Deploying SuiteCRM 8.2 on Azure App service - sugarcrm

Above is my hosting Azure app service environment where I am deploying SuiteCRM files.
I kindly need help on how to change default directory from “/” to “/public/” and also how to enable folder permissions as per installation instructions in the documentation here. The documentation doesn't discuss cloud installation and particularly Azure app service.
Thank you in advance.


Service Fabric .NET Framework services and ApplicationInsights.config endpoints for Azure gov

I have a service fabric application that hosts api’s with app insights enabled. The api services are .Net framework 4.8 webapi projects and they are native fabric stateless and stateful services. I don’t use the app insights service fabric specific packages, but do have the standard app insights for webapi packages. I have always been in Azure commercial and logs have worked just fine there.
Now that we are in azure gov, the only way to point a .Net Framework app to the gov app insights endpoints is by modifying the ApplicationInsights.config file.
So I’ve modified the file as per msdn, verified it is deployed with the fabric deploy package and its there next to the rest of the dlls on the vms. Yet my services still won’t log to azure gov app insight instances. Nothing is coming through. We set the instrumentation key programmatically, not in applicationinsights.config, could that be an issue? I noticed some of the msdn examples showed instrumentationkey being included in the config file, but would think that is optional.
Had anyone had experience pointing .net 4.8 fabric services to gov app insights?
When using a government cloud, you need to use a connection string instead of an instrumentation key.
Sovereign clouds, such as Azure Government, require the use of the
Application Insights connection string
(APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING) instead of the instrumentation
More info here and here.
This ended up being an issue with my gov configuration file. The MSDN document wasn't very clear on where the new config sections go. It made it look like they are all nested under the top level node of the config file. Turns out the TelementyChannel override has to go inside the default TelemenySinks node. I contacted microsoft on github about clarifying this in their docs.
Link to the unclear documentation
Link to github issue to get it fixed

Can't find Blockchain Cloud Foundry app

I followed the instructions on IoT Asset Tracking on a Hyperledger Blockchain . BUILD and DEPLOY finished successfully, but I can't find the composer-rest-server- app under Cloud Foundry Applications.
I can use the CF Blockchain services, enter the Monitor and open the Swagger UI. The question is, where can I find the application-specific APIs mentioned in the tutorial:
If everything deployed correctly, you can find the app in the IBM Cloud dashboard at If you have many apps and services deployed, make sure to filter correctly or to be aware of paging.
If you suspect that something got wrong during build and deploy, go to the toolchain and check the logs. The toolchains can also be reached from the dashboard.

Deploy a Business Network Archive from online playground to IBM Cloud

Since I struggle to install the Hyperledger Fabric and Composer development environments locally on my Windows 10 machine I would like to know if it's possible to deploy a .bna file imported from the online Playground to the IBM Cloud or if I need the entire local installation.
I didn't find recent information about this but it appears that it was not possible on february 2017 but it may have changed.
If you have a IBM bluemix account, you can follow this instruction:
Deploying Hyperledger Composer Business Network to IBM Blockchain Platform Enterprise Plan on IBM Cloud.
a .bna file can only be deployed on a 'running' hyperledger-composer, may it be local or the online playground.
if you want to us it locally, here are the complete installation steps(with prerequisites).
after that, you can deploy your exported .bna file locally.
If you want to deploy it locally, then you have no option but to do all the above installations!
Hope this helps you!

Azure Deploy Web App Error with Eclipse

We've previously been able to deploy our Java web application through Eclipse to Azure with no issues, but recently today we kept receiving an error message that says
FTP client can't store the artifact, reply code: 550
Anybody know what Azure is trying to say here ? Why would it suddenly start giving a 550 error? Deploying to a different Azure web application works fine, just can't seem to deploy to the same one as before.
The 550 error code of FTP on IIS normally means deny access or no permission to do some operation. Please try these ways as below.
Restart your Azure WebApp on Azure portal.
Reconfigure the deployment credentials with new username and password on Azure portal.
Remote Administration of Windows Azure Websites using IIS Manager to check the configuration for FTP. For example, there is a similar thread from SuperUser which you can refer to.
Hope it helps.
The issue can also be caused if there is no webapps folder. Assure that path exists:

Can Bluemix environment be replicated on developer laptops?

Can Bluemix environment with Liberty be replicated on developer laptops for offline development? Will I be able to run Bluemix local with Openstack on a quad core i5?
You can run Cloud Foundry in a VM on your laptop using bosh-lite. You could also install the open source Liberty buildpack into this local CF with the buildpack dependencies cached giving you an environment that could work offline.
The Bluemix services will not be available to you though, if you are offline, so the answer really depends on what services you need. You could reasonably set up some kind of local database but many of the services would just be unavailable.
I am not sure what exact your requirement is. IBM Liberty profile can be setup with Eclipse and you can create a server in local to test your java/JEE code. This is very simple, you need to install liberty plugin in Eclipse and create a server. See documentations in IBM web site.
See this url if it helps.. you can integrate BlueMix server to your Ecplise IDE