How do I use the number of active users of my app with my Cloudant database? - ibm-cloud

I have some user documents in my Cloudant database that are updated every time a user logs in to our app.
I'm trying to find how many users logged in within the past 24hrs. What is the best way of achieving this in Cloudant?

Imagine your document looks like this:
"_id": "abc1234",
"user_id": "xyz567",
"last_login": "2022-11-23T12:00:00.000Z"
You can create a view keyed on the last_login parameter (and select the _count Reducer):
function (doc) {
If you then query that view and supply a startkey parameter with the date you want to compare to, you will get the count of users who have logged in since that date, e.g."2022-11-23"
This will show the number of users who have logged in since November 23, 2022.


Record number constraint in mongodb

Suppose we have a collection with this schema:
"sub": 1234,
"appId": 5678
The sub field is the user account id, and appId application id.
Now we need to limit the number of applications per user account to some value (let's say, 5). What is the easiest way?
Of course we could introduce transaction in mongodb as we do in SQL. Since we choose a document database, is there any more advanced way to this requirement?

Schema on mongodb for reducing API calls with two collections

Not quite sure what the best practice is if I have two collections, a user collection and a picture collection - I do not want to embed all my pictures into my user collection.
My client searches for pictures under a certain criteria. Let's say he gets 50 pictures back from the search (i.e. one single mongodb query). Each picture is associated to one user. I want the user name displayed as well. I assume there is no way to do a single search performance wise on the user collection returning the names of each user for each picture, i.e. I would have to do 50 searches. Which means, I could only avoid this extra performance load by duplicating data (next to the user_id, also the user_name) in my pictures collection?
Same question the other way around. If my client searches for users and say 50 users are returned from the search through one single query. If I want the last associated picture + title also displayed next to the user data, I would again have to add that to the users collection, otherwise I assume I need to do 50 queries to return the picture data?
Lets say the schema for your picture collection is as such:
Picture Document
_id: Objectid(123),
url: 'img1.jpg',
title: 'img_one',
userId: Objectid(342)
1) Your picture query will return documents that look like the above. You don't have to make 50 calls to get the user associated with the images. You can simply make 1 other query to the Users Collection using the user ids taken from the picture documents like such:
db.users.find({_id: {$in[userid_1,user_id2,userid_3,...,userid_n]}})
You will receive an array of user documents with the user information. You'll have to handle their display on the client afterwards. At most you'll need 2 calls.
You could design the schema as such:
Picture Document
_id: Objectid(123),
url: 'img1.jpg',
title: 'img_one',
userId: Objectid(342),
user_name:"user associated"
If you design it this way. You would only require 1 call, but the username won't be in sync with user collection documents. For example lets say a user changes their name. A picture that was saved before may have the old user name.
2) You could design your User Collection as such:
User Document
_id: Objectid(342),
name: "Steve jobs",
last_assoc_img: {
img_id: Object(342)
url: 'img_one',
title: 'last image title
You could use the same principles as mentioned above.
Assuming that you have a user id associated with every user and you're also storing that id in the picture document, then your user <=> picture is a loosely coupled relationship.
In order to not have to make 50 separate calls, you can use the $in operator given that you are able to pull out those ids and put them into a list to run the second query. Your query will basically be in English: "Look at the collection, if it's in the list of ids, give it back to me."
If you intend on doing this a lot and intend for it to scale, I'd either recommend using a relational database or a NoSQL database that can handle joins to not force you into an embedded document schema.

