Is it possible to generate DataFrame rows from the context of a Spark Worker? - scala

The fundamental problem is attempting to use spark to generate data but then work with the data internally. I.e., I have a program that does a thing, and it generates "rows" of data - can I leverage Spark to parallelize that work across the worker nodes, and have them each contribute back to the underlying store?
The reason I want to use Spark is that seems to be a very popular framework, and I know this request is a little outside of the defined range of functions Spark should offer. However, the alternatives of MapReduce or Storm are dreadfully old and there isn't much support anymore.
I have a feeling there has to be a way to do this, has anyone tried to utilize Spark in this way?

To be honest, I don't think adopting Spark just because it's popular is the right decision. Also, it's not obvious from the question why this problem would require a framework for distributed data processing (that comes along with a significant coordination overhead).
The key consideration should be how you are going to process the generated data in the next step. If it's all about dumping it immediately into a data store I would really discourage using Spark, especially if you don't have the necessary infrastructure (Spark cluster) at hand.
Instead, write a simple program that generates the data. Then run it on a modern resource scheduler such as Kubernetes and scale it out and run as many instances of it as necessary.
If you absolutely want to use Spark for this (and unnecessarily burn resources), it's not difficult. Create a distributed "seed" dataset / stream and simply flatMap that. Using flatMap you can generate as many new rows for each seed input row as you like (obviously limited by the available memory).


What happens to a Spark DataFrame used in Structured Streaming when its underlying data is updated at the source?

I have a use case where I am joining a streaming DataFrame with a static DataFrame. The static DataFrame is read from a parquet table (a directory containing parquet files).
This parquet data is updated by another process once a day.
My question is what would happen to my static DataFrame?
Would it update itself because of the lazy execution or is there some weird caching behavior that can prevent this?
Can the updation process make my code crash?
Would it be possible to force the DataFrame to update itself once a day in any way?
I don't have any code to share for this because I haven't written any yet, I am just exploring what the possibilities are. I am working with Spark 2.3.2
A big (set of) question(s).
I have not implemented all aspects myself (yet), but this is my understanding and one set of info from colleagues who performed an aspect that I found compelling and also logical. I note that there is not enough info out there on this topic.
So, if you have a JOIN (streaming --> static), then:
If standard coding practices as per Databricks applied and .cache is applied, the SparkStructuredStreamingProgram will read in static source only once, and no changes seen on subsequent processing cycles and no program failure.
If standard coding practices as per Databricks applied and caching NOT used, the SparkStructuredStreamingProgram will read in static source every loop, and all changes will be seen on subsequent processing cycles hencewith.
But, JOINing for LARGE static sources not a good idea. If large dataset evident, use Hbase, or some other other key value store, with mapPartitions if volitatile or non-volatile. This is more difficult though. It was done by an airline company I worked at and was no easy task the data engineer, designer told me. Indeed, it is not that easy.
So, we can say that updates to static source will not cause any crash.
"...Would it be possible to force the DataFrame to update itself once a day in any way..." I have not seen any approach like this in the docs or here on SO. You could make the static source a dataframe using var, and use a counter on the driver. As the micro batch physical plan is evaluated and genned every time, no issue with broadcast join aspects or optimization is my take. Whether this is the most elegant, is debatable - and is not my preference.
If your data is small enough, the alternative is to read using a JOIN and thus perform the look up, via the use of the primary key augmented with some max value in a
technical column that is added to the key to make the primary key a
compound primary key - and that the data is updated in the background with a new set of data, thus not overwritten. Easiest
in my view if you know the data is volatile and the data is small. Versioning means others may still read older data. That is why I state this, it may be a shared resource.
The final say for me is that I would NOT want to JOIN with the latest info if the static source is large - e.g. some Chinese
companies have 100M customers! In this case I would use a KV store as
LKP using mapPartitions as opposed to JOIN. See
that provides some insights. Also, this is old but still applicable
source of information:
Both are good reads. But requires some experience and to see the
forest for the trees.

Convert a JavaPairRDD into list without collect() [duplicate]

We know that if we need to convert RDD to a list, then we should use collect(). but this function puts a lot of stress on the driver (as it brings all the data from different executors to the driver) which causes performance degradation or worse (whole application may fail).
Is there any other way to convert RDD into any of the java util collection without using collect() or collectAsMap() etc which does not cause performance degrade?
Basically in current scenario where we deal with huge amount of data in batch or stream data processing, APIs like collect() and collectAsMap() has become completely useless in a real project with real amount of data. We can use it in demo code, but that's all there to use for these APIs. So why to have an API which we can not even use (Or am I missing something).
Can there be a better way to achieve the same result through some other method or can we implement collect() and collectAsMap() in a more effective way other that just calling
List<String> myList= RDD.collect.toList (which effects performance)
I looked up to google but could not find anything which can be effective. Please help if someone has got a better approach.
Is there any other way to convert RDD into any of the java util collection without using collect() or collectAsMap() etc which does not cause performance degrade?
No, and there can't be. And if there were such a way, collect would be implemented using it in the first place.
Well, technically you could implement List interface on top of RDD (or most of it?), but that would be a bad idea and quite pointless.
So why to have an API which we can not even use (Or am I missing something).
collect is intended to be used for cases where only large RDDs are inputs or intermediate results, and the output is small enough. If that's not your case, use foreach or other actions instead.
As you want to collect the Data in a Java Collection, the data has to collect on single JVM as the java collections won't be distributed. There is no way to get all data in collection by not getting data. The interpretation of problem space is wrong.
collect and similar are not meant to be used in normal spark code. They are useful for things like debugging, testing, and in some cases when working with small datasets.
You need to keep your data inside of the rdd, and use rdd transformations and actions without ever taking the data out. Methods like collect which pull you data out of spark and onto your driver defeat the purpose and undo any advantage that spark might be providing since now you're processing all of your data on a single machine anyway.

