make VSCode snippets for a writer - visual-studio-code

I am a writer and use VSCode as an editor. because its awesome!
but it's little bit uncomfortable on typing. like curly quotes.
So to solve problem, I make 'markdown.json file' to change smart quotes('') to curly quotes(“”) automatically.
"smart quotes in markdown": {
"prefix": "\"\"",
"body": [ "“$1”$2" ],
"description": "to use curly quotes instead of straight quotes"
it works on txt file! (which is open by VSCode)
So happy and I try one more things...
"( in markdown": {
"prefix": "\u0028",
"body": [ "($1)$2" ],
"description": "to type (any word) easy"
"{ in markdown": {
"prefix": "\u007B",
"body": [ "{$1}$2" ],
"description": "to type {any word} easy"
"[ in markdown": {
"prefix": "\u005B",
"body": [ "[$1]$2" ],
"description": "to type [any word] easy"
"| in markdown": {
"prefix": "\u007C",
"body": [ "|$1|$2" ],
"description": "to type |any word| easy"
"< in markdown": {
"prefix": "\u003C",
"body": [ "<$1>$2" ],
"description": "to type <any word> easy"
"memo in markdown": {
"prefix": "\u003D",
"body": [ "=$1=$2" ],
"description": "to use memo destinguisher instead of //"
this time it doesn't work. :( where is the problem? prefix unicode charactor number is wrong? or these special charactors are Un-usable? how can I fix this?


Is there a way to add a continuous placeholder in vs code snippets?

I created a simple js snippet for objects:
"object": {
"prefix": "ob",
"body": [
"const ${1} = {",
"${2}: ${3},",
"description": "object"
I want it to continue to add names and values until I stop writing, not just one name and value like my snippets.

converting vim syntax highlighting into vscode syntax highlighting

I've looked around - and could not find a way to automatically do this. so:
I have some syntax highlighting I built in vim I want to transfer over to vscode. and I'm getting stuck on at least 2 parts.
so far here's where I'm at: I've build a vscode language extension - set up some basic syntax rules, and have that copied over to the vscode config folder.
the parts I'm having trouble with - I could use some clarity in what some fields mean - naming conventions.
and nested parsing of syntax, things only appearing in other elements.
below is the bit I added on top of the vim-markdown syntax.
syntax region spokenWord start=/\v"/ skip=/\v\\./ end=/\v"/ contained
syntax region thoughtWord start=/\v'/ skip=/\v\\./ end=/\v'/ contained
syntax region codeWord start=/\v`/ skip=/\v\\./ end=/\v`/ contained contains=objkw,spokenWord,thoughtWord,action,description,executekw
syntax region action start=/\v*/ skip=/\v\\./ end=/\v*/ contained
syntax region description start=/\~/ skip=/\v\\./ end=/\~/ contained
syntax match executekw "[e][x][e]\s" contained
syntax match objkw "[.][\w]+" contained
syntax region BLOCK start=/{/ skip=/\s+/ end=/}/ contains=spokenWord,thoughtWord,codeWord,action,description
highlight link spokenWord String
hi thoughtWord ctermfg=red
hi codeWord ctermfg=gray
highlight link action function
highlight link description Statement
hi BLOCK guibg=#FF00FF ctermfg=magenta cterm=bold guifg=#00FF00
hi exepm ctermfg=green
hi objP ctermfg=red
hi fntk ctermfg=blue
hi fnnm ctermfg=130
hi executekw ctermfg=130
hi objkw ctermfg=130
which results in this look:
what I have so far for the vs code syntax is as follows:
"$schema": "",
"name": "MDX",
"patterns": [
"include": "#keywords"
"include": "#strings"
"repository": {
"keywords": {
"patterns": [{
"name": "keyword.control.markdownextened",
"match": "\\b(EXE|IF|WHILE|FOR|RETURN)\\b"
"strings": {
"name": "string.quoted.double.markdownextened",
"begin": "\"",
"end": "\"",
"patterns": [
"name": "constant.character.escape.markdownextened",
"match": "\\\\."
"name": "thought.quoted.single.markdownextened",
"begin": "'",
"end": "'",
"patterns": [
"name": "constant.character.escape.markdownextened",
"match": "\\\\."
"name": "action.asterisk.markdownextened",
"begin": "*",
"end": "*",
"patterns": [
"name": "constant.character.escape.markdownextened",
"match": "\\\\."
"name": "action.tilde.markdownextened",
"begin": "~",
"end": "~",
"patterns": [
"name": "constant.character.escape.markdownextened",
"match": "\\\\."
"name": "action.grave.markdownextened",
"begin": "`",
"end": "`",
"patterns": [
"name": "constant.character.escape.markdownextened",
"match": "\\\\."
"name": "action.braces.markdownextened",
"begin": "{",
"end": "}",
"patterns": [
"name": "constant.character.escape.markdownextened",
"match": "\\\\."
"name": "action.object.markdownextened",
"patterns": [
"name": "action.object.markdownextened",
"match": "/[.][\\w]/"
"scopeName": "source.markdown"
I could not find a guide anywhere on converting vim syntax highlighting into vscode syntax highlighting. I'll be reading though the documentation until I figure this out - but would love some help!
Are you wanting to do a one off conversion
or a tool to continuously convert a large amount of highlighters?
I doubt there will be many, if at all any, large public vim to vscode converters tools
I am going to assume your vscode example above is working
and you have read up on pages like
Your First Extension Visual Studio Code Extension
Syntax Highlight Guide Visual Studio Code Extension
Writing a TextMate Grammar Some Lessons Learned
oniguruma/RE at master kkos/oniguruma
I would highly suggest looking at other people's highlighters Where are extensions installed?
and download a TextMate syntax highlighter
TextMate Languages or (my own) Text Mate Language Syntax Highlighter
Colours are defined by your current theme
Your theme defines colours based on the scopename that you give to each token in your highlighter

vscode emmet, how to expand div. to <div styleName=''"></div> other than <div className=""></div>

