Powershell script to search and replace text in a file using two columns in a separate reference file - powershell

I want a script that can help me check for the name of keyset (column a) in Sample.cvs and then replace the current command(column b) with new command (column c) in the Source text file.
CSV file: Sample.csv
A. | B. | C.
Manock | 2B | 2ab
Sterling | 3F | 3sf
Source file text: Source.txt
keyset "Manock"
command ("display/app=%disapp% "2B")
So desired output:
keyset "Manock"
command ("display/app=%disapp% "2ab")
Powershell Script:
New-Item -Path "C:\Users\e076200\Desktop\ks_update\source.txt" -ItemType File -Force
$data = Get-Content C:\Users\e076200\Desktop\ks_update\source.ddl
Add-Content -Value $data -Path "C:\Users\e076200\Desktop\ks_update\source.txt"
$foundline = $false
$a = 0
$Etxt = foreach($line in Get-Content C:\Users\e076200\Desktop\ks_update\source.txt)
if ($line -match 'keyset "Manock"' )
$a = 0
$foundline = $true
$a= $a + 1
if($line -match "display/app" -and $a -eq 5 -and $foundline -eq $true)
$line = $line.replace('2b' , '2ab')
$Etxt | Set-Content C:\Users\e076200\Desktop\ks_update\source.txt -Force
$users = Import-CSV -Path:\Users\e076200\Desktop\ks_update\sample.csv
I've figured out how to find and replace one line in the file directly. I've also figured out how to import the csv. I need help on how to make the logic parameterized and use column A of CSV as the match piece and column c as the replacement piece.
Script Explanation.
New-Item -Path "C:\Users\e076200\Desktop\ks_update\source.txt" -ItemType File -Force
New-Item creates new text file # location defined by -Path using name specified at the end, source.
ItemType to define type of document, -Force is force command.
$data = Get-Content C:\Users\e076200\Desktop\ks_update\source.ddl
Retrieves ddl and stores in variable.
Add-Content -Value $data -Path "C:\Users\e076200\Desktop\ks_update\source.txt"
Transfers content from variable to new text file created.
$foundline = $false
conditional variable defined for when keyset identifier is found.
$a = 0
counter defined for if statement.
$Etxt = foreach($line in Get-Content C:\Users\e076200\Desktop\ks_update\source.txt)
$Etxt - for loop
$line - variable for each line in txt
if ($line -match 'keyset "Manock"' )
$a = 0
$foundline = $true
If keyset identifier is found, set counter to 0 and set conditional variable to true
$a= $a + 1
if($line -match "display/app" -and $a -eq 5 -and $foundline -eq $true)
$line = $line.replace('2b' , '2ab')
Match found, PS runs logic, line with keyset identifier == 0 + 1....up until line = 5 where we find item to be replaced.
For redundancy, line reader set to check for line identifier, ("display/app") on expected line.
If Redundant check if met and counter is 5 then we replace word with the line.replace function.
Overwritten data is returned in $line
Else retain line
$Etxt | Set-Content C:\Users\e076200\Desktop\ks_update\source.txt -Force
Updated text file
$users = Import-CSV -Path:\Users\e076200\Desktop\ks_update\sample.csv
Imports Reference csv file
Please make explanation as dumbed down as possible. Thank you.


How to make a script that merges all .txt files into one .csv file into multiple columns in Powershell

