Unity - Mirror Networking : Player client disconnect after scene changed - unity3d

I'm currently using Mirror Networking to make a multiplayer game. I have a scene when players are all connected, they can choose their characters and set the ready. If all players are ready, I change current scene to arena scene using MyNetworkManager.ServerChangeScene(arenaSceneName). This method sets all player clients as not ready. But After the scene was loaded, my player client is no longer connected to my host and I don't know why.
Can you help me please ?
Thanks a lot for answers.

Clients that connect to this server will automatically switch to this scene. This is called automatically if onlineScene or offlineScene are set, but it can be called from user code to switch scenes again while the game is in progress. This automatically sets clients to be not-ready. The clients must call NetworkClient.Ready again to participate in the new scene."
if its not solve problem can you give more information about your project
Are you using MatchInterestManager ? This can be lead some problems like yours
Edit 1 -
Maybe the problem was host
can you run your code on server not host
Edit 2 -
i belive your command function runs on client not server because you miss "Cmd" prefix on your command function change it CmdOnAllPlayersReady()

public class ReadyPlayerChecker : NetworkBehaviour
public List<PlayerBehaviour> activePlayers;
public List<PlayerBehaviour> GetActivePlayers()
return activePlayers;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
activePlayers = new List<PlayerBehaviour>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
foreach (PlayerBehaviour player in FindObjectsOfType<PlayerBehaviour>
bool allPlayersReady = true;
foreach (PlayerBehaviour player in activePlayers)
if (!player.IsReady())
allPlayersReady = false;
if (allPlayersReady && activePlayers.Count > 0)
public void OnAllPLayersReady()

This is my Network Manager settings :

I succeed to make the playerclient connected when the scene change. Now, the player prefab for my client is in host view but not in the corresponding client view. Do someone can tell me why ?


Network Client use wrong input devices when using Unity.Netcode with Starter Asset Controller (New input system)

The server is always using Keyboard and Mouse just fine.
The client however always use "xbox controller" instead of Keyboard & Mouse:
The following is the inspector view as a client:
The Start Asset input action are unchanged,
This is what I tried but client is still being assigned to controller:
private void Start()
if (!IsOwner)
How could I fix this? Other than hard coding (PlayerInput)map.SwitchCurrentControlScheme("KeyboardAndMouse");?
This issue is fixed by disabling Player Input script.
And only enable it on Network Spawn.
public override void OnNetworkSpawn()
if (IsOwner)
_playerInput = GetComponent<PlayerInput>();
_playerInput.enabled = true;

Unet Syncing animator layer weight Unity 3D

I'm currently working on a multiplayer fps to learn UNET and Unity. in this project I'm using Network Animator Component to sync my animations.
I have one layer that runs the normal states like walking and jumping and another that just controls the upper body for scoping. This layer gets activated when scoping.
The parameters a syncing fine but not the layer weight.
The script that controls the layer weight gets disabled on the remote player as it is part of the same script that takes care of shooting and we don't want to shoot from the remote player.
So I placed that code on a different script and made Layerweight a Syncvar, still no results.
this is the snippet that sets the weight and fades it back out.
if (isScoped)
animator.SetLayerWeight(1, 1);
layerWeight = 1;
layerWeight = Mathf.Lerp(layerWeight, 0, 0.1f);
animator.SetLayerWeight(1, layerWeight);
animator.SetBool("Scoped", isScoped);
how can I sync a variable that is updated on a disabled script?
And what are the different custom attributes like [Command] and [ClientRpc] I should use to get this working?
I have read the documentation and manuals of UNET, but struggle at this relatively easy task as I'm having a hard time understanding the difference of these calls.
In general the main problem with [SyncVar] is that they are
synchronized from the server to clients
so not the other way round!
[Command] is a method that is called by any client but only executed on the server
[ClientRpc] is kind of the opposite, it is called by the server and then executed on all clients
so what I would do is have a setter method for the layerweight like
private void SetLayerWeight(float value)
// only player with authority may do so
if(!isLocalPlayer) return;
// Tell the server to update the value
private void CmdSetLayerWeight(float value)
// Server may now tell it to all clients
private void RpcSetLayerWeight(float value)
// called on all clients including server
layerweight = value;
animator.SetLayerWeight(1, layerweight);
and call it like
if (isScoped)
SetLayerWeight(Mathf.Lerp(layerWeight, 0, 0.1f));
Note though that passing this forth and back between server and client will cause some uncanny lag!
You would probably be better syncing the isScoped bool instead and assign the value directly on the calling client:
private void SetScoped(bool value)
// only player with authority may do so
if(!isLocalPlayer) return;
// for yourself already apply the value directly so you don't have
// to wait until it comes back from the server
scoped = value;
// Tell the server to update the value and who you are
// Executed only on the server
private void CmdSetLayerWeight(bool value)
// Server may now tell it to all clients
// Executed on all clients
private void RpcSetLayerWeight(bool value)
// called on all clients including server
// since setting a bool is not expensive it doesn't matter
// if this is done again also on the client who originally initialized this
scoped = value;

