How to create a hexagonal (ring) lattice with linear scaling? - networkx

With the command
I can create a lattice graph easily.
At this link, there is an interesting solution to get a ring-like hexagon lattice starting from the networkx command. Unfortunately, the solution scale quadratically on the input.
I need to work with a linear scale-up on n.
Instead the networkx method scales as a 2nd degree function.
What I have in mind is to start from n tiles and iteratively add them in "vortex" fashon.
This would be linear on n.
Any solution?
Here some graphical example made by hand.
By adding another tile, we get exactely what is intuitively referred as haxagonal lattice ring:
Ultimately, the one below is the case with 17 tiles.


Detecting Gaussians in an image

I have a greyscale image, represented by a histogram below (x and y axes are pixels, z axis is pixel intensity).
Each cluster of bars represents an object, with the local maxima fairly approximating the centroid of the object. My goal is to find the Full Width Half Max of each object – so I'm roughly approximating each object as a Gaussian distribution.
How can I detect each cluster individually? I understand how to mathematically calculate the FWHM, but I'm not sure how to detect each cluster based on its (roughly) Gaussian features. (e.g., in the example below I would want to detect 6 clusters. One can see a small cluster in the middle but its amplitude is so small that I am okay with missing it).
I appreciate any advice - and efficiency is not a major issue, so I can implement relatively expensive solutions.
To find the centers of each of these groupings you could use a type of A* search algorithm, or similar linear optimization algorithm.
It will find its way to the maxima of a grouping. The issue after that is you wont know if you are at a local maxima (which in your scenario is likely). After your current search has bottomed out at the highest point, and you have calculated the FWHM for that area, you could set all the nodes your A* has traversed to 0, (or mark each node as visited so as to not be visited again), and start the A* algorithm again, until all nodes have been seen, and all groupings found.

What are the prerequisite to understand Fourier Descriptor program in matlab?

I am new to Digital Image Processing and have to simulate a Fourier Descriptor Program that is Affine Invariant, I want to know the prerequisites required to be able to understand this program, my reference is Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB by Gonzalez, I have seen a question on this site, regarding same program, but not able to understand the program as well as the solution, the question says:
"I am using Gonzalez frdescp function to get Fourier descriptors of a boundary. I use this code, and I get two totally different sets of numbers describing two identical but different in scale shapes.
So what is wrong?"
Can some body help me in knowing the prerequisite to understand this program as well as help me further?
Let me give this a try as I will have to use english and not mathematical notation. First, this is the documentation of the frdescp shown here. frdescp takes one argument which is an n by 2 matrix of numbers. What are these numbers? This requires some understanding of the mathematical foundation of Fourier Descriptors. The assumptions, before computing the Fourier Descriptors, is that you have a contour of the object, and you have some points on that contour. So for example a contour is shown in this picture:
You see that black line in the image? That is where you will pick a list of points going clockwise from the contour. Let's call this vector {(x_1, y_1), (x_2,y_2),... ,(x_n,y_n)}. Now that we have these points we are ready to compute the Fourier descriptors of this contour. The complex Fourier descriptor implemented in this Matlab function requires numbers to be in the complex domain. So you have to convert the numbers in our list to complex numbers, this is easy as you can transform a tuple of real numbers in 2D (x,y) to x + iy in the complex plane. However the matlab the function already does this for you. But now you know what the n by 2 matrix is for, it is just a list of xs and ys on the contour. After you have this, the matlab function takes the discrete Fourier transform and you get the descriptors. The benefit of this descriptor business is that it is invariant under certain geometric transformations such translation, rotation and scaling. I hope this was helpful.

How to extract useful features from a graph?