I don't know how to merge multiple .txt files with datas into one .csv file each of the .txt file seperated into columns.
This is my code so far,
$location = (Get-Location).Path
$files = Get-ChildItem $location -Filter "*.asd.txt"
$data = #()
foreach ($file in $files) {
$fileData = Get-Content $file.FullName
foreach ($line in $fileData) {
$lineData = $line -split "\t"
$data = $lineData[1]
Add-Content -Path "$location\output.csv" -Value $data
Each of the file looks like this
I want to keep the first column "WaveLength" and put the second columns next to each other from all the files in the folder. The header will start with the exac name
"stovikmladyDoupno2 2020080500001.asd" or "stovikmladyDoupno2 2020080500002.asd" and so on ....
so it should look like this
I have tried to look for information over two days and still don't know. I have tried to put "," on the end of the file, I though excel will handle with that, but nothing helped.
Here I provide few files as test data
few lines of data
Wavelength stovikmladyDoupno2 2020080500000.asd
350 6.38961399706465E-02
351 6.14107911262903E-02
352 6.04866108251357E-02
353 5.83485359067184E-02
354 0.054978792413247
355 5.27014859356317E-02
356 5.34849237528764E-02
357 5.32841277775603E-02
358 5.23466655229364E-02
359 5.47595002186027E-02
360 5.22061034631109E-02
361 4.90149806042666E-02
362 4.81633530421385E-02
363 4.83974076557941E-02
364 4.65219929658367E-02
365 0.044800930294557
366 4.47830287392802E-02
367 4.46947539436297E-02
368 0.043756926558447
369 4.31725380363072E-02
370 4.36867609723618E-02
371 4.33227601805265E-02
372 4.29978664449687E-02
373 4.23860463187361E-02
374 4.12183604375401E-02
375 4.14306521081773E-02
376 4.11760903772502E-02
377 4.06421127128478E-02
378 4.09771489689262E-02
379 4.10083126746385E-02
380 4.05161601354181E-02
381 3.97904564387456E-02
I assumed a location since I'm not fond of declaring file paths without a literal path. Please adjust path as needed.
$Files = Get-ChildItem J:\Test\*.txt -Recurse
$Filecount = 0
$ObjectCollectionArray = #()
#Fist parse and collect each row in an array.. While keeping the datetime information from filename.
foreach($File in $Files){
Write-Host $Filecount
$DateTime = $File.fullname.split(" ").split(".")[1]
$Content = Get-Content $File.FullName
foreach($Row in $Content){
$Split = $Row.Split("`t")
if($Split[0] -ne 'Wavelength'){
$Object = [PSCustomObject]#{
'Datetime' = $DateTime
'Number' = $Split[0]
'Wavelength' = $Split[1]
$ObjectCollectionArray += $Object
#Match by number and create a new object with relation to the number and different datetime.
$GroupedCollection = #()
$Grouped = $ObjectCollectionArray | Group-Object number
foreach($GroupedNumber in $Grouped){
$NumberObject = [PSCustomObject]#{
'Number' = $GroupedNumber.Name
foreach($Occurance in $GroupedNumber.Group){
$NumberObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $Occurance.Datetime -NotePropertyValue $Occurance.wavelength
$GroupedCollection += $NumberObject
$GroupedCollection | Export-Csv -Path J:\Test\result.csv -NoClobber -NoTypeInformation
What you're looking to do is quite a hard task, there are a few ways to do it. This method requires that all files are in memory to process them. You can definitely treat these files as TSVs, so Import-Csv -Delimiter "`t" is an option so you can deal with objects instead of plain text.
# using this temp dictionary to create objects for each line of each tsv
$tmp = [ordered]#{}
# get all files and enumerate
$csvs = Get-ChildItem $location -Filter *.asd.txt | ForEach-Object {
# get their content as objects
$content = $_ | Import-Csv -Delimiter "`t"
# get their property Name that is not `Wavelength`
$property = $content[0].PSObject.Properties.Where{ $_.Name -ne 'Wavelength' }.Name
# output an object holding the total lines of this csv,
# its content and the property name of interest
Lines = $content.Count
Content = $content
Property = $property
# use a scriptblock to allow streaming so `Export-Csv` starts exporting as
# output is going through the pipeline
& {
# for loop used for each line of the Tsv having the highest number of lines
for($i = 0; $i -lt [System.Linq.Enumerable]::Max([int[]] $csvs.Lines); $i++) {
# this boolean is used to preserve the "Wavelength" value of the first Tsv
$isFirstCsv = $true
foreach($csv in $csvs) {
# if this is the first object
if($isFirstCsv) {
# add the value of "Wavelength"
$tmp['Wavelength'] = $csv.Content[$i].Wavelength
# and set the bool to false, since we are only using this once
$isFirstCsv = $false
# then add the value of each property of each Tsv to the temp dictionary
$tmp[$csv.Property] = $csv.Content[$i].($csv.Property)
# then output this object
[pscustomobject] $tmp
# clear the temp dictionary
} | Export-Csv path\to\result.csv -NoTypeInformation
Here is a much more efficient approach that treats the files as plain text, this method is much faster and memory efficient however not as reliable. It uses StreamReader to read the file contents line-by-line and a StringBuilder to construct each line.
& {
# get all files and enumerate
$readers = Get-ChildItem $location -Filter *.asd.txt | ForEach-Object {
# create a stream reader for each file
[System.IO.StreamReader] $_.FullName
# this StringBuilder is used to construct each line
$sb = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
# while any of the readers has more content
while($readers.EndOfStream -contains $false) {
# signals this is our first Tsv
$isFirstReader = $true
# enumerate each reader
foreach($reader in $readers) {
# if this is the first Tsv
if($isFirstReader) {
# append the line as-is, only trimming exces white space
$sb = $sb.Append($reader.ReadLine().Trim())
$isFirstReader = $false
# go to next reader
# if this is not the first Tsv,
# split on Tab and exclude the first token (Wavelength)
$null, $line = $reader.ReadLine().Trim() -split '\t'
# append a Tab + this line
$sb = $sb.Append("`t$line")
# append a new line and output the constructed string
# and clear it for next lines
$sb = $sb.Clear()
# dispose all readers when done
$readers | ForEach-Object Dispose
} | Set-Content path\to\result.tsv -NoNewline