How to control audio in another scene on/off in unity

I am making a game now, it's almost done. now I am trying to control the audio on and off by button or toggle button.
The problem is, I put my audio source gameobject in the splashscreen that is in the 1st scene. and I put the audio or music button in the Setting scene which is inside the 3rd scene. I already make the c# script to control the audio but when I've tried to insert the AudioSource, but it can't since it's from a different scene. I've tried to put the AudioSource in the same scene but the audio didn't start except I go to settings scene first.
Here is the script:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class Music : MonoBehaviour
static Music instance = null;
public AudioSource Backsound;
private void Awake()
if (instance != null)
instance = this;
public void backsoundOnOff()
AudioSource bgsound = Backsound.GetComponent<AudioSource>();
if (bgsound.mute = true){
bgsound.mute = false;
else {
bgsound.mute = true;
You have already solved half the problem by using GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad
The object does indeed exist in both scenes. Now you just need to fetch it.
In the first scene where the created the object, Change the tag of the object. Instead of using one of the exiting tags, create a new tag for it called something such as "MenuMusic". Make sure you assign it after creating it, unity does not assign it automatically
Now, in the 3rd scene, in the game object that needs to access it, create a private field "_music"
in your Start function, add
void Start() {
_music = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MenuMusic");
You will now have the same instance of Music from scene 1
I would highly recommend referencing the sound script that you have into some sort of game manager. Usually how i work is i have one generic script that controls a multitude of options that i usually call the GameManager. This sets player controls, visual options and sound. From here you can simply set bool whether the player wants the music on and off. If this option wants to change you can reference the GameManager at any point in any script.
//Game Manager code
public void SoundControl(bool soundOff)
If(soundOff == true)
//Sound Off Control
//Sound on Control
//Reference to game Manager
GameManager manager;
public void TurnOffSound()
//Turn sound off through manager
manager =
I find this to be the easiest way to control any options through one script that you can reference anywhere.

