Adding neovim to home-manager config leads to permission problem - neovim

When adding neovim to my home-manager config (nix on MacOs), like so
programs.neovim = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.neovim;
viAlias = true;
extraPackages = [
I get the following error
these 5 derivations will be built:
building '/nix/store/7z24wy5ccgjhkw8zc39926z5r0pqfd59-neovim-0.8.0.drv'...
/nix/store/lig4bdiwsr9lfb8x8plpnasg95vrw98q-hook/nix-support/setup-hook: line 115: /nix/store/42yqjb325cpgs1gycv3sk9dki1y0qli0-neovim-0.8.0/bin/nvim-python3: Permission denied
error: builder for '/nix/store/7z24wy5ccgjhkw8zc39926z5r0pqfd59-neovim-0.8.0.drv' failed with exit code 1;
last 1 log lines:
> /nix/store/lig4bdiwsr9lfb8x8plpnasg95vrw98q-hook/nix-support/setup-hook: line 115: /nix/store/42yqjb325cpgs1gycv3sk9dki1y0qli0-neovim-0.8.0/bin/nvim-python3: Permission denied
For full logs, run 'nix log /nix/store/7z24wy5ccgjhkw8zc39926z5r0pqfd59-neovim-0.8.0.drv'.
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/18kwwzrpsqaa6whyz3shlmidz0lp5sx5-home-manager-fonts.drv' failed to build
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/zq40m1z7bl7azgay2gd39c769j5ypszd-home-manager-path.drv' failed to build
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/dghqgkn78cpzq2fwclbg1rkjybwg7dr4-home-manager-generation.drv' failed to build
Any ideas what might cause this?

package takes as input an unwrapped version of neovim (without the python/node… wrapper since home-manager does the wrapping itself) as you can see here. Since this value is anyway set by default you can just remove it:
programs.neovim = {
enable = true;
viAlias = true;
extraPackages = [


Error occurs when debugging rust program with vscode (windows only)

I am trying to debug the code below with vscode, but an error occurs.
Development environment
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 10.0.19042 Build 19042
rustc 1.49.0 (e1884a8e3 2020-12-29)
Vscode 1.54.3
CodeLLDB v1.6.1
// Cargo.toml
//datafusion = "3.0.0"
//arrow = "3.0.0"
//tokio = { version = "0.2", features = ["macros", "blocking", "rt-core", "rt-threaded", "sync"] }
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use arrow::util::pretty;
use datafusion::error::Result;
use datafusion::prelude::*;
/// This example demonstrates executing a simple query against an Arrow data source (CSV) and
/// fetching results
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
println!("======== Start Program ========");
let start = Instant::now();
// let res_path = r"/root/workspace/project/hello_arrow/res/sample_01.csv";
// listing_id,id,date,reviewer_id,reviewer_name,comments
// Boston, Massachusetts, United States
let res_path = r"D:\workspace\vscode\arrow_rust\res\review.01.csv";
// create local execution context
let mut ctx = ExecutionContext::new();
// register csv file with the execution context
ctx.register_csv("datatable_01", res_path, CsvReadOptions::new())?;
// execute the query
let sql = "SELECT count(id) from datatable_01";
let df = ctx.sql(sql)?;
let results = df.collect().await?;
// print the results
let duration = start.elapsed();
println!("Time elapsed in expensive_function() is: {:?}", duration);
println!("======== End Program ========");
Error Code
configuration: {
type: 'lldb',
request: 'launch',
name: 'Debug Window',
program: '${workspaceRoot}/target/debug/arrow_rust.exe',
args: [],
cwd: '${workspaceRoot}',
sourceLanguages: [ 'rust' ],
__configurationTarget: 5,
relativePathBase: 'd:\\workspace\\vscode\\arrow_rust'
Listening on port 8541
error: arrow_rust.exe :: Class 'arrow::datatypes::DataType' has a member '__0' of type 'alloc::vec::Vec<arrow::datatypes::Field>' which does not have a complete definition.
Debug adapter exit code=3221225620, signal=null.
The program runs normally. Debugging fine on Linux for the same code.
Is there any other way to debug on Windows?
I have the same problem.
Inspired by the link below, I have solved it.
The reason is that I have installed NVIDIA Nsight.
As shown below, the msdia140.dll for Nsight has been loaded by codelldb.
Run PowerShell as administrator. Execute the command below to register the component. Then codelldb works.
regsvr32.exe C:\Users\【user name】\.vscode\extensions\vadimcn.vscode-lldb-1.6.8\lldb\bin\msdia140.dll
For newer versions, the DLL has moved to another folder:
regsvr32.exe C:\Users\[user name]\.vscode\extensions\vadimcn.vscode-lldb-1.8.1\adapter\msdia140.dll

