Show Text Selecting Bar by default in Flutter - flutter

How do I show the Text Selecting Bar by default in Flutter without the user actually long pressing or double tapping in the Text Area? I am trying all possibilities in SelectableText Widget and similar, but, its not working. Could anyone help me with this?

For an example, I have A TextEditingController called myController:
controller: myController,
onTap: () => myController.selection = TextSelection(baseOffset: 0, extentOffset: _controller.value.text.length),
basicaly, you need to set the selection property with a TextSelection from the baseOffset to the extentOffset.


Select text in TextField on Double Click in Flutter Windows App

Is there an option to select the text written in TextFormField or TextField on double clicking the field in a Windows App made in Flutter?
Because currently it only works if the text is double clicked, whereas normally in windows application clicking anywhere in the text field selects the entire text written.
Put your TextField inside GestureDetector
onDoubleTap:() {
if(_controller.text.isNotEmpty) {
_controller.selection = TextSelection(baseOffset: 0, extentOffset:_controller.text.length);
child: TextField(controller: _controller, ),
Wrap the textfield with an inkwell to provide a double tap. Then on double tap set the selection of the textfield
_textController.selection = TextSelection(baseOffset:0, extentOffset: _textController.text.length);
controller: _textController,
You Dont need any other extra Widgets. Its pretty simple,You can use onTap property inside of TextField:
controller: _controller,
onTap: () {
_controller.selection = TextSelection(baseOffset: 0, extentOffset: _controller.text.length);

How to show the Keyboard automatically for a Textfield in Flutter

I have a TextField in Flutter of which I want to automatically select the text and show the keyboard.
I can select the text through a TextEditingController, but even with a FocusNodes requestFocus the keyboard isn't shown, when the Widget opens.
How to automatically open the keyboard for a TextField?
You can use the autofocus:true property of the TextField:
Whether this text field should focus itself if nothing else is already focused.
So whenever the widget appears on screen, if theres nothing else with the keyboard focus, the focus will automatically be directed to it, thus opening the keyboard.
TextField(TextEditingController: controller,
focusNode: focusNode,
You can set the autofocus property on TextField to true:
autofocus: true,
Hope it helps!
class yourWidget extends StatelessWidget {
FocusNode inputNode = FocusNode();
// to open keyboard call this function;
void openKeyboard(){
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
//assign the node like this
focusNode: inputNode,
I have done this just using:
autofocus: true,
But if you want more control over your TextField / TextFormFeild keyboard you can use:
1. First declare a focus node object:
FocusNode focusNode = FocusNode(); // declear a focusNode object
2. On TextFeild / TextFormFeild, just do like below:
focusNode: focusNode, // assign focusNode object on focusNode value
autofocus: true, // make autofocus true for first auto open keyboard
3. Just call this function when you want to open your keyboard:
void openKeyboard () {
This is an example of how you can use it. Using that format you can open the keyboard automatically / you have complete control over whether or not you need to open the keyboard.
I hope this will fix your issue.

Scroll Flutter's multi-line TextField to end

I have a periodic function which appends text to a TextField.
For this purpose I set a TextEditingController and invoke: controller.text += someText.
However, when the TextField is scrolled and text is added, the TextField automatically scrolls back to the top and the just appended text gets out of view.
Is there any way to change the scroll behavior?
Set the selection using the TextEditingController.
This will prevent the TextField from rebuilding every time and/or moving the cursor to the start of the TextField.
controller: textEditController,
onChanged: (content) {
textEditController..text = someText
..selection = TextSelection.collapsed(offset: textEditController.text.length);
I don't know if this can serve you already today but in case someone else sees the publication I hope that helps, I'll say that I do this with a SingleChildScrollView() and I set the reverse property to true. I have to say that I don't use a TexField(), you use a Text(), but it behaves well and every time the text increases a line automatically the reverse property of the SingleChildScrollView() causes it to scroll down and always see the last thing that is being written.
This is a small example of how I do it in my code:
alignment: Alignment.bottomRight,
height: size.height*0.044,
child: SingleChildScrollView(reverse: true,child: Text(valorOperacion1, style: GoogleFonts.exo(color: tema.hintColor, fontSize: 18.0.sp, fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,),))

Show pulsing cursor but do not open the keyboard when textfield is initialized

I don't want the keyboard to automatically appear when I'm pressing on the widget. However, I want to show the cursor to indicate that there's a textfield in this area. How can I achieve this?
I can only think of one workaround for this. You can add FocusNode to your field and listen to changes. When the field get focus, hide the keyboard.
final FocusNode fn = FocusNode();
fn.addListener(() {
// You can control here whether or not you want to hide automatically shown keyboard
if (fn.hasFocus) {
// Hiding the keyboard
// Pass the focus node to text field:
focusNode: fn
I haven't tested it, though.

Cycle through input fields and keep keyboard open

I have a form with multiple text fields and would like users to be able to jump to the next input field when tapping "enter" on the on-screen keyboard.
I have been able to make it work by requesting focus for the next field's FocusNode in my field's onFieldSubmitted handler:
new TextFormField(
onFieldSubmitted: (newValue) {
widget.nextNode ?? new FocusNode()
This works, but you do briefly see the on-screen keyboard close and re-open. Is there a way in Flutter to keep the keyboard on the screen until widget.nextNode becomes null?
Try adding below parameter to TextFormField.