to achieve what I wanted.
To remove particular items firmware, eg i915, I needed to do this:
FILES_${PN}_remove += "${nonarch_base_libdir}/firmware/LICENSE.i915 \
RDEPENDS_${PN}-i915 = "${PN}-i915-license"
do_install_append() {
rm -r ${D}/${nonarch_base_libdir}/firmware/i915
I hope this is helpful to others.


Xtend - saved files contain repeated data

I don't know why when I generate files fsa.generateFile(fileName, finalString) it creates the files fine, but when I clean the project, it doubles the output.
Even if I delete the file, it continues growing.
Is this a code or Eclipse problem?
Thank you.
you store the file content for some reason as a member in the generator and never reset it
val root = resource?.allContents?.head as ProblemSpecification;
s += readFile(path_sigAlloyDeclaration+"sigAlloyDeclaration.txt")
i assume s either should be local to the doGenerate method or be reset at the start
s = ""
val root = resource?.allContents?.head as ProblemSpecification;
s += readFile(path_sigAlloyDeclaration+"sigAlloyDeclaration.txt")

How To Set Project Links in PyPI

How do I add links under the Project Links section of my PyPI project?
This question has been answered before but was a bit difficult to find, so hopefully this one is a bit easier.
PyPI pulls these links from the project_urls metadata.
In your setup.py file, call setuptools.setup() with the project_urls argument as a dictionary of title-url pairs.
import setuptools
project_urls = {
'Link 1': 'https://mygreatsite.com',
'Link 2': 'https://anothersite.com'
setuptools.setup( other_arguments, project_urls = project_urls )
If you want to know for which URL identifier which icon is used on PyPI,e.g. if you write
project_urls = {
'Twitter': 'https://twitter.com/PyScaffold',
you will see the Twitter bird on PyPI, e.g. https://pypi.org/project/PyScaffold/.
In order to see the available icons and when there are set, just check out this file(/warehouse/templates/packaging/detail.html) from the PyPI source code.
Poetry does this a bit differently, but it's the same idea.
You can put some basic info in the main part of your pyproject.toml file, under [tool.poetry]. Something like:
homepage = "https://free.law/projects/x-ray"
repository = "https://github.com/freelawproject/x-ray"
documentation = "https://github.com/freelawproject/x-ray/blob/main/README.md"
And if you want even more URLs, you can do something like:
"Organisation Homepage" = "https://free.law/"
"Change Log" = "https://github.com/freelawproject/x-ray/blob/main/CHANGES.md"
Issues = "https://github.com/freelawproject/x-ray/issues"
Funding = "https://www.courtlistener.com/donate/?referrer=pypi-xray"
There's a list of special values that'll get you icons, but it seems like you can put whatever you want here and Poetry will be happy. If Pypi doesn't know what the link is, it'll just put a generic icon next to it.
Here's the list of things that get icons:

Image not showing immediately after uploading in sails.js

In my application ,I have stored uploaded images to folder ./assets/uploads. I am using easyimage and imagemagick for storing the images.
In my application, after uploading the images, it should show the new uploaded image. But it is not displayed even if the page is refreshed. But when i do sails lift , the image is shown.
How to show image immediately after uploading the image? Thanks a lot!
It's a totally normal situation, because of the way Sails works with the assets.
The thing is that upon sails lift the assets are being copied (including directory structure and symlinks) from ./assets folder to ./.tmp/public, which becomes publicly accessible.
So, in order to show your images immediately after upload, you, basically, need to upload them not to ./assets/uploads but to ./.tmp/public/uploads.
The only problem now is that the ./.tmp folder is being rewritten each time your application restarts, and storing uploads in ./tmp/... would make them erased after every sails lift. The solution here would be storing uploads in, for example, ./uploads and having a symlink ./assets/uploads pointing to ../uploads.
Though this question is pretty old but I would like to add a solution which I just implemented.
Today I spend almost 4 hours trying all those solutions out there. But none helped. I hope this solution will save someone else's time.
WHY images are not available immediately after uploading to any custom directory?
Because according to the default Sails setup, you can not access assets directly from the assets directory. Instead you have to access the existing assets that is brought to .tmp/public directory by Grunt at time of sails lift ing
THE Problems
(Available but Volatile) If you upload a file (say image) anywhere inside .tmp/public
directory, your file (image) is going to erase at next sails lift
(Unavailability) If you upload a file in any other custom directory- say: ./assets/images, the uploaded file will not be available immediately but at next sails lift it will be available. Which doesn't makes sense because - cant restart server each time files gets uploaded in production.
MY SOLUTION (say I want to upload my images in ./assets/images dir)
Upload the file say image.ext in ./tmp/public/images/image.ext (available and volatile)
On upload completion make a copy of the file image.ext to ./assets/images/*file.ext (future-proof)
var uploadToDir = '../public/images';
saveAs:function(file, cb) {
},function whenDone(err,files){
if (err) return res.serverError(err);
if( files.length > 0 ){
var ImagesDirArr = __dirname.split('/'); // path to this controller
var path = ImagesDirArr.join('/'); // path to root of the project
var _src = files[0].fd // path of the uploaded file
// the destination path
var _dest = path+'/assets/images/'+files[0].filename
// not preferred but fastest way of copying file
return res.json({msg:"File saved", data: files});
I dont like this solution at all but yet it saved more of my time and it works perfectly in both dev and prod ENV.
Sails uses grunt to handle asset syncing. By default, the grunt-watch task ignores empty folders, but as long as there's at least one file in a folder, it will always sync it. So the quickest solution here, if you're intent on using the default static middleware to server your uploaded files, is to just make sure there's always at least one file in your assets/uploads folder when you do sails lift. As long as that's the case, the uploads folder will always be synced to your .tmp/public folder, and anything that's uploaded to it subsequently will be automatically copied over and available immediately.
Of course, this will cause all of your uploaded files to be copied into .tmp/public every time your lift Sails, which you probably don't want. To solve this, you can use the symlink trick #bredikhin posted in his answer.
Try to do this:
npm install grunt-sync --save-dev --save-exact
uncomment the line: // grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-sync');
usually it is near to the end of the file /tasks/config/sync.js.
lift the App again
Back to the Original answer
I was using node version 10.15.0, and I faced same problem. I solved this by updating to current version of node(12.4.0) and also updated npm and all the node modules. After this, I fixed the vulnerabilities(just run 'npm audit fix') and the grunt error that was coming while uploading the images to assets/images folder was fixed.
Try out this implementation
create a helper to sync the file
example of the filesync helper
// import in file
const fs = require('fs')
module.exports = {
friendlyName: 'Upload sync',
description: '',
inputs: {
exits: {
success: {
description: 'All done.',
fn: async function ({
}) {
var uploadLocation = sails.config.custom.profilePicDirectory + filename;
var tempLocation = sails.config.custom.tempProfilePicDirectory + filename;
//Copy the file to the temp folder so that it becomes available immediately
await fs.createReadStream(uploadLocation).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(tempLocation));
now call this helper to sync your files to the .temp folder
const fileName = result[0].fd.split("\\").reverse()[0];
//Sync to the .temp folder
await await sails.helpers.uploadSync(fileName);
reference to save in env
also can try