VSCode problem retrieving Bazel build targets

I'm having trouble getting VSCode to load build targets for a Java project. The error message that I get is the following:
Command failed: bazel --output_base=/var/folders/cj/1fv063dx1772zbpnfpzvj_c00000gn/T/5b71fd39758e7fd8e710c281fbbdda92 query ...:* --output=package Loading: 0 packages loaded ERROR: error loading package 'bazel-test/external/rules_jvm_external': cannot load '//:private/versions.bzl': no such file Loading: 12 packages loaded currently loading: bazel-test/external/local_config_cc ... (6 packages) Loading: 12 packages loaded currently loading: bazel-test/external/local_config_cc ... (6 packages)
My WORKSPACE file is as follows:
load("#bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
name = "io_bazel_rules_docker",
sha256 = "4521794f0fba2e20f3bf15846ab5e01d5332e587e9ce81629c7f96c793bb7036",
strip_prefix = "rules_docker-0.14.4",
urls = [""],
container_repositories = "repositories",
load("#io_bazel_rules_docker//repositories:deps.bzl", container_deps = "deps")
load("#io_bazel_rules_docker//repositories:pip_repositories.bzl", "pip_deps")
_java_image_repos = "repositories",
name = "openjdk11_slim",
registry = "",
repository = "library/openjdk",
tag = "11-slim"
RULES_JVM_EXTERNAL_SHA = "d85951a92c0908c80bd8551002d66cb23c3434409c814179c0ff026b53544dab"
name = "rules_jvm_external",
strip_prefix = "rules_jvm_external-%s" % RULES_JVM_EXTERNAL_TAG,
load("#rules_jvm_external//:defs.bzl", "maven_install")
artifacts = [
# Accessed as dependency: #maven://io_vertx_vertx_core
# Accessed as dependency: #maven://io_vertx_vertx_web
# Accessed as dependency: #maven://io_vertx_vertx_rx_java2
repositories = [
I don't see anything obviously wrong with my WORKSPACE file, so I'm tempted to assume the problem is with VSCode or in the BUILD files in one of my external dependencies. Other than that the project contains a single and its accompanying java_binary rule. If I run myself the same query for all packages I get the following:
% bazel query ...:\* --output=package
Loading: 0 packages loaded
In other words, there's no error. Any ideas how I could try to debug or fix this? I just installed everything on the laptop, so the software versions are:
Bazel version: 3.5.0
VSCode versio: 1.48.2
Following the comment ignoring the convenience symlink solved it for me:
echo bazel-`basename ${PWD}` >> .bazelignore
I got around this issue by changing the Query Expression in Bazel extension Settings from
//< directory name >/...:*

