DevOps Build Pipeline - Templates - Run from the same branch - azure-devops

I am testing a POC build pipeline and I am trying to use templates as a sort of reference library, so I can reuse the same code in multiple pipelines, while also allowing for simpler editing/updating, if changes are required.
I want to be able to run the pipeline from a DevOps branch and refer to the same branch (or tag) when validating/running all the template pipelines in this build pipeline.
The ultimate goal is to pass multiple variables to the template (via a loop/for each) to create multiple build artifacts referencing public repositories (in this test a public terraform github repo). We could then maybe only need to maintain the variable data and not the source/reference code.
I thought DevOps did this 'OOTB', but realised that this was probably not the case. Something like this:
Repo: InfraAsData (all pipelines)
Branch: feature/sparse-clone-repo
Updated azure-pipeline.yaml and added template templates/sparse-clone.yaml (FYI - this template is untested as well)
trigger: none
- repository: InfraAsData #resource name to be used in the build pipeline
type: git #Azure git
name: 'IAC/InfraAsData'
refs: 'refs/heads/$(branch_name)'
- name: branch
displayName: branch
type: string
default: $(Build.SourceBranch)
- name: branch_name
value: ${{ parameters.branch }}
- template: ./templates/variables/resource-groups.yaml#InfraAsData #variables template
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
#sparse clone the target public repo blobs to build pipeline artifacts directory
- stage: Template-Sparse-Clone-To-Artifacts
displayName: 'Test Sparse Clone to Artifacts'
- deployment: sparseCloneTfModule
displayName: 'Sparse Clone Terraform module to Artifacts'
environment: Test
- template: $(Build.SourceBranch)/templates/sparse-clone.yaml#InfraAsData #Create artifacts based on template variables
parameters: #module specific var from var template
repoUrl: '${{ variables[template.repoUrl] }}'
repoPath: '${{ variables[template.repoPath] }}'
artifactPath: '${{ variables[template.artifactPath] }}'
repoUrl: ''
repoPath: ''
artifactPath: ''
- script: |
md $(Build.BinariesDirectory)/$(parameters.artifactPath)
git clone --filter=blob:none --sparse $(parameters.repoUrl) $(parameters.artifactPath)
cd $(Build.BinariesDirectory)/$(parameters.artifactPath)
git sparse-checkout init --cone
git sparse-checkout set $(parameters.repoPath)
git checkout main
dir $(Build.BinariesDirectory)/$(parameters.artifactPath)
displayName: 'Clone Github Repo Subdirectory - filter blob none'
When I run this from the feature/sparse-clone-repo branch in DevOps I get an error that the new template does not exist in the main branch (it doesn't of course).
/build/test/azure-pipeline.yaml: File /templates/variables/resource-groups.yaml not found in repository branch refs/heads/main version
I have also tried using no resources.repository, using $(Build.SourceBranch) $(Build.SourceBranchName) as refs value and as the template path reference (like in the 2nd template example).
If i remove the resource.repositories reference, then the correct branch is identified, but the azure-pipeline.yaml relative path is appended to the template path:
/build/test/azure-pipeline.yaml: File /build/test/$(Build.SourceBranch)/templates/variables/resource-groups.yaml not found in repository branch refs/heads/feature/pipelines
So correct branch, but not the correct relative path.
I can remove the resources section and use a relative path
but this is not dynamic, to a 'root' reference, so would not work if the folder structure were to change (EG I moved the azure-pipeline.yaml up a level)
I'm sure I am missing something obvious or misunderstanding the docs (or pipeline templates). Any pointers gratefully received!

When I run this from the feature/sparse-clone-repo branch in DevOps I
get an error that the new template does not exist in the main branch
(it doesn't of course).
From your description, seems you thought the 'refs' of the resources determine the branch of the alias of the template part.
But it is not, the 'resources.repositories.repository' doesn't have a section named 'refs', only 'ref' is allowed.
In your situation, you used a section named 'refs' which doesn't exist. Pipeline will use the default branch of the repository to looking for the template YAML. So change the default branch of the repository or change the 'refs' to 'ref' will solve the first issue.
And I notice you were using variable in resources section, you have two mistakes.
One is '$()' can't use in compile time part. Another is even compile time variables are also not allowed in 'ref' section.
ref name to checkout; defaults to 'refs/heads/main'. The branch
checked out by default whenever the resource trigger fires. Does not
accept variables.
You can use your pipeline like this:
trigger: none
- repository: InfraAsData #resource name to be used in the build pipeline
type: git #Azure git
name: 'BowmanCP/template_branch'
ref: 'refs/heads/${{parameters.branch}}'
- name: branch
displayName: branch
type: string
default: main2
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
#sparse clone the target public repo blobs to build pipeline artifacts directory
- stage: Template_Sparse_Clone_To_Artifacts
displayName: 'Test Sparse Clone to Artifacts'
- deployment: sparseCloneTfModule
displayName: 'Sparse Clone Terraform module to Artifacts'
environment: Test
- template: ./templates/sparse-clone.yaml#InfraAsData #Create artifacts based on template variables
parameters: #module specific var from var template
repoUrl: 'xxx'
repoPath: 'xxx'
artifactPath: 'xxx'
Basically, variables can't be used in your situation and there doesn't have a parameter reuse feature. That's everything.


