I've created my DataFusion instance, network, pipelines, secrets, etc.. through Terraform but still have one fundamental gap - my pipelines use plugins that are present in the Hub but not enabled by default, like Python and KinesisStreamingSource - I've found Terraform code that will allow me upload plugins but it assumes I have the jars, which to me suggests that solution is more targeted at custom plugins.
Am I missing something fundamental here? Is there a magic API/Terraform command to do a one step deploy of one of the stock plugins from Hub into my DF instance? I'm convinced I'm doing this wrong as there seems to be nobody else having this same issue.
Any help at all is appreciated :)
I Believe that this module module hub_artifact can be used to deploy an artifact (plugin) from the GCS bucket of a data fusion instance hub.
However, you should install your plugins in a GCS bucket.
I used the same link with the submodule namespace to create namespaces and preferences.
You can also find github links created by Google for data fusion plugins: for example for http plugin you have the github page.
I hope this helps!
I would like to ask what people use to provision an ephemeral preview environment in AWS EKS for your service under test. Also in addition, I am curious to know how you provision any dependent services (such as Database).
E.g. I am working on a back-end service and would like to deploy an isolated ephemeral version of this service packaged from my feature branch, including the database. Furthermore, I would also like copy of a front-end service in my isolated environment to test my back-end.
Any thoughts would be appreciated
You can roll your own solution: by wiring together your own CI/CD (Jenkins, CircleCI, BuildKite, Github Actions, etc) solution to trigger building and deploying of a preview environment by tying in to webhooks on your source repository. This would have to include your building of the modified code, then deploying that code to some staging environments, then of course seeding those environments with some type of data.
There is a bit of nuance to getting this right. You should check out https://ephemeralenvironments.io/ which is a good template of what needs to go in to these environments.
A lot of other folks use services that provide this as a SaaS platform, Shipyard.build, Release, and Velocity.tech are a few of your options.
Disclaimer: I'm on the Operations team at Shipyard
Hope this helps!
We run Google Cloud Functions (python), which require to be deployed from Google Cloud Source Repository. Since all the code is stored on GitHub we resort to first mirroring GitHub into Source Repository. Although this only requires a few mouse clicks, it becomes a burden to repeat over 3+ projects (dev, staging, production) times 5+ repos (5+ apps).
I am looking to automate the mirroring config, preferably to add into the Terraform automation we already use, into a hands-off project configuration. Does the Google API support this mirroring automation? So far on my Google Cloud expedition everything was available in their API!
I fail to find Terraform examples though, and would appreciate a tip.
Come to think of it, if I can take Source Repository out of the equation, that would be just fine with me too. After all, I only use it as a pass-through / empty shell.
The Cloud Source Repository API includes a Repo resource that has a Mirror Config object where you could type in your Github's URL, webhook and credentials to automate this procedure. I would initially test it with the create method, but if you have an existing Cloud Source Repository I believe the patch method will also be worth exploring.
Additionally, there is an open Feature Request in order to connect a repository via the Cloud Build GitHub App that I recommend you to star and follow, as it could further ease your automation needs.
I'm using self-hosted agent in Azure Pipelines and I installed Terraform 0.13 there. When I use Terraform tasks in Azure Devops, as commandOptions I chose '-plugin-dir=/usr/local/bin/.terraform.d/plugins' to skip plugin downloading. Unfortunately, Terraform downloads it to artifact and makes it much heavier than it should be. Also next stage (deployment stage) uses only plugins from artifact, not from our agent.
We do not have much space on our virtual machine that's why we want to avoid unnecessary downloads.
In addition, we defined .terraformrc in home directory with plugin directory. Also we added environment variable as written there:
Thank you in advance!
You can try to set -get-plugins=false option.
-get-plugins=false — Skips plugin installation. Terraform will use plugins installed in the user plugins directory, and any plugins already installed for the current working directory. If the installed plugins aren't sufficient for the configuration, init fails.
This is stated in this document.
Eventually I did it another way - I used Cache task from Azure Pipelines. Here's a solution from ITNext:
This is how I described Cache task:
Describe keys well and choose right path.
I am trying to understand the readymade template for IBM Cloud at https://cam-proxy-ng.ng.bluemix.net/cam/instances/#!/deployTemplateEditorWithNoParam/7921d773a240309379cf2c31c8004c9a
which is Node.js on a Single VM.
When we go to the source code at git referred in this template https://github.com/camc-experimental/terraform-modules/blob/master/ibmcloud/virtual_guest/ there is a createVirtualGuest.tf file. I am trying to understand why the create virtual guest is on GIT and not on the .tf template on bluemix console? Why there are 2 files which as code for creation of virtual guest?
This has to do with the structure of a Terraform template. You can define fragments of a resource orchestration in so-called modules, which are stored as separate files, and then refer to them from within the template.
The way the CAM service currently works, you can only work on the master template within the service. Modules that are referenced cannot be edited in the service and are pulled in from Github.
This is not ideal, and it should allow browsing and editing modules, too, but that function is currently not supported.
I have several Scala applications that I want to deploy in a Docker multi-container environment on Amazon's Elastic Beanstalk.
It seems like the whole process is a bit more complicated that I was expecting. So I'm really looking forward to hear some feedback for best practices and other ways to improve my entire process and be able to "automate" some steps (if possible).
This is my current process:
To generate my projects' artifacts I'm using the sbt-docker plugin. This
plugin generates the projects artifacts (jars and Dockerfile) under
I upload these artifacts (jars and Dockerfile) into a git
repository (currently doing this "manually").
As Amazon's Elastic Beanstalk requires for Docker
multi-containers, I need an online repository to "host" the
images: Could be Docker-Hub or Quay.io. Either require me
to have a git repository in which it can find the artifacts to be
able to generate the project's image.
Having created the multi-container environment in Elastic Beanstalk,
I proceed to upload the Dockerrun.aws.json file as detailed in
Amazon's documentation and also the
.ebextensions/elb-listeners.config file with the settings of the
ports (Since I'm running multiple apps)
Magic! Amazon generates my environment. Same url, different ports
for all my apps (as specified in the configuration files in step
I would love to find a way to automate step 2. Since this requires me to have an extra repo per each app. I have my apps hosted in a git repo, and I have an "extra" repo per each where I host the artifacts generated in step 1 to be able to do step 3.
If you're willing to use a different SBT plugin for step 1, then you can automate step 2.
Although quay.io supports building your image from GitHub, they do not require it. (You can publish a local Docker image directly to your quay.io repository.)
Use the sbt-native-packager plugin in project/plugins.sbt.
Setup the plugin settings in build.sbt, like: dockerRespository := Some("quay.io/myaccount")
Your step 1 becomes: sbt docker:stage
Followed by: sbt docker:publishLocal
Check your image names and tags with docker images. The new image should have a name like quay.io/myaccount/app
Before you can publish to quay.io, you must docker login quay.io. Read their tutorial.
Your step 2 becomes sbt docker:publish. Now your quay.io account should contain the same IMAGE ID as your local Docker daemon.
Proceed with steps 3+ on the AWS side...
I am not really familiar with Scala however I believe the artifacts could be generated by Jenkins/CircleCI inside of your container that is built on Jenkins/CircleCI then the appropriate image tags referenced within your Dockerrun.aws.json.
Hope that helps.