Yocto variable not defined but set with _ operator

I'm struggling with something I'm not sure to address correctly.
In a Yocto environment (for STM32MP1 by the way) I have to configure a new target.
Hence I added to meta-st/meta-st-stm32mp/conf/machine/include/ this section, that looks like the other already available:
EXTLINUX_ROOT_EMMC = "${#bb.utils.contains('ST_VENDORFS','1','root=/dev/mmcblk1p4','root=/dev/mmcblk1p3',d)}"
EXTLINUX_ROOT_NAND = "ubi.mtd=UBI rootfstype=ubifs root=ubi0:rootfs"
# Define available targets to use
# Define bootprefix for each target
# Define labels for each target
UBOOT_EXTLINUX_LABELS_mp151a_sdcard = "stm32mp151a-sdcard"
UBOOT_EXTLINUX_LABELS_mp151a_emcc = "stm32mp151a-emcc"
# Define default boot config for each target
UBOOT_EXTLINUX_DEFAULT_LABEL_mp151a_sdcard ?= "stm32mp151a-sdcard"
UBOOT_EXTLINUX_DEFAULT_LABEL_mp151a_emcc ?= "stm32mp151a-emcc"
# Define FDT overrides for all labels
UBOOT_EXTLINUX_FDT_stm32mp151a-sdcard = "/stm32mp151a.dtb"
UBOOT_EXTLINUX_FDT_stm32mp151a-emcc = "/stm32mp151a.dtb"
# Define ROOT overrides for all labels
But when I bitbake <image> (that includes the file above) I get this output:
DEBUG: Executing python function update_extlinuxconf_targets
NOTE: UBOOT_EXTLINUX_CONFIGURED_TARGETS: mp157a-dk1_sdcard mp157a-dk1_sdcard-optee mp157c-dk2_sdcard mp157c-dk2_sdcard-optee mp157c-ed1_emmc mp157c-ed1_emmc-optee mp157c-ed1_sdcard mp157c-ed1_sdcard-optee mp157c-ev1_emmc mp157c-ev1_emmc-optee mp157c-ev1_nand mp157c-ev1_nor-sdcard mp157c-ev1_nor-emmc mp157c-ev1_sdcard mp157c-ev1_sdcard-optee mp151a_sdcard mp151a_emmc
NOTE: *** Loop for config_label: emmc
NOTE: *** Loop for devicetree: stm32mp151a
NOTE: >>> New target label: mp151a_emmc
NOTE: >>> Append mp151a_emmc to UBOOT_EXTLINUX_TARGETS
NOTE: *** Loop for config_label: sdcard
NOTE: *** Loop for devicetree: stm32mp151a
NOTE: >>> New target label: mp151a_sdcard
NOTE: >>> Append mp151a_sdcard to UBOOT_EXTLINUX_TARGETS
NOTE: >>> UBOOT_EXTLINUX_TARGETS (updated): mp151a_emmc mp151a_sdcard
DEBUG: Python function update_extlinuxconf_targets finished
DEBUG: Executing python function do_create_multiextlinux_config
DEBUG: Python function do_create_multiextlinux_config finished
ERROR: Function failed: do_create_multiextlinux_config
As you can see, the file is actually processed because it added the targets I've defined.
But it doesn't find the UBOOT_EXTLINUX_ROOT even if it's "set" with the _ operator:
I also tried to set the main variable to something like:
UBOOT_EXTLINUX_ROOT = "root=/dev/mmcblk1p4"
to see if it was the problem but it doesn't change nothing.
Is this something related to Yocto itself (I mean, something wrong in my syntax) or it's very specific to the SDK (meta-st) ?
The error above should be raised by this file:
root = localdata.getVar('UBOOT_EXTLINUX_ROOT')
if not root:
bb.fatal('UBOOT_EXTLINUX_ROOT not defined')
I checked the (huge) output of bitbake -e and among other targets I see:
# $UBOOT_EXTLINUX_ROOT [41 operations]
# override[stm32mp157c-ev1-m4-examples-sdcard]:set /local/STM32MP15-Ecosystem-v1.1.0/Distribution-Package/openstlinux-4.19-thud-mp1-19-10-09/layers/meta-st/meta-st-stm32mp/conf/machine/include/
# override[stm32mp157c-ev1-m4-examples-sdcard-optee]:set /local/STM32MP15-Ecosystem-v1.1.0/Distribution-Package/openstlinux-4.19-thud-mp1-19-10-09/layers/meta-st/meta-st-stm32mp/conf/machine/include/
# override[stm32mp151a-sdcard]:set /local/STM32MP15-Ecosystem-v1.1.0/Distribution-Package/openstlinux-4.19-thud-mp1-19-10-09/layers/meta-st/meta-st-stm32mp/conf/machine/include/
# override[stm32mp151a-emcc]:set /local/STM32MP15-Ecosystem-v1.1.0/Distribution-Package/openstlinux-4.19-thud-mp1-19-10-09/layers/meta-st/meta-st-stm32mp/conf/machine/include/
# pre-expansion value:
# ""
# $UBOOT_EXTLINUX_ROOT_cubemx-nor-sdcard
# $UBOOT_EXTLINUX_ROOT_cubemx-sdcard
# $UBOOT_EXTLINUX_ROOT_stm32mp151a-emcc
# $UBOOT_EXTLINUX_ROOT_stm32mp151a-sdcard
So far, if I understand correctly, the override values are correctly assigned (but not the ${EXTLINUX_ROOT_EMCC} - I don't understand where the \ comes from) but the main variable is still empty.
Adding UBOOT_EXTLINUX_ROOT = "root=/dev/mmcblk1p4" at the beginning of the above file, seems to do the trick (even if before I wrote the opposite, perhaps I forgot to clear the cache?) but I don't think it's the right way to do it.
You should specify the wanted name of the machine as a target to build, i.e.:
MACHINE=stm32mp151a-sdcard bitbake <image>
This way, the UBOOT_EXTLINUX_ROOT gets the non-empty value "root=/dev/mmcblk0p6" (from the UBOOT_EXTLINUX_ROOT_stm32mp151a-sdcard variant of the variable).