Photon Unity Turn based Multiplayer game

I am trying to create a simple 2D Turn based multiplayer game using Photon Unity Networking.
It is just a simple turn based game where a player 1 (host) presses his button and it adds his score and changes its turn to player 2 (client) who presses his button to add score and change turn to player 1. It continues to infinite.
I was able to connect two players in the game using the basic Photon documentation. Now I need to add the networking logic of taking turns and changing them.
I searched the internet but I can't understand the RPC and SerializeView of Photon. I am really confused with that. Please Help me. Thank you in future. Here is my GameManager Script
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class GameManager : Photon.PunBehaviour
public Text roomName;
public Text player1Name,player2Name;
public List<string> playersConnected = new List<string>();
int scoreP1 = 0, scoreP2 = 0;
public Text scoreTextP1, scoreTextP2;
public Button p1Btn, p2Btn;
int playerTurn = 1;
void Start()
roomName.text = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name;
public void AddScoreP1()
scoreTextP1.text = scoreP1.ToString();
public void AddScoreP2()
scoreTextP2.text = scoreP2.ToString();
void ChangePlayerTurn()
if (playerTurn == 1)
playerTurn = 2;
playerTurn = 1;
print("Player Turn: P" + playerTurn);
void LoadArena()
if (!PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)
Debug.LogError("PhotonNetwork : Trying to Load a level but we are not the master Client");
Debug.Log("PhotonNetwork : Loading Level : " + PhotonNetwork.room.PlayerCount);
PhotonNetwork.LoadLevel("Room for " + PhotonNetwork.room.PlayerCount);
public override void OnLeftRoom()
public void LeaveRoom()
public override void OnPhotonPlayerConnected(PhotonPlayer other)
Debug.Log("OnPhotonPlayerConnected() " + other.NickName); // not seen if you're the player connecting
foreach (PhotonPlayer _player in PhotonNetwork.playerList)
if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)
Debug.Log("OnPhotonPlayerConnected isMasterClient " + PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient); // called before OnPhotonPlayerDisconnected
public override void OnPhotonPlayerDisconnected(PhotonPlayer other)
Debug.Log("OnPhotonPlayerDisconnected() " + other.NickName); // seen when other disconnects
foreach (PhotonPlayer _player in PhotonNetwork.playerList)
if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)
Debug.Log("OnPhotonPlayerDisonnected isMasterClient " + PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient); // called before OnPhotonPlayerDisconnected
RPC is basically a way of invoking a function on a remote client.
Usually in a multiplayer setup you'd want your MasterClient to control the flow of the game. So, when two players join a room, what you need to do is from your MasterClient, decide which player goes first and then call a RPC function from MasterClient telling both client whose the first turn is. Then whichever player's turn it is, just activate its button and let them add score (Send RPC to MasterClient as well for that, so that everyone can stay in sync.) and the update turn and tell everyone via another RPC and so on.
though you can also use Events for such cases, they need less preparation to be used.
Both in a nutshell:
RPC, Remote Procedural calls, is used to call a certain method to all or certain clients/users in the same room/level. Example like this, you might want to use RCP to update the teams score if a team scored a goal.
SerializeView is used by PUN to synchronize and read data a few times per second, depending on the serialization rate. Example like this, you will use this to get and read to see each other's data like how much points another player have in realtime.
both of these functions are practically similar, but their use is entirely different.
There is more information about RCP and SerializeView on the Photon Website Link

Unity: Weird scene transition bug after adding a "Persistent-Scene" with a GameManager

