Is there a way to hide console window selenium IEDriverserver - iedriverserver

I have made EXE File using pyinstaller, and option is
pyinstaller -w -F --icon=icon.ico --add-binary "IEDriverServer.exe";"." --noconsole.
And python code is,
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
IEdriver_path = os.path.join(sys._MEIPASS, "IEDriverServer.exe")
driver = webdriver.Ie(IEdriver_path)
And then start the EXE file,
"Temp_MEI175xxx\IEDriverServer.exe" console is made.
when I off that console, program is ended.
Is there a way to hide console window?


Install4j : Executable writing to console return back if we press enter a second time

When Executable writes to console (using the -console option), if I press "enter" a second time, it bring me back to the command prompt even though Executable is still running in the background. How we can force it to output everything to the console and only when done should it return to command prompt?
The installer on windows is a GUI executable, it cannot make the console wait for the process to finish. There are two ways around this:
1) Select the "Windows console executable" property of the installer on the Installer->Screens & Actions step. Drawback: When starting the installer from the explorer, a console will be opened.
2) Start the installer on the command line like this:
cmd /c installer.exe -c

Cmd.exe no popup

I have to run cmd / c from a program, run the start command xx.exe, and I capture the result (there xx.exe?). until everything is right, however, remains open the console with the error popup. how can I close the console with the error?
Usually win32 applications will close the command prompt after execution. If this isn't the case with what you're trying to run, you could:
Run it from Windows "Run" option (Windows button+R) than your program name and path in prompt.
Run it from a batch file, like so:
START "" "C:\windows\notepad.exe"
Than just run runMe.bat from wherever. Notice the 'exit' command that closes the command prompt after execution.
Read more about batch files, the start command, and this issue here, and there.
Good luck!

prints in an another window in cmd and close quickley

I am trying to run a Perl script from command prompt.
The script contains one line:
print "Hello World!\n"
I type in the cmd: Perl
The line is printed in a new window and quickly is closed.
It's all happening in the cmd! Does anyone had this kind of problem?
I know Perl is working because I tried to run a script that creates an excel file and it worked.
The only problem is, that it doesn't print in the same window as it is supposed to do, but opens a new window, prints there and closes it. (I tried to do a while loop in the end and it didn't help).
I was able to solve this.
In windows there is an option called "Open command prompt as Administrator". A new window does not open up in that case.
The cmd window closes as soon as the command that it runs has exited. You can either
… start a cmd.exe of your own, and launch your script via
> perl C:\path\to\
instead of double-clicking the perl file (or whatever you are doing to start it). This should not start a new window.
… or you could have the script wait until you have read the message. Just wait for user input of some sort before exiting, e.g. like
<>; # read and discard a line to exit
at the bottom of your script.
You can also use the pause program for this, which you can execute like system('pause').

Command line installer issues

Am attempting to run installer using command line using -c option.
Command line execution appears like this:
E:\dev>MyApp_32.exe -c
E:\dev>This will install App on your computer.
OK [o, Enter], Cancel [c]
E:\dev> (showing the Windows command line is confusing to user)
Welcome .. (text of 2nd screen)
Typing "c" or "Cancel" doesn't work. It always takes enter key as input and proceeds to next screen.
Pressing enter transfers control back to windows's command shell, then back to installer. This looks confusing to user. It doesn't give a unified experience to user.
Is it possible to provide input via a silent file ? i.e. a text file with pre-selected inputs?
Am using 32 bit installer on Win 7 Professional x64 with Java 1.6 installed.
The problem is that the installer is a GUI application, it cannot take control of a WIndows terminal in this way. If you start it via
start /wait MyApp_32.exe -c
the command line prompts will not be displayed.
You can run set a response file with the -varfile argument, see the help for more information.

How do I get the command prompt do dissapear after starting a program via a batch script?

I have a windows batch file which I run to start a java application. The problem is that I don't want the command prompt output to be visible after the app starts. And not only that,... I don't event want to see it minimised. I don't want it at all. Any ideas?
start/b javaw.exe ...
If your program is not a console application, you can use START.EXE in your batch file to actually launch the real app. The initial console used to launch the batch file will be closed when the batch file ends.
You could actually probably launch the .bat file with start /b too in order to avoid all console windows.