Remove the need to use out-file only to import the file immediately using PowerShell just to convert the base type

I am attempting to turn the file below into one that contains no comments '#', no blank lines, no unneeded spaces, and only one entry per line. I'm unsure how to run the following code without the need to output the file and then reimport it. There should be code that doesn't require that step but I can't find it. The way I wrote my script also doesn't look right to me even though it works. As if there was a more elegant way of doing what I'm attempting but I just don't see it.
Before File Change: TNSNames.ora
#Created 9_27_16
#Updated 8_30_19
(COMMUNITY = tcp.world)
(Host = www.url1111.com)
(Port = 1111)
#Created 9_27_16
#Created 9_27_16
#Updated 8_30_19
After File Change:
# Get the file
[System.IO.FileInfo] $File = 'C:\temp\TNSNames.ora'
[string] $data = (Get-Content $File.FullName | Where-Object { !$_.StartsWith('#') }).ToUpper()
# Convert the data. This part is where any (CONNECT_DATA entry ends up on it's own line.
$Results = $data.Replace(" ", "").Replace("`t", "").Replace(")))", ")))`n")
# Convert $Results from BaseType of System.Object to System.Array
$Path = '.\.vscode\StringResults.txt'
$Results | Out-File -FilePath $Path
$Results = Get-Content $Path
# Find all lines that start with '(CONNECT_DATA'
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Results.Length - 1; $i++) {
if ($Results[$i + 1].StartsWith("(CONNECT_DATA")) {
# Add the '(CONNECT_DATA' line to the previous line
$Results[$i] = $Results[$i] + $Results[$i + 1]
# Blank out the '(CONNECT_DATA' line
$Results[$i + 1] = ''
# Remove all blank lines
$FinalForm = $null
foreach ($Line in $Results) {
if ($Line -ne "") {
$FinalForm += "$Line`n"
So the crux of your problem is that you have declared $data as a [string] which is fine because probably some of your replace operations work better as a single string. Its just that $Results also then ends up being a string so when you try to index into $Results near the bottom these operations fail. You can however easily turn your $Results variable into a string array using the -split operator this would eliminate the need to save the string to disk and import back in just to accomplish the same. See comments below.
# Get the file
[System.IO.FileInfo] $File = 'C:\temp\TNSNames.ora'
[string] $data = (Get-Content $File.FullName | Where-Object { !$_.StartsWith('#') }).ToUpper()
# Convert the data. This part is where any (CONNECT_DATA entry ends up on it's own line.
$Results = $data.Replace(' ', '').Replace("`t", '').Replace(')))', ")))`n")
# You do not need to do this next section. Essentially this is just saving your multiline string
# to a file and then using Get-Content to read it back in as a string array
# Convert $Results from BaseType of System.Object to System.Array
# $Path = 'c:\temp\StringResults.txt'
# $Results | Out-File -FilePath $Path
# $Results = Get-Content $Path
# Instead split your $Results string into multiple lines using -split
# this will do the same thing as above without writing to file
$Results = $Results -split "\r?\n"
# Find all lines that start with '(CONNECT_DATA'
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Results.Length - 1; $i++) {
if ($Results[$i + 1].StartsWith('(CONNECT_DATA')) {
# Add the '(CONNECT_DATA' line to the previous line
$Results[$i] = $Results[$i] + $Results[$i + 1]
# Blank out the '(CONNECT_DATA' line
$Results[$i + 1] = ''
# Remove all blank lines
$FinalForm = $null
foreach ($Line in $Results) {
if ($Line -ne '') {
$FinalForm += "$Line`n"
Also, for fun, try this out
((Get-Content 'C:\temp\tnsnames.ora' |
Where-Object {!$_.StartsWith('#') -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)}) -join '' -replace '\s' -replace '\)\s?\)\s?\)', ")))`n" -replace '\r?\n\(Connect_data','(connect_data').ToUpper()

How to remove the entire row when any one field of CVS is null in powershell?