How to include another assembly in a Windows Phone 8 XAP

I would like to include another assembly in my XAP for Windows Phone without referencing it directly (like a plugin system) so I can load it at runtime and activate types from it but I can't find any kind of reference on this.
I mostly found out questions regarding how to load it once included but how to (correctly) include it, no.
You can add a compiled assembly (.dll file) to your WP8 project and set the file Build Action to 'Content'. Then you can try to load it as so :
var folder = await StorageFolder.GetFolderFromPathAsync(Path.Combine(Windows.ApplicationModel.Package.Current.InstalledLocation.Path, "Plugins", "Services"));
var files = await folder.GetFilesAsync();
var firstFile = files.FirstOrDefault();
var assy = Assembly.LoadFrom(firstFile.Path);
But Assembly.LoadFrom will fail since it's unsupported. You can still use this to load other binary content but not code.
All you can do is reference all 'plugins' or whatever assemblies you might need and not directly reference any type from these assemblies. By 'reference the assemblies' I mean right click on references (in the WP8 project) and "Add reference...".
You can then do this :
var assy = Assembly.Load("MyCompany.MyProject.WhateverAssembly");
var tp = typeof(IService);
var x = ass.GetTypes().Where(t => t.IsClass && tp.IsAssignableFrom(t)).SingleOrDefault();
Not very elegant but I could call it a workaround.

Commit a whole folder with modified files in it with SharpSvn.

I am using SharpSvn in my C# project. I am having a folder with some text files in it and another folders with subfolders in it. I am adding the folder under version control and commit it. So far, so good. This is my code:
using (SvnClient client = new SvnClient())
SvnCommitArgs ca = new SvnCommitArgs();
SvnStatusArgs sa = new SvnStatusArgs();
sa.Depth = SvnDepth.Empty;
Collection<SvnStatusEventArgs> statuses;
client.GetStatus(pathsConfigurator.FranchisePath, sa, out statuses);
if (statuses.Count == 1)
if (!statuses[0].Versioned)
ca.LogMessage = "Added";
client.Commit(pathsConfigurator.FranchisePath, ca);
else if (statuses[0].Modified)
ca.LogMessage = "Modified";
client.Commit(pathsConfigurator.FranchisePath, ca);
I make some changes to one of the text files and then run the code againg. The modification is not committed. This condition is false:
if (statuses.Count == 1)
and all the logic in the if block does not execute.
I have not written this logic and cannot quite get this lines of code:
client.GetStatus(pathsConfigurator.FranchisePath, sa, out statuses);
if (statuses.Count == 1) {}
I went on the oficial site of the API but couldn`t find documentation about this.
Can someone that is more familiar with this API tell what these two lines do ?
What changes need to be done to this code so if some of the contents of the pathsConfigurator.FranchisePath folder are changed, the whole folder with the changes to be commited. Any suggestions with working example will be greatly appreciated.
Committing one directory with everything inside is pretty easy: Just call commit on that directory.
The default Depth of commit is SvnDepth.Infinity so that would work directly. You can set additional options by providing a SvnCommitArgs object to SvnClient.Commit()