I am currently at the end of my application and I want to export all the data I have collected from the user and put it neatly into a PDF that they then can either print or download and send off. I have tried using a couple of PDF dependencies but none seem to be web friendly. Anyone done this before and possibly point me in a good direction?
I'm developing a web app for in-house use and I'm looking for a better way to display PDFs.
I've played around with Adobe's 'Work with Local File' example from GitHub, Adobe GitHub Example, and it works great using the file picker to display a PDF. Is it possible with Adobe's PDF Embed API to take a file located on a local file share and display the PDF?
I'm thinking I need to create a file promise but I'm not sure how to create that.
Unless you can make a network request to load the PDF, the answer is no. Browsers generally can't read from local files unless a user action actually picks the file. If your local share can be made accessible via HTTP, then you would be good to go.
I'm trying to create a web page using Perfect(perfect.org), Where users will browse and upload files. Can anyone tell me how can I get the progress of file upload?
Refer above link and Do as-usual concept following in HTML-JS-PHP or HTML-JS-JSP or other programming
In other words
you can receive response status in percentage from server-side and display it to client or put loder while uploading the file
Thank you
Before an official solution released from PerfectlySoft Inc. for this feature request, you could try splitting the file into small pieces and upload them one by one, then merge them back to the server - since there is no such an industrial standard to apply, all other web servers either provide different solutions or simply stay away from it.
I have say a listview, populated with the datas, in an activity.Now I want my app to print this listview to a printer, through google cloud print.How can this be done easily.I am using kitkat.I have wasted much time on google but could'nt find solution.Thanks
You can take the data and create a pdf fairly easily. Pdfs can be sent to any pdf reader application using an intent and printed from there. Alternatively you could integrate with the Print framework and print from inside your app. If this is an approach that you are interested in I can provide more details as necessary.
I want to create a tutorial inside a form showing how to use my database. I created it in PowerPoint and saved it as a PDF. I was wondering if it was possible to attach this PDF in my form. I also saved these slides as images on my computer, tried to attached them to a form and it exceeded 22 inches in lenght. is there any way around this any suggestions perhaps?
You could use javascript and other tools to show the pdf as a slideshow, I recommend that you use this tool its free and you can integrate your slides in a very easy way with javascript.
So the website constantly changes the data that it displays, and I want to get that data every several seconds and log it in a spreadsheet. The problem is in order to get to the page, I have to have a cookie which I get when I log in. Unfortunately I only know how to program in MATLAB. MATLAB has a function for this, urlread, but it doesn't deal with cookies. What can I do to get to that page? Can anyone help me with this? Point me into a direction where a programing noob like me can succeed please.
You could use wget to download content while using HTTP cookies. I will be using StackOverflow.com as example target. Here are the steps to follow:
1) Obtain the wget command tool. For Mac or Linux, I think it is already available. On Windows, you can get it from the GnuWin32 project or from one of the many other ports (Cygwin, MinGW/MSYS, etc..).
2) Next we need to obtain an authenticated cookie by logging into the website in question. You can use your preferred browser for this.
In Internet Explorer, you can produce it using "File menu > Import and Export > Export Cookies". In Firefox, I used the Cookie Exporter extension to export cookies to text file. For Chrome, there should be similar extensions
Obviously you only need to do this step once, as long as the cookies have not yet expired!
3) Once you locate the cookie file exported, we can use wget to fetch the web page and provide it with this cookie. This of course can be performed from inside MATLAB using the SYSTEM function:
%# fetch page and save it to disk
url = 'http://stackoverflow.com/';
cmd = ['wget --cookies=on --load-cookies=./cookies.txt ' url];
system(cmd, '-echo');
%# process page: I am simply viewing it using embedded browser
web( ['file:///' strrep(fullfile(pwd,'index.html'),'\','/')] )
Parsing the web page is a whole other topic that I will not go into. Once you get the data you seek, you can interact with Excel spreadsheets using the XLSREAD and XLSWRITE functions.
4) Finally you can write this in a function, and make it execute on regular intervals using the TIMER function
Try using the java.net.* classes.
You should be able to use them directly in the MATLAB workspace, as described here: http://www.mathworks.co.uk/help/techdoc/matlab_external/f4863.html
Matlab has built-in functions for web downloading. For http sites, there is webread.m and websave.m. For FTPs, there is mget.m