SendGrid, which properties to use to merge URL and tittle (text) into clickable text (hyperlink)? - email

I have data in .CSV file namely: {url} and {title}. What type of properties/tokens I can apply in email template (using Module: text) to get {title + url} as clickable text (hyperlink).
I don't have coding skills so please use explanation as simple as possible if any type of code is required.

I assume you are using the Design Editor, right?
In this case you need to add {{text}} (or in your case title) within the text module and hit the "Link button" in the left-hand sidebar.
A dialog should pop up in which you can enter the placeholder for the {{url}}


Bigcommerce Checkout page edit

I am using Valult theme in bigcommerce and want to edit checkout page because i want to rename the a button. I went through all the files but there was no html check i found a tag {{{ checkout.checkout_content }}} in checkout page which is rending that part containing button. There is no file with contains the tag html. This content is rendered in Inspect element but when i view the source of page the content is not present there.
I tried to change the name of button with JS/JQ but it is not working because that Tag part wont comes in Source file but somehow it is present in inspect element.
How can it edit the Button name now ?
The checkout content is rendered with React.js. The only way to edit the template would be to build a custom checkout. This is probably a bit overkill here. To simply edit the text of a button, you have a few options. However, the simplest would be to just add the translation key to your en.json lang file and change the value to the desired text.
In your theme files, navigate to en.json. Find the end of this file, and right before the last closing brace, add in the optimized_checkout key, along with any values you need. For example, if I wanted to change the "Continue with PayPal" button text to be "Continue", I would replace the last two lines of en.json with the following:
"optimized_checkout": {
"payment": {
"paypal_continue_action": "Continue"
There is more information on how to do this here:
And here is the reference for the optimized checkout keys to use:

Need to distinguish like icon from unliked icon

I need to click like icon but after checking the condition, if this is already liked or not. So i need two different locator paths to differentiate between the two. The only thing different is the classes but the class name has spcae in between and the protractor cannot locate the space class name, even after adding dots for space.
My protractor code and html structure is in the picture:
It's not clear what you're trying to achieve. If you update your post showing html of liked icon and not liked icon and what your script is doing i can give you a solution.
If your element is <i class="fa fa-heart liked">.
There are three ways to locate such elements using CSS.
$heart = $('i[class="fa fa-heart liked"]');
$heart = $('.fa.fa-heart.liked"]');
$heart = $('i[class*="fa-heart"][class*="liked"]'); // contains partially
Also you have an option using xpath

What is a good javascript HTML editor for adding custom HTML elements?

I want to create a web-based WYSIWYG HTML editor that allows the user to insert pre-defined HTML elements with certain class or id attributes.
For example, any HTML editor allows the user to select some text and click the 'bold' button, and this will wrap the selected text in <b></b> tags.
I would like the user to be able to select some text, click a button called 'somebutton' and wrap the selected text in <div class="someclass"></div>, or click a different button and wrap the text in <h1 id="someid"></h1>, or any other HTML element with a specific attribute as defined by me.
I know that there are a lot of javascript based HTML editors out there, but I am specifically looking for any that are easy to extend in the way described above. I have looked at TinyMCE and Aloha, and in both cases found the documentation very difficult to use or non-existent.
I am looking for:
Recommendations of any editors that are easy to extend in this way
Tutorials or instructions for how to add custom elements as described above
Thank you!
CKEditor provides a flexible styles system, with rules defined as follows (in styles.js or directly in the config):
name: 'My style',
element: 'h2',
attributes: {
'class': 'customClass',
id: 'someId'
styles: {
'font-style': 'italic'
<h2 class="customClass" id="someId" style="font-style:italic;">Custom element</h2>
Once defined, styles are available directly from the Styles Combo Box, possible to apply either to the current selection or to new elements.
Styles can be created dynamically, applied to ranges and elements with the API. The Stylesheet Parser plugin can extract styles directly from CSS files.
Note: Defining custom styles may need a proper configuration of Advanced Content Filter (since CKEditor 4.1).

Access VBA: Form command button to do something/call function

I have created a basic form in access that has a couple of buttons and text fields.
I want the button to do something along the lines of when I click it, it should bring up a browse file dialog and when I select a file, change the text field to the path of the file.
My question is how can I program this? Specifically, do I create a module that goes like?
sub command1_onClick()
..bla bla...
end sub
Or are forms programmed differently? How can I tie a function to a button?
You can add actions to the button. In the properties window of the button is an Event-Tab. Click on On Click and select Event Procedure. You are then taken to the VBA Editor (ALT+F11) into following procedure:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub
In that procedure, you can use an API call to open the standard file dialog:
API: Call the standard Windows File Open/Save dialog box
The TestIt function in above link shows you hove to open the dialog and get the path. You can set your textbox to that path like this:
Me!Text1 = strPath
strPath has to be populated with the path you get from the file dialog.
You will want to look at the file dialog property.
Dim fDialog As Office.FileDialog
MSDN File Dialog
The above shows an example that is performed on a button click
The example adds the selected file to a listbox, for your situation you would want to use a simple textbox instead of the listbox.
You may want to set AllowMultiSelect to false to ignore the looping part if you only want one item. (this would simplify the code in the example for you.
.AllowMultiSelect = false
I may be a lil rusty but then you would want to do something like this(someone edit or correct me if I am way off)
Assuming you used varFile
(Dim varFile As Variant)
Me.TextBox1.Text = varFile
EDIT: After encountering error
It seems the error can come froma few things. Check to make sure the reference is there.
Also you may need to add the Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library reference.
See the "More information" section of this Link (Hopefully 2002 is close enough to 2003)
. It may have a few more helpful tips if that doesn't solve the problem.

Conversion of a character to asterisk

i had been to an interview for the post of webdeveloper/HTML developer . There he asked me a question, the ques was.... there is a textbox and a button when i enter any character into the textbox it must be converted into a asterisk sign(i.e "*")once the characters are entered now on clicking the button all the signs must be converted back into characters in a pop up.i was unable to answer this question,but i really want to know the solution for this. i think u can use javascript ,html or jquery for this i am not sure about which language is exactly used .plzzzzz suggest me the solution.
Most text boxes have a "password" mode in which you can't see the text that is entered. Just toggle the mode by clicking on the button.
Try using a textbox with a Password option, or a Password input box. Of course it would be easier to give you more specific help if you were more specific about the language and platform you are using.
In Swing you have a JpasswordField for such cases. If you are using Swing then you can use it. When the user clicks in the button just do jpassfld.setEchoChar(0) which will show the original text.
But depends on what GUI toolkit you are using. Above ws an example with Swing
Can you not just use the PasswordChar of the TextBox?
In C#, to set the PasswordChar:
TextBox1.PasswordChar = '*';
To remove the PasswordChar on the button click:
TextBox1.PasswordChar = (char)0;
Depending on the programming language and editor, usually a text box has a property that makes it behave like a password entry field. Simply connect your button to toggle that property.
Sorry for that generic answer, but your question is very vague.