How to do parallel pipeline?

I have built a scala application in Spark v.1.6.0 that actually combines various functionalities. I have code for scanning a dataframe for certain entries, I have code that performs certain computation on a dataframe, I have code for creating an output, etc.
At the moment the components are 'statically' combined, i.e., in my code I call the code from a component X doing a computation, I take the resulting data and call a method of component Y that takes the data as input.
I would like to get this more flexible, having a user simply specify a pipeline (possibly one with parallel executions). I would assume that the workflows are rather small and simple, as in the following picture:
However, I do not know how to best approach this problem.
I could build the whole pipeline logic myself, which will probably result in quite some work and possibly some errors too...
I have seen that Apache Spark comes with a Pipeline class in the ML package, however, it does not support parallel execution if I understand correctly (in the example the two ParquetReader could read and process the data at the same time)
there is apparently the Luigi project that might do exactly this (however, it says on the page that Luigi is for long-running workflows, whereas I just need short-running workflows; Luigi might be overkill?)?
What would you suggest for building work/dataflows in Spark?
I would suggest to use Spark's MLlib pipeline functionality, what you describe sounds like it would fit the case well. One nice thing about it is that it allows Spark to optimize the flow for you, in a way that is probably smarter than you can.
You mention it can't read the two Parquet files in parallel, but it can read each separate file in a distributed way. So rather than having N/2 nodes process each file separately, you would have N nodes process them in series, which I'd expect to give you a similar runtime, especially if the mapping to y-c is 1-to-1. Basically, you don't have to worry about Spark underutilizing your resources (if your data is partitioned properly).
But actually things may even be better, because Spark is smarter at optimising the flow than you are. An important thing to keep in mind is that Spark may not do things exactly in the way and in the separate steps as you define them: when you tell it to compute y-c it doesn't actually do that right away. It is lazy (in a good way!) and waits until you've built up the whole flow and ask it for answers, at which point it analyses the flow, applies optimisations (e.g. one possibility is that it can figure out it doesn't have to read and process a large chunk of one or both of the Parquet files, especially with partition discovery), and only then executes the final plan.

Modelling a mutable collection in Spark

Our existing application loads approximately ten million rows from a database into a collection of objects on startup. The collection is stored in a GigaSpaces cache.
As new messages are received by the application, the cache is checked to see if an entry for that message already exists. If not, a new entity is added to the cache based on the data in the message. (At the same time, the new entity is persisted to a database).
We are investigating the feasibility and value add of re-architecting the application using Spark and Scala. The question is, what would be the correct way to model this in Spark.
My first thought is to load from the database into a Spark RDD. Looking up existing entries would obviously be simple. However, because an RDD is immutable, adding new entries to the cache would require a transformation. Given the large set of data, my presumption is that this would not perform well.
The other idea is to create the cache as a mutable Scala collection. However, how would we then integrate this with Spark, given that Spark works with RDD's?
This is more of a design questions. Spark is not great for fast lookups. It is optimize for batch jobs that need to touch almost the entire dataset; potentially multiple times.
If you want something that has fast search-like capabilities you should look into Elastic Search.
Other technologies that are often used for storing large in-memory/lookup tables is redis and memcached.
Since RDDs are immutable, every single cache update would require producing an entirely new RDD from your previous RDD. This is clearly inefficient (you have to manipulate the entire RDD just to update a tiny part of it). As for the other idea of having a mutable scala collection of RDD elements -- well, that won't be distributable across machines/CPUs, so what's the point?
If your goal is to have in-memory, distributable/partitionable operations on your cache, what you're looking for is an operational in-memory data grid, not Apache Spark. For example: Hazelcast, ScaleOut software, etc.
Apache Spark is notoriously bad at fine-grained transformations like the ones you would need for an in-memory distributed cache.
Sorry if I'm not directly answering the technical question, instead I'm answering your question behind your question...

What considerations should be taken when deciding wether or not to use Apache Spark?

In the past for job that required a heavy processing load I would use Scala and parallel collections.
I'm currently experimenting with Spark and find it interesting but a steep learning curve. I find the development slower as have to use a reduced Scala API.
What do I need to determine before deciding wether or not to use Spark ?
The current Spark job im trying to implement is processing approx 5GB if data. This data is not huge but I'm running a Cartesian product of this data and this is generating data in excess of 50GB. But maybe using Scala parallel collecitons will be just as fast, I know the dev time to implement the job will be faster from my point of view.
So what considerations should I take into account before deciding to use Spark ?
The main advantages Spark has over traditional high-performance computing frameworks (e.g. MPI) are fault-tolerance, easy integration into the Hadoop stack, and a remarkably active mailing list . Getting distributed fault-tolerant in-memory computations to work efficiently isn't easy and it's definitely not something I'd want to implement myself. There's a review of other approaches to the problem in the original paper: .
However, when my work is I/O bound, I still tend to rely primarily on pig scripts as pig is more mature and I think the scripts are easier to write. Spark has been great when pig scripts won't cut it (e.g. iterative algorithms, graphs, lots of joins).
Now, if you've only got 50g of data, you probably don't care about distributed fault-tolerant computations (if all your stuff is on a single node then there's no framework in the world that can save you from a node failure :) ) so parallel collections will work just fine.