I am working in react with react-css-module. In jsx, emment provides className for .'s expansion. but now I want to expand:
anytagName. (or anytagName,)
<anyTagName styleName=''></anyTagName>
To make double quotes to single quotes, I read some doc and solve this problem.
"emmet.syntaxProfiles": {
"html": {
"attr_quotes": "single"
"jsx": {
"attr_quotes": "single",
"self_closing_tag": true
How can I expand something to the styleName attribute?
See my edited answer Vscode snippet variable
You could do this with a simple keybinding or an emmet expansion. Here is the keybinding:
"key": "ctrl+alt+n",
"command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
"when": "editorTextFocus",
"args": {
"snippet": "<${TM_SELECTED_TEXT} styleName='$1'>$0<\/${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}>"
Choose whatever keybinding you wish. Select your anyTag, hit the keybinding and it will expand as you wish.
anytagName becomes <anytagName styleName=''></anytagName>
No emmet is involved, and there is no tab expansion - only select and keychord. The emmet expansion route is actually more complicated. I will add that later.
open snipptes
step1: open your user code spipptes like above. choose javascript.json. Its directory is ~/Library/Application Support/Code/User/snippets.
step2:custom your snippets like this.
"div, react-css-module in js": {
"prefix": "div,",
"body": [
"<div styleName='$1'>$2</div>",
"description": ""
"p, react-css-module in js": {
"prefix": "p,",
"body": [
"<p styleName='$1'>$2</p>",
"description": ""
"span, react-css-module in js": {
"prefix": "span,",
"body": [
"<span styleName='$1'>$2</span>",
"description": ""
"img, react-css-module in js": {
"prefix": "img,",
"body": [
"<img styleName='$1' alt= '$2'",
" src={$3}",
" srcSet={`",
" ${$4} 2x",
" ${$5} 3x",
" `} ",
"description": ""
"image path": {
"prefix": "imgpath",
"body": [
so input div,, choose the suggestion then press enter will expand to <div styleName='$1'>$2</div>.

How can I author a Snippet Collection to multiple languages in VSCode Marketplace?

My goal is to create a collection of Snippets that will be available in the VSCode Marketplace. These snippets will be for 3 languages (html, css, and JS). This will be helpful for anyone who works on the specific framework, but especially my team.
I know that I can scope snippets (How can I add language-agnostic snippets in vscode?) to multiple languages. I also know that according to the docs I'm supposed to have a contributes object that has a snippets array in it. In my package.json for my vsc-extension the default is like the below:
"contributes": {
"snippets": [
"language": "markdown",
"path": "./snippets/markdown.json"
Is it correct for me to then update my package.json to something like:
"contributes": {
"snippets": [
"language": "html",
"path": "./snippets/snippets.json"
"language": "javacript",
"path": "./snippets/snippets.json"
and then have my snippets declare their own scope ("scope": "html")?
The way I went about this was to create a file for each type of snippet: php-snippets.json, js-snippets.json, etc. and then add those files to the snippets array.
"contributes": {
"snippets": [
"language": "php",
"path": "./snippets/php-snippets.json"
"language": "javascript",
"path": "./snippets/js-snippets.json"
One piece of information I left out from my question is that I used the Yo generator to create my snippet project. This was the recommended action in the documentation.
This worked. I added several languages to the snippets array in contributes as seen below.
"contributes": {
"snippets": [
"language": "html",
"path": "./snippets/snippets.json"
"language": "javacript",
"path": "./snippets/snippets.json"
"language": "scss",
"path": "./snippets/snippets.json"
Then inside snippets/snippets.json there is one large object that contains all of my snippets. You can see an example of that below. The key lines for each are "scope": "html and "scope": "scss".
"Each Helper": {
"scope": "html",
"prefix": "each",
"body": [
"{{#each $1}}",
" $2",
"description": "Creates each helper -- handlebars"
"Break Point Small": {
"scope": "scss",
"prefix": "bps",
"body": [
"#include breakpoint(\"small\") {// 551px and up",
" $1",
"description": "Tablet Break Point --Stencil"
I suppose I should have just tried it after not being able to find the answer here or in documentation.

Visual studio code: How to create multilines indented snippets?

I try to create multilines snippet like so:
"mySnippet": {
"prefix": "test",
"body": [
But it's not indented...
Reading the doc doesnt' help
You need to add the indentation inside the second string element of the body array:
"mySnippet": {
"prefix": "test",
"body": [
" <p></p>",
You can use the \tfor TAB on each line:
"table": {
"prefix": "table",
"body": [
"<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">",
"\t\t\t<i class=\"fas fa-bullhorn\"></i>",
"description": "Text with a bullhorn icon on the left"