Azure Devops pipelines - clone multiple repos by same tag or branch

I have three Azure Repos, all in the same ADO Project - repo-0001, repo-0002, repo-0003
repo-0001 has my yaml pipeline which has a manual trigger, and the pipeline needs to be run on demand by either branch or tag (eg release/branch001, release/tag001)
The Pipeline checkouts out repo-0001, repo-0002 & repo-0003 at whatever ref (branch or tag) is used to start the pipeline in repo-0001 (these branches & tags are created by a different process and are always present in all repos)
I've been using $(Build.SourceBranch) to extract:
branch - refs/heads/release/branch001
tag - refs/tags/release/tag001
This yaml works for a pipeline started using a branch, but not for a tag, and it results in Could not get the latest source version for repository repo-0001 hosted on Azure Repos using refs/heads/refs/tags/release/tag001 so it appears to append the whole ref path of the tag to refs/heads
- repository: repo-0001
type: git
name: aks/repo-0001
- repository: repo-0002
type: git
name: aks/repo-0002
- repository: repo-0003
type: git
name: aks/repo-0003
I can make it work with a tag by doing something like this, or passing in as a parameter
tag: "release/tag001"
- repository: repo-0001
type: git
name: aks/repo-0001
ref: 'refs/tags/$(tag)'
But that's not what I need...
Can a tag ref be passed in from pipeline variables to make this work, and is there a way to make it flexible so that I can use the same pipeline code for tags and branches?
The ref field in repositories Resources doesn't support defining Pipeline variable. It only supports hardcode the ref value.
Can a tag ref be passed in from pipeline variables to make this work, and is there a way to make it flexible so that I can use the same pipeline code for tags and branches?
To meet your requirement, you can change to use the following format to checkout the repo.
- checkout: git://MyProject/MyRepo#refs/tags/$(tag)
- checkout: git://MyProject/MyRepo#$(REPOSITORY_SOURCE_BRANCH)
Here is an example:
- checkout: git://aks/repo-0001#$(REPOSITORY_SOURCE_BRANCH)
For more detailed info, you can refer to this doc: Checking out a specific ref

Use Azure DevOps pipeline variable for resource repositories name in azure-pipelines.yml

I have a shared Azure pipeline yaml definition with the purpose to define one CodeAnalysis pipeline per repository.
How can I define the repository name dynamically?
I tried with name: '$(projectName)' which leads to the error:
The repository $(projectName) in project 8ab9d22b-6819-483b-829d-******* could not be retrieved. Verify the name and credentials being used.
- repository: codeAnalysisRepo
type: git
name: shared/codeanalysis
- repository: SourceRepo
type: git
name: '$(projectName)'
- job: 'BackendCodeAnalysis'
name: '$(AgentPool)'
- checkout: SourceRepo
clean: true
- template: sonarqube_msbuild_prepare.yml#codeAnalysisRepo
projectKey: '$(project)'
projectName: '$(project)'
- task: DotNetCoreCLI#2
displayName: "build DestRepo"
command: 'build'
projects: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/**/*.csproj'
configuration: Release
- template: sonarqube_execute.yml#codeAnalysisRepo
It works when I hardcode the name
Currently, set parameter and variable is not supported in resources -> repositories.
A work around for this, you could set this at the checkout step. Here is s sample: Check out multiple repositories in your pipeline - Azure Pipelines | Microsoft Docs. Please note that, the repos should be in the same organization.
    - repository: Repo1
      type: git
      name: Artifacts/Repo1
  - job: 'BackendCodeAnalysis'
      vmimage: windows-latest
      - checkout: git://$(projectName)
        clean: true
For your demand, you could create a suggestion ticket via:

Checkout another repository in azure pipelines yml

Well, I have the following code that uses a template file in azure Devops:
- repository: templates
type: git
name: "Framework Back-end/templates-devops"
template: azure-pipelines-template.yml#templates
This works very well, downloading yml file from another project inside same organization. But inside my "azure-pipelines-template.yml" I'm trying to do the following:
- job: Deploy
pool: ${{parameters.agent}}
displayName: Deploy on Kubernetes
dependsOn: Push
condition: and(succeeded(), in(variables['Build.SourceBranchName'], 'master', 'main', 'qas', 'develop'))
- checkout: self
- checkout: templates
But I got the error:
remote: TF401019: The Git repository with name or identifier templates-devops does not exist or you do not have permissions for the operation you are attempting.
fatal: repository 'https://xx#xx/xxx/Framework%20Back-end/_git/templates-devops/' not found
I need to make a checkout because in other steps I will need to use the files that exist in "template-devops" repository. I can't understand why my pipeline can download the "azure-pipelines-template.yml" file but can't checkout the repository.
Was a permission problem in Settings , I disabled the flags:
Limit job authorization scope to referenced Azure DevOps repositories
Limit job authorization scope to current project for non-release pipelines
Limit job authorization scope to current project for release pipelines
I create a demo to reproduce your environment, but it works well on my side. The checkout step works well. Here is my yaml file and temp file:
- repository: templates
type: git
name: MyAgile TestPro/yaml
name: 'default'
template: azure-pipelines-template.yml#templates
- stage:
- job: Deploy
- checkout: self
- checkout: templates
- task: PowerShell#2
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
# Write your PowerShell commands here.
Write-Host "Hello World MyAgileTestPro temp"
My test result:
At present, we recommend you can check if your account has the project admin level for your project Framework Back-end. And please check if there is any name changed about your project.

Is it possible to set a condition based on System.PullRequest.TargetBranch for a stage in a pipeline template?

I have a solution where a git branch is directly related to an environment (this has to be this way, so please do not discuss whether this is good or bad, I know it is not best practice).
We have the option to run a verification deployment (including automatic tests) towards an environment, without actually deploying the solution to the environment. Because of this, I would like to set up a pipeline that runs this verification for an environment, whenever a pull request is opened towards that environment's branch. Moreover, I am using a template for the majority of the pipeline. The actual pipeline in the main repository is just a tiny solution that points towards the template pipeline in another repository. This template, in turn, has stages for each respective environment.
I have, in the main pipeline, successfully added a solution that identifies the current branch, which for pull requests should be the target branch:
- name: currentBranch
${{ if eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') }}:
value: $(System.PullRequest.TargetBranch)
${{ if ne(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') }}:
value: $(Build.SourceBranch)
I would like to send this variable currentBranch down to the template through a parameter, as my template pipeline has different stages depending on the branch. My solution was to use the pipeline like this:
template: <template-reference>
branch: $(currentBranch)
...and then for a stage in my pipeline do this:
- stage: TestAndDeployBranchName
condition: eq('${{ parameters.branch }}', 'refs/heads/branchName')
- job1... etc.
Basically, the stage should run if the current branch is either "branchName", or (for pull requests) when the target branch is "branchName", which comes from the "branch" parameters that is sent to the template.
However, I see here that System.PullRequest.TargetBranch is not available for templates and further here that the parameters are not available for templates (the variable is empty) when the template is expanded. Thus my pipeline does not work as expected (the condition does not trigger when it should, ie. when there is a match on the branch name).
Is there any way that I can use System.PullRequest.TargetBranch in a condition within a template, or should I look for another solution?
After investigating this further I concluded that what I am trying to do is not possible.
In short, System.PullRequest.TargetBranch (and I assume at least some other variables within System.PullRequest are not available in compile time for template, which is when conditions are evaluated. Thus, using these variables in a condition in a template is not possible.
As my goal was to have certain steps run for pull requests only, based on the target branch of the pull request, I solved this by creating duplicate pipelines. Each pipeline is the same and references the same template, except for that the input parameter for the template is different. I then added each "PR pipelines" to run as part of the branch policy each respective branch this was applicable.
This works great, however it requires me to create a new pipeline if I have the same requirement for another branch. Moreover, I have to maintain each PR pipeline separately (which can be both good and bad).
Not an ideal solution, but it works.
Reference PR pipeline:
trigger: none # no trigger as PR triggers are set by branch policies
#This references the template repository to reuse the basic pipeline
- repository: <template repo>
type: git # "git" means azure devops repository
name: <template name> # Syntax: <project>/<repo>
ref: refs/heads/master # Grab latest pipeline template from the master branch
- stage: VerifyPullRequest
condition: |
eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')
displayName: 'Verify Pull Request'
- template: <template reference> # Template reference
image: <image>
targetBranch: <targetBranch> # Adjust this to match each respective relevant branch
The targetBranch parameter is the used in relevant places in the template to run PR verification.
Example of branch policy:
(Set this up for each relevant branch)
Picture of branch policy set up
After checking your script, we find we can not use the
- name: currentBranch
${{ if eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') }}:
value: $(System.PullRequest.TargetBranch)
${{ if ne(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') }}:
value: $(Build.SourceBranch)
in the variables.
The variables will duplicate the second value to first one.
This will cause your issue.
So, on my side, I create a work around and hope this will help you. Here is my main yaml:
- name: custom_agent
displayName: Use Custom Agent
type: boolean
default: true
- name: image
type: string
default: default
- repository: templates
type: git
name: Tech-Talk/template
trigger: none
vmImage: windows-latest
# vmImage: ubuntu-20.04
- stage: A
- job: A1
- task: PowerShell#2
name: printvar
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
If("$(Build.Reason)" -eq "PullRequest"){
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=currentBranch;isOutput=true]$(System.PullRequest.TargetBranch)"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=currentBranch;isOutput=true]$(Build.SourceBranch)"
- stage: B
condition: eq(dependencies.A.outputs['A1.printvar.currentBranch'], 'refs/heads/master')
dependsOn: A
- job: B1
varFromA: $[ stageDependencies.A.A1.outputs['printvar.currentBranch'] ]
- task: PowerShell#2
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
# Write your PowerShell commands here.
Write-Host "$(varFromA)"
- template: temp.yaml#templates
branchName: $(varFromA)
agent_pool_name: ''
db_resource_path: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
Please Note:
If we use this, we need to modified your temp yaml.
We need to move the condition to the main yaml and make the temp yaml only steps is left.