I made a pretty basic 2D game to learn. I have 2 Scenes, and switching between them worked great. I used empty gameObjects as Start/Exit point of the Scene, so that the game would know to put player on point X after exiting through point X (for example exit outside house if I walk out the door).
Then I added a "Scene0", to use for persistent general scripts like GameManager, Sounds, Music, etc. With just one object called "Controller" that I DontDestroyOnLoad().
After adding this Scene and then just switching Scenes right away to my MainScene, all of a sudden the game starts acting really strange;
the first time I move from my MainScene (Scene1), to my secondary Scene (Scene2), it works fine, but then when I leave Scene2 to go back to Scene1, the player spawns in the middle of nowhere.
And this ONLY happens if I launch the game from my Persistent Scene.
I have no idea what is wrong, I don't add anything that interferes with my scene transitions, all I've added so far is playerHealth, for testing.
Scripts attached to my (persistent) Controller:
public class DDOL : MonoBehaviour {
// Use this for initialization
void Awake () {
DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);
public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour {
public static GameManager manager;
public int playerMaxHealth;
public int playerCurrentHealth;
void Awake(){
if (manager == null) {
manager = this;
} else if (manager != this) {
Destroy (gameObject);
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
Scripts attached to my StartPoint:
public class PlayerStartPoint : MonoBehaviour {
private PlayerController thePlayer;
private CameraController theCamera;
public Vector2 startDir;
public string pointName;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
thePlayer = FindObjectOfType<PlayerController> ();
if (thePlayer.startPoint == pointName) {
thePlayer.transform.position = transform.position;
thePlayer.lastMove = startDir;
theCamera = FindObjectOfType<CameraController> ();
theCamera.transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, theCamera.transform.position.z);
And finally ExitPoint:
public class LoadNewArea : MonoBehaviour {
public string levelToLoad;
public string exitPoint;
private PlayerController thePlayer;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
thePlayer = FindObjectOfType<PlayerController> ();
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other){
if (other.gameObject.name == "Player")
thePlayer.startPoint = exitPoint;
After moving all my DDOL gameObject to the Pre-Scene, it worked. So, I can assume the fault is inside Player or Cameras Start() functions since when they start in Scene1 they get called every time I enter the Scene (only DDOL).
I tried adjusting their Start()functions like follows:
Original camera:
void Start () {
Debug.Log("Starting camera");
if (!cameraExists) {
cameraExists = true;
DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);}
Destroy (gameObject);
Changed Camera:
void Start () {
DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);
The exact same changes was made in Player.
Obviously this doesnt work because it creates a new Camera/Player every time I enter Scene1 (btw why does it not try to create them when I enter Scene2?, is it because they start in Scene1?). HOWEVER, the new player/camera do start at the correct position, and if I zoom out I can see the old player/camera at that same wrong position as before. So something weird happens when their Start() is called a second time it seems.
You've now mentioned that you had code something like this,
void Start () {
Debug.Log("Starting camera");
if (!cameraExists) {
cameraExists = true;
DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);}
Destroy (gameObject);
Note that this is unfortunately just "utterly incorrect", heh :)
The issues you mention in the question (preload scenes etc) are just totally unrelated to the problem here.
In Unity if you have a character C that persists between scenes a, b, c as you load those scenes, you must kick-off C in it's own (perhaps otherwise empty) scene, you can not use "a" as a matter of convenience to kick off C.
The pattern is, in each of a, b, c just have a line of code like p = FindObjectOfType<Player>(); which runs when the scene loads, and position C as you wish.
Now, regarding your specific puzzle about the unusual behavior you are seeing.
I understand that you want to know why you are observing what you do.
It is a combination of confusion over the following issues: 1 - difference between Awake and Start, 2 - confusion over script execution order {but see below1} 3 - confusion about Destroy versus DestroyImmediate 4 - Not using Debug.Log enough, and not using gameObject.name in there (it's a common in Unity to be wildly confused about which object is talking in Debug.Log) 5 - where you mention you see the other object "off to the side", it's common to drastically confuse which one is which in such situations 6 - confusion between the computer programming concept of "instantiation" (ie, of a class or object) and "instantiating" (confusingly, it's the same word - utterly unrelated) game objects in nity.
If you fiddle around with all those issues, you'll discover an explanation for the behavior you're seeing!
But it doesn't amount to much; in Unity in the "C .. a b c" example you have to create C separately beforehand.
1 {aside, never fiddle with the script execution ordering system in Unity in an effort to solve problems; it's only there for R&D purposes; however it could in fact help you investigate the behavior at hand in this problem, if you are particularly keen to fully understand why you're seeing what you're apparently seeing}
Use the debugger. Have breakpoints at the relevant spots, like PlayerStartPoint.Start() and LoadNewArea.OnTriggerEnter2D() and check that they are executed
At the right time
The right number of times
With the expected values
This should make you see where things get out of hand.
If you use Visual Studio, install https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SebastienLebreton.VisualStudio2015ToolsforUnity to be able to debug Unity from within Visual Studio.
If you are not using Visual Studio, you probably should.
Is player persistent between scenes (does he have DontDestroyOnLoad)? If no then this might be the reason - you can either try loading the scenes by using the additive mode or by instantiating the player on scene load in correct position.