ProcessName UserName PSComputerName
csrss dc-01
ctfmon SAD\Administrator rdscb-01
SAD\Administrator srv-01
Remove the second and last row here
Based on your comments, if $data is read from a CSV file and contains custom objects, you can do the following:
$data | where { $_.PsObject.Properties.Value -notcontains $null -and $_.PsObject.Properties.Value -notcontains '' }
This will apply to every property and won't require supplying named properties.
There are more elegant ways, but, here is a kind of ugly answer, to illustrate this...
$Data = #"
"# | Out-File -FilePath 'D:\Temp\ProcData.csv'
$headers = (
(Get-Content -Path 'D:\Temp\ProcData.csv') -replace '"','' |
select -First 1
) -split ','
$data = Import-Csv -Path 'D:\Temp\ProcData.csv'
$colCnt = $headers.count
$lineNum = 0
foreach ($line in $data)
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $colCnt; $i++)
# test to see if contents of a cell is empty
if (-not $line.$($headers[$i]))
Write-Warning -Message "$($lineNum): $($headers[$i]) is blank"
continue newline
"$($lineNum): OK"
# Perform other actions with good data
# Results
1: OK
WARNING: 2: UserName is blank
3: OK
WARNING: 4: ProcessName is blank

Powershell Script for 500 errors

I want power shell script to fetch all 500 entries from IIS logs from multiple servers. I have written a script that fetches 500 from single servers for previous hours. Could someone check and help me how I can go for fetching multiple servers. Script that I have:
#Set Time Variable -60
$time = (Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss"(Get-Date).addminutes(-60))
# Location of IIS LogFile
#$servers = get-content C:\Users\servers.txt
$File = "\\server\D$\Logs\W3SVC89\"+"u_ex"+(get-date).ToString("yyMMddHH")+".log"
# Get-Content gets the file, pipe to Where-Object and skip the first 3 lines.
$Log = Get-Content $File | where {$_ -notLike "#[D,S-V]*" }
# Replace unwanted text in the line containing the columns.
$Columns = (($Log[0].TrimEnd()) -replace "#Fields: ", "" -replace "-","" -replace "\(","" -replace "\)","").Split(" ")
# Count available Columns, used later
$Count = $Columns.Length
# Strip out the other rows that contain the header (happens on iisreset)
$Rows = $Log | where {$_ -like "*500 0 0*"}
# Create an instance of a System.Data.DataTable
#Set-Variable -Name IISLog -Scope Global
$IISLog = New-Object System.Data.DataTable "IISLog"
# Loop through each Column, create a new column through Data.DataColumn and add it to the DataTable
foreach ($Column in $Columns) {
$NewColumn = New-Object System.Data.DataColumn $Column, ([string])
# Loop Through each Row and add the Rows.
foreach ($Row in $Rows) {
$Row = $Row.Split(" ")
$AddRow = $IISLog.newrow()
for($i=0;$i -lt $Count; $i++) {
$ColumnName = $Columns[$i]
$AddRow.$ColumnName = $Row[$i]
$IISLog | select #{n="DateTime"; e={Get-Date ("$($_.date) $($_.time)")}},sip,csuristem,scstatus | ? { $_.DateTime -ge $time } |Out-File C:\Users\Servers\results.csv
Assuming your logfile is always on the same path, and that servers.txt contains you server list,
you can read the server list then execute your code against each one using a foreach loop :
something like that ( a result file is create for each server) :
#Set Time Variable -60
$time = (Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss"(Get-Date).addminutes(-60))
# Location of IIS LogFile
$servers = get-content C:\Users\servers.txt
$servers| foreach{
#inside the foreach loop $_ will represent the current server
$File = "\\$_\D$\Logs\W3SVC89\"+"u_ex"+(get-date).ToString("yyMMddHH")+".log"
# Get-Content gets the file, pipe to Where-Object and skip the first 3 lines.
$Log = Get-Content $File | where {$_ -notLike "#[D,S-V]*" }
# Replace unwanted text in the line containing the columns.
$Columns = (($Log[0].TrimEnd()) -replace "#Fields: ", "" -replace "-","" -replace "\(","" -replace "\)","").Split(" ")
# Count available Columns, used later
$Count = $Columns.Length
# Strip out the other rows that contain the header (happens on iisreset)
$Rows = $Log | where {$_ -like "*500 0 0*"}
# Create an instance of a System.Data.DataTable
#Set-Variable -Name IISLog -Scope Global
$IISLog = New-Object System.Data.DataTable "IISLog"
# Loop through each Column, create a new column through Data.DataColumn and add it to the DataTable
foreach ($Column in $Columns) {
$NewColumn = New-Object System.Data.DataColumn $Column, ([string])
# Loop Through each Row and add the Rows.
foreach ($Row in $Rows) {
$Row = $Row.Split(" ")
$AddRow = $IISLog.newrow()
for($i=0;$i -lt $Count; $i++) {
$ColumnName = $Columns[$i]
$AddRow.$ColumnName = $Row[$i]
$IISLog | select #{n="DateTime"; e={Get-Date ("$($_.date) $($_.time)")}},sip,csuristem,scstatus | ? { $_.DateTime -ge $time } |Out-File C:\Users\Servers\$_results.csv
Note that this will run your code sequentially on each of your server wich can be time consumming. If you are facing duration issue, you can try to use invoke-command and the -asjob parameter in order to launch you code asynchronoulsy