Things are like this:
I have some graphs like the pictures above and I am trying to classify them to different kinds so the shape of a character can be recognized, and here is what I've done:
I apply a 2-D FFT to the graphs, so I can get the spectral analysis of these graphs. And here are some result:
S after 2-D FFT
T after 2-D FFT
I have found that the same letter share the same pattern of magnitude graph after FFT, and I want to use this feature to cluster these letters. But there is a problem: I want the features of interested can be presented in a 2-D plane, i.e in the form of (x,y), but the features here is actually a graph, with about 600*400 element, and I know the only thing I am interested is the shape of the graph(S is a dot in the middle, and T is like a cross). So what can I do to reduce the dimension of the magnitude graph?
I am not sure I am clear about my question here, but thanks in advance.
You can use dimensionality reduction methods such as
k-means clustering
Each of these methods can take 2-dimensional arrays, and work out the best coordinate frame to distinguish / represent etc your letters.
One way to start would be reducing your 240000 dimensional space to a 26-dimensional space using any of these methods.
This would give you an 'amplitude' for each of the possible letters.
But as #jucestain says, a network classifiers are great for letter recognition.

Pattern recognition in Neural Network using matlab simulation

I am new to this neural network in matlab. I wanted to create a Neural Network using matlab simulation.
This matlab simulation is using pattern recognition.
I am running on a windows XP platform.
For example, I have a sets of waveforms of circular shape.
I have extracted out the poles.
These poles will teach my Neural Network that it is circular in shape, hence whenever I input another set of slightly different circular shape waveform, the Neural Network is able to distinguish between the shape.
Currently, I have extracted the poles of these 3 shapes, cylinder, circle and rectangle.
But I am clueless of how I should go about creating my Neural Network.
I'd recommend utilizing SOM (Self-organizing map) for pattern recognition since it's really robust. Also there's a Som Toolbox for Matlab you might be interested in. However, to make it learn waves while neglecting their offsets, you'd need to make some changes to the "similarity function". These changes will affect quite a lot on the SOM's training time but if that's not a problem, keep reading.
For the SOM you'll have to sample your waves to constant sized vectors, let say:
sin x -> sin_vector = (a1, a2, a3, ..., aN)
cos x -> cos_vector = (b1, b2, b3, ..., bN)
Usually similarity of "SOM-vectors" is calculated with euclidian distance. Euclidian distance of those two vectors is huge since they have a different offset. In your case they should be considered to be similar ie. distance to be small. So.. if you don't sample all the similar waves from the same starting point, they will be classified in different classes. That is probably a problem. But! Similarity of vectors in SOM is calculated in order to find the BMU (best-matching unit) from the map and pulling the BMU's and its neigborhood's vectors torwards the values of the given sample. So all you need to change is the way to compare those vectors and the way to pull the vectors' values torwards the sample so that both will be "offset-tolerent".
Slow but working solution is first finding the best offset index for each vector. Best offset index is the one that will produce the smallest value with euclidian distance for the sample. Smallest distance calculated with some node of the net will then be the BMU. Then the BMU's and its neigborhood's vectors are pulled torwards the given sample using the offset index calculated for each node just before. Everything else should work out-of-the-box.
This solution is relatively slow but should work great. I'd recommend studying the consept of SOM thoroughly and then reading this post (and angry comments) again :)
PLEASE comment if you know some mathematical solution that would be better than that previous one!
You can try to use Matlab's Neural network pattern recognition tool nprtool as it is specialize to train and test neural network for pattern recognition.

Homography to Projective transform

I've been attempting to figure out how to take a homography between two planes and convert it into an projective transform. Matlab does this automatically, but I've been trying to figure out how matlab implements the conversion.
You can look at the source code in toolbox\images\images\maketform.m
At least within the editor you can get to this by hitting F4 on the function name.
A homography is a projective transform that maps lines to lines, keeps cross ratio, but does not keep parallelism or other similarity magnitudes (angles, distances, etc).
A homography can be expressed as a homogeneous 3x3 matrix, and computed in many (really, many) different ways according to your problem.
The most typical one is to determine 4 point correspondences between the two planes and use the Direct Linear Transform (DLT). There are also many implementations of the DLT. If you are familiar with OpenCV, you can easily obtain such homography matrix using cv::findHomography (
In general, I recommend you to take a look to the "Multiple View Geometry" book from Hartley & Zisserman, which explain in detail the concept of homographies in the context of computer vision.