Predefined variables for repository resource trigger

When a pipeline is triggered by a repository resource trigger I need to be able to determine metadata about the triggering repository (such as repo name and branch).
It sounds like these variables should be set during a pipeline run that was triggered by a repository resource; however, their values are blank when I do echo $(resources.triggeringAlias) or env | sort in a pipeline run that was triggered by a repository resource.
UPDATE: the predefined variables for Build.Repository.Name and Build.SourceBranchName now work as expected when used with a repository trigger. So, while I'm no longer in need of resources.triggeringAlias and resources.triggeringCategory, they still aren't working.
I need to be able to determine metadata about the triggering
repository (such as repo name and branch)
We can use $(Build.Repository.Name) and $(Build.Repository.Uri) to get repo name and repo uri.
And $(Build.SourceVersion) can be used to get CommitId, $(Build.SourceBranch) or $(Build.SourceBranchName) can be used to get branch info.
Just note we must also checkout the triggering repo to make above variables work to fetch the info of triggering repo, otherwise those variables will always represents the value of triggered repo:
- checkout: self
- checkout: TheTriggeringRepo
Some details:
I have a triggering repo PipelineA, and the triggered repo PipelineB. PipelineB's azure-pipelines.yml file:
- repository: PipelineA
type: git
name: PipelineA
- master
- checkout: self
- checkout: PipelineA
- task: Bash#3
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
echo $(Build.Repository.Name)
echo $(Build.SourceBranch)
So this pipeline will be triggered by both PipelineA repo and PipelineB repo.
When PipelineB repo has changes:
When PipelineA repo has changes:
It's clear the $(Build.Repository.Name) variable can work well to output the real trigger repo if we checkout both these two repos. So just make sure you checkout those triggering repos, then my variables above would work for you.
- pipeline: client-qa-deployment ## Resources.TriggeringAlias will be 'client-qa-deployment' if this resource gets triggered.
- client_deploy_qa
- stage: qa_smoketest
displayName: Smoke Test on QA Environment
condition: eq(variables['Resources.TriggeringAlias'], 'client-qa-deployment')
vmImage: 'windows-latest'
- job: TestQA
- script: echo Hello, $(Resources.TriggeringAlias)!
displayName: 'Running Smoke Test on QA Environment'
Hello, client-staging-deployment!
I believe the above snippet will help you to understand the syntax and usage of Resources.TriggeringAlias. This variable will be helpful if we have multiple resources in the same pipeline and to find out which resource got trigged.