Powershell to count columns in a file

I need to test the integrity of file before importing to SQL.
Each row of the file should have the exact same amount of columns.
These are "|" delimited files.
I also need to ignore the first line as it is garbage.
If every row does not have the same number of columns, then I need to write an error message.
I have tried using something like the following with no luck:
$colCnt = "c:\datafeeds\filetoimport.txt"
$file = (Get-Content $colCnt -Delimiter "|")
$file = $file[1..($file.count - 1)]
Foreach($row in $file){
Counting rows is easy. Columns is not.
Any suggestions?
Yep, read the file skipping the first line. For each line split it on the pipe, and count the results. If it isn't the same as the previous throw an error and stops.
$colCnt = "c:\datafeeds\filetoimport.txt"
[int]$LastSplitCount = $Null
Get-Content $colCnt | ?{$_} | Select -Skip 1 | %{if($LastSplitCount -and !($_.split("|").Count -eq $LastSplitCount)){"Process stopped at line number $($_.psobject.Properties.value[5]) for column count mis-match.";break}elseif(!$LastSplitCount){$LastSplitCount = $_.split("|").Count}}
That should do it, and if it finds a bad column count it will stop and output something like:
Process stopped at line number 5 for column count mis-match.
Edit: Added a Where catch to skip blank lines ( ?{$_} )
Edit2: Ok, if you know what the column count should be then this is even easier.
Get-Content $colCnt | ?{$_} | Select -Skip 1 | %{if(!($_.split("|").Count -eq 210)){"Process stopped at line number $($_.psobject.Properties.value[5]), incorrect column count of: $($_.split("|").Count).";break}}
If you want it to return all lines that don't have 210 columns just remove the ;break and let it run.
A more generic approach, including a RegEx filter:
$path = "path\to\folder"
$regex = "regex"
$expValue = 450
$files= Get-ChildItem $path | Where-Object {$_.Name -match $regex}
Foreach( $f in $files) {
$filename = $f.Name
echo $filename
$a = Get-Content $f.FullName;
$i = 1;
$e = 0;
echo "Starting...";
foreach($line in $a)
if ($line.length -ne $expValue){
echo $filename
$a | Measure-Object -Line
echo "Long:"
echo $line.Length;
echo "Line Nº: "
echo $i;
$e = $e + 1;
$i = $i+1;
echo "Finished";
if ($e -ne 0){
echo $e "errors found";
echo "No errors"
echo ""
echo "All files examined"
Another possibility:
$colCnt = "c:\datafeeds\filetoimport.txt"
$DataLine = (Get-Content $colCnt -TotalCount 2)[1]
$DelimCount = ([char[]]$DataLine -eq '|').count
$MatchString = '.*' + ('|.*' * $DelimCount )
$test = Select-String -Path $colCnt -Pattern $MatchString -NotMatch |
where { $_.linenumber -ne 1 }
That will find the number of delimiter characters in the second line, and build a regex pattern that can be used with Select-String.
The -NotMatch switch will make it return any lines that don't match that pattern as MatchInfo objects that will have the filename, line number and content of the problem lines.
Edit: Since the first line is "garbage" you probably don't care if it didn't match so I added a filter to the result to drop that out.