How to check the accuracy of the results obtained from a Numerical simulation which used ODE solver solver_ivp in scipy? - scipy

I have a question regarding the results we are obtaining from ODE solvers. I will try my best to briefly explain the question I have with me. For an example if we ran a simulation with ANSYS or may be any other FEA package, before we conclude our results there are many parameters to check the quality of the final results we obtained.
But in a numerical simulation, we are the one who gives relTol,absTol and other parameter values to improve the accuracy of the calculation to the solver. For an example if we select solve_ivp which is highly customisable solver available with SciPy.
Q1).How exactly make sure, the results of the solver is acceptable ?.
Q2). What are the ways we can check the quality of the final results we obtained?, before we make a conclusion based on the results obtained.
Q3) How further improve the accuracy of the by changing solver options?.
Highly appreciate if you can share your ideas with sample codings.

IMO, Q1 and Q2 are the same question. The reliability of the results will depend on the accuracy of the mathematical model wrt to the simulated phenomenon (f.i. assuming linearity when linearity is questionable) and the precision of the algorithm. You need to check if the method converges, and if it converges, must converge to a correct solution.
Ideally, you should compare your results to "ground truth" on typical problems. Ground truth can be obtained from a lab experiment, or by using an alternative method known to yield correct results. Without this, you will never be sure that your numerical method is valid, other than by an act of faith.
To understand the effect of the parameters and address Q3, you can solve the same problem with different parameter settings and observe their effect, one by one. After a while, you should get a better understanding on the convergence properties in relation to the parameter settings.


How to ensure my optimization algorithm has found the solution?

I am performing a numerical optimization where I try to find the parameters of a statistical model that best match certain moments of the data. I have 6 parameters in total I need to find. I have written a matlab function which takes the parameters as input and gives the sum of squared deviations from the empirical moments as output. I use the fminsearch function to find the parameters and it gives me a solution.
However, I am unsure if this is really a global minimum. What type of checks I could do to ensure the numerical solution is correct? Plotting the function is challenging due to high dimensionality. Any general advice in solving this type of problem is also appreciated.
You are describing the difficulties of a global optimization problem.
As mentioned in one of the comments, fminsearch() and related function fminunc() will return a local minimum. It provides no guarantee that you will get a global minimum.
A simple way to check if the answer you get really is a global minimum, would be to run the function multiple times from various starting points. If the answer all converges to the same value, it might be a global minimum. If you find an answer with lower error values, then the last answer was not the global minimum.
The only way to be perfectly sure that you have the global minima, is to know whether or not your function is convex (i.e. your function has only a single minima.) This will have to be done analytically.
If it is not possible to be done analytically, there are many global optimization methods you may want to consider, including some available as this MATLAB toolbox.

How to do disjoint classification without softmax output?

What's the correct way to do 'disjoint' classification (where the outputs are mutually exclusive, i.e. true probabilities sum to 1) in FANN since it doesn't seems to have an option for softmax output?
My understanding is that using sigmoid outputs, as if doing 'labeling', that I wouldn't be getting the correct results for a classification problem.
FANN only supports tanh and linear error functions. This means, as you say, that the probabilities output by the neural network will not sum to 1. There is no easy solution to implementing a softmax output, as this will mean changing the cost function and hence the error function used in the backpropagation routine. As FANN is open source you could have a look at implementing this yourself. A question on Cross Validated seems to give the equations you would have to implement.
Although not the mathematically elegant solution you are looking for, I would try play around with some cruder approaches before tackling the implementation of a softmax cost function - as one of these might be sufficient for your purposes. For example, you could use a tanh error function and then just renormalise all the outputs to sum to 1. Or, if you are actually only interested in what the most likely classification is you could just take the output with the highest score.
Steffen Nissen, the guy behind FANN, presents an example here where he tries to classify what language a text is written in based on letter frequency. I think he uses a tanh error function (default) and just takes the class with the biggest score, but he indicates that it works well.

Matlab - output of the algorithm

I have a program using PSO algorithm using penalty function for Constraint Satisfaction. But when I run the program for different iterations, the output of the algorithm would be :
"Iteration 1: Best Cost = Inf"
Does anyone know why I always get inf answer?
There could be many reasons for that, none of which will be accurate if you don't provide a MWE with the code you have already tried or a context of the function you are analysing.
For instance, while studying the PSO algorithm you might use it on functions which have analytical solutions first. By doing this you can study the behaviour of the algorithm before applying to a similar problem, and fine tune its parameters.
My guess is that you might not be providing either the right function (I have done that already, getting a signal wrong is easy!), the right constraints (same logic applies), your weights for the penalty function and velocity update are way off.

