How to avoid congestion when using Kubernetes pods as Jenkins slaves - kubernetes

Our usecase is pretty simple, however, I haven't found a solution for it yet.
In the organization I'm working at, we decided to move to Kubernetes as our container manager in order to spin-up slaves.
Until we moved to this kind of environment, we used to have dedicated slaves per each team. Each got the resources it needs and based on that, it was working.
However, when we moved to use Kubernetes, it started to cause issues as each team shares the same pile of resources, which, can lead to congestion or job failures.
The suggested solution was to create Kubernetes cluster per each team, however, this will lead to burnout of the teams involved with maintanance of multiple clusters.
Searching online, I didn't found any solution avilable, hence, I'm asking here - what is the best way to approach the solution? I understand that we might need to implament a dispacher, but currently it's not possible in the way the Kubernetes plugin is developed.


GKE automated pod recycling ideas

I'm thinking of a solution to do a rolling update on a schedule without really releasing something. I was thinking of an ENV variable change through kubectl patch to kick off the update in GKE.
The context is we have containers that don't do garbage collection, and the temporary fix and easiest path forward and is cycling out pods frequently that we can schedule on a nightly.
Our naive approach would be to schedule this through our build pipeline, but seems like there's a lot of moving parts.
I haven't looked at Cloud Functions, but I'm sure there's an API that could do this and I'm leaning towards automating this with Cloud Functions.
Or is there already a GKE solution to do this?
Any other approaches to this problem?
I know AWS's ec2 has this feature for ASG, I was looking for the same thing so I don't to do a hacky ENV var change on manifest.
I can think of two possibilities:
Cronjobs. You can use CronJobs to run tasks at a specific time or interval. Suggested for automatic tasks, such as backups, reporting, sending emails, or cleanup tasks. More details here.
CI/CD with CloudBuild. When you push a change to your repository, Cloud Build automatically builds and deploys the container to your GKE cluster.

Is it possible to run a single container Flink cluster in Kubernetes with high-availability, checkpointing, and savepointing?

I am currently running a Flink session cluster (Kubernetes, 1 JobManager, 1 TaskManager, Zookeeper, S3) in which multiple jobs run.
As we are working on adding more jobs, we are looking to improve our deployment and cluster management strategies. We are considering migrating to using job clusters, however there is reservation about the number of containers which will be spawned. One container per job is not an issue, but two containers (1 JM and 1 TM) per job raises concerns about memory consumption. Several of the jobs need high-availability and the ability to use checkpoints and restore from/take savepoints as they aggregate events over a window.
From my reading of the documentation and spending time on Google, I haven't found anything that seems to state whether or not what is being considered is really possible.
Is it possible to do any of these three things:
run both the JobManager and TaskManager as separate processes in the same container and have that serve as the Flink cluster, or
run the JobManager and TaskManager as literally the same process, or
run the job as a standalone JAR with the ability to recover from/take checkpoints and the ability to take a savepoint and restore from that savepoint?
(If anyone has any better ideas, I'm all ears.)
One of the responsibilities of the job manager is to monitor the task manager(s), and initiate restarts when failures have occurred. That works nicely in containerized environments when the JM and TMs are in separate containers; otherwise it seems like you're asking for trouble. Keeping the TMs separate also makes sense if you are ever going to scale up, though that may moot in your case.
What might be workable, though, would be to run the job using a LocalExecutionEnvironment (so that everything is in one process -- this is sometimes called a Flink minicluster). This path strikes me as feasible, if you're willing to work at it, but I can't recommend it. You'll have to somehow keep track of the checkpoints, and arrange for the container to be restarted from a checkpoint when things fail. And there are other things that may not work very well -- see this question for details. The LocalExecutionEnvironment wasn't designed with production deployments in mind.
What I'd suggest you explore instead is to see how far you can go toward making the standard, separate container solution affordable. For starters, you should be able to run the JM with minimal resources, since it doesn't have much to do.
Check this operator which automates the lifecycle of deploying and managing Flink in Kubernetes. The project is in beta but you can still get some idea about how to do it or directly use this operator if it fits your requirement. Here Job Manager and Task manager is separate kubernetes deployment.

How to run multiple Kubernetes jobs in sequence?

I would like to run a sequence of Kubernetes jobs one after another. It's okay if they are run on different nodes, but it's important that each one run to completion before the next one starts. Is there anything built into Kubernetes to facilitate this? Other architecture recommendations also welcome!
This requirement to add control flow, even if it's a simple sequential flow, is outside the scope of Kubernetes native entities as far as I know.
There are many workflow engine implementations for Kubernetes, most of them are focusing on solving CI/CD but are generic enough for you to use however you want.
Added a custom resource deginition in Kubernetes entity for Workflow
Takes a more serverless like approach and is built on Javascript which is very flexible
Has a unique approach where you can use the SaaS to easily get started without complicated installation and maintenance, and you can point Codefresh at your Kubernetes nodes to run the workflow on.
Feel free to Google for "Kubernetes Workflow", and discover the right platform for yourself.
Disclaimer: I work at Codefresh
I would try to use cronjobs and set the concurrency policy to forbid so it doesn't run concurrent jobs.
I have worked on IBM TWS (Workload Automation) which is a scheduler similar to cronjob where you can mention the dependencies of the jobs.
You can specify a job to run only after it's dependencies has run using follows keyword.

How is red/black deployment strategy achieved?

I recently ran across this Netflix Blog article
They are talking about red/black deployment where they run the old and new code side by side and direct the production traffic to both of them. If something goes wrong they do a rollback.
How does the directing of the traffic work? and is it possible to adapt this strategy with e.g two Docker containers?
One way of directing traffic is using Weighted Routing, as you can do in AWS Route 53.
Initially you have 100% traffic going to server(s) with old code. Then gradually you change that to have some traffic to server(s) with new code.
Also, as you can read in this blog, you can use Docker to achieve it:
Even with the best testing, things can go wrong after deployment and a
rollback may be required. Containers make this easy and we’ve brought
similar tools to the operating system with Project Atomic. Red/Black
deployments can be done throughout the entire stack with Atomic and
I think they use Spinnaker to implement a red/black strategy.

Akka cluster and OpenShift

I'm new to Akka Clusters, however as I am understanding its documentation, I need to know at least one "seed node" to join an existing cluster.
So when using clusters with OpenShift I would need to know if the current gear is the first node - then I would create a new cluster - or if there are already some other gears around - I would need to know at least one of their IPs to join them.
Is this possible with OpenShift cloud? (I'm using the DIY catridge, so customizing the start up script wouldn't be a problem. However I can't find any environment variable which provides me relevant data.)
DIY gears on OpenShift Online do not scale. And if you are spinning up separate applications for each of the nodes in your cluster, you are going to (probably) run into inter-gear communication issues. You might need to create your own akka cartridge (, then you can set your own scaling options. You might check out this cartridge ( which supports scaling and might give you some ideas about how to implement yours.