How to integrated mender within lk-bootloader base-on Yocto Project

I am new for yocto ,now I use a MTK-demo-board to build a linux-distro base on Yocto. I want to realize OTA by mender followed this tutorial:
but Mender support u-boot as bootloader by default, the MTK use lk bootloader,Then how to realize this function?
The AP which I used is MT8183,The steps I have done list below:
1. /meta/meta-mediatek/recipes-bsp/lk/ . add follow code:
require recipes-bsp/u-boot/
PROVIDES += "u-boot"
RPROVIDES_{PN} += "u-boot"
2.cp lk_2.0.0.0 lk-fw-utils_2.0.0.0,and changed the file as behind:
a. delete do_genkey{} function;
c. add "oe_runmake env" in function do_compile()
d. add PROVIDES_${PN} = "lk-fw-utils"
RPROVIDES_${PN} = "lk-fw-utils"
DEPENDS += "mtd-utils"
3./build/local.conf,add these code
INHERIT += "mender-full"
MACHINE = "aiv8183m1v2"
PREFERRED_VERSION_pn-mender = "1.0.%"
PREFERRED_VERSION_pn-mender-artifact = "1.0.%"
PREFERRED_VERSION_pn-mender-artifact-native = "1.0.%"
DISTRO_FEATURES_append = "systemd"
VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_init_manager = "systemed"
VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_initscripts = ""
4.execute bitbake-layers add-layer /meta/meta-mender/meta-mender-core
5.bitbake-layers create-layer meta-mylayer,in this layer,I mkdir -p /recipes-mender/mender/files, in directory mender,I touch mender_%.bbappend file as bellow:
FILESEXTARPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/file:"
SRC_URI_append = "file://server.crt"
and put servert.crt in the the file directory. the mancine.conf(aiv8183m1v2.conf),I have added
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_u-boot-fw-utils = "lk-fw-utils"
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = "kernel-modules"
MENDER_STORAGE_DEVICE = "/dev/mmcblk0"
MENDER_FEATURES_ENABLE_append_aarch64 = ""
the result I expected is the linux can OTA over mender.
But,actual results is the project can't cross build.the log says:
DEBUG: Executing shell function soft_link_to_rootfs
| ln: target ‘mender.bmap’ is not a directory
| WARNING: /home/yewkui/yocto-linux/build/tmp/work/aiv8183m1v2-poky-linux/mtk-image-openmm-aiv/1.0-r0/temp/run.soft_link_to_rootfs.1347217:1 exit 1 from 'ln -nfs mtk-image-openmm-aiv-aiv8183m1v2-20181224064735.rootfs.ext4 mender mender.bmap /home/yewkui/yocto-linux/build/tmp/deploy/images/aiv8183m1v2/rootfs.ext4 mender mender.bmap'
| DEBUG: Python function do_rootfs finished
| ERROR: Function failed: soft_link_to_rootfs (log file is located at /home/yewkui/yocto-linux/build/tmp/work/aiv8183m1v2-poky-linux/mtk-image-openmm-aiv/1.0-r0/temp/log.do_rootfs.1347217)
ERROR: Task (/home/yewkui/yocto-linux/meta/poky/../meta-mediatek-mt8183/recipes-aiv/images/ failed with exit code '1'
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 2392 tasks of which 2391 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.
NOTE: Writing buildhistory
Maybe I am wrong at first step,but how to realize the OTA by yocto base on MTK lk-bootloader,please help! thanks a lot!

Annotating a corpus using Syntaxnet

I am trying to annotate a corpus using Syntaxnet. I added the following lines in the end of the /models/syntaxnet/syntaxnet/models/parsey_mcparseface/context.pbtxt file:
input {
name: 'input_file'
record_format: 'english-text'
Part {
file_pattern: '/home/melvyn/text.txt'
output {
name: 'output_file'
record_format: 'english-text'
Part {
file_pattern: '/home/melvyn/text-tagged.txt'
When i run the command:
./ --input=input_file --output=output_file
I am getting:
./ line 31: bazel-bin/syntaxnet/parser_eval: No such file or directory
./ line 43: bazel-bin/syntaxnet/parser_eval: No such file or directory
./ line 55: bazel-bin/syntaxnet/conll2tree: No such file or directory
According to the answer given ## here ## I changed my file and now I get some errors which say:
[libprotobuf ERROR external/tf/google/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/] Error parsing text-format syntaxnet.TaskSpec: 200:8: Message type "syntaxnet.TaskOutput" has no field named "Part".
E external/tf/tensorflow/core/framework/] Create kernel failed: Invalid argument: Could not parse task context at syntaxnet/models/parsey_mcparseface/context.pbtxt
E external/tf/tensorflow/core/common_runtime/] Executor failed to create kernel. Invalid argument: Could not parse task context at syntaxnet/models/parsey_mcparseface/context.pbtxt
[[Node: DocumentSource = DocumentSourcebatch_size=32, corpus_name="stdin-conll", task_context="syntaxnet/models/parsey_mcparseface/context.pbtxt", _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0"]]
What could be a possible solution?
Though it's not certain but I think you are not running the shell script from the root directory. Please try running it as per the instructions mentioned here
I hope it helps.