Why does GlobalSearch return different solutions each run?

When running the GlobalSearch solver on a nonlinear constrained optimization problem I have, I often get very different solutions each run. For the cases that I have an analytical solution, the numerical results are less dispersed than the non-analytical cases but are still different each run. It would be nice to get the same results at least for these analytical cases so that I know the optimization routine is working properly. Is there a good explanation of this in the Global Optimization Toolbox User Guide that I missed?
Also, why does GlobalSearch use a different number of local solver runs each run?
A full description of how the GlobalSearch algorithm works can be found Here.
In summary the GlobalSearch method iteratively performs convex optimization. Basically it starts out by using fmincon to search for a local minimum near the initial conditions you have provided. Then a bunch of "trial points", based on how good the initial result was, are generated using the "scatter search algorithm." Then there is some more convex optimization and rating of "how good" the minima around these points are.
There are a couple of things that can cause the algorithm give you different answers:
1. Changing the initial conditions you give it
2. The scatter search algorithm itself
The fact that you are getting different answers each time likely means that your function is highly non-convex. The best thing that I know of that you can do in this scenario is just to try the optimization algorithm at several different initial conditions and see what result you get back the most frequently.
It also looks like there is something called the 'PlotFcns' property which would allow you get a better idea what the functions the solver is generating for you look like.
You can use the ga or gamulti objective functions within the GlobalSearch api. I would recommend this. Convex optimizers wont be able to solve a non-linear problem. Even then Genetic Algorithms dont gaurantee the solution. If you run the ga and then use its final minimum as the start of your fmincon search then it should result in the same answer consistently. There may be better ones but if the search space is unknown you may never know.

Solving a non-polynomial equation numerically

I've got a problem with my equation that I try to solve numerically using both MATLAB and Symbolic Toolbox. I'm after several source pages of MATLAB help, picked up a few tricks and tried most of them, still without satisfying result.
My goal is to solve set of three non-polynomial equations with q1, q2 and q3 angles. Those variables represent joint angles in my industrial manipulator and what I'm trying to achieve is to solve inverse kinematics of this model. My set of equations looks like this:
I'm solving it with
numeric::solve([z1,z2,z3], [q1=x1..x2,q2=x3..x4,q3=x5..x6], MultiSolutions)
Changing the xn constant according to my needs. Yet I still get some odd results, the q1 var is off by approximately 0.1 rad, q2 and q3 being off by ~0.01 rad. I don't have much experience with numeric solve, so I just need information, should it supposed to look like that?
And, if not, what valid option do you suggest I should take next? Maybe transforming this equation to polynomial, maybe using a different toolbox?
Or, if trying to do this in Matlab, how can you limit your solutions when using solve()? I'm thinking of an equivalent to Symbolic Toolbox's assume() and assumeAlso.
I would be grateful for your help.
The numerical solution of a system of nonlinear equations is generally taken as an iterative minimization process involving the minimization (i.e., finding the global minimum) of the norm of the difference of left and right hand sides of the equations. For example fsolve essentially uses Newton iterations. Those methods perform a "deterministic" optimization: they start from an initial guess and then move in the unknowns space essentially according to the opposite of the gradient until the solution is not found.
You then have two kinds of issues:
Local minima: the stopping rule of the iteration is related to the gradient of the functional. When the gradient becomes small, the iterations are stopped. But the gradient can become small in correspondence to local minima, besides the desired global one. When the initial guess is far from the actual solution, then you are stucked in a false solution.
Ill-conditioning: large variations of the unknowns can be reflected into large variations of the data. So, small numerical errors on data (for example, machine rounding) can lead to large variations of the unknowns.
Due to the above problems, the solution found by your numerical algorithm will be likely to differ (even relevantly) from the actual one.
I recommend that you make a consistency test by choosing a starting guess, for example when using fsolve, very close to the actual solution and verify that your final result is accurate. Then you will discover that, by making the initial guess more far away from the actual solution, your result will be likely to show some (even large) errors. Of course, the entity of the errors depend on the nature of the system of equations. In some lucky cases, those errors could keep also very small.