Ideas how to query two collections in mongodb

I have collection friends
- userId: user id
- Friends: array of user ids
And users
- _id: userId
- Last Login
- Other User info fields
Last login field is updated every 5 minutes if user is browsing my website.
Right now I have logic where I get user ids from friends from friend collection, then query user collection with that ids to get user info.
ADDED: In addition in future releases i would add that user will be able to add friends not only users but pets from other collection so friend embedded array will look like {UserId, PetId}
But for next release I would like to add new functionality where I would show friends sorted by last login.
Solutions which I think would work
Map reduce on select -Easy to implement but would probably have problems with performance
Map reduce on update - in this case i would probably use property "out" to write new collection on each update, so then i will have new collection Friend.reduced with all info i need, and then i can easy query it by indexes
Add new property Last Update to Friends list collection so it will look like {FriendId, LastUpdate} logic would be easy to implement on Business level.
What other options to solve my issue?
And simple query like below won't work?
var someId = ObjectId("52758653cbd6ca816ca0ee1b")
var friends = db.friends.findOne({"userId": someId}, {"_id": 0, "friends": 1}).friends
{_id: {$in: friends }}
).sort({lastLogin: -1})

mongodb: Embedded only id or both id and name

I'm new to mongodb, please suggest me how to correct design schema for situation like below:
I have User collection and Product collection. Product contain info like id, title, description, price... User can bookmark or like Product. Currently, in User collection, I'm store 1 array for liked products, and 1 array for bookmarked products. So when I need to view info about 1 user, I have to read out these 2 array, then search in Product collection to get title of liked and bookmarked products.
//User collection
_id : 12345,
name: "John",
liked: [123, 456, 789],
bkmark: [123, 125]
//Product collection
_id : 123,
title: "computer",
desc: "awesome computer",
price: 12
Now I think I can speed up this process by embedded both product id and title in User collection, so that I don't have to search in Product collection, just read it out and display. But if I choose this way, whenever Product's title get updated, I have to search and update in User collection too. I can't evaluate update cost in 2nd way, so I don't know which way is correct. Please help me to choose between them.
Thanks & Regards.
You should consider what happens more often: A product gets renamed or the information of a user is requested.
You should also consider what's a bigger problem: Some time lag in which users see an outdated product name (we are talking about seconds, maybe minutes when you have a really large number of users) or always a longer response time when requesting a user profile.
Without knowing your actual usage patterns and requirements, I would guess that it's the latter in both cases, so you should rather optimize for this situation.
In general it is not recommended to normalize a MongoDB as radical as you would normalize a relational database. The reason is that MongoDB can not perform JOINs. So it's usually not such a bad idea to duplicate some relevant information in multiple documents, while accepting a higher cost for updates and a potential risk of inconsistencies.

DynamoDB Model/Keys Advice

I was hoping someone could help me understand how to best design my table(s) for DynamoDb. I'm building an application which is used to track the visits a certain user makes to another user's profile.
Currently I have a MongoDB where one entry contains the following fields:
How would this translate to DynamoDB in a way it would not be too slow? I would need to do search queries to select all items that have a certain userId, taking the status and isMobile in affect. What would me keys be? Can I use limit functionality to only request the latest x entries (sorted on date?).
I really like the way DynamoDB can be used but it really seems kind of complicated to make the click between a regular NoSQL database and a key-value nosql database.
There are a couple of ways you could do this - and it probably depends on any other querying you may want to do on this table.
Make your HashKey of the table the userId, and then the RangeKey can be <status>:<isMobile>:<date> (eg active:true:2013-03-25T04:05:06.789Z). Then you can query using BEGINS_WITH in the RangeKeyCondition (and ScanIndexForward set to false to return in ascending order).
So let's say you wanted to find the 20 most recent rows of user ID 1234abcd that have a status of active and an isMobile of true (I'm guessing that's what you mean by "taking [them] into affect"), then your query would look like:
"TableName": "Users",
"Limit": 20,
"HashKeyValue": { "S": "1234abcd" },
"RangeKeyCondition": {
"ComparisonOperator": "BEGINS_WITH"
"AttributeValueList": [{ "S": "active:true:" }],
"ScanIndexForward": false
Another way would be to make the HashKey <userId>:<status>:<isMobile>, and the RangeKey would just be the date. You wouldn't need a RangeKeyCondition in this case (and in the example, the HashKeyValue would be { "S": "1234abcd:active:true" }).