Limit BigQuery access, so that it can only be queried from GCP console and from defined BI tool that our company uses - google-cloud-firestore

I have this requirement in my company in which we want user to be only able to access BigQuery from either from GCP console (using any network, it doesn't have to be from our company network) and Looker BI tools that we use in our company.
We want to prevent access so that the BigQuery isn't accessible using any other tools such as BI tools such as Power BI, MS Excel, etc. The reason is because we'd like to prevent users from downloading and exporting data using this unauthorized BI /3rd party Tools.
The issue is that based on our test as long as user has viewer access to BigQuery, then they can use any compatible BI tools to connect to BigQuery, create tabular visualization and then export the data from there.
Is there any way to prevent this from happening ?
Thank You


Can I integrate with Power bi, or Tableau and create dashboards on them and display the dashboards to my clients?

I'm searching if I can use tool like tableau or power bi to create dashboards fast and display it to the clients in my system
The data cannot be shared publicly
I searched and found the Power BI and Tableau embedded
Didn't use it, and want to know more cause I'm comparing between creating the dashboards manually or using this solution
But need to know if someone used it before, what's the limitations, value, and the pricing,
Thanks in advance

Using SQL Developer with BIPublisher Oracle Cloud HCM

it's been 2 months I'm working for a new client on BI Reporting on Oracle BI Publisher within an OracleCloud CRM and HCM. to make query to OracleCloud database I have to use notepad++ and then copy/past my query in the Query textArea on BIPublisher (which is a simple text area without any syntaxe check or color), I was wondering if there are some experts who might know a way to connect SQL Developer to OracleCloud database so I can run my queries directly without copy/past on the browser.
thank you a lot
There's no direct access to the underlying Oracle Database from your SaaS subscription.
We (the SQL Developer team) are working with a few of the SaaS business owners to make SQL Developer Web available for their subscribers. This would allow you to run queries directly against your database w/o having to do the copy/paste jump you're doing today in BI Publisher.
I cannot provide guidance on when this will happen or even if your particular services will make it available.
The TL;DR answer to your question is 'No, but we are working on it'

Access data source thru Power BI gateway

We have a need of accessing a data source from Power BI service using the push data set mechanism.
As the data source resides on a private network, the idea is to set up a Power BI gateway providing us direct access without opening up the network firewall.
Now, we see that the PBI gateway offers a variety of connection options, e.g. Oracle, MS SQLServer, DB2 etc - but our data source primarily offers a Rest API.
Is it possible to connect to this data source directly thru the PBI gateway? We can't find this example anywhere in the documentation or on the web (and assuming that it will be a common use case since most systems nowadays don't expose their DB directly).

Best Visualization Platform For Sharing With External Users

I'm interested in creating some dashboards for clients. They will contain some sensitive data, so I plan on putting them behind an authentication wall (, most likely). The dashboard will allow for filtering and sorting, but no data entry or deletion. Each dashboard will be fed by an Excel file.
My company suggested using Microsoft Power BI, but BI for web doesn't allow for private/confidential data, and any other method of sharing would require the client to have a Power BI license.
I also considered Tableau but ran into similar issues.
So broadly speaking, what's the best platform for creating web-based visualizations that can be embedded into a page?
Power BI gives you - Azure AD authentication ,
- row level security to data
So Power BI will be better option

Creating automated Tableau packaged workbooks (for Tableau Reader) using Alteryx TDE output

I am running an Alteryx workflow on a dedicated PC, 4X a day. The Alteryx workflow creates a TDE output file that is the data source for a dashboard I would like to save as a packaged workbook (openable in Tableau Reader) and distribute 4X a day.
I have a Tableau online account and tried publishing an extract of the TDE file created by Alteryx to Tableau online, setting up a refresh schedule for that extract using Tableau online sync, and then linking my workbook to this Tableau online data source.
While that solution has worked well in terms of having 4X a day updated Tableau workbooks online, when I try to download the TWBX file, it does not contain the data extract (as the Tableau workbook has a "live" connection to the published Tableau data extract online) and thus cannot be opened in Tableau reader.
My main goal is to be able to automate production of Tableau packaged worbooks (a macro that opens Tableau and hits save would do the job), and would appreciate any creative suggestions / ideas.
This can't be accomplished. You would need to leverage on-premise Tableau Server.
FWIW...Although many companies use Reader (due to the cost of server), it was never intended to be used in a production environment. Data is not governed or secure.